Are you going to give it another shot?
They worked very hard on it, it would be rude to just not buy it
Fallout 76
I'll give it a try when its under $5.
as long as it doesnt include a monetary transaction I’d be willing to try it
sooner or later it will be free to play, use that money to buy an ice cream
I think it's better if they just make a good game but i guess i'm not smart enough for the marketing team
>stop being mean and bullying our billion dollar corporation! fuck poor people!
im actually tempted to download it to try the battle royale, somebody talk me out of it
This is literally a battered housewife argument.
This is just sad now.
>they worked really hard
no they didn't
it's free to try right now and people DON'T wan't to play
And retards will fall for it, hook, line, and sinker.
What if it's so glitchy that you can't even do a clean uninstall of it?
Well, what does their BR mode have that others don't? What will make it more fun? They wouldn't just slap in the mode and think it'll be better cause it's fallout, right?
If Todd pays me to test his game, sure.
it's The Onion
this and /thread
>Brags about how millions of people are playing FO76
>Comes crawling begging people to play FO76
I for one look forward to returning to Fallout 76 and buying consumables and cosmetics from the in game Atomic Shop. Did you user's know that the Atomic Shop has things like Emotes and Decorations now? Thats crazy!
Yea, 'worked hard' doesn't translate to 'hardly worked' Todd.
Watching the ensuing trainwreck of asshurt fanboys will be the only fun thing about this. As usual
Absolutely not, the engine is pure cancer.
“They worked really hard” then why did it suck cock?
>right now
are you mentally ill ? do you like being fucked in the ass for free ?
Maybe they should have worked really hard before it released so it wouldn't end up DoA.
>we made a BR and put shit in the game there should’ve been but it’s still shitty and full of bugs
they said you could trial it tomorrow, and today is tomorrow
Don’t pay anything for this shit, they don’t fucking respect you.
Was Todd even there? I watched a 15 minute cut and they never showed him.
Can't even imagine how hard the game engine will shit the bed with BR
They had big balls to pull the special edition doom with REAL helmet
>they don’t fucking respect you
I can't think of a single game company that respects its consumers.
Yes, and the trial is still not available yet.
>Are you going to give it another shot?
No, I already beat it on release and them adding in NPCs contradicts the entire storyline and audio clips.
Too many people responding earnestly to an Onion article
Hmmm... Bethesda's E3 presentation showed they worked really hard on Fallout 76 so maybe I should give it another shot. I've been quite mean to Todd's company and I do love Todd.
>retards will fall for it
Literally nothing you own or partake in is produced by people who respect you, stop thinking companies are your friends.
I'll play the free trial.
That's it.
So Todd lied again!
Might have helped if they didn't try to fuck people over on refunding their game nor LIED about features in it (as well as their special edition shit).
I fucking hate how Bethesda drones are going to give them yet another chance after actively trying to fuck them out of their money, what a bunch of fucking morons.
The only way i'd reinstall this shitfestival is if it went F2P and added private servers with mod support so in 3 or 4 years I could actually have a somewhat decent fallout experience.
>it’s another literal npc uses the npc meme episode
If you give it “another shot”, you already have the game and trying it now that it’s changed is literally retarded.
>stop being mean
No they released a game bugger than Sonic 06 and put microtransactions in it I will point and laugh at them and there fanboy defenders till the cows come home
Shut up Wesley.
How does he do it? How can this man's lies be so powerful every time?
Its a fucking onion article you fucking dense retards.
Is it still broken with script kiddies and people getting into the dev room?
>being so retarded you don't recognise an Onion article
This board has really let itself go
It's his stand, sweet little lies. It gives him limitless charisma and the ability to make you believe all his lies and love him.
Kelly is a genious.
Its weird how their articles get more and more believable every year
>hey Todd our pvp is so shit nobody ever uses it how do we spin this?
>ez, just tell them everyone is being "nice"
Ha-ha, no.
> The Onion
Yeah, nope.
Remember that time Zenimax sued Notch for using the word "scrolls".
Or that time they sued someone for making Fallout fan art.
Or that time they sued an indie dev for calling his game Fortress Fallout, despite it being a cutesy, colourful mobile game having nothing to do with their Fallout IP.
