Doom Eternal

>yfw "They are no longer your people to save"

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna use the sword bros.

hey that's my XCOM 2 screenshot


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You are but one man.

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>Being indifferent to someone's suffering at the hands of the demons

>more arena-hallway/platforms-arena
>more retarded press X to kill demon EPIC STYLE
yeah, pass

>touched by Bethesda

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I just don't like how it leaves the first person perspective. I would've liked to go through the wall straight into a demon's skull.

>Doomguy, just walk away from mankind, brah. You're done!
Fuck demons and fuck angel demons.

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There is WAY too much happening on that HUD. For the love of God I hope they trim it.

Is that sphere in the middle one of the Wraiths from 2016?

I'd like to just take this moment to say


is doomguy going to fight angels?

>tfw to intelligent for humanity

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I really hope they change it. They seem to listen to complaints, at least going by the D44M E3 changes to D44M release.


Angels are just prettier demons in doomverse. They turn on Doomguy as soon as he goes to save mankind.

Like the Imps?

He referred to those argent guys with the night sentinels not actual humanity. That or heaven will wage war with humanity for fucking with demons too much and was told to stand aside while the purge but ofc he will object and fight angel ass now too.

Makes sense. Demons are just fallen Angels, and they both look horrific.

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This, it breaks immersion

>his forearms are exposed

>that most likely is Hayden
Fuck, don't tell me its so...

But the demons are already pretty

>not all in 1st person
come on...1 fucking job.

It gives you the ability to fuck his shit up, Biblical style, so its all good

This and the HUD. They need to fix these ASAP.

He turned himself into a robot so he could look like a hero to humanity. With demons pouring it, he'd look even more of a hero if he looked like an angel


Just the fact that he shoots himself into space with the Biggest BFG of all gives me a fucking hardon

"Angels" being bad guys / your enemies makes Doomverse seem even more like Warhammer 40k. Just keep adding over the top hyper powerful factions that want to wreck humanity's shit up.

Him and VEGA should remain your buddies throughout everything desu

Marty said they’re working on it.

is Hayden the one talking in the story trailer?

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When was that? Last year's quakecon?

Shut the fuck up

No, the Seraphim.

The guy who tells you to rip and tear at the start of 2016.

Go and stay go.

Yeah. Something about making the code more flexible.

Bit lame that they just copied master chief like that.

That confirms nothing then. I hope this quakecon they deliver.

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Your loss. Faggot

Pls Doomguy is the original gamer marine.

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I agree. I loved that Hayden didn't turn into the big bad of the first game and never really backstabbed you despite breaking all his shit.

Probably, more wraiths for you to kill.

anyone got this in proper wallpaper size?

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>gave him back grunts
>his face is more visible on his model
thank god, this Master Chief shtick was a bit lame

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Why won't they put his face on the HUD?

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that would be too rad


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I'd rather they keep the option to center your gun in the middle of the screen again from the start. It's so right.

>eternal pulls mgs2 and you play as daisy after the intro

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>Not your people to save

Hayden and his posse are the False Angels

That’s obviously going to happen. Granted, it was only an update in Doom 4, but I think they realize that people really liked that, and they’ll have it as an option on launch.

That would be lame.

Just imagine if he missed. It would be called doom eternal for a much more boring reason.

And his great great great grandpappy was the first FPS hero.

Would 100% be ok with that. Or maybe a sudden MIB kinda thing
>Be doomguy
>kill demons forever
>suddenly drop into a new dimension
>in a room full of other doomslayers from other alternative earths
>one of them has bunny ears and keeps looking at me like she knows me
>not the strangest thing to ever happen desu

Dang Permanent.

>Tags: Size discrepancy
at least we'd know why DS was expelled from heaven

Heck Always

>Doomguy spends eternity screaming at newton's laws

I hope the environtments are’t as samey as the first one. The gameplay video where you see a space station under attack with alive humans looks cool as fuck

is this official or fan made?

That’s Phobos.

>Doom 6: the ghost of Newton force-pushes Doomguy back to Earth

The trailer was hype, but the new hud looks fucking disgusting.

Look at the texture warping on his arm, it's fan made, prob sfm.

that angles has tits mate

I'd like for that to at least be an option.

It still has those pointless zombie enemies. When your enemy budget is like 12, why would you waste it on those guys. At least the Cyberdemon looks better

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>It still has those pointless zombie enemies
Its Doom. Possessed humans are the canon fodder enemies of almost all maps in the series history.
>At least the Cyberdemon looks better
Well yeah, they're using the original Doom and Doom 2 design for it.

>angel has tits
oh no Hayden is trans.

The zombie men used to at least shoot at you. These new ones just slowly walk toward you. I don't know if they're just supposed to be like a refill station for your weapons

I think last year an user on here claimed to work at id and said there would be a moment like this. I guess he was telling the truth.

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He literally tries to trap Doomguy in hell and steals the crucible

There are a few possessed humans with guns. Like the Zombiemen and the ones with gun arms.

the zombiemen in the game have arm cannons

And killed the protagonist of VFR

who cares, i'm here to kick demon arse

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I wouldn't say killed. For all we know Hayden just opened the devconsole and forced the protag to stare at VR error screen for all eternity, which someone could theoretically snap him out of.

epic for the win. haha. this is so wacky. just like my borderlands.

>which someone could theoretically snap him out of.
But not Doomguy though. Doomguy is probably the type of boomer who doesn't even know how to use a typewriter despite being born in the same time typewriters were popular and classes were being offered on how to operate it.

I mean these guys. Unrelated, but this actually looks like a good design for the imps

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There are two different possessed, the civs, which act like the traditional zombie and lumber around trying to bite you. Their role is to act as refill stations. The other kind is the possessed soldier, which actually have guns and shoot at you, acting much like their original counterpart, not a big threat, but still hurt in large numbers if you leave them alone. I'm also sure that we will see the return of their beefier counterpart, the Chaingunner. As the upgrade to the 2016 possessed soldier was the Hell Soldier.

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HRT mate


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>not wanting to fight as much as possible

It's not a pass for me because I have no interest in speedrunning so whatever happens, being forced to kill everything is completely irrelevant. However I still need to point out that once again consoles are holding multiplatform releases back. Just because you never run past the enemies in a game where the primary purpose is to shoot them doesn't mean that in principle you shouldn't be able to do that. Console tech limitations are keeping these levels from being fully open. Doomguy is supposedly unstoppable, but as the player you aren't allowed to choose to skip gameplay. Because of consoles.

