Do you prefer the dudebro era (2005-2012) or the soi era (2013-present)?

do you prefer the dudebro era (2005-2012) or the soi era (2013-present)?

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dudebro era was fine but the first one was the grittiest

Neither of them, what a worthless ip made for mexicans and dudebros.

Dudebro. Also it's weird how Gears of War in particular had it's MC replaced by a woman.

Also strangely enough, 2012 was when I stopped buying and playing modern titles. Been pretty much exclusively playing classic vidya for the last 7 years now.

Both are shit. If you want to play a shitty, slow shooter play Space Marine 2011 instead.

soi era because I love laura bailey.

I prefer 2004-2005, the golden age

>gears 3 onward

Didn't Marcus die last game?

>Also strangely enough, 2012 was when I stopped buying and playing modern titles. Been pretty much exclusively playing classic vidya for the last 7 years now.

Ditto. Last "modern title" I bought was Skyrim. Mass Effect 2 before that. Nothing since, really.

I only ever liked the first one.

Gears 1 multiplayer was fucking kino. Thought the 3rd game was average, and Gears 4 is pretty shit. Hated the story in that one and thought the characters were just unlikable.

Dudebro wasn't THAT bad, it was only bad compared to what came before it.

Gears 1 mp with lobbies, ninja flips and no tdm was PERFECT

>2006 was 13 years ago
hold me bros

They were both shit, but I'd still take the dudebro era any day over the current one. Imagine if back then we had known just how bad things were going to get? Could we have stopped it?

2012-2016 was just straight up dogshit.

Those end of round intermissions where someone would go fucking nuts followed by people screaming at one another then suddenly cut off as the next round starts was honestly great. It was just so amusing.

>Gears 4 is pretty shit.
story wise yeah but the multiplayer was great, especially horde mode

Dudebro. What kind questions is this? The new gears presentation was so cringe and bad. The franchise should be layed to rest already. Sad.

Gears of war 2 is the pinnacle of the franchise every game after has been a disappointment.

Dudebro era easily. Sure there was a lot to complain about but when you were in the mood for some grimdark it was a God send. Nu-gears just pisses me off, I’m never in the mood for

>colors lol, so wacky hahahahaha

I would unironically play Gears 5 and nuTomb Raider before playing Gears 1-3 and Bulletstorm strictly speaking because of soi or dudebro comparisons

I guess Gears still get tons of money out of new gears. to keep pushing it hard.

Is that Queen Myrrah on the left?

Didn't she die in Gears 2, and then again in Gears 3? Is she a fucking Death Star I don't understand how is she back AGAIN?

>the cole and baird section in gears 3

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>what are flashbacks and hallucinations

1/2 were amazing multiplayer, if only they werent limited to 4v4 lobbies

2 was 3vs3 tho iirc.

dudebro for sure. being a huge slab of meat blowing other huge slabs of meat to pieces, with stupid bants with ya bois. it was dumb fun but it was fucking good

The girl in 4 and 5 is the grand daughter of the Locust Queen. They're trying to make the Locust relevant again since the new enemies and setting are just uninteresting.

Back then videogames made your dick grow BIGGER! now they make you grow a VAGINA!

>mfw they actually ruined gears and sold out to the soiboi crowd

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it's gears of war

no one fucking cares, it's trash

>female sidekick was more interesting than 4's main character
>not being hyped for Locust Queen lore


how the fuck did they manage to fuck up such a simple formula? gears is BIG MCLARGEHUGE: the game, what the fuck


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both are shit. i like games, not "cinematic experiences."

No, but he's guaranteed to not survive this second trilogy, or even this next game. Too many players coming for the little bit of dude-bro nostalgia he, Baird, and Cole provide. They don't want that, so he has to go. It's not about him anymore.

Why not neither?

Same, Mass Effect 3 turned me off from modern games for some time.

The original trilogy are third person shooters.

I'm pretty certain no one here unironically likes the soi era (I hope).

