Best Halo trailer ever.
Best Halo trailer ever
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no it wasn't the best. ALSO WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS?
>Beaner talks about nothing + Master Chief appears briefly
The live chat spent 1 hour 27 minutes going "wtf is this" and "where is halo"
Why even have a conference if this is what you're bringing
I don't understand how people can get excited for a cinematic trailer. It tells you nothing about the actual game.
Wasn't the best but it was pretty kino. Nothing will ever defeat the Believe trailer. Beanerboomer was pretty nice
>no major Marty O’Donnel reveal
>lol read books to know what’s going on
It’s like 343i still hasn’t learned from the mistakes of Halo 5.
Um no sweetie
yes it was
What happened to master chief? Why was he floating in space? Who are the threats? What happed to his ai chip? Is the ai in the end just teasing the easily allured master chief or is she really meaning what she says to him? Because it looks like she wasn’t really meaning what she was saying.
>It tells you nothing about the actual game.
Yeah man, I really wish how this 6th game in the franchise will play.. how could ANYONE know?
>no gameplay
Literally who cares?
The chin is too thin
Not my chief
>2.13 meters tall
>sexy as hell
>that voice
>true hero
>not a pussy bitch
>subtly funny
>entire of alien races cannot do anything against him
Yup, the King wants his throne back
Nice try, shill.
Everyone remember to sage these viral marketing threads.
Maybe it's a Halo ring under construction or something.
It was in engine, so it shows you the art style and the graphical capabilities of the engine. And it shows you the narrative tone of the game.
I do wonder why Microsoft didn't poach Marty after Bungie fired him? Surely that's a golden opportunity.
That's not true. It told me what the creative direction of the story will be like, which will have an impact on cutscenes, some game objectives and environments.
The shoulder plates look way too big to me, even Halo 3 Chief didn't have shoulder plates that massive (pic related).
They just don't look sleek at all, they look like random bits of metal stuck to his suit. Also what the fuck is with the 117? He has never had that in a game, ever.
Honestly, I prefer the armour of Halo 4 and 5.
>Maybe it's a Halo ring under construction or something.
that's not how they look under construction
faggot shill
>neil blomkamps short
>the museum
>the odst trailer
I like the bold armour colours, very early 2000ish
>Doesn't show gameplay
That's why