New Yoko Taro game to be revealed at the Square Enix conference

>New Yoko Taro game to be revealed at the Square Enix conference.

Are we ready?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's just going to be Nier Automata 2. I'm okay with this.

And once again, no switch release.

user, accept it. You're just another wiiu when it comes to third parties.

Honestly doubt it even with the great Automata sales. Probably too busy with FFXIV. My guess is next E3 we'll hear something.

Why does he hate that slime?

He is giving it a massage.

Is that confirmed? Please god let it be true.

Sauce on this?

You best not be lying to me you cunt

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Taro is constantly at war with popular jrpg games that always cast a shadow over his less popular ones.

>>New Yoko Taro game to be revealed at the Square Enix conference.
Give me sauce u fagget

I'm genuinely excited right now, yes.



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>You will never become as gods

Who wrote for Automata? The characters seem so dull and just feel like vehicles to deliver a theme.

>Comander is the main character

I own the day one version and got the dlc expansion for free due to a PSN fuck up, suck my nuts Taro

But I did on launch.

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Jesus Taro, please stop. That slime doesn't deserve this abuse.

Yea Forums mostly seems to like this game, but there's occasionally some really vitriolic comments about it. Is that just more of Yea Forums being contrarian?

his next game will be about alienfucking, mark my words

I don't see why that's a problem. Anyone interested in Taro games owns a real console, or PC.

>it's Drakengard 4
>its by as much of the Drakengard 3 staff as they can get
>no one from Platinum is involved

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nier remastered with automata engine

Maybe Taro should try making good games then.

For the most part it's very very praised and many will agree it's deserving. There are some valid complaints/taste factors involved too, but if it's calling it outright shit they're probably just being an ass, yes.



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Final Fantasy XVI

It's Time

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>final boss on route Q is a rhythm game that kills you if you miss a single input but eventually overwhelms you by sending out rings faster than you are allowed to block them
>if you're connected online other dragons come and help you defeat the army of giant naked lady flowers

Honestly think they should at least tease it. We know they're working on it. Just let us officially know that it's in development.

I bet that Yoshi P. is doing FFXVI. He said he wouldn't work on any other project besides XIV unless it was XVI.

I wanna RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAPE that doll :3

1 minute



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>Busy killing XIV
>Gonna destroy the rest of Square tonight

how can anyone hate this man?

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Just let me give Devola and Popola a happy ending dammit.

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>le quirky and edgy masked man!

Nier is a better game then Nier Automata.

Taro will show Drakengard 4. My wallet is ready.



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You could have stopped this.

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What does he do to take down Square?

What games do you like user?

Killing Slimes in gruesome ways.

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I like route A of Nier a lot but having to literally play through the exact same shit again really killed the pacing of the story for me. I thought Automata mixed things up enough that I could stay fully engaged and not just speedrunning my way through the game.

>ywn give Rose the happy quiet life she deserves
it hurts

I expect a Gestalt Remaster, or more likely nothing at all, but I hope I'm wrong.

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By existing.

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You know, I would really like it if he announced a new game tonight but I’d also be ok if it was like a.remaster of Gestalt or something like that

>New Taro Game
>BASED Platinum's Babylon's Fall
>FFXVI Teaser
>Chrono Break


Is it wrong if i want him to direct FFXVI?

Hopefully. Anyone, but Nomura.

Many people have stated this claim.

Hopefully Square won't fuck him over this time and actually update his game instead of leaving it to the community patches to fix it.
Such a shame they abandoned it when the game itself is fucking amazing.

>Hey Zero... I... I had a lot of fun
>kills you with stealth ring of death

we don't deserve this man

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I think Final Fantasy needs a surge of creativity, and it'd be fun to see Taro tackle it, but it's hard for me to picture him ever taking on a mainstream project that big.

They'd probably have to really reign him in for it.

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My day will be made if we get babylon's fall gameplay and a glimpse of what yoko taro's been working on.


Yoko Taro would be absolutely perfect for a game like that

Or SE could just say fuck it and let Taro fuck up with FFfags minds, a critically acclaimed FF would sell gangbusters.

President Yoko Taro finally ending the rest of the world this year


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I kind of want a Dragon Quest game with gore now. Imagine gouging the eyes out of those annoying metal slime fuckers.

How would you catch one to do that exactly?

neir remake with nier automata mechanics and greyfix.

i cant believe im relying on square of all companies to make this e3 not completely bland

I hope it's a Drakengard prequel about Michael. But fat chance.

didnt taro make drakengard 4 into a diner or some shit

>new taro game
>he isn't there
what's the point if he doesn't hear me screaming

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he is too good for this world

Nier doesn't need a remake
why do you fags want a remake of everything?

Small brain:
>Taro will announce a new game

Big Brain
>Taro announced a new game last E3 and no one noticed.

Come on, that "book pages" intro talking about goddesses and apocalypse? That screams Drakengard

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Good retort, nincel

fake news

>Yoko Taro spearheads a new FFT game
wew lad

Poll Time!

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I hope we see something from this game tonight regardless of if its Taro or not

>Platinum gameplay again

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Please don't ruin my dreams.

>Cant vote for all 5
Fuck you

I want a Nier sequel that brings in more Drakengard elements.

