what's wrong with bethesda?
What's wrong with bethesda?
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zombie punks fuck off
>Defending nazis
"B-but the left is just paranoid and calls everyone nazis"
I can't wait to SLAUGHTER some NAZI'S in this game. The goal is to FUCKING KILL Nazi SCUM in the game.
>what is dogwhistling
>what the left believes
>when somebody posts a picture of a cartoon frog or a funny clown man they're an evil alt right nazi
>what the right believes
>when somebody says to kill all nazis they include me, all whites, and all people with conservative beliefs
they're both retards, lol
Stop pretending that you aren't just an assmad stormfag, those new wolf games are shit as fuck, trying to sell a story is the only thing they have
How is this defending nazis? The presentation was cringy and so was the game and people are poking fun at that. That's all there is to it.
considering your aneurysm and the fact that you fags keep making threads about it, I'd say their marketing strategy is right on the money
It's not this blatant thats for sure.
cope. the 2017 wolfenstein was a failure despite all of the outrage. it turns out, flipping your customers off isn't effective marketing, as was apparent with battlefield V also.
This but it's true
Nothing is wrong with Bethesda. What's wrong with you being butthurt about killing Nazis?
You lost the Civil War, you lost WW2, you lost Rhodesia.
wanna know how I know you're american?
you don't know what a centrist is and have deluded yourself into believing the Jewish lie that there are only ever two sides
didnt watch bethesta conference but what exactly happened there?
Zombies aren't real so this analogy doesn't quite work.
>First E3 with Wolfenstein they say nazi killing once or twice
>Makes real nazis butthurt
>Using the fact that nobody gives a fuck about killing nazis they doubledown on it more every year
>People are still getting butthurt
No reason to get mad unless you're a nazi or nazi sympathizer
>the center
Imagine believing anything past the center is either a full on SJW or a literal fucking nazi. The political spectrum isn't an single one-dimensional axis, and even if it was there's a lot of space between those two extremes.
Nazis aren't a thing either
but wolfenstein is about fighting nazis and not much else, what else can they say
There is literally nothing wrong with being racist.
sounds like me and my nazibros have some serious rising up to do
The issue is that the two extremes are the loud mouth for both side, doesn't matter what you believe you will be affiliated with those retards and considered the enemy of the other.
I find it interesting that they are being called nazis, so as to conflate them with all creeds and nationalities, when nazis are actually just Germans.
Imagine a world without Germany in it.
In all seriousness though, the game looks terrible.
oof "I see you"
They're pumping out 7 hour mediocrity so they need a hook
So everyone who isn't on the far left? If beth is really thinking that it'll pay off to piss on so many people at once...
beth was pretty bad this year with "we're so great please stop being mad at us" tier videos that interrupted the conference every couple of segments and being 2 hours of fucking nothing.
for wolfenstein in particular, the announcer was a bit excessive with the whole FUCK NAZIS GUYS AMIRITE bit that dragged out for way too long, to the point of people accusing them of pandering. and then there's poltards that think that they're threatened by this shilling, and leftypol amerifats that think that everyone to the right of them actually is a nazi.
the new wolfy games are pretty shit compared to the originals and that was the one of the running themes of the beth conference. "We're Sorry"/"Bethesda changed our lifes please stop hating them", an insufferable crowd that was constantly interrupting the speakers with cheers, and mobile games. other examples include what they fucking did to doom and commander keen.
the thread is just going to be full of shitflinging from poltards and leftypoltards, so just don't bother because it's the most vocal and retarded of each groups shouting at each other like pointed out.
Nazis are not the target audience for Wolfenstein.
They're marketing it as a powertrip for a political ideology in a moral panic.
Then who's buying Wolfenstein games?
well in that case they're not really doing too well with whoever their target audience is supposed to be
Just let le invisible hand take care of it instead of whining, conservicucks
To be fair, "Nazis" are also conscripted Poles, Czechs, and Eastern Europeans fighting against their own will
We've had threads about this before were it isn't the fact that it's about Nazis it's about modern use of the word Nazi. Everyone right of center-left is basically a Nazi to everyone left of center-left. I hate ACTUAL Nazis but meme modern day kekistani Nazis aren't a threat in the slightest.
Bethesda has genuinely misunderstood how gamers feel about Wolfenstein and the Nazi-theme.
I personally thought the Nazis in The New Order were simply cool as fuck. There was not a single "fuck these nazi scum" thought in my head, which is why their latter marketing is so unrelatable for me, and I suspect a lot of gamers.
this 2B honest
>2017 wolfenstein was a failure
critically acclaimed and sold about as well as its predecessor, and, you know, good enought to warrant yet another sequel
stay seething friend. and really have that aneurysm checked out, shit's dangerous
Nazis would have voted for Trump.
Was the wolfenstein reboot even good? I remember it coming out and then getting a resounding meh.
>Is there any members from the audience with Nazi scum relatives?
>If you haven't killed Nazis in VR, you don't know what you're missing.
>Even more evil Nazis to kill.
>You can kill those Nazis with friends.
>Shooting, stabbing and killing Nazis.
What did Bethesda mean by this?
Level design or the two main characters or the weapons like they did when they showed Doom.
Big Brain Centrist Or BBC lovers
ANTIFA-types. Political anarchists/socialists/communists.
>play TNO
>actually give you a reason to kill the Nazis by having them literally slaughter your entire squad
>post TOB Wolfenstein
>you're expected to hate them
That's the only major change between them. It's more or less just poor writing.
>you have to be some far leftie to be okay with nazis as the antagonists
go outside, just once in a while
I hate nazis and enjoyed the first nu-Wolfenstein but this presentation felt jarring with the extra pronunciation of KILLING NAZIS over and over again. Even if Doom would have said the same with DEMONS it would have struck as a bit exaggerated. It's not like its a new IP or anything either. Everyone expected to get to kill thousands of nazis in gore galore.
You guys know that Nazis ARE bad, right?
>A world without Germany
I can't even imagine such a prosperous reality
But how retarded must they be to alienate an audience they already had?
I can admit to being a nazi-sympathizer of sorts, yet Istill immensely enjoyed the first game due to it being a great game all around, the theme being interesting to me, and the act of actually "killing nazis xd" being menial fun.
Why wouldn't they want my money regardless of my stance? Are they not a business?
user, I don't know how to break this to you, but those nazis in those sequels are the same guys you saw doing bad stuff in the previous game.
We're all focused on nazis right now but where can I find a game about killing thousand of toddlers?
>I hate Nazis
What did they do to you?
No of course not but they aren't the target audience. The last game ended with clearly anarchist imagery and the good guys were marxist sympathizers.
> And then they call you a nazi for being right of marx.
Do you have a source to back this up?
That social space of lefties is so witch hunty that you have to larp in order not to be accused of wrongthink. If they dont market the game in this way, they could be accused of promoting fascism.
But he got his revenge at the of the first game. They had closure but expected the hate to keep on going. Correct me if I'm wrong but his dad was also a Nazi as well, right? So it would actually be interesting if that played into it anymore other than some angsty"I HATE my FUCKING dad" stuff.
Are they Swedes?
>not being an extremist makes you a centrist
imagine being this guy
>defending zombies
You have to be in order to eat this kind of shit up desu. It's like a game being revealed where you play as a skinhead white guy mowing down jews and latinx lesbian marxists
>missing the point gay retard
complacency in a market that is steadily getting more entrenched and competent each year. They thought they could just rest on their laurels forever because Skyrim was such a massive hit
Doom was fine though
Marx would be called a Strasserite by these people.
They're not even left-wing, they're just liberals that use some of the shittier aspects of leftism to signal their relation to power (which also employs the shittiest aspects of leftism).