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are you really gonna pretend gow ever was good just cause now its still shit but with your social projection of choice?


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Dudebro, honestly I thought Halo had it bad when it came to the fourth and fifth installment but Gears just completely flipped on it's head.

Like how the fuck do we go from this
and this
To what ever the fuck that trailer was last night? Back in 2006 if someone told me GoW was going to have some Hot Topic goth girl as the protagonist y and not have a squad of angry linebacker sized dudes I would called them crazy

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dudebro era
We still don't have verification cans

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where did it all go so wrong?

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i think they killed the way she looks. i don't mind them making the story about her because they've shown she is related to the queen so it's a smart direction even though they're using it with sjw marketing.

but her appearance now looks different in the wrong way. she looks brie larson more than wonder woman.

>Scenes soi's will never understand

In BF1.
First the negro, then the definitive edition A FUCKING BALD WOMAN TOP MOTHERFUCKING KEK

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What happened to the “Of War” part of the title?


Too masculine and triggering for the nu audience.

>Lived to see GoW turned into a cinematic over-the-shoulder walking simulator about a wide-mouthed, frosted-beard-having soi consumer babysitting his wife's son as he meanders through the countryside
>Lived to see the other GoW have its gritty aesthetic replaced by bright, LGBT-inspired imagery and the musclehead dudebros replaced with dyke-haired women

What an age we live in.


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old gears is dead

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It has a story so it makes sense for the protag to change I guess but why is it just "gears 5"? Is it no longer war focused? What the fuck is up with that?

Gears 1 had best campaign but Gears 4 has the best gameplay


Prefer the dudebro. Gears of war 3 was the last good Gears game

Can't really talk about competitive games on Yea Forums because everyone here is a shitty casual newfag when it comes to vidya. Yea Forums is probably silver at best.

Americans shoving their fucking politics into everything

Was Halo 4 that bad?

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No. It was better than Reach.

It happening to all of the old 2007 AAA games

>Lived to see Halo turn into CoD-ish like gameplay,have a game were Master Chief isn't the main protagonist in a mainline game.
>Lived to see Battlefield turn into a Battle Royale and be made by SJW's who want females on the Nazi side
>Call of Duty turned into a sci-fi shooter with no campaign

>It happening to all of the old 2007 AAA games

What went so right with the Xbox 360, and what went so wrong with the Xbox One?

I hate how Soi devs specifically went after series like God/Gears of War to fuck them up with soi induced faggotry.

I only played Gears 1 and 2, but enjoyed them, never payed attention to the ones after that. I only just found out the MC is not Marcus anymore and it's some chick. This is a fucking Disney Star Wars tier fuckup replacing Luke with Rey, but it's even worse because it's the fucking Gears of War setting which is meant to be meathead as shit. Why the fuck do soilets purposfully go after these IP's to ruin them?

>I only played Gears 1 and 2
>proceeds to give his opinion

Gears 4 didn't have Marcus as the MC, it was fine. Gears 5 will probably be fine, the story is shaping up very well, and the gameplay in 4 has been the best in the series. You have no clue what you're talking about and are just trying to fit in by spewing buzzwords that don't even apply. You know this board is anonymous, right?

Destroying the symbols of toxic masculinity and triggering little gator incels like you? What's not to love?

Im not really sure why Gears decided to have a a female protagonist when that series, even with playable females, has never appealed to women.


Its so weird to see people accepting gears of war on Yea Forums now

>Im not really sure why Gears decided to have a a female protagonist when that series, even with playable females, has never appealed to women.

Microsoft wants more female representation in their video games

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The dudebro era of 2007 to 2012 will always and forever be the absolute worst era of videogames. I never fully recovered from how jaded I became in those years.

