It is not abut Berlin. It is not about the Reich. it's about the men who fought for them, what peace can they expect Bethesda?

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>play series that's been about killing nazis for 20 years
>latest game is about killing nazis
Just so you know, I cringed.

Wolfenstein was about killing bad Nazis though user, ones genuinely dedicated to their cause that thought just like Hitler. Bethesda acts like they're saying some ground breaking enlightened shit nowadays by saying fuck all the Nazis gurl power xddd

You are KKK.

Are /pol/niggers under the delusion that they're causing some sort of growing movement or uprising

Because all I can see is the death roll of disillusioned losers trying to project onto heritage they did nothing to earn

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>n-not all Nazis were bad!

spoken like a true nazi fag

I think today yes.

Who fucking cares about the politics of a fucking rootie tootie?

Maybe you should worry about having sex instead

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Nice Sabaton ref


Honestly I just wanted to shitpost about one of my favorite Sabaton songs, also what the fuck are you even talking about? I just think that war is generally bad no matter what either side is fighting for and the men who gave their lives should be respected.

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Finally a man of taste

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>"Guys, even though they're literally the same fucking Nazi's with robots we've always fought it's clearly different now cause a bunch of faggots on Twitter call other people Nazis!"
Get over yourself you paranoid piece of shit. These are real fucking Nazi. They have fucking robot death hounds.

Bethesda may have chosen to make the protags female to appeal to that crowd, but the Nazi are still fucking Nazi.

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Very respectable position to have, user

Remember, the only winners of wars are banks and the puppet politicians they employ, don't succumb to it if you don't have to

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You are a NAZI.

>it's clearly different now cause a bunch of faggots on Twitter call other people Nazis
What the fuck are you even talking about nigga? I just remember last year they said some shit along the lines of fuck Nazis and the whole audience clapped and I heard it was pretty similar this year. The Nazis in the original Wolfenstein were overblown caricatures of actual Nazis but the way Bethesda waves the series around feels disrespectful to the people who actually died in Nazi Germany to me. Of course I didn't live there so I really have no right to be offended for them, but it just seems scummy to pretend that all Nazis were evil jerks that wanted to build a super mecha Hitler and none of them deserve respect all so you can gain profit from an audience ignorant to the truths of the real world.
Money truly is the root of all evil, isn't it?

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We agree that nazis were bad though right?

I do.And him to.

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What Hitler wanted them to achieve? Yeah totally. The people who were fighting because if they didn't Hitler would probably kill their family? Not so much. Just because I think fallen soldiers deserve respect doesn't make me a Nazi. I mean if I wanted to be taken seriously I would have posted this elsewhere in a less shitposty fashion, but I just kinda wanted to discuss it with you cunts.

>literal nazi sympathizers

Money is power, power corrupts, corruption protects itself

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No it was a cartoony ww2 shooter that turned into ideological masturbation.

I simply sympathize with the man caught up in something greater than he is, and must live the life given to him lest he lose everything he cares for.

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>actually defending nazis
did you ever imagine that your life would turn out this way? it's not too late to change your idiotic ways

>Back to Nazis in 2020
Wow, our cultural curators sure are inventive

I mean, Wolfenstein definitely had that element of nuance in it. BJ clearly was upset by the the collateral damage and general destruction they had to enact to continue their rebellion. Also, it is definitely true that the Nazis enabled an unspeakable level of cruelty to be enacted by a group of unspeakably cruel people within German society. Although they weren't the bulk of German armed forces or German leadership, these people don't deserve the same level of respect and dignity that should have been afforded the hapless conscripts forced to fight in the war by their totalitarian government.

Much like you can loathe the american military complex but respect individual soldiers in it, the natsoc party of germany had plenty of folks that were just trying to fight their way out of a desolate post-WW1 state of affairs

Doesn't excuse it, but it is understandable

>Genuine actual discussion about how all human life should be respected despite the circumstances you are born into, while people opposing this discussion can only give memespouting responses all from a Sabaton shitpost thread
Never change Yea Forums.

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I hate nazis as much as the next guy but it was clear to me that this was a dogwhistle and that nazi = any right wing/conservative here. I mean people call milquetoast republicans nazis these days and think that gives them justification to punch them. It's all dumb political BS but with the bethesda presentation being as left-wing as it was (i.e. "i'm so depressed and I'm LGBT and bethesda saved me" community sequences) it's pretty clear this was a dogwhistle

>all human life should be respected despite the circumstances you are born into
So you're saying all games should have pacifist routes?

Yes, all human life is precious. But history has proven again and again that that doesn't mean shit. And in a virtual space, it means even less.
Why aren't there these kind of discussions over games where you kill terrorists? Many of them are either forced or brainwashed into their situation. Does that mean we should condemn ever Call of Duty game now?
What about Gears of War? They literally had a trailer for their new mode in which the characters invade a swarm base and set off some kind of biological weapon that releases a gas that makes their heads explode. Should we be shedding tears over this?

No, because in all these virtual cases, the enemies aren't people with lives and reasons. They're blank slates with cartoonish levels of evil intent. They just represent pure evil, nothing more, nothing less.

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