No, you're either underage or some hardcore /pol/tard. Nazis and zombies have been the go-to "humans you can kill without remorse" in video games for decades.
Nothing so far, just as pedophiles, arsonists, murderers and other horrible people have yet to make a personal impact on my life. Yet I despise them for what they stand for. That said, I don't beat people up or murder them over their ideology either.
They have a sudden growing audience that wants in real life what they can provide digitally even better. And so they market to that niche as a power fantasy.
And of course due to the current stupid moral panic about "the rise of Nazis" the idea of not taking visceral glee in fighting the "bad guys" has people treating people not partaking as Nazi sympathizers. Possibly like yourself.
> it turns out, flipping your customers off isn't effective marketing
this has literally proven false over the last ~10 years or so
national socialism, as an ideology, was successful on all fucking metrics, wtf? there was no failure on the part of the ideology. it was already a wonder how well germany did against the opponents it had.
>Everyone who is Leftwing is a communist and everyone who is Rightwing is a Nazi
Most important thing to know about them is that communists (real ones) call liberals and leftists useful idiots.
>being right or left
>caring about politics
lol waste your time i'll be over here playing video games and jerking off to cute anime girls
>what they fucking did to doom
What's your issue with doom?
Playing infinite rehashes of the same shitty FPS is the most pathetic part about all of this. They have to overhype the EVIL NAZIs just to get people to pay attention to their shitty cashgrabs. AND IT ACTUALLY WORKS.
I don't see a problem. Doom literally markets itself on killing demons and no one gives a shit either, so your analogy doesn't work.
You forgot the part where afterwards they accuse anyone complaining about their shitty marketing of being a "zombie sympathizer".
germany's nat soc relied heavily on Lebensraum, which is not sustainable.
who are you quoting?
Leftists are communists, or some other kind of non-Marxist, non-fascist socialist (fascists aren't allowed in the left wing). They're also probably more powerless than fascists at this point since the emergence of neoliberalism and intersectionality has completely drained the proletariat of any potential it could have had and now "leftists" are expected to roleplay like trannies and 60-IQ third-worlders are the true revolutionary class.
I wish there was a game where you could fucking kill the fucking nazis but also fucking kill the fucking commie fuckers as well
Nobody is defending Nazis, we're criticising your fucking rent-free mental obsession that's spilling over into real life. You're that old grandpa who won't shut up about the Commies coming to fuck him in his sleep.
Keep telling that to yourself, stormweenie
it worked, though. this has all the /pol/tards SEETHING and exposing themselves
>B-but the left is just paranoid and calls everyone nazis
They focus on aspects that aren't specifically the identity of the one killed
Before it was American patriotism. The left isn't patriotic, and this isn't. It outright celebrates Marxist and anarchistic values in 2 with its diverse cast. The guy coming up on stage acting in the kind of manner depicted in the OP image is literally dogwhistling himself. Unfortunately for them, apparently these fags they pander to don't buy the games.
Sure but the way it's presented here is obnoxious as fuck and kind of obsessive
You know there were pretty alright guys among them and most of the time they were just following orders. Pull the valve or get a bullet with your name on it. Could you make that choice?
Shion a CUTE
Can we all agree that the people I dislike should be genocided and the people I like (me) should be given the status of king, emperor and god?
I wonder what Hitler would have thought about our Nazi-killing game. Doodly doodly doodl doodly doodly...
>developers were in a plot to make poltards reeee on their own website
They just want to headshop trumps face over Hitlerās. Nazis are a weird combination of boogeyman and safe punching bag for angry lefties.
And now its boring due to being oversaturated and everyone hates seeing both.
I'm a Nazi and I legit don't care, I think fat Jew marketeers power-fantasying is funny and the old Wolfenstein games are good
because it's not american, wolf 2 did nothing but shit on americans, who join up with the nazis readily
get killed, nazi
People are now literally afraid of a defunct German political party from the 40s because muh ebil internet trolls
Its Wolfenstien what else is there to talk about? No interesting new mechanics or modes
Their system of passing leadership to the next leader was non-existant though. I bet there would have been civil wars of the system survived.
You gotta give it to Bethesda, they know how to make advertisement
Turning this entire shit political means that you can sell the biggest turd and call people that dislike it are seething opposition, silencing any type of disagreement about the actual product.
I don't get called a demon for wanting somewhat stricter borders though.
Fact: Nazis were directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people who didn't deserve it
Fact: Communists were directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people who didn't deserve it
There is no current justification to defend either of them. It is understandable to condemn nazis. It is not understandable that they are the only focus and no other group can be condemned as much. People are people. If you kill 15 innocent people and I kill 15 innocent people, we both deserve condemnation.
I do separate the Wehrmacht from the SS generally. I only hate those who genuinely hold a nazi ideology and not every single german from WW2 just because the nation was classified as nazi as a whole.
Nazis must die. Anything that encourages nazi killing is good, based Wolfenstein pissing fat nazi incels since the 90s.
go back to faggots.
retards who literally think they still exist, wearing hugo boss doing goosesteps and shit, who literally get mad if you say the word 'retard' because its post-2016 and you can't fucking even say retard anymore.
If you don't want to be called a nazi scum, then don't be a nazi scum. It's that simple.
>Kill all sons a' bitches, thats my official instructions
Yeah, is there anything wrong here?
I feel like I'm going crazy.
>someone states claim
>refute point in a fairly neutral manner
>wow go back to every goddamn thread.
Italo Balbo was anointed as Mussolini's successor and iirc Hitler had someone as well. The only instance of a (quasi)fascist succession ended in the regime being dismantled and the country being completely liberalized but that's Franco's fault for picking a monarch and neglecting the Falange
It's great that Zombies aren't currently infiltrating popular media, the political system and all manners of small niche communities and riding a growing wave of radicalization to power in practically every single western nation.
>game advertising is supposedly anti trump
>when Trump is at their board of directors
What is wrong with national socialism?
Go back to /po/ you filthy nazi!
I'd like to talk about video games, but you retards keep bringing politics into it.
>inb4 one retard complained about killing nazis
Don't care, retard
No one is defending nazis. They're attacking the presenter who seemed utterly obsessed with killing them.
Don't worry, their open wound will get infected and kill them soon enough, or they'll just chug some pills or hang themselves or whatever. They're as short-lived as they are annoying.
>Imagine a world without Germany in it.
yeah it's forcing the "opposition" to use actual actual criticism if they speak against the game.
it's a smart move in a time when incels tank MK11's score because it doesn't have enough boobies
there are no fascist parties in government anywhere outside of -maybe- Syria
Populist neocons are not fascists, even if neocons read Schmitt before he was cool
>Imagine a world without Germany in it.
Okay so now im living in the holy roman empire
>Imagine a world without Germany in it.
Stop, I'm crying tears of joy.
>missing the point
>Its Wolfenstien what else is there to talk about?
Weapons, level design, the AI (outside of the fact that they are Nazis), gameplay mechanics, modes, multiplayer, how you progress through the game, the main objective/story (besides killing Nazis), types of enemies that are not Nazis, the length of the game, DLC, and more.
The idiots conflate nationalism as Nazis or encroaching Nazism. It's a moral panic by the western left.
They didn't do the same thing with Doom right after though, and Doom is just about fighting demons.
punk ass bitch post your country so I can invade you
>Imagine a world without Germany in it
Maybe we still have time to fix this!
Me on the left.
I wish their fantasies were real.
Heck, I wish they were actually leftist and not just liberals using some of the language of leftism.
dogs and cats living together
It's really funny that you think a bunch of fat losers with kekistani flags are going to do anything with their lives. Imagine thinking people who can hardly walk up a flight of stairs without taking a break can overthrow the fucking government and instill a fascist regime.