Yea Forums has always liked gears

>trying to fit in

No I was just surprised a formerly popular series like Gears of War now has a female MC. To be honest I was always more of a God of War fan, and am pissed at what happened to Kratos. I have all of the God of War games, with Gears of War I never owned, I just played the first two coop with my friend when I was in highschool. Didn't play 3 because we'd both graduated and got jobs by that time. So while I liked it, I wasn't a huge fan. I never payed attention to GOW4, it was so under the radar I don't even remember it releasing. So I was just surprised too see a female character witha dyke haircut in Gears 5. How does that make me a poser for simply stating an opinion?

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should have stopped after 3. now it's just "lol fuck you bigots muh social justice message bottom of the flaming dumpster" tier

dudebro without a doubt

Dice is Swedish you moron

Spewing buzzwords like "soi" when they don't apply? Comparing an MC change to fucking disney buying out star wars? Never playing more than 2 titles in the series anyway while still spewing your uninformed useless opinions? Saying the IP was "purposefully ruined" by "soilets" when it was actually picked up by a dev team that gives a shit about the series and produced the best one in the series gameplay-wise so far?

You sound like a triggered soilet yourself. I'm not gonna bother with you anymore. Enjoy your woman on the rag simulator or whatever.

>gets btfo
>resorts to more buzzwords

Thats what I thought, retard. Lurk moar before sharing your useless opinions, dumb casual nigger.

Already on the rag yourself huh, getting ready for maximum immersion in Gears of Whore 5 tampons left.

Try not to be too upset you got called out for being retarded. Try replying when you aren't a dumb casual nigger that sucks shit at videogames!

Be honest, do you work for The Coalition? Because you are mad enough for that to be a possibility right now.

I don't, but I picked up Gears 4 after playing the trilogy almost a decade ago, and they did a much better job staying truthful to the gameplay than any other game I've seen where new devs pick up the series.

Why bother posting on an imageboard if you don't want people to reply to you? You said some blatantly wrong, stupid shit, I replied and corrected you, now you're bitching that I'm some undercover TC shill simply because I refuse to let you spew your textual diarrhea.

Your moronic posting style leads me to believe you are mentally deficient. I bet you mostly play single player games.

I think he's upset because people don't like his shitty new Gears games

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who’s the dumbass that picked that cover art of all things for gears 5
everyone looks extremely off-model there, it’s almost unsettling. the female mc practically looks like a different person in the cg trailer from yesterday

Gears 4 has the highest post-launch playerbase of any Gears title. Cry more because you suck at it.


You seem to be extremely knowledgeable on Gears4, what is the next talking point on the list?

The game just isn't fun though. I played through the first couple of hours of 1 it was just boring cover shooting stuff. Awful presentation though I did like the monster designs somewhat.

Wait a minute that face...

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shit is so fucking gay now wtf is going on with society bros?

Why are they still making GoW games I thought we killed all the lambent and all the grubs like what else is left

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>compares post launch playerbase numbers with the latest entry over older Gears games that are around a decade old
Try the gain

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now theres an image I havent seen in a long time

>he only likes MP shit

Brainlet confirmed. So I can deduce that when you said Gears 4 was good, it was good in it's MP sense, which is shit. Multiplayer has always been a cringe gamemode for people with no real life friends. Gears was popular because it had coop in the SP mode, so you could bring your real life friends over and play SP on the couch, helping each other out. Instead of boring anti social frag matches that have been boring since the late 90's.

So basically, with your post we can confirm that Gears 4 probably had an abomination of a campaign, and you only care about multiplayer kek. Glad I quit the series when I did lol, in fact I remember back in our last year of highschool, talking to my friend about Gears 3 which had only just been announced at that time, and there was hype about Anya being playable or something. We both thought how the fuck is she gonna even keep up with Marcus, Dom and the rest who are literally Space Marine tier beastmode and she was just a normal girl. We thought it was retarded for a woman to be fighting, but also we thought it must be getting really bad for the humans if they are resorting to female fighters at this point. Anyways he never ended up buying Gears 3 so we didn't play it. He got a PS3 instead after his 360 RROD'd or something.

The first GoW was the best console multiplayer experience I've ever had.

he is kinda hot and I stimulated myself because of him while I was playing GOW4. That's why I prefer onions era

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At least the Dudebro era has some soul.

