Make the objective best choice

>make the objective best choice
>diehard fans get mad you aren’t following the canon

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Fuck you

>play video game
>considering what anyone else thinks about the choices you make in the game for even a second

She's so hot bros

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Her outfit is hotter than Yens, she actually shows cleavage

Attached: 49FCD553-3BB2-4C66-A58D-9C3A085F3791.jpg (250x345, 18K)

>triss alternate costume is sexy as fuck
>but it looks out of place
should i turn it off lads

>make noncanon choice based on personal preferences instead of roleplaying the characters
>so bootyblasted that it's not canon that you're still shitposting years later

Only retards care about canon when it comes to player choice.

How do you turn on alternate costumes

Triss is a bombshell, but let's not throw stones. The girls of The Witcher are all pretty much 10/10, it's just that Triss is a 10/10 among 10/10s