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*ruins RPGs forever*
Dylan Kelly
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Evan Brown
100% agreed.
Brody Jenkins
fuck zoomers. i liked the morrowind way. they give you descriptions in quest log and u explore to find location
>inb4 just turn it off
if i turn it off in skyrim i cant solve quest, because descriptions or dialogue dont lead you to location, so game is designed to be used with markers
Kayden Adams
I would say dialogue wheels have done the most damage to RPGs
Noah Butler
it's bad yes but you're giving Skyrim too much credit considering it an RPG. first person hack n slash bitch.
Sebastian Ross
*saves rpgs forever*
Camden Richardson
Zoomers will never understand actual exploration. They'll never understand true immersion. They don't see space when they see video games. They just see a UI and button prompts.
Weird since Minecraft should have trained them differently.
I don't think so. It's really only present in Bioware shit and Fallout 4. It hasn't really picked up in trending by other RPG makers.
Eli Davis
Open worlds were a mistake. They have severe pacing problems, are almost always just filled with generic procedurally generated bandit camp and chest #4000, and despite the muh exploration meme, are not fun to explore and you just get specifically directed to the place you need to go anyways (just mind the 15 fucking minutes of traveling through empty, bland procedurally generated content on the way there!)
It's so fucking bad, developers have to resort to hacks like fast travel and levelscaling.
Samuel Harris
There is literally a mod for that.
Leo Peterson
Why do people keep posting the Skyrim location marker when it was Oblivion that was the first major RPG to use it?
Nathan Gonzalez
What does the mod do? Hire the original voice actors, have them record new lines and implement the lines in game?
Ethan Wright
They’re almost necessary though in modern games. When I play Witcher 3 there is so much shit on the screen I can hardly tell what is what
Noah Sanders
Literally not an argument
Tyler Baker
>role playing game
Wyatt Scott
An Rpg is not just level ups and stats you Dork. Japs have never made an rpg in their lives
Thomas Kelly
That's why I like the world map in Fallout New Vegas. It uses a combination of hard and soft barriers to create a likely path for new players and only truly opens up around half of the way through the game. But it still has enough openness to allow for many alternate paths if you really try to go a different direction or are coming back on a second playthrough.
Jose Lee
No, it adds the necessary information to your questlog so if the dialogue doesnt tell you, the log will.
Caleb Turner
I dont know I dont like to check the wiki to pick up a pixelated beenut under the rug to countine my game without knowing where it is and the only clue I get is a riddle. Markers should be optional for both group, personally I dont mind them because I actually played games before them
Ryan Walker
Oh cool so my character magically knows where it is.
Bentley Russell
Pathfinder Kingmaker is making me miss them desu.
Some of this shit is way too vague while being time sensitive.
Juan Foster
Man, I miss the days when I would wonder the entire map 3 times over because I accidentally skipped over a vent in the corner of a room I could enter.
Liam Carter
>disable markers on the options menu
>suddenlly the game is not ruined anymore
Wow am I the first one to find this out?
Logan Wright
This weekend I wanted to continue it but I found out that Nexus mod manager is dead and now I have to use Vortex, since when did this happen?
Christopher Young
That's because they try to balance making a fun game vs making an interesting world and it doesn't work.
just go ham on world building, make interesting landscapes, races, factions, religions etc etc and give 0 fucks about combat or balance.
Owen Hughes
Bring back connected world hubs. Fuck open world.
Nicholas Taylor
I've been playing this game for a while (at about 26% completion), and it's the first GTA I've ever played. Do the previous GTA games has as many pseudo cutscenes where all you do is drive/walk around while people talk? I feel like there's very little action, which isn't what I expected from this series.
David Sullivan
Isn't that just describing the morrowind way?
Ethan Brooks
the people making the combat and the people making the worldbuilding are different developers
Ryan Miller
which mod ? to disable marker but then give me descriptions for EVERY quest in game that are so detailed i can get to the location without turning marker on ?
i was searhing for such mod to no avail
Nolan Clark
the big cope.
Jonathan Martin
So Elder Scrolls: Blades?
Justin Smith
link to mod please, i didnt find any except one unfinished mod
Owen Price
in the recent Prey game there was a clue which led to a safe's combination in early game, the clue was a name of some obscure ass element and the combination was its atomic number and some other bullshit chemistry shit when i searched it online, closed the game and never played it again
Jackson Reed
I hate these faggots can't see the fun in exploring. They just want a marker so they can clear a dungeon and see numbers go up. I'm sick of seeing numbers go up. I watch numbers at work.
Dylan Gutierrez
No dingus npcs tell you the location and they can give you details about the location such as landmarks and directions
Xavier Reyes
A single town and some dungeons behind loading screens aren't connected world hubs.
