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They should just give up on dbz games now that aesthetics will forever be btfo by fighterz
>Hey can you guys make a new sto-
Its not confirmed ending at freiza
they tried making a new story in dbfz and that sucked dick
kinda feel like RPG is wasted on dbz goku
no one even remembers goku doing anything besides shooting lasers
naruto universe would be better desu
make a custom big titty ninja
Try again.
Goku is now the least liked part of Dragon ball.
And making an entire fucking RPG for that boring scene eating cocksucker when he only became popular when the series starred his son and it was a major ensemble effort shows how deeply fucking retarded and out of touch the DB IP owners are.
Even Toriyama knows that Goku himself can't carry shit and is an unlikeable hateful asshole that he has to use sparringly.
Get better writers. There are fanfic writers out there right now who're killing it.
Fucking Toriyama himself wrote the story to DBO and it was great.
Game seems mediocre at best,
Graphics look amazing but some shots of goku are a little weird. Fighting looks meh and flying is cool, i guess?
Seems like xenoverse but more rpg and less fighting.
Cuckoo caca carrot cake
one daily dose pls, doc.
>great story
Everyone talking about story here is retarded. Dragon Ball has literally never had good writing.
What went wrong?
This is how than jump festa gme should have looked.
Literal garbage taste. Goku is the best part of DBZ and the ratings went to shit so hard when Gohan took the helm that Toriyama was forced to bring him back
why is he making the that's my bulma face?
Oh boy the Saiyan+Frieza saga I can't wait to play through it again for the 67th time
>daily dose.
It's not Dune
But it's good for what it is.
And the people who are writing DBS and DBFZ can't even fuckign manage to make a decent if not mediocre game.
Everyone wants to be all deep and subversive and multilayred and fagging on about emotions and shit.
They can't even do the motherfucking basics of a simple goddamned shounen story. How hard is it to make a story about dudes(and that one gal) who train to get strong enough to beat evil aliens, demons, robots, and rabbits?
Apparently it's a goddamned herculean effort!
He lacks the brain damage.
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I've traveled each and every highway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way
Toriyama isn't the greatest manga writer of all time, but he's still good. He's been very good at working around the constraints of the manga medium, such as depicting evil through the shape of eyes and speech bubbles, being a god at paneling and choreography (possible still unrivaled when it comes to Shounen Jump), and being one of the first mangaka to successfully make their main characters grow up. It was a big deal at the time to have Goku go from a 15 year old looking the exact same way he did as a 12 year old, all the way to an 18 year old, and the same happening to his kids by the end of the manga. This didn't commonly happen and with something as big as DB, his editor thought it would crash the series.
Just once I'd like a game to span dragon ball all the way to end of z but it seems that everyone ignores that period and only focuses on z.
TFS fags get out.
ARDBZchads get in.
Some guy from IGN asked the devs if the story would go beyond the Freeza Arc, and the devs gave some answer asking the lines of'at this time we cannot comment on that matter', so it's pretty safe to say that it will.
Play Origins 1 and 2 (DS), Revenge of King Piccolo (Wii), that SNES JRPG about the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai (Super Famicom), Legacy of Goku I and II (GBA), Buu's Fury (GBA)
>have characters that train and learn all their lives to be better
>all out done by one idiot who randomly levels up during a fight
Just let it die
why is vego obsessed with kakarot kissing his wife?
>recycling Budokai again
Ok I guess
>3 seconds in an Vegeta is already crying!
I dont hate him but damn thats mean, you instantly cuck him out of any kind of respect he still has left. You cant show him on the trailer crying like a faggot.
I'm legit bored of Dragon Ball now. Super sucks, the games keep retreading Z so much that I can recite the plot with perfect accuracy, and Dragon Ball gets ignored even though it would make a great adventure game. I literally yawned during the trailer.
To be fair, those sagas were nothing but humiliation for Vegeta, getting destroyed by Goku and his friends, Zarbon, Recoome, Krillin and multiple times by Frieza and you have a broken crying dying man on the floor
>destroyed by Goku and his friend
Barely user
It’s sad that I feel alone in thinking this was the literal high point of Microsoft’s conference. Yeah the DBZ story has been rehashed so many times, but to actually revisit the iconic early story arcs in a much more granular way looks so refreshing. Coming from the developers of Naruto UNS I think this will be a surprisingly good game that too many people will sleep on. Fighting game fans have DBFZ and that’s great, but I’ve been hoping for a legit 3D story-based DBZ brawler for a long time now.
Granted, getting a release date for Cyberpunk was cool, but we already knew about that game. I’m not going to suck Keanu’s dick like everybody else on the internet because it’s just a corporate dick wag for attention
Why are they pushing the nails-on-chalkboard Japanese dub?
