So is He still Catholic?

So is He still Catholic?

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the books ain't canon faggot


He was mormon in the books.

He was Catholic in the books, one of his sidekicks was a Mormon.

He is anti-obstacle.

And Texan.

He books a Mormon in the sidekick. One of his Catholics was a was

I never got any vibes that he was religious. If you're talking about the books those aren't canon.

How big would a mancubus cock be?

He Mormon a Catholic in the was. One of his sidekick a was.

About 2 inches smaller than your mom's

So they have a 10 inch cock?

If we don't get to fight a demon possessed rabbit in this game i will be slightly less happy with it.

So is this fucker dead or what

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Don't undersell anons mom cock, it's at least 4 times that, the testicles alone need their own wheelbarrow.

>Character fighting against demons from hell

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So they're hung like an elephant?

He's gonna be murdering angels now like a good, moral christian boy

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His mind is uploaded digitally. He could potentially exist on millions of hard drives.

He could be a Muslim.

Why would you not fight demons who are trying to kill you regardless of what you believe in?

was playable when

I mean, I'd help Doomguy.

Nah, but he might encounter a few javascript errors in his current state

Doomguy is a pedo?
Damn, I thought he was supposed to be right wing

>His mind is uploaded digitally.
No it's not. He still had a small portion of his biological brain left.

Then maybe he will have absolutely no soul left and be one of the bosses.

So atheists shouldn't can't demons then? Based on the supplementary material from the first game I always had the impression that Doomguy was a very jaded person. Whether he believes in god is irrelevant but he's definitely not the praying type.

The Doom hell isn't a Judeo-Christian hell where the souls of the wicked are drawn to or anything, it's just straight up another dimension.
A warlike dimension that seeks to conquer and absorb other dimensions into their own, sure, but not a biblical hell. At least in Doom 2016, that is.

Youre implying he thinks further than how many rounds he has left.

Doom 1&2 definitely showed damned souls being tormented.

>Doomguy in a job interview
>it seems that your resume does not indicate your religion, what is your religion?
>*grunt* 15 12-gauge shotgun shells left
>runs off to kill the janitor in the next room while shouting "rip and tear"

hahaha so epic have a le upboat.

Didn't stop her from being an atheist doing pretty much that in Jericho, but it's a silly game partially because it tries to take itself and it's plot and characters so seriously.

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He enacts God's vengeance upon the monstrosities Lucifer couldn't control. That being said, if angels got in the way, he'll rip them apart too. He doesn't need a bible or believe in religion to remain faithful.

His bloodied hands are his prayers and his rage is his faith to God.

hahaha well done my fellow redditor xD

He's pro-humanity

>Sam learns the true meaning of get woke go broke

How will VEGA return?

Not because they did bad things during their life time though.

It could be anything. It seems like they slap computers on everything. It's a matter of how long VEGA will last if he's slapped onto an object that doesn't have sufficient temperature regulation.

>in Doom 2016
Maybe because one of the biggest gripes I have with that game is the completely uninventive interpretation of Hell, but it showed none of that.

Doomguy made a backup of him and will upload it to some Earth supercomputer at some point, I'd imagine.

>Implying everyone fighting demons ravaging your home is strictly catholic
They're fucking invaders and they need to go back to their shithole

Wasn't DOOM guy's face going to be revealed according to the leaks?

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The popular concept of Hell as a place where personified demons torture sinners and Satan directs it while ruling it as his domain is unbiblical fanfiction, reinforced especially by Inferno segment of Dante's Divine Comedy.
According to bible Hell is just a "fiery lake" where Satan and his angels are cast along with people who do not pass the final judgement, and there are Christian sect that interpret it just as annihilation of wicked into nothingness like most Jews do. God of the Old Testament explicitly says that he is God of the living and does not give a fuck about the dead.

Yes and he will also be in smash

stevefags btfo

I wish, that would shut the fuck up all these autistic rosterfags for a while

His face is completely not important. He's just some guy. Showing his face would be about as much of a reveal as showing what his knee looks like.

I now want to see how that demon head smashing knee looks like

>all the typical atheist pseud brainlets not understanding this post
A demon invasion would 100% confirm some form of metaphysical element to reality and therfore god

What about the back of it?