Deus Ex Human Revolution is an example of world hubs.
Brody Cox
You mean SANDBOXES were a mistake. Open world's can be fucking excellent. Morrowind, Gothic, New Vegas, Pokemon G/S/C. Real open world's are the best video game spaces ever made.
Tyler Mitchell
Ratchet and Clank 3? But those worlds are more like gauntlets.
Gavin Gutierrez
Skyrim is not even an RPG, it`s an open world fantasy action game with minor RPG elements. Calling Skyrim an RPG is like calling GTA a racing game even though GTA has more racing than Skyrim has RPG.
Oliver Sanchez
Liam James
To an extent, I understand it. Don’t tell me you’ve never been frustratedly lost because of some dumb oversight.
Lincoln Smith
please name the true rpg game then ? i would really like to play
Sebastian Green
of course witcher 3 imbecil would say something stupid like that
Camden Richardson
>generic procedurally generated bandit camp and chest #4000
There's nothing wrong with that. After leveling up and getting all the fancy endgame gear, being assaulted by bandits in the night is fun and "immersive", as long as the bandits don't level up with you. The problem is level scaling, it shouldn't take more than 3 hits to kill a wolf past a certain level.
Colton Cook
Nigger see
Aaron Price
That's what GTA is about.
Robert Robinson
>Zoomers are too young/retarded to understand what connected world hubs are
Jesus Christ.
Benjamin King
Thomas Brown
thanks user, this also works for miscelanelus quests ? and non main story quests ?
Luis Cooper
i agree actually, although combat was shit in my opinion, although it did make sense in a way
Julian Morris
This + fast travel
Xavier Cruz
>disable markers in the options menu
>game wants you to drop the item on the ground somewhere
>keep throwing the item until it falls on the invisible quest marker
Luis Mitchell
It’s not like there is a set definition out there. Hell I described the early Pokemon games as “open world” before I ever even heard the phrase by others.
Elijah Mitchell
>although combat was shit
Why are people ok with dice rolls in games like Pathfinder (where you can also see your character's sword passing through the enemy even though the attack missed) and not Morrowind? It's a dice rolls.
Would people still complain about it if they implemented an animations for when the attack misses?
Carter Morales
Use mod organiser instead. 0 loading times when activating/deactivating mods and you can have mod list loadouts to switch between instantly at your leasure. It keeps your skyrim folder in vanilla state so you can switch to enderal and play a little of that if you want as well without having to scrape your modlist clean.
Lincoln Wilson
>Disable markers
>Quest objectives nor NPCs actually name where you're supposed to go or how to even get there
John Ortiz
i just find chance of hitting style combat bad. my personal opinion mate
Henry White
Vortex does everything you listed too.
For a normie mod manager it's actually not terrible.
Parker Jones
The problem is the game won't give you actual instructions half the time.
Games with obnoxious markers use them as an excuse to have less detailed dialogue and environments, so instead of saying "head east towards the river and then follow it north, there you'll find a shack with a man who will do what you need" the game will just say "Go to this location" and expect you to just follow the arrow.
Thomas Murphy
Congradulations, you've just described Outward.
Wyatt Jones
i still use nexus. but what bothers me it basicaly duplicates mod files. for example it keeps the zip file and then also extracts contents in. if i delete zip file nexus doesnt detec mod and everything goes to shit. is there anyway i can switch to vortex without fucking up everything ? does vortex also duplicate files like nexus
Elijah Lopez
I dont see why not. There are two videos on the page you can look at if you want a deeper look.
Ethan Carter
Did Skyrim really invent quest markers? I feel like Guild Wars or something might have had them beforehand.
Adrian Wilson
>open world
Nigger what? Just because you can do a couple gyms in any order? Even Kanto is more open world with you being able to do half the gyms in any order, and it still isn't an open world game
Alexander Young
>defeated the destroyer of worlds, an ancient God so powerful he can consume whole planets and band reality to his will
>on the way back to town gets killed by a level 100 crab
Sounds about right.
Sebastian Adams
i did look, but couldnt find anywehre if it says anything , it only says its for 160 quests ? so probably not for every quest only main ones ?
Dominic Morales
I think 90% of users agree heavily reliant map markers are bad game design. But my question to what extent? Obviously oblivion and skyrim need them for the most part as there's nothing really to replace them (no landmark or verbal/written direction guidance)
Like is it ok to have markers leading to bigger generals areas and leaving it at that? (Lead you to this groove and figure it out)
Is it ok to leave Self placed map icons (Give directions the player can calculate and place the marker themselves from a map then mindlessly follow it)
Should they just leave in the markers for the main quest, then remove them from the side stuff for more savvy players?