Unironically being afraid of people like this. Un-fucking-real man.
>create an analogy specifically to show how bad the presentation was without mentioning nazis
>ur just a nazis lol
The absolute state of the ruin of your brain.
I get that this is a /pol/ thread but that sounds like a pretty reasonable and effective pitch for a zombie game desu
>Imagine a world without Germany in it
Fuck yes!
>Imagine a world without Germany in it
We would have colonised the moons off Jupiter by now
>wtf stop bullying m- I mean, that old political party, guyse, it's not cool
People who've spoken out in favor of mass deportations are in our parliament.
imagine being angry because someone said nazis are bad
Yeah, same way how all the shitposting about Apples $1000 monitor stand is somehow positive for Apple.
Oh wait, they went to extreme lengths to damage control that. Fucking idiot.
They did it like this specifically to trigger /pol/tards and other sensitive snowflake nazis. You should applaud them for it.
won't anyone think of the poor nazis
>fold marks on almost all the flags
That should be its own crime, just fucking roll the flag around its pole.
The doom guys didnt say fuck every other word
If the only aspect of their game is killing nazis you might as well play cookie clicker.
>What they fucking did to Doom
There's nothing really wrong with the new Doom as far as I can tell. So I wonder if you're only disliking it because it's new.
Other than that, what in the living hell did they do to Commander Keen? It looks so cheap and bad. Even the original art style wasn't this bad. It looks like the most generic cartoon to ever exist on the face of this planet. And the worst part is that it's a mobile game that has NOTHING to do with the original except for brand recognition. It's like they took the Commander Keen brand and used it because they couldn't make anything original for their mobile game. It's sad.
>game about killing nazis
>presentation talks a lot about killing nazis
Mass deportation of people who illegally entered the country. You're forgetting that those poor people you like to show off are criminals who willingly committed a crime instead of going through the proper legal means.
These are the nazis that should be shot not because of their beliefs, but because of their massive faggotry.
Based centristchads working extremistcucks of failed ideologies into a seethe
>trying to trigger a niche group who have no influence and barely have access to social media
Wow, powerful
>there were some Nazis at Charlottesville amongst other groups
>dissenting left wants to call them all Nazis because they were with them and didn't outright expel them
>however amongst the dissenting left protesting were communists and anarcho-socialists
>They said nothing
The moral panic is real
Its all the same as the last game, the only real addition was Co-op and they talked about that.
This but with (Me) not (You)
>You're that old grandpa who won't shut up about the Commies coming to fuck him in his sleep.
Why aren't they coming? :(
Well, there were people who spoke in favor of mass importations, so what's the problem?
Deporting the brown people you imported as a substitute for children isn't fascism.
How?Rocket Technology was invented by Germany and the reason Russia and USA went to Space was because of germans
It's overwhelmingly racist. If you're going to ask why racism is bad then we will never see eye to eye and frankly I don't care to waste time on completely anonymous people. Just as I take offense to almost anonymous people screaming nigger in a video game I'll just quietly pass the kick vote or the report rather than let them scream three times as loud because someone gave them attention and they will write paragraphs of "shut up sjw cuck lol" variations if confronted.
that is correct, though
They tried to save the world from becoming the shitshow that it is today and they will be demonized for it for the rest of time.
Demons aren't a political punching bag and stand-in for modern right wingers though
Why do you leftists hate the white race?
Nazi Germany would've collapsed when Hitler died. he was a one of a kind
I thought it was kinda boring. The actual gameplay loop was generic, the story had some alright moments, but it felt like a chore to finish.
The Old Blood was pretty decent though. I remember enjoying that a fair bit more than New Order.
Haven't played New Colossus though, figured it'd be pointless with how little I enjoyed the previous entry.
Based and redpilled political stance tbqh
Okay, so what about fascism? Shit was completely civic nationalist until Germany eclipsed Italy.
but user nazis were a hate crime
If I kill 10 people for personal reasons or because im a murderous sociopath and you kill 1 person because he was black then you are the evil one because you crime had racist intent and racism is bad okay.
For people that accuse their opponents of being easily offended, nazis sure are easily offended.
>Rocket Technology was invented by Germany
Jews in that happened to live in germany*
Imagine the only time you ever spit-up your daily jizzum load from the corporate marketers is when they offend your delicate sensibilities as a Nazi.
There's like a small bunch of neonazis, they don't give two fucks about this board. Then there's alt righters which are just memelords and they always laugh it up when someone comes up with something and it's too vanilla for em, but they are just as stupid. Then there's them gaymergayters which just want to see some tiddies and stop being reminded that water is wet like it's a fucking feature, then there's you faggots. Yeah, you faggots. The full meaning of the word, you're just a bundle of sticks. You meaningless motherfuckers. There ain't nazis here. There's larpers. Leave the stupid to be stupid, just as stupid as you are. They haven't lived, you haven't either. I haven't, either.
Don't feel offended because people want to kill nazis because, you aren't.. They are stupid, they don't even have that blood on their hands. They read a book and they get butt bothered about Daenerys, what the fuck do you people expect? They have never, ever been in a fight and they feel frustrated and bothered about the people they see on pictures on a fucking education book. And ironically enough they hate the very same fucking people who fought against them. It's nuts I tell ya.
I could apply that to the British empire and the Spanish conquest of America.
Right of conquest is a thing you little retard, and just because Germany didn't pay the kikes for an iron curtain they didn't get away with it. The same thing happened with the Vietnam war.
This. As OP somewhat points out, it would have been awkward for any presenter to do it this way regardless of what enemy they would repeat obsessively.
I don't understand the fixation on Nazis the people to whom next Wolfensztein is marketed to have. Utterly infantile mentality, exclusive to some americans (?), hard to understand even being Polish. I may joke about free helicopter rides, but to dehumanize lefties to the point of getting off on the idea of maiming and killing them reeks of a disturbed mind.
The clip floating around, with a guy saying how there's so many things you can do with an axe to a Nazi, with unapologetic glee, in marketing material, is a good example of how insane it is. Would be easier to excuse if the game made no attempt to be taken seriously at all, but judging by the New Order game, that's not the case at all.
>not wanting to be constantly murdered in vidya
>easily offended
I really am a special snowflake
>mfw i recognise the crazy bitch on the right
Most of the left actually wants to believe in the principles of communism and socialism, particularly younger ones. They hold out hope that something as simple as sharing with others would actually make the world a better place, and have clung onto those ideologies through ironic memes.
The wolfenstein devs?
Of course they are swedish, did you really need to ask?
What they've done to nazis this time is really to much. I remember already when i was in daycare. Some kid taught me how to say Heil Hitler and all the other kids laughed. Then some fucking old hag almost made me cry and behaved like I raped baby jesus right there in front of her. That's when the oppression started, and I can honestly say it hasnt ever really let up. To whose benefit I wonder. But the answer to that question is verboten.
im still just gonna say its shit and not substantiate my arguement, just you watch nigger
It took zero effort on their part and it gets them free advertisement from seething anons, and a good chuckle no doubt. It's a win/win for them.
>The Old Blood
It was honestly like a new Blood game heh with all the zombies and occult stuff. Could really see the influence from it.
I hate Nazis, and I hate Jews
>civic nationalist
Wrong in every way imaginable.
I just find it odd than when it's nazis it's purely cartoon evil with no motives, but when it's communism it's just "people who probably deserved it anyways". You kill millions of people, god have mercy on their souls and fucking make a deal with satan to make you suffer in a place worse than hell. Don't matter if you're nazi, commie or some buddhist carpenter clown ballerina with AIDS.
Post your face.
No, retard. They played a hand in turning the world into the shitshow it is today.