>Gears is popular because of its SP
The stupidest shit I've read all day

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>Gears was popular because it had coop in the SP mode
Gears 1-3fag here. I'm pretty sure it was Horde and Multiplayer

I've only been back into the series for a month so my knowledge is kind of limited. I found a lot of info while searching info about the games base mechanics so I could improve, something you probably never do in your tranny single player games.

Are you misunderstanding what I'm saying?

Gears 4 has been out for 3 years. It has a larger playerbase and retained more of its playerbase 3 years after release than Gears 1, 2, 3, or judgement did. Obviously, the new trend of supporting your game post launch plays into this, but if the game sucked compared to the other titles, people wouldn't be playing it.

>Multiplayer has always been a cringe gamemode for people with no real life friends

LOL. go back to your immersive single player experience you fucking tranny. Your HRT makes your reaction times, spatial awareness, and quick wits x100 worst so you have to paly against AI that was literally PROGRAMMED to be beaten. Pathetic!

meant to add a reply to in my post. I'll use this time to double down on calling you a tranny for playing mostly single player games. I bet you think Chess sucks for not having a good enough story or art direction.

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what the fuck are they actually just calling it 'Gears' now? That's so fucking stupid

I havent played Gears since 3 and even then it felt like it was getting stale. Everything ive seen from the post trilogy work like Judgment, 4 and now 5 just puts me off even further.

The dudebro era of gaming in general was a godsend compared to the putrid shit we have now.

No one in my school social circle talked about Gears MP though. My friend who owned it and hosted all our coop parties said Gears MP was okay at best. We went over to his place on weekends to play Gears coop campaigns. Back from 2006-2009 when Gears was at peak popularity, the popular MP games everyone played was Halo 3, COD4 and then MW2. Gears MP was never talked about, it was COD and Halo. I think Gears 1 MP had a little bit of popularity briefly when it had no competition on 360 launch, but it was quickly eclipsed.

Don't even. Triple A gaming has been majority shit with a few gems rarely thrown in for a while. Most decent games are made either without publishers or new up and coming publishers that don't suck the soul out of anything yet (old devolver digital comes to mind.)

For a good game you need a non cringe dev, non "woke" publisher, and some modicum of aptitude in game design. Its very rare to get all 3 whether it is indie or otherwise.

>Gears MP was never talked about, it was COD and Halo

Because CoD and Halo are x100 easier to play and more casual than gears you fucking nimrod. Did you know CoD is more popular than Quake also, brainlet? Gears is the only modern shooter without crutches for casuals.

Your clearly proven point by flatout admitting your a multiplayer fag. You must work at EA because you stupidly believe single player games are dead when it never will be.

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I honestly expect them to kill of his son before they kill off marcus. JD was suppose to be the replacement for marcus but wasn't well received. Same with the new deebee robot enemy faction taking a backseat to the locust after one game cause locust are cooler. They've even turned JD into a blander more serious, mini marcus and he doesn't even act like how he did in gears 4.

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Single player games are objectively better than MP games. Once you master a games mechanics and start topping scoreboards constantly, skill and reflexs become boring. I remember getting BLOPS2 and starting up the MP, played a few matched, topped scoreboard of every match so easily I just gave up. Same happened when my friend begged me to play some CS GO with him. Hadn't played CS in years, literally topped the scoreboard and got bored of it. There was no purpose. After playing Quake 3 and gitting gud, console MP is just a total meme in comparison. PC MP still offers skill against high level players, but most MP games don't force me to really test my skill in movement and aiming at the same time, and most don't make use of prediction of the enemy movements or any tactics, and have too many killstreaks and other bonus's. So no I don't bother with them anymore. SP might be even easier, but I enjoy it more, I enjoy jumping around in platformers, exploring comfy worlds, seeing the cool atmosphere. It might seem casual to you, but this is the endgame for gaming. You know how old people go back to liking kids stuff when they get elderly. It's the same when you've been playing games for multiple decades. All the skill based stuff gets old, it's a fake reward. Skills from one game just carry over to the next, learning new controls takes minutes at max, and you just rebind on the PC. Once you get good at the most difficult game in the genre (Quake etc) then after that, everything else is easy by default. So for me, skill based games don't do it. Unless I moved onto a totally new genre that is not a shooter, like tried to master character action games like Ninja Gaiden Black or DMC3, I am really never pushed to test my skills. Plus, another aspect of getting old is your relfex's start getting shot, so your super high reflex's for CS GO will get worse over time due to your age increasing, so skill based gaming is reliant on you staying young forever.

