The BREATHTAKING guy just got collector's edition for free

That's not fair Yea Forums

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Neat, good for him

>tfw you weren’t in the audience
>tfw keanu will never call you breathtaking

>That's not fair Yea Forums
He gave birth to a new meme with his autism. I already preordered on GOG so i don't care.

>be a disruptive, obnoxious asshole at a public event, like a child in grade school
>get rewarded for it

the fuck is wrong with amer*cans?

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It's ok user
I want one too

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>be a gaymer
>get rewarded for it
The fuck is wrong with amer*cans?

>xbox version

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Now this is just breathtaking.

>complimenting someone is considered an asshole move by europeans
what wrong with you people?


That was the only good part about that paid celebwank cringefest.

You irl

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>Keanu calls you breathtaking
>Get free vidya because of it

It isn't fair

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It's actually completely fair lol. Nice one from CDPR, they are total bros.

pretty based tbqh, I'm happy for him

He wasn't being a heckler you autistic shit.

Twitter screencap is my favorite video game.

Europeans have been conditioned to sneer at a person who is being nice to them because that person is being "fake." They don't think human beings are capable of showing a shred of decency to someone else without wanting something substantial in exchange for it.

That's why it's best to be as nice to them as possible so that they go home and neck themselves afterwards.


>people want games to be exciting again
>guy gets excited
>gets rewarded
>user flips shit
dont be that guy

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this shit is just going to encourage more retards to make socially unacceptable noises in public. this was the "random" guy in the school activity shouting "spoon!" every lunch period

>wake the fuck up, Peter
>we've got a board to burn

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best part of E3, almost as legendary as red shirt baldy at the blizzcon last year

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>Europeans have been conditioned to sneer at a person who is being nice to them because that person is being "fake."
I don’t blame them, their entire continent is turning to shit and anyone smiling about it would be fake

Do I need a licences to have fun in Europe?

Good for the guy

You're getting this guy confused with the paid shill at the Bethesda conference who wouldn't stop screaming at the top of his lungs every single microsecond the ESO guy was on stage to the point where he kept interrupting what he was saying and he'd have to repeat it, to which he would just yell again

He created a meme that blew up on social media, of course they're going to reward him. The medua hype he generated is worth a lot more than the $250 the collector's edition costs

Yea Forums - Official Twitter Mirror

>CDPR Collector's Editions

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If they keep voting for their current leaders, pretty soon.

>audience member participates in helping to create the most powerful moment of the only decent part of E3
>gets a free game for it

Seems legit.

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That's nice, it was a pretty neat reaction, and spiced up the conference from it's obvious Hollywood wank job, but it's definitely gonna lead into more people doing shit like this in hopes that they get free shit.

That was proven fake, newfag

I didn't know you had to use the xbox to enjoy the other merch.

This, I've seen more people talking about that clip than the actual game.

>spreading fake news 7 years later
imagine being this obsessed

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Source: Dude trust me.

>shill so desperate they are literally trying to use fake pics as arguments

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>t. social media dependant zoomers

Game is like $60. That's less than 2 hours income after taxes. Who cares?

Also, the dude probably spent hella money for e3 tickets.

Wasn't he a plant and the whole exchange was scripted? There was a pic of the entire place and it showed the words

Post it then

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That wasn't a script, it was a transcription

I think you meant millennials

how long will the "e3 reddit cancer " phase last this year?
full june?

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Please stop conflating the UK with the rest of Europe, we hate them too

it never ends, senpai.

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this post was made by someone under 5'4

I didn't save it

sidi ekszyn to chujowa gazeta a smuggler to stary kurwiarz

Sure pal

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He's a paid actor and this is all a publicity stunt.

>get more than double the attention from news outlets and social media on the outburst than the reveal
Of course they were going to reward him. He single handedly got all the fucking normies talking about their new game and it only cost them 20 bucks in shipping and manufacturing


why is polish so fucking weird

that's called ''socialising'' - you should learn a thing or two about human species

Calm down you fags, I didn´t know. Are you polish or why are you so defensive?

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This. Even if it isn't, prepare to see it start happening everywhere else.

I'm as tall as Tom Cruise :3

>no fun allowed
seething retards

>voice a retarded, uninformed opinion
>why do they persecute me so?.png

>haha definitely not a rehearsed publicity stunt to show off how "cool" we are

It's a good thing he didn't want the PC version because then he would have gotten nothing.

now i can see every other conference having shit tons of retard trying to do the same shit

You are “this” jealous


I´ve seen that pic posted countless times and never read anything about it being faked. Seethe harder, Jaroslaw.


Didnt he call all audience breathtaking? Where is their cyberpunk >:(

Sometimes I feel pathetic, then I see posts like yours and realize there's aways someone worse. I'd suggest you to get away from Yea Forums for a few weeks.


user, are you jealous?

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Memes were a mistake.

Australian here, Europeans don't understand how to be human. Was in Sweden for a bit and over here you could strike up a conversation with anyone and you'd talk, waiting for the tram/bus? People will talk to you and vice versa. Talk to someone in Sweden and they'll act like you just killed their uncle, as if you're doing something outlandish. I hear it's the same in Asian countries, weird people.

yfw that guy was just a paid plant for this whole marketing meme

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It would be more acceptable if he didn't literally change his twitter tag to "Breathtaking"

That is just embarrassing.

Beats the kid named Dovahkiin who got free Bethesda games

>gee guys let me lie me ass off in peace
Fuck off tranny.

I don't know

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>implying i need social media when I have this place

Can confirm.

Same in Canada desu. We don't want to talk to strangers. Fuck you for imposing yourself on me. I don't wanna hear what you have to say. Fuck you and fuck all other overly outgoing morons who accost me in public.

>twitter faggot
>shouted shit out for attention while filming
>puts breathtaking in his name
>gay avatar
what a cum eater

>Supposed to be a "professional" even about new entertainment technology
Gee i dont know retard

Or maybe we just have enough basic human decency to not disturb a conference. I know it's something bizarre to a mutt who's whole being spins around his ego.

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be nice to Keanu and the universe smiles upon you

This, just let it slip, no need to do this.

Imagine sperging out this hard

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>being a socially inept sperg and not engaging with your community

>Instead of screaming autistically or cheering with a paycheck, he dropped a compliment that made Keanu react in a wholesome way

Attention whore or not, this was the ONLY stage interaction that was nice.

>socially inept
Don't project onto me thanks.
>not engaging with your community
For what purpose? So I can know what some gormless fuck thinks about the bus being late or the recent wave of cloudy weather?

Fuck you.

It's a fucking videogame conference. Not a TED talk.

>Peter "breathtaking" Sark
Look I get it you had a cool moment but please don't make it your new persona, it just makes you seem like you literally have nothing else going on in your life

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fucking autistic faggot

you aint so speshul m8 and its not like your mind will be pondering philosophical question or anything worthwhile when a stranger tries to interact with you

also you will be sperging out like a little autist if a girl tries that not that's gonna happen in the first place lol

>you aint so speshul
Neither are you. That's why you should leave me the fuck alone.
> its not like your mind will be pondering philosophical question
Fuck you. I think about what I wanna think about.
>if a girl tries
I don't need to talk to strange women. I have a loving wife.

Again: Fuck you and everybody like you. Selfish prick.

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