If Hitler hadn't been a total fucking retard and start a war for no reason other than MUH MASTER RACE, then nationalism and defending your own country against foreigners would still be acceptable today, and would in fact be the sensible thing to do as it was for literally all of fucking history before that point. Hitler alone has made anything that's conservative evil for the rest of the 20th century and more than likely about half of the 21st century, and I don't know how long it's going to last.
That is why you're evil if you think rampant fucking and drug taking and consumerism and globalism are bad. Because they are conservative viewpoints and conservatism is evil, courtesy of Hitler.
i don't think this franchise is doing so hot right now, fake IGN awards aside
Ismt it funny that despite all the pictures of the nazi flag guy he seems to be one of the few people not doxxed after Charlottesville, and there has never been any interest in finding out who he is?
Damn! Whose milkers?
They told the global bankers to fuck off and resurrected the country from the ashes thanks to that so obviously this needs to be stopped from ever being repeated.
No bully, pls
BFV sure was a great success cause they pissed people off
you mean were, there's not a single real nazi alive, there are no polish nazi or neo-nazi, if i remember we have skinheads but they don't want to kill only jews like hitler wanted
Why do people always want to kill each other?
It's fucking hilarious how much rage and hatred this game was made with. The scene in the trailer where they stab the guy over and over again really struck me: that isn't heroic behavior at all.
>instead of going through the proper legal means.
You're retarded
Take a look at europe, we are currently being invaded but its not illegal immigration, its legally sanctioned by our governments.
If you only oppose illegal immigration then you will eventually get fucked over once the left gets into power and just lets everyone in legally
Based. Just because you happen to born in the nation doesn't mean you should be the citizen of that nation.
>claims Hitler started the war for no reason
>admits that the war was started because German persecution in Poland
Mussolini went on record saying "yeah race is just whatever dude, if you feel Italian you're Italian" and only later passed racial laws at Germany's insistence. They literally had a song about Blackshirts inducting (and implicitly bleaching) an Ethiopian girl.
im cumming
underrated post
I honestly find it annoying that they're putting all their appeal on the "Kill nazis" aspect, it just shows how lazy and uncreative they are and how they're putting all their eggs in one basket.
It shows how they think they can be successful as long as the game is about killing nazis
They're obsessed.
I don't see any type of fascism as favorable. A governing power legally and literally murdering over criticism is a dystopia.
Neither did the wolfenstein guy
We are currently pretty much heading to where the weimar republic was before hitler so don't blame him for trying and failing.
The only mistake they made was trusting the anglo surrender and join their side after taking france.
Holy shit they can't even own up to it.
>I don't get it, why are you alt-right manbabies complaining? There is nothing weird about having a psychotic blood lust for nazis. It's totally normal behavior to include "kill nazis" in every sentence. Only a nazi would be offended!
>What do you mean the left calls everyone Nazis?
Imagine hating capitalism so much while simultaneously praising corporations for telling you that cutting your penis off is OK
""""""""""Not political"""""""""""
>Most of the left actually wants to believe in the principles of communism and socialism
And some of them even claim that they are proud Americans who are working for the countryās best interests. Are they even aware that the US has despised Communists for nearly 100 years? Way before the Nazis were ever a threat?
There's a point at which the human mind is incapable of finding common ground. It's more and more forceful, a small group of people want it that way and it ends up turning into something much bigger than it is.
Also it's really fascinating how much we come up with shit to justify our own actions, to the point we can see violence and murder as a good thing, as long as there's this or that factor. If we don't count someone as a human, we haven't lost our soul. If we think we're doing it for a good reason, we shouldn't be condemned. That's how some people genuinely think. They think they are fully in the right, that they do good things, and there's nothing that can take away that from them. It's dangerous when someone admits to be an asshole while he pulls that knife. It's much more dangerous when someone makes an elaborate bullshit justification and pulls that knife. The self proclaimed asshole people terminate quick. The self proclaimed good person finds a bigger group and ends up winning with the exact same goals in mind.
Jesus christ! Is that picture real?
look at the dude. His life probably fucking sucks so much that if he did get doxxed, he probably an hero outta here
impossible to confirm since nobody played rage 2
What's wrong with it? It's just your typical Wolfenstein player.
I think your perception of the ideology is mistaken (Gramsci wrote a whole book as a political prisoner in Italy, hardly the product of a system that murders willy-nilly) but as far as that goes I agree with you.
Well I was exagurating but it really is the same premise behind hate crimes
People really believe that if I kill someone because they are a different race, that is much more horrifiying than if I killed someone because I just want to watch people suffer
I get offended all the time, by all kinds of things. You just have to start somewhere. As soon as we're done convincing liberals that it's mean to bully nazis we will get around to the corrupt shitshow that is video game journalism, with a special focus on the dual problems of female developer promiscuity and transsexual youtubers at the top of the agenda.
>Is he Trump
>Ah, but he's Trump right?
>Okay, so he's actually Trump?
>Gotcha, but it's Trump, yeah?
>have sex, incel
The segment for Wolfenstein, combined with how physically unhealthy/sick/mentally ill all of the people in the player spotlights looked (as well as several of the devs), plus the either paid or mentally ill hypemen in the audience just gave off a sick, degenerate, and frankly evil vibe. It was so bad, it wasnāt just wrong, it was evil.
And to anyone whoās going to call me a Nazi for not being overly hyped about Nazi killing in a generic sci-fi shooter videogame: having bloodlust of any kind is the mark of an uncivilized person. I would not want to be in the same room with you if you had that much of a psychotic obsession with killing any group. Americans in WW2 werenāt happy, frothing out the mouth, fully erect about fighting Germany, they did it because they thought they were defending their way of life and making the world better for their grandchildren. Unfortunately their grandchildren live in a world where this kind of mental illness and insanity is seen as socially acceptable. Weāre in hell.
false-flagging tranny detected
I know guys who went to Cville. No one knew who that fucking guy was. Nobody else had an NSDAP flag because imitating Krauts is gay. He was the only one, with a brand new flag, and no one has doxed him or tried to dox him.
*Has an extremely loose and constantly fluctuating definition of what a nazi is*
>WW2 game
"This game is set in WW2 on the X Front/Theatre/ect, it has period correct guns, ping!"
>Old Wolf
"It's a funny take on Nazis as you play BJ, A badass POW who has to escape/infliltrate their whimsical Nazi castle and finally end up battling mecha-hitler, there's Hitler paintings fucking everywhere and you can collect treasure and shit haha."
"Fuck Nazis, all Nazis, you get to KILL Nazis! Literally every single Nazi is an SS, kill them! By the way, fuck nazis."
Look up ingame footage and you'll see what's going on
>all this mansplaining
Nighty nighty lil nazi whitey. Your countries won't exist in few decades and no one will miss you.
He's not Trump.
yeah they did
This happens constantly, just the other day the New York Times had some propaganda piece that insinuated that a bunch of milquetoast classical-liberal youtubers are on some greater alt-right spectrum. It was either intellectually dishonest or intellectually bankrupt take your pick, and the left acts like this non-stop. Lefties hate mirrors being held up to their reality-disconnected neuroticism though, so they never will take feedback like this to heart and become more self aware.
Everybody is fucking dense. There wasn't a lot to show off, it's just new levels and weapons with co op. So of course they padded it out with a bunch of Nazi killing mentions. To a leftist, "Nazi" means "people who are right of center", because they are privileged twats who think orange man getting elected makes them just as oppressed as the jews in the holocaust. No, people who want borders aren't Nazis. People who think we shouldn't diversity hire high level industries to shit aren't Nazis. You just want to feel like the profound rebel, like the world is calling on you for something important. You aren't and it isn't. So you have pretend that people in videogames shooting evil Nazis is like you posting replies on the internet from your home in a first world country. Your profound resistance story has the same impact as a down syndrome child banging his toys together in the bathtub. Once mommy cleans the feces off of the porcelain and puts the toys up, your pretend time goes away. Enjoy the rest of your thread.
