2B, Chun-Li, Terra, Jill Valentine, Lip, Adeleine, Dixie Kong, and Ribbon Girl should be playable...

2B, Chun-Li, Terra, Jill Valentine, Lip, Adeleine, Dixie Kong, and Ribbon Girl should be playable. Smash needs more female characters and sex appeal. Plus, they need more porn and I'm sure their inclusions will prevent kids from becoming homosexuals.

How would you feel about their inclusions?

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Kill yourself you pedophile freak.

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She hasn't even appeared on a nintendo console. The rest is fine though.

>She hasn't even appeared on a nintendo console
didn't stop cloud or joker

>How would you feel about their inclusions?
I don't know but that image gave me a funny feeling for some reason.

But they clearly just got aged up.

>their inclusion will prevent kids from becoming homosexuals
that’s 100% not how it works friendo, I don’t mind some tiddys though

Cloud and Joker at least had at least one game from their series on a Nintendo console.

this makes no sense, why do they age all at once all of a sudden?

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Because it's my fetish. Though I prefer the whole process instead of just the two end points.

go hang yourself with a tv you freak

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My point still stands. The sooner people like you are gone the sooner we move towards a better world.

It really doesn't how is making them legal age pedophilia? It's literally the opposite.

The characters weren't seen in Kirby games for 18 years. Not really much else to it desu.

It's time, user

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Are you severely retarded or something? do you think other adult women just pop into existence at 16 instead of aging.

FFVII is on the switch.

>It's pedophilia when the character is made to look like an adult
Are you okay user? Do you need to lie down?

What’re you even trying to spin this into? Me being anti-child? No, you can’t justify your pedophilia fetish you gross fuck. Your literal who Kirby loli is never getting into Smash.
Kill yourself.

>"But she's 18"

Dude just stop

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Thoughts on this character?

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only trannies are trying to fix what's naturally programmed response.

Oh good it's the Special Edition Lifesaver I ordered

>after 18 years

I want to have sex with a developed curvy adult woman!
You pedos are missing out

mentally (and possibly anally) flustered

Imagine being so deep in denial that you want to define anything under 20 as pedophilia

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No you fucking retard you're saying it's wrong to be attracted to the characters who have aged. because they were children at one point.

you're literally saying massive tits and ass are pedo shit. you're such a drooling cretin you forgot aging & time was a thing and now you're trying to backpedal.

>early birds having the joys of snuggling w/ teenagers and later w/ fully developed girls
i don't think you have a grasp of the term ''missing out"

> - eight

>aged up with tits and ass, the very things pedos hate
>considers it pedophilic
bait of the century

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I think I might understand you. Part of this picture depicts the characters as children, if you get off on the fact that they were children, then that is pedophilia. I agree, fuck pedos.

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Ah yes, the temporal pedophile.

By that definition everyone and no one is a pedo because everyone was a child at some point.

I mean if you get horny based off anything depicting or relating to children, this is kind of a blanket statement, you're likely a pedophile.

No it isnt, because you're not getting off BECAUSE they were children. If you weren't a buffoon I wouldnt have to explain this to you.

I just liked lewd adaptations of characters' outfits.



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>fuck pedophiles
>but they aged up


This is possibly the worst bait
Get some neurons and come up with a better bait

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say that shit to my facefucker

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On an anonymous image board, nobody knows you're a pedo apologist. Except for me, I know.
That shit

Finna based

i dab on pedophobes

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He's your what?

I wonder how involved you are with the illegal act of prostituting children

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Dabbing wont save you from the gas chamber. The gas chamber always wins.


Tell that to the UN.

Nope, genuinely curious. The only people who screech this loudly about lolis are the one's who get caught in an FBI sting and get ousted.

>Smash needs more female characters and sex appeal. Plus, they need more porn and I'm sure their inclusions will prevent kids from becoming homosexuals.

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Aigis should be put in to help teach kids to fuck robots.

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>Adeleine is dwarfed by Ribbon girl

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I dont really keep up to date on this stuff, is this an actual thing?

DrPizza certainly was

Oh yeah my dude.
That game journo who was screeching about olis in anime and video games (his handle was Dr. Pizza for fucks sake) got caught up recently.
There was that sect of the UN calling for the ban of Japanese media from a while back...
Another Game journo (some asian looking dude) who got caught with CP on his drives.

There's actually a pretty damning list that creates a pattern that's hard to ignore. I honestly thought this wouldn't come up in conversation here so I never saved the articles, kind of regretting it now.

Actually I think she's one of the most likely DLC characters
> Square Enix
> Midweight sword user, like the datamined character
> Kind of works with the alliteration thing they have going on with the codenames
> From a recent, popular game, like persona 5

She also seems like the same type of character choice as Joker if it makes any sense. There's an interview where Sakurai praises the Nier series somewhere I think.

Plus she's essentially an anime swordsman and from a JRPG. And god knows Nintendo loves those.

They were thinking of the children all right...

Holy fuck, just nuke this planet already. We need to start over.

Almost a daily occurrence on twitter. Some virtue-signalling sperglord throws an autistic fit about lewd drawings and blocking everyone who doesn't think its CP and then gets oust as:
>a hypocrite who does the same shit
>a furry
>a sex pest

>implying a 2 gender life system won't push things to mate as soon as they hit reproductive capability

Granted this doesn't explain people aim lower than puberty.

Go have sex you fucking permavirgin. The last thing videogames need is more incel pandering. You fucking fags need to fucking die.

If they're gonna try to push a female character, it'd most likely be Tracer. Given the trend of smash dlc being based on recent games, I'd say she has a good chance.

Fuckin Underrated post mate

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>have sex
Well then how can I have sex?
>incel pandering
But if I had sex as in instruced in the first part wouldn't it be uncel pandering?
Wait do you want me to have sex with men now?
>need to fucking die
Well then how am I supposed to have sex?

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>everyone focusing on the pedophile aspect
>everyone ignores he labeled dixie kong as sexy

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Nevermind. Just fucking die and stop trying to inject porn into every single fucking videogame. Some of us like to play VIDEOGAMES, you know. Aren't there enough porn sites out there? Go there instead.

>Well then how am I supposed to have sex?
Hook up with a necrophiliac. Do I need to hold your permavirgin incel faggot hand throughout this entire process?

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>Have I got a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! Or should I say dead time?
>he wouldnt fuck a literal monkey with a ponytail

I don't know how to appeal to corpse rapers as a dead body, so
> Do I need to hold your permavirgin incel faggot hand throughout this entire process?

>got off the hook

"Sexy" isn't the first word I think of with Adeleine or Lip, either. I assumed the "and sex appeal" wasn't all inclusive.

>be in government
>get caught with actual CP
>get away with it
The fuck

HAhaha yep

Thanks man, this is exactly what I was talking about

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whats the point

I assume he meant Tiny Kong. Puberty hit her like a fucking sack full of bricks.