
Attached: qrtbtgbg.png (932x519, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I sleep.

here's my bingo card

Attached: vr shit bingo card.png (459x499, 15K)



We started boys

VR is a shit show with the fragmentation and different softwares and headsets. Same shit with PC gaming. Too many stores and services now.

Yea Forums - NintendoGAF

The cultural marxists hate VR because it exposes their psychopathy.


Will it be done before pc gaming show?

what does disliking vr have to do with nintendo?

>expecting jannies to do their job

Attached: jannies.png (388x389, 66K)


Gay shit so far

This, UploadVR thinks they're big and hot shit enough for E3.

Does anyone actually care about this conference?

Yes, it's scheduled to end right before it.


>Supporting inmigration

Attached: IMG_20190405_143304.jpg (1200x1026, 172K)


Attached: rage.jpg (500x339, 26K)

This is terrible. Why do VR games have year 2000 graphics?

where's the sticky you dumb cunt mods

>interactive heartwarming story
Like I give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


This is MY future wife, say one (1) nice thing about her!

Attached: Untitled.png (703x594, 489K)

>Official H3VR TF2 collab
oh shit

They way VR works it requires very high resolution to not look like utter shit. You can figure out the rest.

angry bird?
most of it is a trailer for the movie?

She has cute hair

>doctor who

>new games announced at E3
>for new medium
>nintenjannies ignore it

Attached: tenko disgusting.png (352x479, 205K)

She's too ugly to cheat.

Attached: 7118ab0dd0cdc1adca8474ac9498bbe2.png (500x600, 707K)

mods are the ones for stickys and they hate this board.

They all low-budget shit. Also the official minimum specs for VR are Nvidia's old shitty 3.5GB GPU so developers are more or less forced to make their games run on that piece of shit.

She's not fat.

Isn't she a little old?

I've undergone this procedure before. Multiple times over the course of a few weeks. Very interesting process, but it did barely little for my depression, at least long term. Cost 3 grand PER PROCEDURE, and takes about an hour. Funny story actually:

>bring in my Cowboy Bebop Knockin on Heaven's door film to watch while I'm undergoing the procedure
>movie accidentally defaults to Japanese dub
>woman overseeing the thing says "yeah we should figure out a way to get it off of Spanish"
Any who, what they do is send magnetic pulses through your brain in a very specific part of the brain. They find an area inside your brain about the size of a golf ball, and the most interesting thing is how they locate it. Basically like minesweeper, but without the risk. If your right thumb suddenly starts twitching involuntarily, then they've hit the jackpot. Mine took forever to find. Certainly didn't hear about it causing liberal biases though, sounds made up.

Attached: Blank+_088043ea062e9ec214987104ea0f8e6b.jpg (239x200, 8K)

also some of the better ones go for psvr and are only optimized for that.

Literally who?

first year for them.

>multiplayer game that utilizes cross platform control options for interesting gameplay

>Certainly didn't hear about it causing liberal biases though
Like you said yourself, it's not about curing your depression.

>Certainly didn't hear about it causing liberal biases though, sounds made up.
Might not be targeting the same area.

Is it pcgamingshow? Or itst just at the same time

What baffles me even more is that they made a sticky for a tournament for a fucking Mario Maker.
I hope mods and jannies suicide themselves after they realize that dilating is retarded.

>3k for someone to operate a machine while you watch a movie
Top kek.


zombie game needs work

And last year since VR is dead

PC Gaming show is in 40 minutes, this is now.

Some of the mods have stock in Nintendo. I'm not even joking about this.

It ends right before the pc gaming show

Thanks user

Literally who even cares.
Actually uinronically who even cares?

>PC Gaming show is in 40 minutes
Isn't it a couple hours still?

I care

PSVR shit now


>it's this guy again

Attached: 1560014000535.jpg (812x852, 134K)

Bet you care now that based Greg is hosting huh

It's fun to follow new technology's development.

how long is this going to go for?

mech thing looks cool

VR is such a fucking joke

>$500+ to play 5 fps games with 20 year old graphics

>still needs a 2080

i got a psvr for cheap for superhot and astrobot
havent hooked it up in 6 months

I just want to play that hotdog TF2 game

These are fucking awful trailers. Stop talking, moron devs. Show the game.

jesus christ, who wants this 2015 VR shit? why not move on to real games now?



jesus fucking christ the absolute state of vr

>another zombie game

Oh wow a zombie game for VR.

Still look better S*itch games

every single one of these was made in fucking unity

>VR games
>Half of them are cinematic trailer
Who the fuck is in charge of this?

>Sony PS VR game
>It's a VR game adaptation of a movie which itself is an adaptation of a mobile shit
>It has no gameplay at all but movie cinematic cut
How deep can we go?