I rewatched the entire youngblood portion just because of this post and "fuck" is literally not said once you cretin
The concept of "hate crime" as of today is a lazy fabrication. It's two words together that could mean anything. Any murder based on hate would be a hate crime, regardless of race, gender or ideology. Pointing it at specific groups makes no sense, they could make up a different word but of course, they take terms that people would understand at first as broad then would have to be corrected. Just like black lives matter, a group that if you don't support, due to the wording, means "you don't think that black lives matter". I would start a group that's called "good people", if you don't support it, you're not a good person. That's how language has been fucked with and continues to be.
Having that power freely available and unquestioned without a trial is enough. Doesn't mean they have to murder people completely without discretion though.
But where does Guy Fieri come into all of this?
You would think with terrorist groups having this kind of mentality, it would be a wake up call but instead it's just "they are the bad good but I'm the good good so I'm willing to do the exact same things they do because I'm actually doing it for the right reason"
You mean Trump?
With pic related being legally allowed I don't fear the current nazis much.
"yeah i'm mad about wolfenstein but it's not about actual nazis tho they call everyone who's not a literal commie a nazi"
>game is about killing literal actual nazis
only a trump hater would buy that game so you're clearly lying
Bloodlust is a good way to describe it. Perfectly fine to depict it in the game universe, but to buy into it is horrific. Add to that the fact that "Nazi" label connection to WW2 era Nazi ideology functions primarily to "prove" it is unquestionably evil, yet the label used loosely on people with a wide spectrum of convictions.
so did they drop the "2" because of what a shit show that game was
unironically fuck nazis and fuck nazi sympathizers
cant you fucking read
his post says
>not being an extremist makes you a centrist
>its another "i will suck corporate cock as long as it makes le /pol/ mad" episode
>It's ok to dog whistle when the left does it
Remember, even if you enjoyed TOB and TNO, you are still a nazi if you don't like TNC.
>fuck nazi sympathizers
What nazi sympathisers? All I see are people irritated that lefties keep calling them nazis.
he doesn't look like or act like trump at all
you guys are obsessed
T. Tranny poster.
You're right one of the weapons they use is redefining words to have meanings that are more beneficial to them
Like how racism defined by them as now prejudice + power so only white people can be racist, they do this to many words
>I would start a group that's called "good people", if you don't support it, you're not a good person
well thats literally what antifa is
Seems to me like they were mad before I even had a chance to buy it.
seriously i bought every single game before this crazy marketing, i never asked for this
I never said fuck anyone posting in this thread, I said fuck nazi sympathizers
sounds like you're assuming nazi sympathizers are in this thread or something. I think you need to take your meds
It's people looking at these groups and saying "well, they have less numbers, less weapons, less food or shelter, they live in a less favorable position, they have different beliefs..." basically you could justify any, any terrorist group killing people. Somehow many people are terribly naive and they try to make a crime less of a crime by finding the motives to be convincing. It's always this thing in our heads where we see the big guy arguing with the little one, and we automatically pick the little one. We don't think of stopping the fight. We just think "hey, the big guy must be an asshole, because he's big". We're unfortunately wired that way most of the time.
My gf is a nazi so I do fuck nazis
>everyone the left calls a nazi is an actual nazi
You realize that people who arent nazis are called nazis and are attacked for it
Yeah, it was really weird to watch. The original Wolfenstein was extremely tongue-in-cheek, and even the reboot presented nazism more like a mythos, a fantasized yet generic villain with very little relation to real nazism aside from certain symbols.
This doesn't seem the case with this game (and New Colossus as far as I know, even though I didn't play it). Not only it looked like it came from a place of deep anger and resentment, but also was really surprising about how the people involved (from the guy presenting it to the in-game characters) relished the idea of killing nazis, like they weren't even human. It works for Doom for obvious reasons, but it seems that in this case they don't want you to just see the villains like some irrelevant goombas like most games do, but as something that should feel morally satisfying to kill. It was really off-putting.
Youre still here bumping their thread. And youre still here talking about this shitty game because of your ebin posts.
Youre still a free advertiser.
Lol you wouldnt know a nazi if he stood in front of you
>oh I was talking about something else
Sure you were, you people did the same back when New Colossus originally released.
>fuck yeah, time to kill right wing fucks
>oh, I meant Nazis, silly me, teehee, if you get angry with what I said you are a nazi sympathizer
Yes, being in the center makes you a centrist. Itās the root of the word, in case you didnāt realize.
What do you think they stand for?
I had an argument about the whole power plus prejudice thing a while ago. It's perceived by many that whites are a majority in the west that holds all the power and all the good positions everywhere, and cannot be hurt / should give up certain things. The very same people who make that argument are always in favor of the big powerful companies that cannot be hurt or competed against realistically doing dirty shit. It's puzzling how people are willing to point at a group as big meanies that should get bashed for free but when there's a big group that benefits them, leave em alone. It's weird.
dam u rite lol
Real controversial stance you got there. Next youāll tell me that pedophilia is bad, you trailblazer you.
>getting mad about nazis
>getting mad about people getting mad about nazis
>getting mad about people getting mad about people getting mad about nazis
R E N T - F R E E
>getting mad about people getting mad about people getting mad about people getting mad about nazis
video games
For the fellow progressives in this thread, here is a conprehensive guide to spot a nazi.
1. He doesn't speak with a lisp
2. He dress appropriately for all situations
3. He looks you in the eye when talking
4. He enforces stereotypes when talking to women for some reason they like this, no idea why
5. He doesn't submit to modern values
6. He has self-respect
Careful friends!
Let's accept the facts: The only reason we just talk about this game in this context is because it's generic, boring garbage. The trailer showed nothing that Doom cannot provide. You could mod the next door and put swastikas on the walls and pretend you're a short haired lesbian. Like look, it's videogames and stuff, but there's only one goddamn thing you can point out about this game and it's the nazi killing.
Explain this then
Jess Finster
The dress cannot contain
a nazi is somebody who has allegiance to adolf hitler and/or his ideals
a nazi isn't somebody who thinks islam should be wiped off the face of the earth, that kikes control the world, that communism is bad, that trannies and faggots are an illness, etc.
again fuck nazis and fuck nazi sympathizers
this person still owns a fedora, thinks he looks quite dapper and doesn't get why people laugh at him on the street:
People quickly forget about muslims waving nazi flags, it's weird.
Definitely. I used to love zpombie stuff and it's just played out now.
Fuck off nazi. Welcome to 2019.
That fact doesnt support the narrative
>being this passive aggressive
Resentment is bad for you
Motherfucker I' mad about people getting mad about people getting mad about pleople getting mad about people, what does that make me? People?
People quickly forget about muslims throwing gays off roofs and treating women like absolute garbage, it's weird.
passive aggressive? did you read the post i was replying to
Fuck off naziphobic bigot
What is the leftās hardon for Muslims anyway? Muslims go against everything they stand against (religious, hating gays, abusing women) but they love them to death. What gives?
That fact doesnt support the narrative
Yes. Learn what passive aggressive means. What you said was indirect aggression.
People quickly forget about muslims not having a particular affinity for jews... I mean, man... it's... it's FUCKING BONKERS and shit
The left doesnt like muslims
They just hate the west
Muslims are like chess peices
Socialism in Germany is no different from Socialism in the USSR
Both of them are our enemy
Lol i guess then Yea Forums is full of nazis as kikes do run the world and fags are a sickness
So the left is just good guys that abuse groups of people to get what they want, but they're the good guys
god you nazis are pathetic. You can't handle any fucking criticism. Get fucked snowflake
Compared to right-wingers, leftists LOOK as they love Muslims. But leftists simply don't hate all Muslims.