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>spawns 4 waves of enemies in groups of 3

I think they got rid of these and it makes sense too. Gore nests were being used as localized portals to breech into Mars. Now that hell has bigger portals. Now they just lock you into some place. Though I wish there was a way to skip if you wanted. The original doom also had arena battles, but you could typically hit a switch to open the door and get out. It was just dangerous to do so if you didn't know where it was.

didnt you just post this in the last thread? are you expecting multiple (you)s? because youre not very funny

This please

Am I the only one who thinks it looks pretty bland? Maybe it was just the conference being so fucking bad I wasn't even excited for it but the gameplay really was not interesting me in the slightest.

Please elaborate your train of thought on how consoles are responsible for bad level design

I know. There are also variants of the exact same enemies, but they can shoot at you with some gun attached to their hand.

brb cancelling my preorder

Fuck demons.
Fuck angels.
And most of all FUCK Sam Hayden.

it kills pacing

based and humanpilled

>that brain-dead kind of humour

Yep, everything around the gameplay will be crap.

console controls lend to linear level design because it takes longer to turn around and its harder to strafe at oblique angles

console controllers also make platforming much more difficult, which is why we have things like the "clamber" in doom and halo.

based and Slayerpilled

>can never hear the ost because fights dont last longer than 60 seconds

feels bad man

That's awesome

>its harder to strafe at oblique angles
How, just point the stick where you want to move. And in any case, the fighting arenas have enemies in every direction, so turning time doesn't really seem to be a real concern for them. They just don't know how to make a good game

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You know this is the best game at E3 when it is the smallest dumpster fire around here.

so who is this guy
slayers's dead son?

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his dad obviously you doofus he will invite slayer to return to the dark side with him

shut the fuck up and have fun for once in your life.

>you get to kill a tranny.

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Did anyone else see Metroid Prime during the gameplay? I don't why, but when I saw it, Metroid Prime immediately hit me.

>doomguys face is visible through the visor - possibly so they can give him more character
>serious sam pain sounds
>still too much movement for the amount and lethality of the enemies
>that god awful hud which I can only hope is intended to be a parody
>hidden health regen is still present (hoping this was just for the E3 showcase)
>classic cyberdemon design looks like it was fanmade in source filmmaker
>worrying amounts of first person platforming
>3d spinning weapon pickups, classic health pickup designs, comically bad destructible walls designs create a strong contrast with the games art style

seems like they cant pick a direction and stick with it, do they want to be goofy and fun or brutal and intense or nostalgic and self aware

The Doom Slayer's Slayer, the Anti-Doom Slayer. You'll fight multiple guys like him, I think they used to be part of the nightsentinels.

The hero of hell. The doom slayer slayer.

>that armour
Does that mean The Wretch who forged Doom Slayer's armour is stiill around?

It's probably all the jumping and climbing and swinging around

All of this is valid criticism. Especially the movement stuff, what's the point of jumping and climbing around so much when there isn't really that much going on

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>I think they used to be part of the nightsentinels.
That'd make sense, try to kill the slayer using corrupted versions of those guys since they were top skilled too. Also a dumb strategy on Hell's part though since it will just make doom slayer even angrier and thus stronger.

>when there really isn't that much going on
Dumb yellow fever monkey

They want everything mixed in. It might not look good but might play different.

the red thing on the marauder's chest is an argent core like the one in the cyberdemons chest,after brought back to life by UAC
so im guessing UAC is replicating doomslayers armor and reviving Hells dead champions who challenged the slayer

They have intentionally designed the enemies so that they won't overwhelm you. And then they actually claim it "feels like Doom" in the bottom right quote, when they actually seem to have started off with Doom and then made an effort to move away from that, lol

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>dude heaven is evil too lmao

good riddance

I like the current HUD but I feel like it would be wise of ID to add an option to change it to the 2018 one.

In addition, they have made sure that not too many enemies will attack you at once. The enemies have to "queue" for their turn, if someone else is attacking the player, they will essentially just wait around. It's all smoke and mirrors

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to be fair towards the demons, the only thing that could make doom slayer less angry is killing the last demon in existence

I was watching the press conference at work (pizza joint) last night, and some bitch called at the worst time to give me this mess of an order that she had to revise two or three times before it was cheap enough for her. I ended up missing most of the gameplay because of it. Goddamn do I want to brutally murder her for being such a pain in my ass.

difference being in doom 1/2 the enemies would slowly walk towards you while in d44m most of the enemies are sonic the hedgehog


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>only spawns 6 enemies at once
>puts them in a queue to attack


Show some gameplay where demons stay fixed at a spot and don't ever attack you until kill the rest.

Wagie wagie...

Well just make them slower. Now they will leap and run around your parameter, which looks fancy but doesn't actually do anything. It's a really backwards way to design stuff. Same with the imp fireballs, they have made them move so fast that now x amount of them will intentionally fly past you, even if you're just standing still. Because otherwise it would be too hard to dodge them reliably. Just make the fireballs slower

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I don't know what you saw last night but I saw the same arena style fighting with demons constantly attacking you and constantly spawning after each kill.

>doomguys face is visible through the visor - possibly so they can give him more character
>serious sam pain sounds
>still too much movement for the amount and lethality of the enemies
>classic cyberdemon design looks like it was fanmade in source filmmaker
>worrying amounts of first person platforming
d spinning weapon pickups, classic health pickup designs, comically bad destructible walls designs create a strong contrast with the games art style

You think these are negatives? Why are zoomers pretending to understand classic game design?

have you never seen devilman?


Are you the same retard who said there was still no release date? lmao

>"They are no longer your people to save"
Good, there will be no collateral damage

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Do you think robo!Hayden's voice is based on his original one, or is it some masterfully engineered panty moistener?

I too don't get these complaints. Do we have to go back to late 2000s browngrit realistic boring raspy voiced shit? Have we learned nothing?

It's pretty hype but the arm blade makes the glory kills too clean

So are the old dudes corrupted UAC CEOs?

The guy is obsessed with his appearance. He wanted a giant robot robot body, when he turned on the Argent towers, he wanted it broadcasted to Earth that he was the one giving them power.

But at the same time, a giant robot body is understandable for an environment like Mars, maybe. But people would probably give him some jabs if the voice was significantly different from his actual one and designed to sound deep and manly and threatening.

yeah I think most of them are off-putting. I cant understand wanting to defend the game out of principle but do your really disagree with all of them?
and regarding classic game design ive likely spent more time making levels for doom 2 than you've spent actually playing the classic dooms

This video talks about the AI

12:06 for the projectiles missing the player. You can see a clip where the guy is standing still and the fireballs still fly past him lol

16:48 for the enemy behavior, it explains how enemies determine their attacks through a "token" system, which controls what kind of attacks they can use and how many enemies can aggro you at once

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The only one that is actually off-putting is the healt regen shit. Everything else is just you complaining about muh realism

it's not so strict as to one at a time but it's there

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See this

This game looks dope and I love the original Doom. It may be way different but nu-Doom is a breath of fresh air compared to most modern shooters.