Attached: 1336889015896.gif (590x333, 124K)

if you were making a VR game why wouldn't you use unity?

>ps2 graphics

>All the seething broke neet faggots ITT

Sorry, no big boy VR for you until you get a fucking job

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just why

for high framerate, so people dont get sick and so they can run it

holy shit why are they still talking about games that literally came out with cv1

how fucking stupid is that they mix announcements fro all three platforms in this?

does drunken bar fight come to psvr or not?


What do you actually do with your VR other than hitting on underages and jerking off?

she kinna cute tho

>wasting time on fucking Quest ports

>just turned it on
>nothing but quest ports
fucking YAWN

>Roastie simulator

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Lol dis nigga turning white

I could easily buy any VR headset I want right now, but why would I?
I don't want to play mediocre gimmick games.
The only games I'd get something like a Vive for are games like Beat Saber.
Maybe Boneworks if it ends up being as good as it's hyped to be.

Attached: Account.png (168x46, 822)

What's wrong with his hands?

finally boneworks atleast


Speaking of Boneworks.

I hate when devs explain their game, SHOW, DONT TELL YOU MORONS

im selling my headset


what the fuck is going on here

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the sensation you get as magnetic "energy" is send through the golf ball area in your head was fucking insane though. Very peculiar feeling. And I did walk out of every procedure feeling more level-headed and less down in the dumps. Just a shame it never lasts.


Morons holding their first conference.

But how would you know what the game is about if all they showed you was a cinematic trailer?

>Literally who even cares.
>16k+ people watching

That AI is so fucking bad, they just walk in a straight line.
Also more zombies but it has dragon riding.

Please be over soon.

>those hands
What the fuck is this?

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>20k in a low yield checking account
Why? Put it into literally anything else. Stocks, bonds, CDs.

this conference killed my interest in VR


if boneworks doesn't release its tech for wider use it's worthless. the game itself looks dull.


>all these trash shovelware games

if valve doesn't show their VR games in this thing or at the PC conference then they are doomed

>Beat Gun

Vitiligo you morons.
Did you not know that it's a real thing?

There is still good vr shit but they won't show it here.
Also valve is making vr games

Vitiligo skin disease

>There is still good vr shit but they won't show it here.
There isn't.
>Also valve is making vr games
They aren't.

It has been years now and the index released so it has to be soon

>Dislikes mediocre gimmick games
>Wants to play beat saber


that asgards wrath game actually looks good

>AI voice
>Saves only women
fuck of

>all these oculus exclusives
Walled garden is cancer

>female knight
it's good to see that fantasy games are popular on vr

if they're smart they'll use E3 to grab everyone's attention, I dont think they'll show anything in this conference though, it's amateur hour

but would they really show it at the PC conference?

maybe just to fuck with epic

is this wench still yapping?

PC is the only place they could show it, but I still doubt they would, simply because they don't have anything.

Without Zuck backing them a lot of them wouldn't even exist or would be scaled down considerably.

the only good trailer was the TF2 DLC for H3

>women in charge of video games
thats why VR is shit honestly

There still is 20 minutes left

I'm sorry, but this feels like I'm just watching movie trailers at the theater.

What meaningless trite.

yeah, those grants are hard to pass up. i just hope they get released on the other platforms eventually

women were a mistake...

Locking games to headsets is like locking games down to monitors. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

This looks cute

>floating detached hands
every fucking time

VR still doesn't have a single good game. Quite embarrassing at this point




I'm still waiting for someone to make a Receiver-tier game in VR.
How is it this fucking hard?

What's even more embarrassing is that it could at least have half a dozen good games if we just got HotD and Time Crisis ports, or even just emulation.

That's how fucking dead VR is. Nobody can even be bothered getting Time Crisis working.

If you show off your VR game with teleporting it makes it look so fucking shit

>hear TF2 out of nowhere
>shit my pants
>it's just an update for H3VR, not an actual TF2 VR
FUCK. Still good, but that caught me off-guard

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where the fuck did all these women come from?

Time Crisis emulates fine in VR though

What the fuck is this audio mixing?

There's no money in it. The best you can get is H3VR, which is just rifle autism where all the pistols do dogshit damage because "9mm" memes.

what the actual fuck is going on with the audio on this stream


>that doom sounds

If you want some real shit you can play wii and gamecube games in vr

Have sex

fix the audio

You can play Oculus exclusives on any headset using Revive though. And I imagine the headsets more like consoles, except that you can still play their games on any headset (minus PSVR exclusives).


mfw i saw the valve logo

Attached: 1557192397479.png (222x372, 45K)

Probably out of another woman.

