>proceeds to play on turbine 24/7 instarespawn servers endlessly
better than playing a dead game, also:
have sex
i play good maps though
Turbine is a dope map
>not playing on mario kart
>not playing on 24/7 2fort insta respawn 33 player servers
Filthy casual
>be TF2
>a single map is so enjoyable and unique to others of its kind that thousands and thousands of people can find joy in playing that same one map over and over hours a day
>be Overwatch
>Every map plays the same, becomes very bland, only has like 10 maps that are relevant to 95% of the playerbase.
>not 2fort or mariokart
fucking loser
Imagine reaching this hard lmao
just admit it's a no-brainer map because TF2fags hate complexity like hydro
>TF2fags hate complexity like steel
Fix'd that 4u
It's better because it doesn't get stale. Overwatch is full of terribly designed maps that place too much emphasis on a certain class. For example, try playing Rialto without a Bastion on your team if you're offense.
Overwatch devs, instead of fixing the actual problems with the game, just rework everything that's already fucking functional. How many times have Hanzo and Mercy been reworked for example? And now Torb, even though there was nothing wrong with how he originally played. TF2 isn't better because of muh jungle inferno, it's better because of endless customization and mod support that keep the game fresh despite being over a decade old. I can play as Soldier or Medic without fearing that they'll get butchered and changed in the next update. Even if I'm playing as Spy, I have access to dozens of loadout combinations that each offer a completely unique play style. Overwatch doesn't have that. Instead, it has a mechanic where you need Brigitte and Bastion to win.
Yeah the maps are designed in a way that gives a lot more replayability to them, in part because they only have to build them around the mechanics of nine classes, as opposed to overwatch's more than twice that, I would much rather play gravel pit, turbine, or egypt ten times in a row than play eichenwald even 5 times
And this is coming from someone who really honestly likes overwatch
I know that this is bait, but I have gotten far more variety playing on a single community server in TF2 than I have in 100+ hours of OW
TF2 is better because it's fun.
Yeah but at the same time I also have the option of playing on a single map that runs on a community server 24/7 with tweaked respawn times and because the game offers so much flexibility it can go from serious capture-the-flag to glorified team deathmatch to free-for-all party with half of a 6 man team trying to complete an objective and the other half building four sentries on the intel and then slowly conga lining their way to the other side of the map.
Overwatch's gameplay mechanics are not good enough to support playing it for the sake of playing it. TF2 doesn't need to bribe me with a lootbox to get me to play it. I can spend hours playing the more serious offense/defense or payload, or I can spend hours just camping my home base in 2fort. Hell, it's the fucking inverse, I need to spend money on a key to unlock a virtual crate.
The only maps I actively avoid are 2fort, turbine, suijin, harvest, dustbowl, double cross, egypt. mountain lab, and thunder mountain. And all of these are due to either snipers or choke spamming being really fucking annoying on them.
Turbine is far from the worst map that people play too much.
Why does Overwatch, after three years, not allow you to choose a gamemode for Quick Play sessions?
Why does Overwatch prevent you from playing even non-seasonal gametypes in Arcade until they appear there?
Why did Overwatch let Brigitte run rampant for as long as she did in her overpowered state?
Why does Overwatch not let you trade unwanted skins or sprays in for half of their value in credits, or even trade them to other players?
Why did Overwatch spread healer skillsets thin across so many support characters, to the point where only two of them are now viable?
Why doesn't Overwatch allow you to make, use, or submit mods?
I don't understand how you can rate Harvest and Powerhouse so highly yet have Banana Bay so low
Overwatch nose diving after less than 3
4 years despite having developers and money.
TF2 on a slow decline but relatively stable despite only having 2 developpers and no major update in 2+ years.
It's sad, overwatch could have been my new tf2 but it crashed and burned after bad decisions on top of bad decisions from blizzard.
There's literally nobody left to play with
Game died when quickplay was removed
>mother fuckin KONG KING that low
come on
I respect this except for how low you put Banana Bay. Even though it was a community map first, it was the best of the Jungle Inferno maps.