Also, anyone who cries about glory kills obviously didn't play the game (or sucks) because they become much less necessary after the first few areas. If you are good you can use mobility and superior firepower to barely get hit.

I hope not. The theme being just fighting demonic UAC spread all over the solar system would be boring. I want different factions on different dimensions.

No one else did so I'm just popping in here to tell you to fuck off, you insipid tourist.

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Actually based

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huh? none of my complaints were regarding realism. maybe you could spin the pain sounds as being more realistic but they werent present in doom 2016 and that didnt feel jarring

An invincible robot body would also be good when you do some Hell incursions with some marines. Would look really good on the papers when you tell the world that you're a leader and not just some boss behind a desk. As to how he got his supposedly invincible body mangled , I guess we'll find out.

But that's 2016 Doom and I played that and didn't notice them just standing there not attacking. Show me some live gameplay.

>angels telling slayer to back the fuck off
I imagine Slayer's replying with something like this, only in a completely silent voice.

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But thats not just standing there and doing nothing like you put it.

Console resource limitations force the game engine to ration out the maximum active skinned mesh rendered AI operators and their intricate navmeshes. You could have 300 enemies in the level, but you have to limit the amount of enemies active at once to a dozen or so because every one takes more and more processing power from both the graphics processing and CPU. Also when you can deactivate everything outside the current scope of the player, you don't even need to have the basic colliders or navmeshes active in another room. There's nobody walking there. If the game was optimized for the most powerful platform, those compromising optimizations wouldn't be necessary. You could keep more active AIs in the level at once.

Did you even watch the trailer? Hayden is kind of messed up right now.
That's a cute angle girl

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I like lore. I like that Doom '16 devoted a lot of its lore dex to building out the hell universe, and even another civilization(Argent D'nur and their Night Sentinels) that waged war against hell and ultimately lost. And I'm excited to see if it's really angels or whatever that Doom's getting mixed up in this time.

But I dislike Doomguy being this legendary slayer hero. I thought him basically being this guy with a normal background, a regular ass space marine, that was just really competent at killing hundreds if not thousands of enemies like most other video game characters was charming.
I think I just dislike games telling me "this dude is really badass, look at all this badass shit he's doing and how gory and hardcore all his kill animations are" instead of just letting the game do its thing.

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>yeah I think most of them are off-putting. I cant understand wanting to defend the game out of principle but do your really disagree with all of them?
Most of those features are present in the original Doom. OG Cyberdemon was claymation, precise first-person platforming makes up some of the toughest levels in the speedrunning community, and Doomguy grunted, screamed and mugged into the camera in his incredibly elaborate HUD status bar. The pickups were literally billboarded sprites. I mean, come on.

>and regarding classic game design ive likely spent more time making levels for doom 2 than you've spent actually playing the classic dooms
That explains why you think you know shit when you clearly don't. You're that guy who thinks a monster closet with 3,000 revenants opening while ten Archviles teleport in behind you is "good" design. I actually play Doom wads on the daily instead of jerking off with OBLIGE and pretending I'm an industry insider.

12:35 for that, there's an imp on the rafter but it's just walking sideways. Everything in the game is heavily rubberbanded from projectiles to health and ammo drops and enemy behavior. All those AI scripts are also the reason for why they had to limit the enemy numbers so heavily, because all of them are constantly doing all kinds of pointless checks

Well, he started off that way and progressed to where he is now. He got stronger and stronger and eventually a seraph blessed him and brought him to the top.

I would very much like an option to go back to the old model and punch only glory kills. The exposed arms don't really fit the aesthetic of the full-body suit unlike the old "security guard's vest" look, and the punch / neck-break anims seem to have been faster and less intrusive anyway.

doom 1 and 2 didnt even have pickups like that retard. outside of powerups, i cant recall a single classic fps with pickups like that

Yeah I get you. In the first of the new WOlfenstein game there's a part where you jump off a bridge, grab a cable, and swing from it in a 15-stories free-fall until by random luck you slam into a building, breaks a window, and pop a nazi's skull who just happened to be there against a corridor's wall, all in FPS. It was a great moment.

Having one regular marine kill demonic titans and whatnot would be silly desu

Hey fuck you, bitch. Samuel did literally nothing wrong, we are going to nurse him back to health.

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I don't mind it at all, I'll go as far and say that I fucking love the power fantasy aspect of Doom, I love that it is a game that is completely unapologetic about being a powerfantasy, the whole point of it is basically "feel like a fucking badass" and I know that sounds corny and cringe, but we don't have enough games like that these days so I like it.

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I would honestly prefer no locked in animations, just a canned punch animation and then the enemy explodes into gibs, just like it worked in Doom 1/2. No slowing down you can literally just glide along the floor punching demons without breaking stride.

What I would give to have TNO back
All the follow up has been garbage.

>there are people who think Doomguy grunting and having a visible face are bad things

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If you accept that he's the same guy from 1/2/64, chances are that he just got THAT good over time.

I want to pluck those eyelashes one by one.

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Here you go, Yea Forums.

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This. The animation even makes you totally invulnerable so you can look at the awesome animation and feel cool doing nothing

I got the vibe that he was just a generic dude but his power was revealed when he was forced to rise to the occasion.

I feel you
The real cringe in power fantasies is pussy footing around the fact that it is a power fantasy.

>press f to start the fight, no rush though do it at your own leisure ;)

is this one going to have level design other than arena fights?

You're the video game equivalent of black women tweeting "bye felicia" when faced with any criticism. Just admit you're brainless retards who didn't like Doom to begin with so this shit appeals to you.

It's still the same thing, but now with climbing walls and swinging on poles

holy fuck upgrade your toaster, this game is gorgeous maxed out. is this the console version? jesus christ, it hurts my eyes

Fuck you, most of all.

eeeeh is this the NGE of DOOM games?

What about people who played both, liked both and didn't find these points a con?

No they aren't, they're not even in doom 2016 which is why I think they're unnecessary additions.
Movement is OP in the original wads sure but recent wads like AA or even Scythe make it a important skill rather than a surefire victory.

Your second line is just pure speculation but if you must know I limit my revenant usage to ~5 per map because I dislike that trend just as much as you.

Are you referring to the 3d pickups? because I never implied they did.

I'm just glad Vega is back.

I actually like Sam Hayden and I feel he was right. Fuck Hell, let's exploit their resources, that's metal as fuck.