Those fucking doors

Revive straight up doesn't work, and breaks with every new update to either SteamVR or the OR software.

all these presentations just look so amateur

Why does all the trailers feel ripped from kickstarter?

based kiwis showing a game that doesnt look like actual dogshit

The dev's working on a much better OpenXR version

fucking lol @ that 'solution'

Why do you keep saying VR is dead? each year its still growing, and a major spike in growth between 2018 and 2019.

With that said, most of the games in this conference are fucking shit. Teleporting, seriously?

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Wow this looks almost interesting.

Garden by the sea is only 6 dollars. That might be worth it.

W10 only garbage, no thanks.

>long game
>30-80 minutes

>10 fps

Attached: 1359507521732.png (400x750, 187K)

Per mission, dude. Which is pretty reasonable, nobody wants to spend more than 2 hours in VR.

They showed this off already

he meant mission length.

Because Nintendies won't be able to play any of the VR games so they brush them off as a waste of time.

>your job is to take down transcorp
holy shit are budget cuts devs /ourguys/?

I got worried for a second

>you have to save the world from Trans Corp
is budget cuts 2, dare I say, based?

Have sex

Isn't that OpenVR?

>hodge podge of genres
It's shit

Nice catch.

Has there been a single VR game presented today which isn't first-person?
Are there any good ones out?


Post Frankie pics till next conference starts thanks

after this conference im glad i never bought a vr headset

family guy vr when?

Attached: familyguy.jpg (194x259, 20K)

vr is just another failed gimmick like the kinect
what a shame

Moss and Astrobot are supposed to be good third person games

vr doesnt work too well outside of 1st person
people get sick if the camera moves and it doesn't match your head

Thank god it's over.

thats it?

Dolphin VR

Now go tune in to the actual show on twitch.

Attached: stdin_snapshot_00.06_[2019.06.10_12.57.46].jpg (1920x1080, 839K)

I expected almost nothing, and still managed to be let down.

If only H3VR was something more interesting.

I liked it more than Bethesda's

Attached: Backpack_Polar_Pal.png (512x512, 62K)

VR is still in early stages in both hardware and software, mostly due to hardware not being there yet.

This made me regret ever buying a headset. What a shitshow

>game is a story driven rpg
>chat is shitting on it
>game is casualize mess
>chat cheers it on
>game uses guns
>chat sucks all the dicks
What the fuck guys?

>powered by EPIC Store

0/10. no todd howard.

Attached: NOGAEMS_STEAMVR.jpg (5043x4697, 3.26M)

Attached: NOGAEMS_OCULUSPSVR.jpg (4813x4255, 3.69M)

>6 years in early development
lol, the only thing that is working is porn vr and probably the resident evil 7 game

What a bunch of nothing.

It's completely new API standard, undergo alpha testing currently. Gonna unify all the VR sdks, supposedly.

>mfw flatshit luddites are still seething while I'm lewding 10/10 anime girls(male) in vrchat

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>Outlast VR
no thanks

Reminder that after more than 20 years of video games this was produced.

Attached: ET.jpg (1100x615, 64K)

No gadgeteer?

and we still haven't improved since

The Yea Forums I knew would have said it's become even worse.

that's what I meant

I'm not going to claim that VR graphics are good but it looks totally different inside VR. It's impossible to capture VR with a screenshot or a video, it's hard to explain.
That being said fuck cartoony textureless shit.

You have to render at least 1080x1200 at 180 FPS along with tracking 6 degrees of freedom on 3-6 objects and most devs are independent, if not single man teams. In the most extreme case of H3VR, every part of the guns, magazines, and ammunition is its own physics object, which in the case of a flat game is just an animation. Note how the case not only lands on the gun, but is also moved by the bolt.

>arizona sunshine
>echo arena
>espire 1
>Rift and Quest FPS by the Firewall: Zero Hour devs

questlets win again

Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

Forgot to attach the webm.

Attached: brass.webm (680x720, 2.88M)

>Echo Arena
>On Quest/Rift S
They're going to get absolutely stomped by CV1 players.

Doubt they will be on the same servers, but questlets have 360 motion and more the quadruple the users.

I have CV1 & Quest and I don't feel like I've stomped or been stomped on.

>nothing more interesting than B&S and VAM updates
>nothing more interesting than NMS getting VR support
Well I guess that's to be expected given the industry being helmed by soulless eunuchs these days, no matter I cannot be deterred from having fun

Attached: 1524281798552.png (354x424, 252K)

>but questlets have 360 motion
The problem is Echo Arena/Combat involves A LOT of reaching behind yourself and manipulating your movement via walls/surfaces from behind/below, which are both often out of a Rift S' tracking range, so it's stuck trying to esimate what you're doing.

i only care about what valve is working on for vr

They aren't working on anything. I don't know why people think they are, it's pretty blatant that the 3 titles they had planned have been "shelved" indefinitely because VR didn't take off.

Attached: HeresYourControllerBro.webm (1280x640, 3M)