i hate women and fags

>2012 was when I stopped buying and playing modern titles. Been pretty much exclusively playing classic vidya for the last 7 years now.

Same, more or less. I bought and enjoyed dusk earlier this year but it's closer to a quake mod than a full fledged game though.

i agree with him. fuck multiplayer fragmatches. that shit is for BRs. couch coop and couch multiplayer forever.

How the fuck is gears slow? Wallbouncing literally teleports you across any map in under a minute

Singleplayer games have AI that is programmed for you to be able to beat. They are easy and casual for that reason. Multiplayer is the only true test of skill in a videogame. Why do you play a videogame if not to be challenged?

>inb4 story

You're literally just spouting bullshit and trying to act like an oldfag when you're not. You can't admit to liking casual tranny shit then go "but its not casual tranny shit because I'm an oldfag bro!!! I played quake 3 and got gud!!!"

I honestly don't even believe you, half the niggers on Yea Forums who said they played quake 3 either didnt or played 20 minutes of FFA and got raped. Duel me right now you fucking cretin, I'll 30-0 you in 10 minutes.

Gears never had a dudebro era. The dudebro boogeyman Yea Forums fags alwas tries to push nevet existed.

A blander, more forgettable male lead is exactly what they want though, no chance of overshadowing the girl. I stand by my prediction that Marcus won't survive much longer but JD will hang around in the background.

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>hey, you know that one IP we have that's exclusively about roided out ape/human hybrids and monsters murdering each other? How about we totally change it and target the tumblr audience

What the FUCK were they thinking?

Depends what you mean by dudebro. The campaign definitely had a great tone of camaraderie and friendship which I think trannies would refer to as being "dudebro."

The series died with Dom, everything after gow 3 is fanfiction tier shit

I think it was pushed because it featured in some TV shows and a movie but I assume nu-Yea Forums thanks gears was like a fifa or something that only normies played

Given the setting and lore its impossible for the game to go anywhere but over the top. Enjoy it for what it is. The one time they tried to go back to the past to combat this, it was the worst received game in the series. Admittedly thats only like 20% of the reason judgement failed, but it counts.

Dom was the soul of the group (Marcus the face, Cole the heart, Baird the brain). He was the human factor that made you care a bit. Marcus was too gruff and straightforward to give much of a shit about.

>the game is still about family issues and chainsaws
>because characters are different, that means they are changing the target audience

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What happened to Marcus' kid? Where the fuck is he?

>He's never heard of difficulty levels in single player games
Why don't you try to play through Sekiro and get a taste of souls games difficulty kid

I can't wait for you to get old and have all your skills decline and start getting beaten by kids with 07 at the end of their name. You are gonna feel the pain fucking bad. I know all the other MP skills fags did when they got old. I am warning you. Start learning to enjoy SP and non skill based games, or you will basically have to quit playing vidya once your reflexes fade and get a new hobby altogether.

>Singleplayer games have AI that is programmed for you to be able to beat

I know. I don't care. As long as the encounter is fun, that's all that matters. For me right now, I find preparation, tactics and games that let me incorporate a stategy to be more satisfying than doing nanosecond headshots now. I love SP games that let me do stuff like that.