Please tell me that new cyber demon is just a variant of the original 2016 one, it looked so much better

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>All those AI scripts are also the reason for why they had to limit the enemy numbers so heavily, because all of them are constantly doing all kinds of pointless checks
You have no idea how programming works just stop.

Nah, I prefer the more classic Cyberdemon.

Look at the tiny patch on the chin. It's supposed to be a beard analogy.

wasn't he exploiting humans too?

fuck off. That thing looked like stone golem. Go watch your superhero movies manchild

right, just like how the glowing lines on the forehead are actually an anagram for the male symbol haha retad

The environments seem to vary a lot each level going by this video The gameplay shown is all the same level

alright, so what do goofy pickups have to do with "classic game design" exactly? this is doom, not commander keen. just because it looks retro doesnt mean its a throwback to the *crack* good old days *siiiip*

S hayden


The serpent is a great deceiver.

Why does everyone hate 2016 Cyberdemon? I think he looked awesome as fuck. Really all the demons in 2016 looked great save for possessed soldiers and summoners.

buy dictionaries

Great deceiver sure, but I'm sure that the whole major fuckup of every deity realm clashing with humanity is Hayden fuckup, so Doomboy has to fix everything again. His way.

From what I understood, argent energy was the annihilation product of human sacrifice that the UAC cult were regularly committing.

Doom is the video game equivalent of capeshit you stupid nostalgiafaggot, fuck off with your retarded meme criticisms and get your head out of your ass.

Samuel Hayden
Sam Hayden
s hayden
Santa Claus
Samuel is actually santa claus, based hero of Humanity. Satan shit defunct now fuck off with that shit.

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I noticed it about two seconds after posting. I doubt the other user has realized that retard has two r's though.

Why is nobody talking about Battlemode
I about shat my pants when I saw that
They've gotta be testing the waters to do a full ZDoom Wars style game.

>argent energy was the annihilation product of human sacrifice that the UAC cult were regularly committing.

I know what it means i was mocking the analogy guy

It looks jank, but it could be really fun.
I hope you can play as other demons besides Revenants and Mancubus.

>they still don't know

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>Have a gametype about summoning demons
>Can't be an Arch Vile
Like I said, given that Battlemode has its own trademark and everything, I'm guessing they're testing the waters for a full game that plays like that.

This. Looks like a fucking joke.

i dont know? i didnt bring it up in the first place. my issue with pickups is that they look too out of place in regards to the high definition environments, almost like they were playing in arcade mode or something. and its not just the reuse of older designs because I think the plasma gun, zombieman and mancubus look pretty good.

Doom 2016 had options to turn off any part of the HUD you wanted

this is so fucking gay


Tell me about how programming works

What's VEGA's reaction to seeing Doomguy taking the bullet's place to launch itself at an asteroid.

Then why does the UAC work like
>Level 1: Work hard and you might get a promotion!
>Level 2: Set aside your questions and increase your unflinching loyalty and you may get access to privileged secrets!
>Level 3: Gives yourself to the cause! You have the supreme privilege of forfeiting your body and blood for the greater good!

looks a hundred times better than a giant flesh baby

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Oh god, Archvile would work amazingly.
>Can't summon, but can revive summons that teammate has made

That was the operation at UAC getting corrupted by demonic influences and turning everyone save Hayden, mad

Yea Forums has a 3mb webm limit so i posted it to imgur. if you wanted doom eternal footage then wtf man the game isnt even out yet. but yeah, in the video especially 15 seconds in you can see them just doing nothing

personally i prefer eye raping jaggies to fog & bloom

shut the fuck up retard, that's awesome

Pure fucking teamwork.
It'd fit right into the "Strategy vs Skill" thing they want.
I stand by the thought that Id is testing the waters for a dedicated asymmetrical Doom vs game.


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>personally i prefer eye raping jaggies to fog & bloom
mostly talking about the fucking textures. those aren't even 480p man. upgrade your toaster

Are you being ironic? the cyberdemon in 2016 looked lame by comparison

Attached: cyberdemon.jpg (1440x1530, 607K)

UAC became a demonic cult, but it didn't start that way.

Although if I remember right Argent energy comes from Hell's invasion or Argent N'Dur, so technically they were exploiting the suffering of a civilisation to power earth.

same, I think it was the angels who fucked him up, I hope he fixes his bod to go another round with them

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>This was in the Elder Scrolls card game trailer

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>two imps are attacking simultaneously in Doom4 webm
So has it been confirmed that they're making Eternal AI so that they'll go out of their way to not damage the player while another AI's attack is already queued to damage the player?

Go back to your brown and gray WW2 shooters.

I could ask you the same thing, I dont know what this image is suppose to prove, that it looks like a overgrown naked molerat?

>watch this
>see loading chamber
>haha wouldn't it be wild if he gets in there
>he does it

I don't dislike either design personally, but having it be closer to the original is super cool. Especially because they did the same for Doomguy.

The face, mouth and especially the tongue are too babylike soft, like the other user mentioned. Maybe they could add a bit more weathering and leathery textures to its head. It really sticks out compared to the relatively rough skin from the neck down.

Maybe put some food and blood in its mouth too. It really kind of looks like it would qualify for a Colgate advertisement.

That's a good design but it looks like enemies that will spawn in the last third of the game like the Barons of Hell, easily killed, easily forgotten.

The Cyberdemon in Doom 2016 actually felt like a boss. But I'm not complaining though, I'd rather they use a sleeker design for the elite mobs than seeing a boss being copypasted.

Same, I wonder if they built him a whole new giant facility or if slayer found a compact demon/angel machine to stick him in.

dude i replied to the guy replying to you what shit are you on

>Plasma gun become Pulse rifle
ASMD and Flak Cannon in Doom when?

Attached: UT99-Shock.png (330x131, 37K)

all while moaning about how he's not the bad guy here and fracking Hell is too a good idea and you're just too dumb to understand it, no less

Is Vega part of the suit now?

user, that shit is nightmare fuel
fuck his whole head, especially his eyes, i just want to shoot it to pieces

>The Cyberdemon in Doom 2016 actually felt like a boss.
I wouldn't complain either because the cyberdemon and spider mastermind have been made regular enemies ever since Doom2. If we're going to make Doomguy into an immortal dimension destroyer, there's no reason not to escalate the enemies as well. If something was a mid boss in Shores of Hell or a final boss in Inferno, they probably should just be enemies in later games. Which they were until Doom4.

Dovahkiin is in, fuck.

Skin should be a bit darker, more leathery.
Also, red eyes.
That shit would be perfect. Thankfully that's literally a texture swap of work.

Are you the kind of person that describes System Shock 2 as scary?