I enjoy the RPG format to musuo levels, but I also want to see Accord again.

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unrelated but
Zero=Five>Three>One>Two>>>>>>>broken dick>>>>>>Four

It's amazing how this objectively terrible game director gets complete credit for the work of Platinum and now people everywhere suck his dick like he's the most amazing game dev ever. He legitimately made four games and the first three range from mediocre to bad.

Wait for a Dragon Quest mod for boneworks.

Imagine squishing Slimes with a hammer and covering the floor with blue goo.

This, I want to see the universes interact

Should be a run ride, no matter what the game ends up being. I just hope he puts emphasis into the right parts of the dev team, like last time.

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Four has a rotten heart, she is problably the most fucked up intoner.
That's why she is best girl after Zero

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>yfw nier 3 with Accord as the MC

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Trying to murder it for 3 exp

Platinum is dogshit and is constantly on the brink of failing because of their mentally infantile leads though
I would have preferred the old Nier developers on Automata instead of Taro saving Platinum from their deserved flames once again

it's a DD1 remake

I like Accord, she is cute and she has a lot of potential, imagine a game centered arround fixing timelines.

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Yoko Taro’s game LITERALLY saved Platinum, Kamiya said so himself.

Not confirmed, also its square enix. INB4 they put yoko taro and his crew on the backburner because they spent so much money on their AAA shooter, Babylons fall, Avengers game and their new studios

Two = One > Four > Three > Zero > Five

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I bought it twice cause I loved it so much and wanted the pod skins in the goty edition please for the love of god don't do it!

I thought Platinum did a good job adapting and evolving at what Nier did. Still had the bullet hell concepts paired with much better melee combat. I enjoyed fisting and lancing everything to death as much as the next guy but I didn't really miss it when it was gone.

Not a chance, Automata greatly exceeded excpectations, they expected a few hundred thousand sales and got 4+ million instead.

The fact that Taro actually revealed that Accord is in the Kingdom of Night on the other side of the world during the events of Automata makes me hope that that's the setting for the next game.

But I don't want to hold my breath. For all we know the next game is after another 10,000 year timeskip and follows a party of Emil heads that are only distinguishable from one another because of the different hats they wear.

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Uhh better not see the rest of the thread buddy.

Nier Original Recipe is better at storytelling, but is worse at being a satisfying game to play.

>Millions of years into the future, in a distant planet, a creep old hag in red gives you the mission of killing the deity of this world, who was once the man she loved.
>She brought him wiht her, with hopes to make him happy, but he soon grew crazy with past grief and morphed into a shapeless blob of pure hatred in insanity over the aeons.
What do you think?

Meant for

>follows a party of Emil heads that are only distinguishable from one another because of the different hats they wear.
Are you telling me this isnt the tightest shit?

I disagree only because Nier 1 has the most satisfying spear play in any game I've ever played

as long as the game works
pc automata is stillbroken garbage

An eroge as long as it involves all the girls in his previous works.

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Who cares

A FF by Taro is an enticing proposition but we all know SE would never give him complete creative control over their biggest, most recognizable franchise, so fuck that option. I vote new IP.

Worked for me.

stop pirating games.

I feel like the original Emil has a better chance of becoming a returning villain than 9S.

9S had has his share of psychotic breakdowns but I think the current versions of him got it out of his system, either in realizing that he never had a real reason for hating the machines in the first place and becoming roomies with Adam and Eve, or in staying and reuniting with his waifu for laifu.

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You forgot your :^)

Thats why they got yoko taro working on the ffxiv dungeon story. Havent seen square enix bd 6 (nier division) hard recruiting for making a new game, only scenario writers and item writers. Also PG is fully staffed working on other projects.. If anything if square wants PG to make the game we most likely have to wait till Babylon fall launches

>Yoko-san's involvement is very significant, as if he is creating a whole game. Over the course of the next two years, we will continue to work with him and the team to bring content. - Naoki Yoshida

>he doesn't want to fulfill her rape fantasy
>followed by a day of killing dirty elves
Otherwise your list is spot on.

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I dont like dealing with delusional women

Platinum ain't shit. Both Capcom and Team Ninja create combat systems far more complex, sophisticated and fun to play. Stop choking on that Kamiya dick.

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Any chance we see Zinnia on the next Taro game?

He's not at E3, so I doubt they would announce his new game without him.

i feel its unlikely, he was already in automata as 042


I hope they show something from ff14 nier raid

is there hope for a pc port of the first nier?

Where is he?

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Wait, seriously?

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I think Square is doing a pre-recorded thing again, so it wouldn't matter if he's physically there. Not expecting a new Yoko Taro game announcement anyway

I sure can't wait for SinoAlice 2

Yeah, did you read / listen to the 5 concert script readings? 042 VA plays Zinnia
Taro confirmed that No9 shoved the personality core of his creator inside one of the PODs to live as a slave forever as punishment, and it circles back into saving his ass in the end.

According to the game she's the arms supplier for the resistance and she's implied to have had contact with Jackass at some point, probably being the reason she was able to unravel the Yorha conspiracy.

That’s brilliant.

I read the stageplays but never bothered to check which VA played which character.

I knew about No.9 being the one responsible for the bunker shitshow to perfect the humans in the moon plan but that was about it.