I gotta admit, the marketing here is pretty clever.
They're literally preaching violent war rhetoric that once was used just to appeal to nationalistic dudebros and having it work on both that audience and SJWs.
They appeal to the nationalistic conservatives that want to shoot Nazis and spread freedom and all that by just the franchise of Wolfenstein.
Then also get bonus SJW points by making the MC's female and feeding on the current Nazi focus of the left.
It's a fascinating marketing ploy. I imagine it'll go over pretty well, only really turning off /pol/ faggots that take it as a personal attack.
Not really. Their goal is secular multiculturalism. They think the goal to peace is pluralism and learning to be okay with one another.
Sadly they don't realize how much of a cultural imperialist they are being when they support such a view.
>someone indirectly insulting people while attempting to make themselves look le intellectual and sophisticated
>no problem there
>me directly talking shit about someone
>passive aggressive
explain yourself
t. can't read
They just don't hate Muslims, that's why they invent terms like islamophobia. Because they just don't hate them.
so who should the antagonist of the next wolfenstein be to ensure /pol/babbys dont cry?
I didn't read the previous posts and you weren't direct, dumbass. I've been in and out of this thread.
>only other nazis can like nazis.
That's not logical.
If you are more upset about Muslims than about Alabama giving rapists parental rights but denying raped women abortions, you are an islamophobe, because your bias is making you ignore the smaller threat and obsess over the smaller one.
I mean, the US wasted trillions on invading Iraq because of its sick, infantile obsession and fear. Islamophobia weakens decision-making.
>words words words words
the left can't meme
I'd play that game
meanwhile: "this person doesn't say anything negative about gays or jews which makes them a commie zionist SJW"
>If you are more upset about Muslims than about Alabama giving rapists parental rights but denying raped women abortions, you are an islamophobe
Well shit, good thing I'm not all about that one either
Also you said smaller twice, mark
first day buy
would not mind on-disc DLC about killing canadians too
Why is Bethesda trying to turn Doom into some cringe fest about "killing evil demons ohh! I want to kill those demons so badd!"
Literally no one used to talk about or think about Doom in this way. It was just "let's play this cool shooter, it has some cool weapons." People thought the Archdemon and shit were cool if discussed at all, not the cringe shit they're doing now.
this. 2014, before everything that went down in 2016, was their last window at releasing a nazi-themed game risk-free.
>marxists invade every single social sphere since the sixties
>only logical counterweight starts finally rearing its head in response
>OH NO!!!!!!!!
>Europeans killed by Muslim violence constantly
>the European left worries more about the prejudice done because of it than the violence itself
>constantly attempts silencing the people upset about the horrors
>They don't love them, they just don't hate them
I mean yeah
Question is what is considered the center?
What side of the coin are Nazis actually on, left or right?
How about you fuck off I take back my comment
There is literally zero (0) reason to hate us
I wonder who is behind these posts
The correct side.
Ironically national socialism is slightly left of centre economically but just very authoritarian.
You only hate us because you're gonna lose the finals tonight LMAOOOO
Hated for Canada is a baseless meme that took off around 2014 for some god damn reason.
itt: unchecked paranoia fueled by badly-digested teenage contrarianism, social media bubbles, emotional vulnerability and needing something to hate to give sense to an otherwise vacuous existence
privatization is not a leftcuck policy
nazis were based right wingers, stop trying to put them on your side faggot
Zombies are just mindless creatures. Nazis are willing participants in a genocidal regime.
The Polish were not "beating up" the Germans they were outright slaughtering them en masse and Hitler STILL tried to go about the reclamation of territory that not even two decades prior had been German land, with German citizens, peacefully by offering numerous deals and exchanges of territories to Poland to get it back. What was Hitler supposed to do, just kick back and let his fellow Germans be butchered? It's really hard for Americans in particular to understand this since we're so atomized and without any sense of community or belonging, but Hitler and the other Germans actually cared about what was happening to their fellow Germans.
You can't even get most Americans to understand this facet of what started the war because any analogies are pointless since they don't care about each other at all. If any state in the US was to be forcibly split off from the rest of the country and former American citizens started being killed by their new governments, people in the rest of America would either laugh, or simply not care at all. Utterly zero sense of community or kinship.
>its okay to kill babys
people who get abortions should be given the death penalty
Nazis weren't based anything.
Follow your leader.
based and also redpilled
Absolutely. And that's what we are complaining about with Bethesda and these new Wolfenstein supporters. It's ridiculous how outright murderous they act over the topic.
>Why wouldn't they want my money regardless of my stance?
>I can admit to being a nazi-sympathizer
They take elements of left and right
They are just authoritarian centrists
how did he turn into a tree?
same nazi magic that turned yids into lampshades?
He was burned alive.
Your arrogance will end on the day of the rake
Imagine being so mentally ill that every time a game is released where the antagonists are members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, you lash out under the assumption that it's a slight against your own ideologies. There's isn't a method of suicide that could remove OP from society fast enough.
So I was right it is the same technique
I really really like this image. Mind if I save it?
>That cut to the woman in the audience who looked bored as shit as the Swedefag talked about Wolfenstein
I literally stopped watching when i knew Wolfenstein was coming up because I expected Bethesda to pull this Nazi shit again.
It'd be just as annoying as someone coming out and saying "killing trannies" or "killing whatever". Doesn't help that there were already dozens of games about fighting in WW2 and killing Germans, so marketing it around just that is just tired and a clear play at the "tolerant left's" wallets.
>anyone who isn't on the far left is a nazi sympathizer
At least you finally admit it.
is there something wrong with nazi gold?
They were socialists, it's in their fucking name
Oh wow they hate Jews bloody oath
Nah mate she ain't right I can blue a fuckin Leb after a goods nights pissup without being a commie
I mean, I had a dog as a child who would nurse kittens so that analogy never really made sense to me.
The nazis were right
Goebbels killed himself, actually, with poison. A smart decision, considering what happened to some of the other leaders. Himmler underwent decades of torture before finally managing to kill himself. Goebbels knew what he was dealing with and took appropriate steps to avoid that fate.
well marxism was created by a jew, but thanks to based stalin, even their communism project ended up with the jews getting fucked
Doctors ploy
>there is no media campaign to equate anyone who is not a degenerate faggot with nazis
>dogwhistles for me but not for thee
From a cold, local business standpoint: the amount of people who think "fuck yeah kill nazis" way outnumbers nazi sympathisers. So yeah, fuck off and don't buy the game, who cares, lots of other people will and it will still be profitable.
Stalin was a non white so it doesn't matter
Idk why theres even a big deal about this game. Sure the whe nazi thing was weird as fuck and it Looks boring as fuck but doom eternal looks fun as shit so who cares
This but unironically
It's only nu-Wolfenstein that gets this kind of backlash, discounting fringe /pol/fags. Couldn't have anything to do with the games' overtly political narrative and outrage marketing, could it?
>/pol/ tells you that people think you're a nazi
>start sympathizing with nazis
>get mad when people talk bad about nazis
good job falling for it
Say the line, nazi
defeating the nazis in ww2 surely ended well
You know what they say...
well I consider slavs to be semi white, but it looks like they're gonna be the only white countries left if people continue to just let themselves be destroyed
>i don't like the outcome of WWII so it must have been better if the other side won!
>trading one group of corrupt shits for another
>changing anything
>Psychoanalyzing someone on a Vuvuzelan fishing forum
I see resetera is still strong in these boards
That swede mutt really does come off as mentally ill the way he rants and raves. At least the rest of them had enough humility to turn it down a notch after the last game flopped.