Is that what it really said?

user i am replying to let you know that i appreciated you making the user you replied to look like a fucking retard

in the bible, hell was also apparently some hill outside the city where people would go to burn garbage and bodies of people not rich enough to afford a burial plot. It's amazing how some people define christianity by what they see on tv compared to what the bible actually says.

one of the leaks stated that DOOM guy's face was going to be revealed and that some of the gamers wouldn't be very happy about it.
I was hoping for some E3 Yea Forums drama and threads complaining about DOOM guy's face but alas, nothing... so far

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The demons in doom are essentially aliens. It’s an alien invasion. There’s a ton of magic bullshit going on so I guess it confirmed some kind of generic “metaphysics” idea but nothing specific like god.

Why do demons have to confirm religion? Are demons incapable of existing otherwise even though the concept of them exists in every culture? It can't be like Childhood's End where the reason we have a fear of demons is because of visions from the future where aliens that look like what we know as demons come and fuck us up?

His face can already be seen vaguely through the helmet, and you can even use a model viewer to see underneath it. He looks identical to original doom guy.

Because the religious approach can come with interesting plot developments.

To be honest both can be written well or very, very poorly.

I really don't see how looking at Doomguy's face could make me angry. I'd be mad if he was made into a nigger or something, but we already know he wasn't.

If you can even call this a face reveal

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We already know what Doomguy looks like. He's just a guy, he looks like BJ but that's it.

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Isn't the leader of Hell in Doom confirmed to be Baphomet, not Satan? Wouldn't that make it some wierd pagan Hell?

What if that's just the upper portion of his face that looks human and it turns out he's actually a demon?


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Because if he really is the original Doomguy, then he's the descendant of BJ Blazkowitz.

pretty sure he's a fucking alien so probably not

>not believing in religion when literal demons from hell and trying to kill you

Sorry, it's true.

Yeah but which religion though? Lots of religions have demons and a hell.

what if he thinks its ragnarok or something

If you are referring to Icon of Sin in Doom 2, guess it was just a demon assigned to lead invasion of Earth.


No in Sigil they say that the leader of Hell is Baphomet.


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The point being you would have to be some kind of Diest

Jesus ain't racist.

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Modders checked out Doomguy's model, and it looks pretty much like Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein, pic related.
Probably in honor of the fact that Doomguy was originally his descendant.

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>Sam actually lost control of the demonic energy and got trashed
>But people recovered the wreck and managed to make a backup copy
>Fast forward to the last boss fight in the game against Icon of Sin
>Fuckhuge Sam MK2 comes out as reinforcement at the last minute
>Admits his mistakes and sacrifices himself heroically to seal access to the demons' dimension
But I'm pretty sure they'll actually pull the emotionless autist card and make him a bad guy to the end, a shame, it would be cool to have a Doomguy-Sam tag team battle.

I'm pretty sure what Sigil says is that Baphomet pulls Doomguy back into Hell for another shot at him, not that he's the one in charge of everything.

Obviously it's the scenario where every religion is true in some form and most faiths are pantheons of small gods. Gods get stronger the more people that believe in him. This is how Yahweh got promoted from a wind god to capital G.

Jesus is a filthy jew and they're all subhuman anyway

I thought the racist word "Nigger" wasn't allowed on 4channel though

No, he's going to be murdering a false prophet and things lying about being angels

hes just hanging around

Thanks SMT

>You wonder where all the bad folks will go when they die, now.
So what did Doomguy mean by this?

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>the OOFs when taking damage
>being able to see his face pretty clearly through his helmet

Fun little touches

the N-word

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No, the demons are humans souls sent to hell. They're only aliens in the shitty movie

I guess I was right



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they did show his face last night though
he looks different than the ripped model, more like DOOM 3 Marine now.
He has black hair and his face is thinner, I didn't screencap it but just go to 13 seconds into the Battlemode trailer


nice person?

Demons existing has nothing to do with religous texts though, demons can just be aliens still.

they constantly talk about them being invaders from another dimension in the game, they never once mention them being "human souls sent to earth'

satan is literally an angel


Im laffin



nobody in halo is religious you moron

He's half the man he used to be.

Who would win in a fight between doomguy and master chief?

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That's it. That's the face reveal you want.,the face you're looking for

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the N-word

chief in a 1v1, doomguy if a contest to kill the most grunts

Satan is an angel. Also there are fallen angels who joined Satan when he rebelled.

>is an angel
>WAS an angel
Lucifer/Satan fell from heaven, making him a fallen one and losing his first estate and title.

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I like it.

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the N-word

He takes over Hayden's robot body and drags the both of them to hell to stop the demon invasion, leaving the door open just long enough for Doom Guy to come with.

Luckily it seems like that gripe isn't going to be an issue in eternal. At least from what we've seen.