>Multiplayer is the only true test of skill in a videogame

Yes, true, but only certain games. Some games are just much better for testing skill than others, and some games only test for a certain type of skill. Plus, video game skills are not IRL skills, and as I said, reflex skills you find in FPS online games are timed, you start losing them in your late 20's, it's that short lived. Honestly at this point, the type of skill games I am more interested in are tactical thinking online games like RTS, RTT. Stuff that really activates your brain. These type of skills don't degrade until your 70's.

>Why do you play a videogame if not to be challenged?

For fun. Honestly, even Lego video games can be satisfying and fun if they are well made, have interesting levels and scenario's and such. Difficulty, while important, is not the main aspect of a video game. If you honestly find no point at all to playing video games aside from testing your reflex skills, you are a very shallow player, will burn out extremely hard once you pass 25 and will likely drop vidya if you can't adjust yourself and start enjoying other aspects of gaming.

He's in the first trailer. He's went back to the COG and shaved his head. Honestly looks alot better

GoW was always overrated tripe and I'll never forgive Epic for abandoning the Unreal franchise and shitting all over their PC crowd with Cliffyb acting as their mouthpiece.

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1 was the best. The only Gears to be a legit unironic HORROR shooter. 2 was passable but nothing special. Everything that came after was worthless garbage.

RTS games as much about reflexes than any FPS

Oh, is the bell + no charm start on Sekiro programmed to not be beaten?

I know some duel players that are a decade my senior and can still beat me, even on faster maps like aerowalk. I think I'll be fine.

The rest of your post is just admitting to be a casual, so why should I even bother properly responding to it? You are a dumb casual, your opinion means nothing. Go play the FF7 remake.

Maybe if it's a shitty gook clicker that replies on clicks per second. But I always enjoy RTT more than RTS anyways.

>He's in the first trailer. He's went back to the COG and shaved his head. Honestly looks alot better
That's retarded.

>making Gears more girls focussed
>kill the OG female Gears character off screen
That's the real baffling part.

People on this board are usually complete shit single player fags who are too slow and stupid to play multiplayer fps games

I honestly thought it was a Mass Effect trailer at first until Marcus appeared.

>your a casual because you got bored of topping scoreboards

How am I meant to get satisfaction from gaming solely meant to test your skill and relfexes, when it's not testing my skill and reflexes. MP shooters are so fucking easy, most players are braindead faggots who will walk right into chockpoints and get one shotted. Christ it's so easy to rack up kills. It's just not satisfying unless you are also playing against other top tier players. And then it's just a matter of time until you start getting too old to compete, or you have to dedicate your time to playing practice matches over and over again to keep yourself in shape, and that turns a fun hobby into basically a fucking job because you want to stay competitive. Fuck that. Did that for a month with a group of guys, got so sick of it.

I'm sorry your a little zoomer who hasn't peaked yet, but trust me, when you peak in skill, the fun of winning is gone, and you start wanting more out of a game than just difficulty and challenge.

Why? It's not like a bunch of outsider settlements can stop the horde. If you're talking about his redesign being retarded then that's up to you, personally he looks like Marcus with a beard which I like

You join servers with people that don't suck, or play a game with skill based matchmaking. You're a wannabe boomer that did good in a Quake 3 FFA once and thinks he's hot shit.

>. MP shooters are so fucking easy, most players are braindead faggots who will walk right into chockpoints and get one shotted.

Imagine playing shooters with one shot mechanics and thinking you're good at FPS. Fucking retard.

Can you play the games before talking about them?

>do you prefer the dudebro era (2005-2012) or the soi era (2013-present)?
They both suck for different reasons. The soi era has a lot more variety for new releases, but the dudebro era didn’t have anywhere near as much DLC and MTX cancer.

I’d tilt it to soi era ever so slightly since there’s still a decent body of games that haven’t gone full propaganda piece that feel more varied than those in dudebro era.

Imagine thinking your hot shit because you play Gears of War 4 competitively.

AHAHAHAA you fucking zoomer little shit.

The Dudebro era also had the worst netcode and the only PC release was locked behind GFWL.