>Generic looking FPS
>More wall climbing + grapplehook shit ( So_i face)
>More shitty music
>Re-used assets
>The same death animations
>Shoot up demons to get to room, Do objective in the room, shoot waves of enemies, rince and repeat
Why are people looking forward to this?

Attached: 6.png (682x507, 658K)

>generic looking FPS
yeah where are my navy seals and m4s

>tfw he was the demons all along

Generic monster that really isn't evocative of anything
has attitude and looks fucking fun

I'm iffy on the 'heaven are bad guys too!' shit
Doomguy was always a devout catholic and it was always implied that angels backed up doomslayer. With that said I haven't seen any confirmation of angel enemies, if anything it seems like Hell is invading heaven

Never ever Todd

Attached: boomguy classic.png (464x244, 112K)

You literally have no opinion of your own.
Go yell at your mother in your broken home some more if you're this desperate for attention.

Attached: I want to feel special.png (459x156, 20K)

>Doom didn't have more than a dozen monsters fighting you at onc-

Attached: 1457563803718.png (3194x1436, 1.69M)

you have to go back

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>Angels say the Rapture is here and it's time for Demons to destroy humanity
>Doomguy's like "naw dawg sry lmao"
Works for me.

Prepare to buy my game again, in Smash!

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>sinners and fedoras all get raped while the devout are spared
Seems cool to me

I really like the hud, even though it's kind of overwhelming. I feel like they should cut some fat from HUD like that Demonic Corruption shit in the top right corner.

might as well be telling a big tit lover that you love flat chests

>M-Modern day FPSs' are worse!
Unless you can tell me what makes Doom's aesthetic unique actually use the guillotine on yourself

Same in this map at 45 seconds

Originally I thought that's what you see when someone is invading your campaign. Whoever you are, you're always playing as the Doomguy. When someone is invading, you're the Doomguy. When you're invading, you're the Doomguy. But every time someone invades you, you see a demon invader, and whenever you invade, you see a demon target.
After seeing it in action and swinging the axe I'm not so sure.

Attached: Tyrannosaur_in_f14.jpg (213x160, 15K)

I think the point of this is that nobody got spared.
It's a discussion I've had before, that Christianity as a whole has changed so much over the years that, does anyone really know how to properly worship and get into heaven?
Probably not.
So when the Rapture comes, everyone would get left behind to get raped by Demons.
But Doomguy doesn't like that kind of thing.

I'll admit that the softness of him is weird looking, but I kind of like it, it looks offputting and strange.

tell me what makes it generic first since you were the one who pushed that idea

>engaging him

Attached: let him rot.png (300x300, 8K)

It's not even the fact that there's more of them, but that there are enemies evenly spaced throughout the level. No pointless downtime where you're just platforming around

Meh I think it's a bit of a departure
Heaven and God was always implied to have abandoned the sinful humanity in DOOM sure, but partially because they are busy defending heaven, and if anything this sorta confirms it with the Hell invasion of heaven.
Hell basically just became switzerland

>Level 3: Gives yourself to the cause! You have the supreme privilege of forfeiting your body and blood for the greater good!

Yeah, consistent combat engagement is far more fun than start/stop enemy arena spawns. It's fucking stupid.

New Looney Tunes? What Doomguy is going to do next, draw false tunnel on a wall?

What the fuck were they thinking with that new HUD, it's an absolute eyesore. The 2016 and Quakecon Eternal demo versions were fine.

*heaven became switzerland

>One word
>Unique font
Id's trying to brand some new thing aren't they?
Battlemode standalone game when

>There's people here that hate DOOM

this is what the game looks like maxed out. my pc gets 120fps on ultra. i dont think there's much of a difference

are you getting into the exact semantics of the words here? no the queuing system does not mean only 1 enemy can attack at a time. no it does not mean an enemy will stand perfectly still while it waits its turn. however, it does mean enemies will space their attacks which is especially noticeable in larger battles. when you perform a glory kill, you typically have a full second before an attack reaches you by design. so if d44m is anything to go by, then yes eternal has these gimped mechanics too

Attached: doom.png (1487x915, 2.9M)

>player constantly moves side to side
>"lol the keep missing even though I'm doing nothing"
did you even watch your own video

>Enemies overanticipate your movements
W o w it's fucking Nothing

>wall climbing + grapplehook
>bad thing

Fuck off, faggot

We shouldn't think too far when it comes to religion in Doom. Fags will take it politically and start a fucking holy/anti-religion war in the thread.

Attached: 1557177831241.jpg (334x400, 36K)

Those enemies are clearly attacking youll.

Missed site /tumblr/?

name some

that other poster that said they miss when you stand still disproved himself in the youtube video he posted. they literally state that their accuracy goes up the slower you move.

the point here is that the ai avoids attacking at the same time.

>They kept long shitty unskipable kill animations
Into the trash it goes. They had second change and decided to waste it.

Attached: nuDoom.gif (371x209, 1.93M)

>a tranny is going to be the villain
Would be pretty awesome.

Attached: SMTIVFinal_Merkabah.png (494x719, 500K)

That's weird, I've never actually seen this glory kill.
Is this from a prerelease video?

Should have realized that before posting with your first post, retard

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He helps him override the commands to do it.

The Glory Kills are way quicker compared to E3 release. Play the game first instead of judging it on E3 footage from 2015.

They're 0.5 seconds long you fucker. Also that's slowed down. AND you clearly didn't even SEE the new glory kills.

> have fun
>in console shooter

>So when the Rapture comes, everyone would get left behind to get raped by Demons.
The apocalypse is heralded by 4 horsemen of man-made disasters and 7 cataclysmic natural disasters that make it pretty clear that the end is coming before it actually does. People with sense about them will look back to the books when the time comes.

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I'm not the first poster, retard. I don't want this thread to turn up like the rest of the DOOM Eternal ones, that's all.

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How? I don't play them.

This is the truth.

>that other poster that said they miss when you stand still disproved himself in the youtube video he posted. they literally state that their accuracy goes up the slower you move.
There isn't really a contradiction here. Their accuracy goes up, but they'll still miss

fuck you this shit is so fucking awesome

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>Evil angels

Yikes. Another series ruined by soiboi redditors

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>I think it was the angels who fucked him up
Seems legit. If I were an angel and I'm looking at:
>creature that is upright but is not human
>is holding demonic artifact giving off demonic energy
I would start smiting. I don't give a damn if my senses reveal that it's a human consciousness in there and/or it walks upright like a human. I will smite. If it IS human, I don't give a fuck anymore I will rip and tear humanity now.

Which gives Doomguy all the more reason to rip and tear some more, since now there's demons AND angels trying to murder humanity.