It's literally what the guy he is replying to said retard
>Turn wolfenstein into a cringe fest
>"lol u mad?"
its not like its a wild guess. do you think all the twitter screencap threads are just for fun? constantly posting some fringe retard's opinion every hour every day is a pretty good way of making out of touch gamers feel like an oppressed minority.
Except all the evidence shows that it is the left who are being radicalised into being literal commies who scream nazi at everyone.
Stalin wasn't a slav either.
>They're literally preaching violent war rhetoric that once was used just to appeal to nationalistic dudebros and having it work on both that audience and SJWs.
Do dudebros like this game though?
speak english you terrorist
t. american communist
>opposes bigotry
y u mad tho
He's not white he's from Georgia, ever been to Charleston? It's full of niggers
Because Spear of Destiny was really cool and Wolfenstein will never be that cool again
Top tier bait, look at all the (you)'s
Have sex
Not that guy, but are you implying any beta faggot on Yea Forums would know the answer to that?
Often then not they would call themselves the third position en.wikipedia.org
>this game is very cringey
>wtf dude are you a nazi?
why does George Constanza look like Tetsuo ?
>getting mad at your peers because the liberal tulpa in your head calls you a nazi
go eat some fruit or ride a bike holy shit
have sex dude
>>Defending nazis
um basically...
Muslims will be domesticated into modern society, just like christians were barbaric murderers before but not now
This was the original.
He's not strawmanning when that is what you're doing.
>that post
You just need to give them their version. Just imagine a big old fat guy with a lit stogie coming up on stage. his chest hair poking through his gold chains and his expensive watch glistening as he grabs the mic. He starts yelling "KILL COMMIES" in this game you get to kill communist scum! Fucking communists!
>You dont think trans people are beautiful? NAZI!
>btw we should kill nazis sweetie :)
>wait why are you guys thinking we mean you
Wasn't third position more affiliated with Strasserism?
Imagine unironically defending zombies
thats it, im a fucking nazi now. fuck it, whatever side is againt these blue haired tranny faggots
National Socialism was completely unsustainable and its successes can be tied mostly to hyperinflation allowing corporations to pay off their debts, then the resulting loss of citizen wealth making it possible for a party that nationalized industry to rise, cuck.
All their subsequent military success is attributable to nations failing to maintain standing armies sufficient to honor mutual defense pacts. It is telling that the Nazi invasions failed as soon as they met geographical barriers.
I'm left leaning and I hate Islam. It's insignificant though, Islam will die out in the next century or two.
NAZIS *clap*
ARE *clap*
NOT *clap*
OKAY *clap*
STOP *clap*
TRYING *clap*
TO *clap*
THEM *clap*
>Oh get over the fact that the main character in MAFIA 3 is some big lipped nigger
>omg go back to /pol/!!! racist sexist xenophobic transphoibic bigot!!
It sold less than prey which was a failure unfortunately.
Real National Socialism was never tried. When it was it was incredibly successful until the entire world united against it. Look at the opponents to it today. They will do everything they can to stop the people from having a national identity.
God fucking lefties are so unself-aware
I think the fact the game has degenerated into obsessing over how you get to Shoot the Bad Man does the series a disservice. There was more to Wolfenstein than killing Nazis, and ignoring the camp means Bethesda has become OBSESSED with the thought of mowing down the Alt-Right - I mean Nazis.
Yeah looking into it, I don't think any of the original nazi groups ever considered themselves third position, just mostly the larpers today
why dont people say fuck japs then? They were far more gruesome against the chinese than the Nazi's were
You would never have rockets if not for Germany. The man that made space travel possible was a Nazi.
Which is funny because the krauts did more to damage European identity than anyone before or after them
Fuck it, I have absolutely no problem defending Nazis. They were 100% right about what would happen if the Allies won and the kikes got their way. We need another Hitler.
>Imagine a world without Germany and Jews in it.
>against the chinese
That's like holding vile against australian for trying to eliminate the emu plague.
Modern politics is just identity politics
Communists are the Good Guys in "The New Colossus," they're part of the Resistance and shown as sympathetic - albeit at times obnoxious - friends of the cause. I think the fact they put Communists as reasonable allies speaks volumes as to the people making these games.
Let me guess you are not a Nazi at all
That's literally what communists say too. The reason you're ridiculous ideologies fail is because they are begging for power hungry people to exploit the obvious flaws in them.
The fact that Germany elected Hitler isn't even some big bad no-no point in history like millennial faggots believe. Taking 5 minutes to learn about the Wiemar Republic and post WW1 Germany, Hitler and the Holocaust completely makes sense
whoa this post backfired. The only thing you accomplished was getting loads of (you)s.
>Muslims will be domesticated into modern society, just like christians were barbaric murderers before but not now
>Islam is older than Christianity
>"I was aiming for the Moon, but hit London instead"
Oh right it was totally the krauts fault for massive war debts post ww1
Being situated between two ideological poles. This is first grade stuff, user.
If you cry like this for a videogame then you have no business being a Nazi, you sissy faggots.
>Christians were barbaric murderers
You are literally a fucking retard, just like that dumbass nigger Obama
I don't belong to any groups or anything like that but if Hitler 2.0 came along I'd give a strong consideration to voting for him. We tried leftism and it completely fucked everything up.
There has not been a single real National Socialist (outside of those who fled to countries like Argentina) since 1945.
Imagine being such a disgusting human being you identify with nazi trash.
>imagine a world without kr*uts in it
All politics is identity politics. People form communities around common interests and goals, and will, if given the chance, fight for those goals at the ballot box.
Go learn history you racist schizo
Islam will be brought to heel by the crushing might of the secular State, in fact the vast majority of Muslim terrorists are essentially incels dissatisfied with the Western world and radicalized by a romanticized vision of their own past. Muslim Fundamentalism - the type hawked by Saudi Arabia - was in fact born out of perceived weakness of their native cultures against the relentless onslaught of blue jeans and MTV. It's reactionary.
The future of the Western world is brown, coastal, "spiritual, but not religious" and tuning in every week to watch Mickey Mouse while drinking hard cider.
Nobody is defending Nazis.
The problem here is that they're using a really scummy marketing tactic that is throwing stones at the hornet's nest and trying to cause a shitstorm to put the game in headlines and then normie Leftists to buy the game just to stick it to the "Nazis". (I bet you some of them don't even play vidya)
The problem here is that normally people market their game based on the gameplay features, the improvements on the past games, and story and such, but Bethesda is marketing Wolfenstein as "Vent your frustrations against the Right-Wing Simulator". It'd be like if the new Doom game was marketed to Christians with a guy shouting "YOU CAN KILL DEMONS" for 5 minutes.
The New Order also had a marxist who was a good guy.
>would vote for Hitler
>but im not a Nazi!
This reads like a parody
I'm not defending nazi's but they were just trying to make their country better for their people, they weren't evil monsters like zombies are, it's weird how the dude in the presentation gleefully talked about killing them. Imagine if he gave the same speech but with 'commies' instead of 'nazis'
If "krauts" are so bad, then why do all of the shitskins of the world and subhuman slavs move to live in their nation, you greasy kike?
>Muslims will be domesticated
>Christians were barbaric murderers
Why do people like you get to vote? Do you think saying things makes them true?
the games are welcome to be about killing nazis, that's not about contemporary politics. it's when their PR goes on that it's about "spreading the message of 'fuck nazis'" and #punchanazi and such embarrassing shit, that isn't really about the nazis that existed or the characters in the game, but thinly-veiled pandering to liberals on twitter that call any conservatives nazis. they're not really saying "fuck nazis from world war 2", they're saying "fuck that guy you know that voted for donald trump."
See People are getting uncomfortable with Wolfenstein because they're marketing it as a chance to gleefully mow down "those bad people online you don't like."