Jesus Christ your extremely delusion newfag

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I'm hot shit because I fucking destroy at any FPS I play and would destroy any person in this thread in a duel in any AFPS. QW, Q3, HLDM, you name it. You have 0 clue about how Gears plays but try to have an opinion regardless, you're literally no better than the fucking trannies on twitter who talk shit about videogames they know nothing about.

Challenge my delusions and duel me, zoomer. I don't have work today, I can sweep Yea Forums in duels again.

Are you seriously saying gow 4 and 5 are tonally similar to gears 1-3? 1-3 were essentially military themed shooters (especially 1-2) and 4-5 are closer to adventure games, both appeal to different audiences.

Yes same as me, I'd put money on a bet that I could curbstomp you in a match of a game I've never played before, that you are a veteran off. I've done it before and made some other skillfags fucking seethe and get buttblasted as fuck.

See you are a zoomer, and you are still rising in skill. I've peaked, I reached the top. Your enthusiam for difficulty and skill based gaming just shows me how inexperienced and new you are. I'd fucking rape you in any game of your choosing. But you know what's funny, if you came into my space, the Real Time Tactics space, I bet you'd be destroyed by the AI alone, not just me.

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>Wanna play as the protagonist of the previous game, who's also the son of the beloved protagonist of the original trilogy and looks way more interesting and cooler this time, making him the most logical choice for a protagonist in the new game?
>Nope, have feminism instead, fuck you.

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Neither, both were shit. Give me the Y2K era (1997-2005)


Dudebro era wasn't that bad.

You onions losers ruined it by complaining nonstop about being virgins and all.

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it's because all the characters were bros with soul patches who looked like they had Monster stickers on their cars and punch holes in drywall

Neither, garbage like Fifa, Gears and COD never had a place on Yea Forums before, but thanks to /pol/niggers and normalfags we need to have threads about this shit here.

>not being a narcissist
This is an IRL power-up.

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Keep posing all you want, tranny.

Narcissism is the highest form of self confidence. Sorry your hormone supplements ruined all your self esteem. Should have just stuck with being an average looking guy instead of an ugly girl.

Late 2000’s was when Xbawx got a foot in the market to compete with Nogames Station 3 and the Wii which was a family friendly motion control shovelware machine. It got the masses into it through Halo, Gears, CoD, GTA, Forza, FIFA, and Madden online play. It was the dudebro era.

And always comes to bite you in the ass

Half of Gears 2 is about Dom trying to find his wife and half of Gears 3 is about Marcus trying to find his dad
The plot for Gears 4 is about JD and Kait looking for into why settlements and finding Kaits mom and finding Marcus after he gets captured. Both are military shooters but take place at different parts of the war. Gears 1-3 take place near the end while Gears 4 and 5 take place at the start

Reach had a lot of problems, but no way hell was it worse than Halo 4.

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Not in this lifetime.


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>confirmed narcissist

Go dialate tranny.

>Narcissist who puts all his self worth into his """skill""" in online reflex sims

Oh fuck I can't wait to see you crash and burn in a few years when your reflex times start slowing. Holy fuck you are gonna burn out hard. What's the best you actually commit suicide over it because of how heavily you invest your self worth into how good you are at online shooters.

Gears 2 on pc when?

christ wtf happened

how the fuck is having a female main character feminism, that's like saying having a male main character is chauvinism, in other words, you're retarded

Narcissism is the exact opposite of being transexual you fucking lowbob. How could someone thats so upset with their own self image they mutilate themselves be considered a narcissist? You're so stupid it hurts.

When my reaction times start to dwindle I'll just keep playing Chess and play less videogames. I'll still have something to flaunt over 95% of humans, possibly more, I'm not sure what the curve of Elo distribution is.

