You cant just kill nazi's in a video game
You cant just kill nazi's in a video game
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It's just a fucking game.
t. Nationalist aka nazi
Killing Nazis is based. It's the American way. That said, republicans aren't Nazis. Nazis are Nazis.
That's bullshit, you think most people joined the army just because they wanted to kill people without feeling bad?
I am sick of killing the same enemies all the time. Every single game I am firing on the same faggots with the exact same motive for world domination. The only thing insulting about it is how low every company that just uses nazis for an easy to hate enemy regards my wish to be surprised. I am so sick of it, it's as inspired as a skeleton or spider enemy in a fantasy game. Fuck off, I'll buy DOOM and have a great time with many surprises.
Yes. Only mentally deranged "people" join the army and deserve their fate in the wars they're so eager to participate in.
Many Republicans are as bad as Nazi's, all of the KKK votes red because they want to see the niggers/mexicans suffer for it.
Not to mention evangelicals have dominated the republican party and want to for ma Christian state(see Alabama Abortion ban)
I'm left wing and I don't hate people who are right wing(like foreign conservatives or American Libertarians) but Republicans are a plague. Not to say dems aren't as well, in an ideal America the Green Party would crush them.
Fucking based.
I still want a game where you play as the Nazis. No I don't mean Wehrmacht I mean SS.
>Why yes, I love killing nazis, how could you tell?
>Not killing babies = Nazi
Can you kill yourself already, tranny?
Man remember when video games were about video games
>meanwhile in reality
Unironically this, it's an attack by the left.
imagine being born in nazi Germany, and the only way to feed and keep your child and wife safe was to obey, as much as you think it's horrible, you know if you disobey you and your family will be killed, years later, a guy comes up to e3 and say
and everyone screams in joy
I can report your threads all day.
Dropped. I'm sick of vicious political commentary in my games.
No. Now piss of nazi scum.
>Nazis are misunderstood and globalism is bad. each race needs it's own country or MUH CULTURE will be erased
These games are so distateful, or at the very least all the people who play/develop them are. I bet it’ll sell the same as new dawn and old blood.
>Killing Nazis
You're white, so you're nazi, so it's fine to me to kill you.
>Killing Nazis is based
killing people because they love their race
killing people because they want to defend it
nazis aren't evil man, we're human too. sure a lot of neos are racist and shit, and i am too to an extent, but i just want my bloodline to be in an environment where they can be safe and happy.
why is that so fucking wrong?
Amerimutts are a shadow of their great-grandfathers so they have to live out their power fantasy by pushing buttons. They don't have the mental fortitude to pull the trigger on another human being.
real question: what are people attempting to accomplish when they point out that democrats were the racist ones 100+ years ago
this isn't facebook aunty
Bruh, babies don't even have self awareness when born, you don't become a conscious being until about 18 months.
You aren't born human, you become human.
Fetuses aren't even remotely human.
>Did I do a good job daddy? Do I get bbc now?
Congrats, it’s people like you who actually make people upset about “killing Nazis” because people don’t want to be fucking dead for being right-of-center.
What's his endgame?
>they want to see the niggers/mexicans suffer for it.
Most sane people do.
Those shit skins ruin communities.
>Not to mention evangelicals have dominated the republican party and want to for ma Christian state(see Alabama Abortion ban)
Not I can't murder my baby anymore!!!
>I'm left wing
We know you've made it clear you're stupid.
>Grounbreaking game of the time uses cool theme and interesting enemy designs
>Generic shootemup with nothing new to offer quadrouples down on a gimmicky marketing campaign to somehow trick people into paying 60 dollars for a 6 hour long game with gameplay lagging behind 2007 standards.
remember when Yea Forums wasnt filled with facebook zoomers?
this but unironically
Trying to score points for their team, because that's how people view politics now
If you know kikebook so well I suggest you fuck off back to it.
>WW2 game
>Germany bad, USA good
>very much historical accurate
>also has zombies
Transsexism is a-okay btw
Because the democrats have always been the racist party even today and the GOP has never been the racist party despite democrat lies.
Didn't they just switch names?
Preventing a rape or incest victim from terminating the fetus she never willingly risked is pretty nazi esque to be quite desu with you
Like support or condemn abortion in general, that's up to you dude, but the Alabama bans were barbaric