That's enough to break game flow. But the worst thing that you won't have enough health and ammo if you play without them.

>there are retards who were expecting serious story without jokes in Doom of all things

Demons are literally fallen angels.

Eeey, not bad.

Hey look, it’s the guy from the Halo thread

I don't know why, but the 2016 CyberDemon feels much more "cyber" and "demon" to me, like seriously badass. This looks like a mutated cow with some cables attached.

Does someone got closeups of these designs?

true. its just that in my testing ive never seen them miss when i stood still. i'd imagine at long range it'd be a problem.

when youre running past them you can definitely notice their accuracy decrease as their fireballs will be leaving their hands at 70' angles.

Yeah it was from the original gameplay demo.

Besides it's about 4x faster in the actual game

the enemies are actual angels this time, not fallen angels

Just because something looks like the original that doesn't make it good. I like this one better though, the head actually feels like a proper creature instead of a 12 year old's idea of what an edgy demon looks like

You're overthinking it, they fucked him up because he was becoming a threat so they stomped him while he was still small time, has nothing to do with any of that other shit.
But Sam will recover and ready for another bout with those pigeon fucks.

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I guess I could do a Tom & Jerry episode between a Hell Knight and Doomslayer, I kinda need to search for some good models.

>Running around a room slowly killing demons

>pointless downtime
What does that even mean. Even rollercoasters have fucking buildup before the plunge, why would you want constant barrages of everything?

>Playable Pain Elemental

>kill 12 enemies
>platforming time
cool game

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Nah, it’s for the Possessed Scientists that have both arms.

>It's not even the fact that there's more of them, but that there are enemies evenly spaced throughout the level. No pointless downtime where you're just platforming around
Is that something you dislike about DMC too?

Only good thing shown at E3 so far, can't wait to pirate it.

>Playable Hellslayer, Pain Elemental and Arch Vile
Is this only going to be in Deathmatch, or will we be able to play as them in Battlemode and Invasion PVP?

m8 going apeshit on someone because you're hardwired to go apeshit isn't "overthinking it". It's the opposite, it's very basic.

I actually had to go back and check what the previous hud looked like. Honestly the new one fits the overall ridiculousness more.


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same process for windows 10?

Git gud scrub

>Invade someone's game
>Cough Lost Souls at them forever
If there is a God I will be able to do this

>Only mode worth shit in 2016 MP was the Demon Mode
>Making the entire MP around that

Good thing they aint outsourcing this time around.

Don’t know, but it’s probably for both.

That's the bible, not Doom.

Who'd they outsource it to? Was it really that bad? I heard they kept it alive for as long as they can, which is respectable.

They’ even adding the Prowler from Multiplayer into Eternal.

They should have based it on the Doom 64 version IMO as it improved on the original design

Underworld Forever.


so im gonna lose 25$ then?... maybe since the ad is for ESBlades we get the Dovahkin? or maybe its just for an extended look at ESBlades in the switch?


>running around a map slowly killing japs

>In Abrahamic religions, fallen angels are angels who were expelled from heaven. The literal term "fallen angel" appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, but is used to describe angels who were cast out of heaven, or angels who sinned. Such angels often tempt humans to sin.

>Accordingly, fallen angels became identified with angels who were led by Satan in rebellion against God and equated with demons. However, during the intertestamental period, demons were not thought of as the fallen angels themselves, but as the surviving souls of their monstrous offspring. According to this interpretation, fallen angels have intercourse with human women, giving existence to the Biblical giants. To purge the world of these creatures, God sends the Great Deluge and their bodies are destroyed. However, their spiritual parts survive, henceforth roaming the earth as demons.

Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're Doom's interpretation of fallen angels.

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The new HUD is way too saturated in terms of color to the point where everything in your peripheral vision blends together, and even if you were to look at it directly. Especially all those bars to the bottom right. The new HUD font isn't as clearly legible as the one in the QuakeCon build or the one from 2016, as it makes it more difficult to tell what number you're looking at.

The 2016 HUD had no identity, but it was functional. The QuakeCon HUD on the other hand looked like the best of both worlds, I have no idea why they went for something as garish as this one.

Just asking so I know you aren't being a contrarian for the sake of it.

I can't fucking wait to curbstomp demons


Get medication for your adhd, kid.

>slowly walk towards you
>shitters that never played on nightmare
you wouldn't make it past e1m4, shitter.

Yeah I do believe you just drew a bunch of completely nonexistent connections with some insane tier mental gymnastics crayons because literally nothing about your greentext has any relation to Doom

Have you played Doom? It's fun to go through the level when you're steadily fighting through enemies


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it on the switch

I'm guessing it's to balance against the saturated pickups. They'll still fiddle around with it.

But it's not even a real buildup.
The issue is that it goes from 100% all engines firing to idling.
With older titles, even Doom 2 which had segments that just jizzed enemies at you, there were still minor skirmishes here and there that slowly built up towards a high octane blowout while you scavenged for medkits, ammo and looked for keycards.

Doom '16's issue is you just enter a room, enemies pop out of the floor, you shoot them, then you just wander around picking up items, maybe flipping a switch to open the door. There's very few "here's a hallway with a couple imps or zombie troopers." It's dead zones between arenas that contributes nothing that couldn't literally just be an L4D safe room with medkits and ammo if not for the pretense of something attempting engaging level design.

lol naked demon casually walking around

I'm just saying that the fact that "Angels" are now being brought into the picture makes me think we're gonna be fighting Demons disguised as Angels.

Alright, that's fair. But we don't know what it'll be like in the new one yet.

I on the other hand think that since Doom has only ever had the mortal plane and hell, and no heaven, neutral and evil and no good, and now they're suddenly deciding that the setting has heaven too, it might be that we'll still just get neutral and evil and no good. We'll be fighting the angels too if they get in the way. There isn't really room for actual heroism in Doom because it's basically just destructive chaos facing off with determined anger. Good doesn't really factor into it.

The armor system needs some better mechanics than just being "second health pool". There's no reason to have it if it just functions as the first thing damage hits before your health, it needs to be like quake where it absorbs just 2/3 of incoming damage. in doom2016 the argent upgrades felt lackluster because your options were more ammo, health, or armor, but really it was between max ammo and health/armor. The game also carried over some old gameplay issues the original doom/quake series had, where your better guns functionally replaced the weaker guns. Why use the combat shotgun when you have the super shotgun? Why use the nailgun when you have the supernailgun?

I found myself saving weapon upgrades when replaying the game to use them all on the stronger guns once I obtained them. Instead of upgrading the pistol, might as well deck out my chaingun when I get it.