This franchise got 2007'd hard

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3 was kinda drag to finish so i stopped with the franchise after that but maybe its cause 1-2 i played with my bros coop and i remember them so fondly

>put all of his "skill" in video games and losing it
I feel sorry for you

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Depends on what you liked. If you actually are/were into mainstream AAA games and shooters then dudebro was definitely cooler, otherwise anything less-costly and most other genres benefited better from the current era.

What a shit year. That was the year that modern culture started. Where everything went to shit.

You are getting really cringe, just KYS.

Also I should point out you think skill in videogames is entirely reaction based, which is retarded. Even past 30 years old plenty of people keep a reaction time of .250ms which is perfectly acceptable for even shooters. Aiming isn't reaction time based, by the way!

Halo 4 plays better and has a better campaign

Gears was never good, same with Halo.

my fucking sides

>no argument
>resorts to buzzwords

Not my fault that, for a gaming board, Yea Forums has no skill in any game. This is the board that unironically coined the term "artifical difficulty." In a singleplayer game. That was beatable.

Gears of War and Halo killed 3rd and 1st person shooters respectively.
Press S to spit on grave.

Neither, this series was always for brainded morons

>gears killed third person shooters
love this meme, the genre barely existed before gears

KYS you cringecuck narcissist faggot. No one cares.

>We're not trying to take over your games, misogynists!
>But everything has to be us because we're special and the most diverse people: White women.

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Same. I havent bought a triple a game since GTA V


Look in a mirror.

I think GunZ and S4 league killed themselves, nothing to do with Gears.


You are such a fucking (You)whore aren't you. Typical of a narcissistic little shit. Well you aren't getting any more of them.

>being this fucking angry that someone's confident

i hope you find a gf or something you're good at some day, user

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Why did Marcus look so young here?

The mind of an incel. Have sex

Quit acting like such a newfag. Did you unironically start using Yea Forums in 2012?

Woah, relax, narcissist. He's fragile.

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GunZ and Max Payne are a prime example of what TPS should be. Using the awareness of your surroundings that the format gives to encourage you to move fast from one position to the next while keeping both eyes peeled, to be constantly flanking and avoiding being flanked. Instead it turned into a corridor full of waist-high objects and press X to hide and wait until enemies stop firing to try to snipe them.

>ywn again know the joy of hiding in the middle so they can't bring up your gamercard to mute you while you proceed to talk shit to everybody in the lobby
Good times.


Thanks for the (You)

>Accusation of being mad
No, I was actually kinda sad. The narcissist doesn't realize he's at the peak, from now on, it's just down. The next few years of his life will be so depressing. Ironically, his confidence will be shattered. I seriously think he will consider suicide. Poor user.

Make an argument instead of animal noises. I’m already used to mental midgets like you so I have patience.

You care more than he does.

Soi era, because I get to save more money and spend more time on working out and spending time with friends and family. Don't get me wrong, the dudebro era was cool and fun, but it wasn't the golden age of gaming. It was a time when games where starting to become very mainstream and dudebros were the pioneers that led to the the cancer, (political activists and greedy businessman) that plagued the industry and turned it into what we see now, the soi era.

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Dude bro era
I liked most of the games it was def annoying but whatever the fuck now is is 100% worse

This is how I know you have never played Gears in your life. Cover in gears is a means of movement, it gets you around the map fast and counteracts the extremely low TTK by allowing you to dodge the one shot weapons with long cycle times. Sitting in cover doesn't actually give you protection, you can damage people in cover because the animations are deliberately designed in such a way that parts of your body jut out to shoot. You can literally be sniped while in cover from a longshot, sitting in cover is a death sentence, you use it to teleport around the map at ludicrous speeds.

I love Max Payne, don't get me wrong, but that game is RIDICULOUSLY slow compared to Gears of War, and on the higher skills in Max Payne you're usually spent hugging walls and peeking around corners.

Who's responsible for the Mass Effect 2, GTA4 and Max Payne 3 bullshit gameplay then. It was one big wave of shit.

None of those games play like Gears of War. Yea Forums has this preconceived notion that Gears is some super slow cover shooter when its the exact opposite.