I can't be a nazi when there's no current nazi leadership, user. Let one come along first. I'm sure it's only a matter of time, everybody's getting real sick of jews and their leftist NPC golems. It's going to reach critical mass, only this time we know exactly what will happen to the world if the left wins.
Most marketing is based on outrage now, this is not an outlier.
>normally people market their game based on the gameplay features
that hasn't been the case in almost a decade
>the left is just paranoid and calls everyone nazis
Nobody has ever said this.
Are you talking about the YHWHists who retook Israel from the Canaanites, and were then allegedly punished by their own god for becoming vicious barbarians in the process of doing so?
point one instance to history you fucking moron. I seriously hope you say something stupid like "The Spanish Inquisition" or "The Crusades"
>why is Germany importing subhuman savages by the boatload
Because the kr*uts are up to their old tricks and trying to destroy Europe. Again.
Christians have made far more evil in the world than Islams, at least muslims didnt go around the world plundering everything
>I can't be a nazi when there's no current nazi leadership
Yes you can? It's a matter of being in agreement with national socialist policies. The more Nazis there are and the more organized they get, the better chance of getting proper leadership.
Terrible bait. Watch retards (you) this post anyway
Library of Alexandria
There are literally countless examples of it. ANTIFA is even sucker punching their own members just for being bald, lmao
What about it?
Leftists have called people like Jordan Peterson or Sargon of Akkad Nazis, or Ben Shapiro alt-right LMAO
>implying bullying hairlets isn't based
The writing for the presentation was below grade-school level. That's the issue, not whether or not these people are defending nazis.
>islam will die out
>fastest growing religion worldwide
>traditional family structure where the husband just pumps child after child into his wife
>"Muhammad" is the most popular baby name in london
You idiots fucked us all
I think everyone here is forgetting the part in The New Colossus where the Nazis *actually lampshade this.* They use contemporary rhetoric to pooh-pooh the Resistance by saying it's not "nice" how they're violently attacking the establishment and how they're "sullying the legitimacy of their cause" by doing so. I can't find the exact conversation on YouTube and I'm honestly too scatterbrained to transcribe how it goes down, but it happens between two Nazis in the Roswell base and it's cringe as fuck - like, it straight up uses a phrase that was common in 2017.
There's countless examples of the left calling people nazis all the time, but nobody has ever said that the left calls peoples nazis just because they're "paranoid." It's incredibly disingenuous to the calculated nature of the smear tactics they're using to silence opposition rather than present better arguments.
Stop blaming germans for the actions of the jews that the Allies put in charge.
>traditional family structure where the husband just pumps child after child into his wife
Yeah fuck them, why aren't they transitioning like me?
here's good plan for you bro start with yourself
>calculated nature of the smear tactics they're using to silence opposition
Which has resulted in them calling anybody who is sick of pride parades and tranny children as "nazi." The left is totally paranoid and on the verge of breaking, the rampant infighting with 2020 elections is enough proof.
Weird how the jews chose to perpetuate the old German tradition of attempting to ruin Europe for everyone
The people who made it possible went on to work for the US. They didn't give a shit about ideology so that deathcult was unnecessary and only a setback for humanity
Here's a good plan for you: set an example. Fucking retard
not only is that an easily debunked myth, the fact that you are projecting this hard about non-whites is fucking gay and no one cares about your whiney antics
communism is the actual deathcult
gas yourself kike
>The left is totally paranoid
Yes, albeit with some reason
>on the verge of breaking
Yeah sure user, that's why they're trying to normalize child drag queens, late term abortion, cracking down on "white nationalism", etc.
Compared to Mao and Stalin Hitler was a sweethart
>Germany tries to save Europe from falling to jewish degeneracy
>(((Allies))) all band together to stop them
>With Germany stopped, Europe falls to jewish degeneracy
t. Hans von Whitemankillen
Why should Islam be wiped out? They're just like any other religion albeit they're still in their early radical stages. I think over a long period of time they'll mellow out
Jews don't control the world but they do seem to have a lot of power, apparently they own 90% of all media or something I have no idea. But that's not all Jews that's just a small group of people who so happen to be Jewish so I don't know what to make of that (shrug.)
Communism in theory isn't bad, in practice it's bad. So I have a major aversion towards Communism as I have a major aversion to starving or being shot for speaking out against the party.
Homosexuality is fine. Transsexuals on the other hand are mentally ill with Gender Dysphoria I have no real solutions regarding how to handle their issue(s). I think it's going to be a long time until the medical community comes to a consensus on what works best.
I'd say the ones in the concentration camps or rounding up the "undesirables" were the bad ones absolutely, but the main German army at the time was not really a part of that as far as I know, they were just functioning as a normal army would. As for Nazi sympathizers if they're for the SS then I'd be curious as to why on Earth they'd stick up for them, If I had to guess it'd be propaganda. If Wermacht on the other hand I guess I could see how someone might stick up for them.
New Order and Old Blood were decent. New Colossus was just trash and the only people who liked it say so because the marketing and cutscenes pander to their particular far-left politics.
>Yes, albeit with some reason
No, not really, unless you are paranoid.
>that's why they're trying to normalize
Yes and the lengths they go through for this are all the more desperate
Yeah I'm sure invading all those white countries and killing all those white people really helped combat the jewish menace
>Imagine a world without Germany
one can dream
>The actual gameplay loop was generic
thats what happens when you try to emulate classic shooters.
>>No, not really, unless you are paranoid.
Well, it's true they see Nazis in the most milquetoast conservative pussy, but it's also true that Third position, white nationalism, fascism, whatever you wanna call it, is getting more popular, and the Jews fear this.
>Yes and the lengths they go through for this are all the more desperate
I agree that it is a manifestation of the decline in their power, but it's definitely not on the verge of breaking down. There's still time to go and they're gonna go down guns blazing: theamericansun.com
NY Times just literally called a bunch of moderate oeft people "far right" and it's not the first time a big publication does this
Funnily enough, Rockwell showed/gave me the best approach to politics. Listening to what people have to say directly and judging for yourself, rather than letting other people/journalists/companies give opinionated summaries on them or what they said.
How was WW2 a setback to humanity on a technological basis in any way, shape or form?
Didn't Hitler sue for peace with Britain like 6 times?
Literally nothing wrong with killing traitors and communists.
so which wolfenstein games are worth playing?
historically they cut corners like crazy like not hiring a QA team because they know the fans will mod the bugs out on their own.
Well, they had to underline that you were killing BAD Nazis
Bethesda always does this.
Slavs aren't white, first off, and they were defending themselves against traitorous Europeans who decided to side with the kikes and declare war on them. As a reward for their good goy service, Britain and France lost their empires and are now being colonised by their former subjects.
lmao /pol/ seething every year
Based Bethesda
Not yet, but we're getting there. Just let the kikes and the Left continue doing their thing. We don't even need to campaign to win people over.
Motherfucker the lack of self-awareness.
You don't see the issue, do you? The left is actively pushing for degeneracy and for breaking the traditional family structure. What that guy was saying with "you idiots fucked us all" is right, you're taking like 9 different measures to stop reproduction for white families mostly. You don't even hide it anymore.
TNO if you don't have overly high standards in single player shooter gameplay
apparently The Old Blood is good, but I didn't play it
>Slavs aren't white
Fuck off retard. /pol/tards purity spiraling about whiteness are worse than the white hating judeo leftists.
Not even the eternal Anglo deserved such a fate but they've chosen their own future.
>trust me I'm white
get fucked ivan, you're a literal snow nigger
Isn't it weird how people care about a war that happened ~80 years ago?
>mildly dislikes some whites
is somehow worse than
>hates all whites and wants them gone
Bravo, you faggot.