Or that other time they sued another indie dev for calling their game "Prey for the Gods" because apparently they own the word "Prey" now, along with "Scrolls", and "Fallout".
Or that time Zenimax literally stole someone elses copyrighted music and used it without their permission.
Bitch, I think they should pay me for even touching that garbage.
heh... the world is so crazy now... it's almost like the onion is a real news site now... right guys... just my opinion though... heh
>a BR with fucking Fallout gunplay
what on earth were they thinking
Maybe it would be easier to tell the difference if actual game bloggers weren't corporate lapdogs.
Its literally true with this article though, if you didn't know any better it'd be easy to mistake it for a real article
Why would you play a BR game on the Fallout engine?
It's such a bullet spongy wreck.
They weren't.
I'm waiting for the cringe compilations to be uploaded, having two retards scream "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" every 10 seconds was so fucking stupid
Will you need Ps+ for the free trial? If yes then the game is dead for me.
Lying Todd won't get a single penny out of me ever again
don't touch this game with a ten foot pole. learn from my mistakes, boys. it is hot trash.
Red Dead Online was free
>innocent impregnators
>role playing game about kill or be killed apocalyptic wasteland
>but don't be mean to other players or we'll ban you guys!
I wouldnt play it if it was free...
Todd was really pissed yesterday... Okay Todd, I'll try out Fallout 76.. just please....
They are still giving it for free with a ps4 purchase here in germany. There was one guy at the checkout and literally said "No thanks, I don't want that game" when he bought a ps4.
>it's ok when Nintendo does it
>Actually begging people to spend their money on his game
I'm sure this sort of thing can only happen in the video game industry
Let's take this RPG that we ruined by turning into a clunky shooter and try to win fans back by adding an awful meme-royale mode to it. What a fucking joke.
>give it another shot because it isn't dead yet
Never forget the double tap.
One problem with that.
>80 Gig download
>200 Gig final file size
I'll give it a shot.
But first things first - where the fuck is the download for the free trial? Its not in the launcher, its not on the website.
Sweet little lies again you fucker?
that was written by a woman
jesus roasties have ruined ANOTHER FUCKING HOBBY
Ps4 only
based ahmed
Based euro/v/ro
Best part is, they didn't. Fucking liars rushed and half assed it and they know it. Fuck This series.
god i hate women
Nah, its for all 3.
Hold the fuck on, weren't these (((gaming news-outlets))) trashing the fuck out of Fallout: 76 during it's entire time of relevancy? From the launch with all the bugs, glitches, and bad optimization all the way to the merchandise debacle?
Did Zenimax pay them off or something?
Just because someone worked a lot on a product, doesn't guarantee a good result.
There's a week long free trial that just started.
No, maybe if you just read the headline but the actual article makes it clear that its making fun of Todd.
Well maybe they should have made a single player rpg. Instead of listening to the vocal minority of retards who thought and online multiplayer game was better.
It will be up in about 10 minutes!
Well Todd did say they were adding npcs to the game...
>Blizzard got shat on for introducing a mobile game in a PC-majority audience, their games and stock never recovered
>Bethesda's 2019 E3 conference was basically Doom, 2 new titles, more Wolfenstein that was already shown last year and a bunch of mobile games yet they never got booed even with the FO76 trainwreck.
How is it okay to write a headline like that?
Did they retcon and add NPCs? The game sure is boring as fuck talking to robots and terminals, also sick of being chased by a scorchbeast across the entire map every 15 seconds. Like yeah I could kill one but why waste all my materials to do so for no reward
Nice try, Todd. Even a "battle royale" mode isn't gonna help sell your shitpile of a game anymore than it has. Be thankful you at least got some money out of it
ITT: Retards
Blizzard hyped up a big Diablo reviel and made it a mobile game, then shat on customers. Bethesda talked about actual GAMES and then were like "oh yeah we got some mobile stuff too"
It's literally an onion article you idiot
no one fucking asked for it in the first place
Yes. They added (or are adding) human NPCs, dialogue and a story.
bout fukin time. it's an RPG.
I never gave it a first shot
Fuck off todd