"The good guys in heaven were secretly the bad guys THE WHOLE TIME" shtick is pure 14 y/o r/atheism shit.

Attached: morals in games2.png (715x405, 103K)

>I hate fun
>I hate feeling any kind of joy and excitement
>I hate seeing others feel enthusiastic

Fucking kill yourself you boring autistic sack of shit. You're like the guy at parties who just stands in the corner while everyone is having the time of their lives. That's you. And no one wants to be around pieces of shit who are insecure and scared of expressing themselves.

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Two species of cyberdemon tho, 2016 had the balgaar and this one will have that one

Autistic incel

Runes did fine to add more depth to Armor and Health.
Like the one that gives infinite ammo when above certain percentage.

>The good guys in heaven were secretly the bad guys THE WHOLE TIME" shtick is pure 14 y/o r/atheism shit.
>implying you can understand their motives and endgame from your limited human perspective

Why is the Bible so fucking metal? How did the ancient sandnigger Jews do it?

Is no one seriously mentioning the TOOT preorder bonus?

Attached: 3545338-doom eternal preorder bonuses.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

>"The good guys in heaven were secretly the bad guys THE WHOLE TIME" shtick is pure 14 y/o r/atheism shit.
Not the bad guys, just bad guys. They're literally the other extreme, and it's easy to recognize that someone's retarded or dangerously insane if they can't see that.

It's cute, but they already played up Doot revenant too much since they've used it in the Anniversary vid and the OST release trailer.

Not him, but Doom 16 literally tells you that Doomguy is blessed by an archangel to better help him slay the forces of Hell. Unless you want to argue that there being an "archangel" doesn't mean there's a heaven, then there's definitely a heaven at least starting from the beginning of the NuDoom arc.

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I prefer the classic weapon sounds in the duluxe edition.

The Bible has always been pretty metal. I mean look at the way Jesus died. Being crucified is literally the slowest and most painful way to die.


Attached: cyberdemon 2016 Eternal.jpg (1694x900, 697K)

So is this "Battlemode" a multiplayer mode or is it Doom Eternals entire multiplayer experience? I really want my Soul Harvest, and Warpath back.

>How did the ancient sandnigger Jews do it?
It just works

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

king of kings and lord of lords.

And people just up and dying when they look directly at an Angel sometimes.

The word they used was seraphim actually. I didn't really take the chaotic evil librarian at his word and assumed that they were referring to someone of the sentinels since apparently they had the power to fight against hell and the game showed absolutely no evidence of the existence of a heaven plane.

>stupid fucking bong voice chiming in

Attached: charlie.jpg (600x669, 33K)

>Being crucified is literally the slowest and most painful way to die.
Acute radiation poisoning
Any prolonged death from thirst (which is what crucifixion is)
Being skinned alive
Being slowly roasted

It appears to be the entire multiplayer experience, but I don't know for sure. It'll be weird to have Doom without deathmatching.

They obviously have more planned.

it was nice to see some actual game design in the midst of all those movie games that might as well be on-rails

You should try Judaism.
Angels there are absolutely fucked up.

Attached: Ezekiel's_vision.jpg (417x323, 141K)

Because it isn't really heaven vs. hell then, it's more alien in theme. Look at , the 2016 doom looks like a monster from HALO. I had fun playing (and replaying) doom2016 but it does feel like it's in its own universe with interdimensional aliens, rather than occult demons

>VEGAs voice

Attached: 1548537077600.jpg (589x669, 19K)

I also noticed that the voice in the trailer is more smoothed than what Hayden's voice was in doom 2016.

What's up with the fortnite HUD graphics?

Do you think we could actually get him for Smash once the Nintendo rolls on stage?

Attached: Doomguy.png (1280x1263, 1.41M)

I wanna know how he's going to power VEGA up, knowing the kind of cooling system he was hooked up to in 2016.

I'd rather she just be a MP skin, no need to make a Raiden 2.0.

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That’s just in Ezekiel.

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Honestly his chances have boosted now. Bethesda is REALLY pushing for Doom Eternal.

That's what I think too. That's why I thought Doom only ever had Hell because it's not like the Hell of any other fiction so I never projected some stereotypical concepts of light versus darkness into it. I don't really like that nu-id basically did. I think they should have tried to do something unique. For example the sentinels are just another realm, and they were conquered by hell. That's not something that's just lifted from ancient stories. That's something of their own.

Based on what the Angel said in the trailer, humanity is getting it's just comeuppance for whatever it's been doing while Doomguy has been out. Doomguy however wants none of that fucking shit, Doomguy has only 2 modes- Rip and Tear.

With a secret 'pet bunny' third mode

Bethesda's been talking to Nintendo. Not specifically about Smash, but I don't think it's off the table, especially with a 1-2 FPS punch happening on Switch with Wolfenstein and Doom this year.

Eternal's is just an ugly dude, 2016 looks like an actual demon.

I don't care much about Smash and the retarded shitposting it brings, but Doomguy's pretty much earned it at this point.
>veteran as fuck
>important to the industry (made Gaben make Valve, convinced Microsoft that gaming had a place, inspired lots of developers, made the PC an actual platform for games and the west more interested in them)
>important to gaming communities (modding, deathmatch)
>iconic enemies, guns and music
>million seller even in the 90s and on PC of all things, tens of millions if you count the shareware variants

Attached: absolute unit.png (2025x2061, 1.63M)

>Acute radiation poisoning
One of the calamities in Revelations if you believe that whole "wormwood = nukes" theory.
Herod got eaten by worms.
>Being skinned alive
Not in the Bible but Bartholemew, one of the twelve disciples, is thought to have not only been skinned alive but also beheaded
>Being slowly roasted
Intended for Daniel, but subverted. Several people have been burned alive in it, though, including babies when the Jews were going on a Pagan bender for a while.

They really thought of it all.

Vega probably just runs on his suit now. Powering up his suit will probably power up Vega. Doomguy's really just a vortex of continually-upgrading blender gore in the new lore.

Why is everything so glowy? I also don't like the colorpallette of the HUD and ammo etc.

still pretty hyped

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They haven't thought of sodomizing a man to death

of course

Considering Vega now doesn't have to monitor an entire facility, any old argent battery will do.

>Not specifically about Smash
Peter Hines said "Oh yeah" when asked if they'd talked with Nintendo about Smash.

I think the biggest problem Doom 2016 had is that enemies never synergized. Like in a beat 'em up such as Double Dragon for the NES, if there were two grunts on screen they'd team up and try to perform a pincer attack on you. In something like Streets of Rage 2 having an enemy like a Big Ben amongst a crowd of Galsias and Donovans made it much more tricky to take out enemies one by one because Big Ben keeps invading your personal space.

