This was the only good thing to come from the Commander Keen trailer.
This was the only good thing to come from the Commander Keen trailer
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Still waiting for the rule 34
>mexican mother
This was the only good thing, fuck this trash
Retroactively working Commander Keen to fit the New Order's continuity, and then the only photos Keen has of his mother/aunt and his grandfather are:
>BJ in the 1960s with his 50 year old head stapled to a Nazi lab-grown supersoldier body
>his mother and aunt in power armor in what looks like bombed out Paris
is just so incongruously funny.
If my family had a history of saving countries, I sure as shit would hang photos of them in the act.
>mother and aunt in power armor
You mean grandmother/grand aunt(?).
>first generation: BJ
>BJ's kids: Sophia and Jess
>one of the twins' kid: BIlly "Commander Keen" Blaze
>Keen's kids: Billy the 3rd and Billie, of the mobile game
Wait, I need to watch the trailer again; are the twins Keen's kids?
Ah, my bad.
Where does Doomguy fit into all of this?
He comes waaaaaaaay later.
Much later in the family line.
More like Commander KND
The thing I hate the most about the nu wolfenstein continuity
dullahan BJ, woo hoo
fuck you Todd
the dad looks like a fat lesbian
What here disproves this?
He's implying that Doomguy is the child of one of the nuKeens
Possibly incest
In all the random Doom stuff there's at least two Blazkowiczs(BJ III and Stan) that get involved during the events of Doom as told via the RPGs.
Given how important the UAC seems to be to Doom-era Earth, it wouldn't be that weird for a couple cousins or even brothers to go into the same field of work.
Both anons implied Doomguy is several generations away from Commander Keen, but he's actually Keen's son. Doomguy is Billy.
Except Hall flat out says the guy got the generations wrong. They're of the same family but Doomguy isn't Keen's son.
So if nu-Keen is Doomguy does that mean Doomguy has a sister?
He says he got the generations wrong, but he didn't say which generation. He could be referring to BJ's children, or Keen's.
>not a BMWW couple
>is a straight nuclear family
>children are dressed as their gender they were born as
Is one of BJ’s daughters going to have a son named Billy at the end of Youngblood?
It goes
>B.J. Blazkowicz
>B.J.'s twin daughters and a newscaster son nicknamed "Blaze"
>Commander Keen
>Commander Keen's twin kids (Billy and Billie) and Doomguy (or Billy is Doomguy)
Billie was solely created to please Doomgirl fans.
Immediately after the main post Romero says Keen's father was not BJ but another seemingly nameless guy, then Hall says that Keen's father, BJ's son, was a newcaster who changed his name to Blaze. The leaves Doomguy's place up in the air, not BJ>father>Keen.
Or Maybe BJ has another son
oh shit
please make this happen
Let's clear this up.
>Jessica and Sophia Blazkowicz
>'Blaze' (Keen's father)
>Commander Keen
>Billy and Billie Blaze
>[inordinate amount of time later]
>black wife
fuck this industry. Seriously, let it burn.
""Blaze"" obviously impregnated one of BJ's girls, let's not get out of hand here
Get your eyes checked.
Wan't there an old thing that said that Duke Nukem was also related to Commander Keen? WAS that retconned away?
so you're playing as doomguy and his sister
I mean she has a south asian tan to her so I could get tossing non white but I dont see the nigger
>no fro
obviously not black
She looks swarthy, not really black. I'd believe it more if she was Latina or Mediterranean or something.
Not that it really matters because Billy's kids basically take 100% after their dad.
>south asian
Seems more hispanic to me.
Nice. Now let's fit Quake in all of this
>entering Lovecraftian territory
So, where does Doomguy fit into the family tree?
>Child Timeline
War ends in Allied victory in 1945
BJ begets Arthur Blaze who begets Billy
Billy's descendants include BJ III and Stan Blazkowicz who are involved in one version of Doom's events
>Adult Timeline
Nazis win WW2
BJ begets Sophia and Jess Blazkowicz, one of whom gives birth to Billy, who sires another set of twins, etc. one whom of goes on to get involved in Doom 1/2/64 and possibly becomes the Doom Slayer, later traveling to another timeline(Doom 3's) to pursue the legions of Doom and continue his never ending struggle
>BJ defeated by Ganon timeline
War ends in Allied victory in 1945
BJ's descendants include a man named Ranger who becomes involved in Operation Counter-Strike and later becomes trapped in the realms past the slipgate, his mind slowly eroding against the eternal death matches
Wait...Keen is part of the new Wolfenstein continuity now? Really?
Ranger's lore photo shows he's an adult who was married with a child that looks in 1978.
In one version of BJ's life, he marries an actress after the war and his kids would've been born in the late 40s or 50s, baby boomers.
It's plausible that Ranger could be one of BJ's sons, or just an alternative version of Arthur Blazkowicz who joins the military instead of entering the entertainment industry.
Nah, they just namedrop Commander Keen once in one of the early Duke Nukem platformers since they're both sidescrolling platformers. It's basically a proto-version of Duke Nukem 3D talking shit about Quake and Doom.