Are they ok for radiant quests, where directions might not work properly for randomly generated content?
Juan Sullivan
How is it not open world? You can traverse the map with complete freedom. Just because it opens up in a linear fashion doesn't mean it's not open world. By that logic GTA 4 isn't open world.
Adam Jones
Not that guy, but Vortex is much more efficient and organised at installing and removing mods. It'll save the zip files into a completely separate folder and unpacks the contents into the main game folder. It won't leave residue files unlike NMM on an uninstall and you can also handle mod load orders without having to install/reinstall in specific orders either. You want texture mod A to load after texture mod Z? Click on the mod and select load before/after/whatever.
Luke Morris
but that's as rpg as combat gets
Lucas Young
no oblivion was the first to do this shit maybe mmo's already ruined it beforehand i dunno never played
Isaiah Bennett
>we will never have a true RPG
Jaxson Anderson
Not him, but in CRPGs like pathfinder the game is more UI based. It's presented in sort of a tactical way that doesn't lead you to believe your action game skills are being tested. You can
In a game like morrowind where it's first person and you actually have to aim and activate your attacks in real time in a dangerous environment, it sucks to have your skills act on a roll. The game is already "testing" your ability to aim and assess targets in real time, it shouldn't have to roll again. In CRPGs you're expected to pause and play the UI so having roll based shit is more acceptable.
Honestly I didn't think it would be too bad in Morrowind if it wasn't for bows and things that eat resources. I feel like a better system would be for arrows to always hit if they connect, but having a lower skill would cause you to be less accurate with them.
Adrian Powell
are you implying I designed Skyrim incorrectly?
There is nothing in Skyrim that is wrong, now go buy Skyrim for your switch and get copies for all your friends too
Tyler White
Im sure there was some eastern mmo doing it before gw1, but that was about the right timeframe. I think OG fable was the first non-mmo to use markers, progression was also railroaded.
Robert Morris
yeah thats actually what nmm does as well with regard to files. zip files are in seprate folder and it installs mods into other "virtual fodler". i use loot for load order so i wont bother with switch to vortex. i dont want to fuck up the game
Joshua White
user, its offtopic, but is it possible to compile mods in kinda modpack or together with game ? so my friend can play skyirm like i do without bothering with instaling mods separately and fucking up load order. kinda like packing everything together ?
Julian Carter
By your logic most games are open world, including every single other mainline pokemon game.
William Walker
I actually considered buying Skyrim VR when it was 50% off. Then I remembered that they haven't bothered fixing any of the broken quests and bugs, so I just pirated the shit. Fuck you Todd!
Jose Williams
Lucas Peterson
based. pirate all games nowadays. devs are shits.
Aaron Morris
At least you could turn off the green trails in Fable 2 for immersion. You can't get rid of the waypoint markers in Bethesda shit.
Brody Richardson
Videogame RPGs aren't actual roleplaying games. Or would you say that classic RPGs like Ultima and Wizardry somehow aren't RPGs just because they don't have much in ways of roleplaying?
Roleplaying was never what videogame RPGs were about. They were about adapting the mechanics of actual RPGs, into videogames.
Dylan Reed
>most games
If you can freely travel to any point on the map without the distinction of "levels" then its an open world. I just highlighted gen 2 as a stellar example of an open world.
GTA is an open world.
TES is open world
Ass Creed is open world
Fallout is open world
Witcher 3 is open world.
Far Cry (from 2 onwards) is open world
They're just not of the same subtype, nor the same quality
Cooper Edwards
Not every quest needs a new description. Many already have the information needed to be solved without markers.
Kevin Cook
It feels different when you're controlling the game like a first-person action game and failing to hit the enemy you're swinging at right in front of you. There's a greater sense of disconnect between the action you're performing as a player and what is actually happening in the game.
The obvious solution that Bethesda choose in Oblivion was to make every hit register but give the enemies larger health pools to compensate. Of course, this produces a different kind of awkwardess by making everything a giant damage sponge you mindlessly hack at.
Mason Brooks
why are you asking them like they know everything? are you even fucking still playing skyrim today? is it still installed?
Michael Davis
with mods you can remove the compass entirely
Nathaniel Nguyen
I know for certain you can do it with mod organiser. Create a mod profile. Copy the load order, .esp order, and ini. Share them with your friend. Then have them download the same stuff you did, activate the mods with the same names, and paste in all the copied things. Activate the mod profile, run all you programs (skse, tes5edit, bodyslide ect) and good to go
Jackson Smith
yes i am actually. i am considering new playtrough soon. also im friendly asking the guy no need to replying in such ways
Nathan Clark
Because Skyrim was the game that made RPGs popular