That kind of dynamic was missing in Doom 2016, because unlike traditional beat 'em ups a 3D game like Doom 2016 especially with all the verticality it has makes it too easy to disengage from enemies, whereas in a 2D beat 'em up you barely have any personal space. So either the enemy role would have to focus more on locking down your movement than simply trying to attack you. So more enemies which spam the arena with bullets, or enemies which can create walls that lock you in, or enemies which turn the floor into lava. That kind of dynamic would force you to prioritize.

What also would have worked is to allow enemies to be able to work in squads depending on the arena and on your position, so a Mancubus or an Imp should try to get to a vantage point while having a Hell Knight go ham on your ass. Eternal showcased a Reinhardt-like enemy which can put down a shield to protect himself and other demons, but to make good use of this the AI should be able to team up with this enemy and stand behind the shield when it happens.

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>One of the calamities in Revelations if you believe that whole "wormwood = nukes" theory.
Marie Curie wasn't born until 1867.

They thought of meteoring a whole city from space because of sodomy, though. And attempted sodomy with an angel, too.

>the jin of space

Do you remember the room where you shut vega down dude? how the fuck is the doom guy going to power him?


But did the angel die from sodomy? Yeah, I thought so. It would be a hell of a tale if the angel just got daily dose'd to death

this is a good point.

Also did they up the bloom by like 10 times?

Demons are specifically explained to not get along with each other. Hell you even see them fight occasionally. Them fighting against you together is merely circumstantial.

no, it just has a ton of colors now (and that's unironically a good thing)

To appreciate religion as an art at least, you have to assume its supernatural components to be true. No reason a revelation by God couldn't show a sneak peek at nukes.

I know that's what muh lore says, but it would at least fit with their upcoming Battlemode 2v1 multiplayer mode more where two demon players have to team up against Doomguy.

That's the sole reason why Doomguy has such an easy time with them. All they have is chaos which is unfocused, whereas Doomguy has anger. I doubt demons are even capable of being angry.

>Doom 1, 2, 64, '16 and Eternal on Nintendo platforms

Doomguy is a great equalizer even Hell doesn't have an answer for, imagine being such a threat that Devilkind can unite specifically to bring you down.

because jews are children of satan

>I doubt demons are even capable of being angry.
The Cyberdemon seemed pretty pissed at Doomguy making him his bitch.

This is a pure Cyberdemon
This is a UAC fucked up Cyberdemon
Same with the Mancubus'

Uhh... no? You don't grant that privilege to any other badly written self-contradictory fiction. You only grant it what it can justify about itself.

Where does a "pure" Cyberdemon get his parts from? Does he operate on himself?

>Doom is now LOL SO EPIC AND RANDUM meme shit for bugmen
Bethesda needs to be destroyed

John Romero's head

Shut your mouth summoners are cool as fuck

You might be mad for no reason, but youll never be so mad that you launch yourself at lightspeed just to get closer to motherfuckers to kill.

What? Of course you do. Do you criticize any work you read for the first time? You're not going into something without bias if you're not giving it the benefit of the doubt. That's just dumb and setting yourself up for failure.

The same place Mancubi get arm canons.

You can literally strafe at any angle with an analog stick, user. It's not locked into a fucking crossgate, you can push the stick any direction

The Cyber Store?

Doom has always been like that.


I remember when people complained about the death animations in DNF replacing the mighyt boot
(but when Doom does it it's ok)

Soul-powered Hell factories, probably.


>but when Doom does it it's done better

that's the key word there, user
what did the death animations in '16 replace, hm?
it's almost like
the circumstances
are different.

t. idiot

I kinda like the explanation, even if it doesn't make much sense cause I do like the 2016 version.

but old Dooms pucnh and chainsaw are still better

>>I hate feeling any kind of joy and excitement
>You're like the guy at parties who just stands in the corner while everyone is having the time of their lives. That's you. And no one wants to be around pieces of shit
Division by zero

Play Doom 3 zoomer

Cheat codes are confirmed as rewards for secrets, so it might happen.

this scene is fun and all but looks really barebone:
Why do we leave the first person lock?
Why does he fly like 1 km in total?
Why is the impact so soft and boring?

this could be way more epic
I think along the lines of Dead Space 2

Attached: 1555584906299.png (639x768, 760K)

yes this.
>shaddus maddus

Attached: 1536217926404.jpg (563x843, 229K)

>>shaddus maddus
this is a shadman picture?

VEGA's voice can be heard in the trailer so it's safe to say he'll be Doomguy's AI buddy

>VEGA's voice can be heard in the trailer so it's safe to say he'll be Doomguy's AI buddy
works for me. hope VEGA is just that and not a goofy, funny sidekick shit for the r*ddit audience

Freeze Tag, Clan Arena, War Path, Domination, Soul Harvest and Sector have to come back.

if you don't want to go for the glory kill you don't need to

I hope this doesn't replace invasions either. It looks to be the same sort of format.

Not an argument

>Self contradictory work
>When it's a compilation and the only true contradictions in the new testament are incredibly minor

Vega is the perfect companion for Doomguy. An AI of few words, zero-maintenance, and always being helpful, but not annoying.

He seems to handle the technical stuff for doomguy, that's a good way of not overdoing the smash and it'll work joke, and he never really seemed try hard funny in D44M

Invasions are okay, that 1 on 2 battle mode seems really meh-tier though. Wonder how Id will make their team-based PvP multiplayer since 2016 was fun, although limited the potential by having a weapon meta and the hinderance that is swapping runes per life whenever there is a demon around.

Newfags must leave now
/Ourguys/ are back

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If they do go for regular multiplayer, they should just have pickups for everything like how they're handled in the single player footage. One rune per map, or no runes at all.

Not only Dyatlov's an idiot, but has terrible taste in videogames.

Darn Constant

>calls someone a newfag

I thought in Doom's universe there are 2 versions of hell/demons. One is the what we've seen, and there's a biblical version that is much more I wrong about that?

Fugg Forever

What the fuck did they do to the Martian surface? Why is there a big gaping butthole on it now?

I was preferring the 2016 version...seeing them side by side though, I like the eternal version better. The 2016 version does look more "powerful" though.

I think the cyberdemon in Eternal will be a recurring enemy, whereas 2016 he was a one off boss.

Man this picture really needs an update. And I always wondered if TerminusEST was the one who made it in the first place.

I just want DM, and TDM with no demons and the agility of the campaign. I would be so fucking happy.

Honestly one of the things I'm hyped the most is the soundtrack. Mick did a fantastic job in Doom 16 and from what I've heard so far he's definitely going to deliver.

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based. best armor mod