Danke herr doktor
god damn it I've been so good at avoiding it too
Just make Budokai Tenkaichi 4 with the Super characters already.
I want to play as my husbando outside of mobile shit.
>why is the original audio used for a game still in production
They do dubbing last in most game development.
Not a corporate dick wag, cd project red doesn't do that. I think it's more about adding a actual real face to the game, as everything thus far has been created by cdpr though cgi and vodka magic.
He's going to be in fighterz along side gogeta in the next dlc.
>game is focused on goku and just go to frieza
>next game is androids and buu saga
>game is called Son Gohan
I can see it happening
>I'm legit bored of Dragon Ball now. Super sucks, the games keep retreading Z so much that I can recite the plot with perfect accuracy, and Dragon Ball gets ignored even though it would make a great adventure game. I literally yawned during the trailer.
Would you get excited by a new anime adaption of the manga?
Hopefully this game flops and that won't happen.
Here Lies Cell
Forever cucked from his Saga
Yo, Bejita. Is it time for me to fuck your wife again?
Do you think the voice actors get tired of doing the same exact lines for the same exact scenes over and over again?
Look man I respect CDPR and believe in the game. No disrespect to Keanu either. I’ve just been burned too many times by celebrity “involvement” to be anything more than cynical at this point.
I won’t even properly address Ronda Rousey in MK11. Keanu will just be another NPC, he isn’t going to be Neo or John Wick. I don’t bow down before every celebrity I see because their presence doesn’t mean anything beyond their involvement in the game’s story
I was talking yesterday about how there's no way most of them haven't memorized their lines.
That already exists.
They're all gonna die after screaming for so long so many times.
Fuck that shit game
>t. xenoshitter who can't into fighting games
The Freiza saga is literally the Pokemon Red/Blue of DBZ, think about it. Fake fans and jaded oldfags screech about how much "better" it is despite it being followed up by a superior arc (Cell Saga/Pokemon GS), zoomers literally can't find a real reason to hate it, just choosing to hate it because it's old rather than because of it's real issues (e.g the whole arc's shitty pacing, especially in the anime/ Red and Blue being a barely functioning peice of shit held together with cellotape and a dream). They're both great but they aren't THE peak of the franchise like some people claim.
>2d crap with 10 characters total
Yeah, it's shit
>i have never played a real fighting game in my life
>muh oc donut steel button masher
>Frieza is literally pokemon red/blue
Okay I can see where you see that.
>Despite it being followed by a superior arc
Hahahahahaha oh my fucking God hahahahah
Can you wait a bit, vegeta? bulma told me to collect all those minerals and fish and save the 5 fluffy bunnies of west city, also to collect those rocks and kill a bunch of jobber robots
Toei is trying to phase Funimation out with the whole #KickVic lawsuit.
Nah, Freeza was paced pretty well in the manga and a lot of the filler added in the anime was good. Cell on the other hand is just a clusterfuck of half done ideas pushed together despite being shallow and meaningless because they aren't fleshed out.
it looks kino. glad Funimation babs got fucked hard.
>wanting a new story
That will be awful
You missed the entire point of frezia killing him my man
Just play Legacy of Goku instead.
It's the same game.
this game was so low quality, like a flash game ported to gba. terrible but charming
Is piccolo black?
Better than a shitty arena fighter where 99% of characters have the same moveset and 100% have the same inputs.
I heard someone from the last thread saying how the game is going to also show a brief cliffnotes of 21st world tournament - 23rd world tournament as the tutorial.
I'm amazed so many people are nostalgic for this western bastardization of the source material.
FighterZ still looks a lot better
>The Freiza saga is literally the Pokemon Red/Blue of DBZ,
Yea sure whatever
>despite it being followed up by a superior arc (Cell Saga
Dumb fucking nigger
You're breaking my heart, Haru-Poster
Toriyama’s original plan was to end Dragonball after Frieza, so I genuinely hope they use that as the conclusion of this game
That's developer speak for "yes but that's spoilers since marketing is yet to show it, I can only discuss what you already know."
>They retcon Gohan killing Cell
>Toriyama claims he doesn't understand how someone "as weak as Gohan" would be able to defeat Cell
>Game is renamed to Dragon Ball: Future Trunks
>He kills Cell in the end
It would be based, Gohan was always a shit character.
Why would they do that? That would call for the entirety of Gohan's story to be rewritting, aka EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN GOKU'S ABSENCE.
This game looks fucking amazing. It's the exact DBZ game I've been waiting for.
Because Toriyama hates Gohan.
user, the ratings went to shit because of the saiyaman shit and videl.
That's it.
If Gohan was a semi serious superhero type character and he had to fight some kind of alien overlord that was trying to take the place of frieza or some super cell like monster then it would have been huge.
DB was almost fucking canned before it became a martial arts manga with a huge cast of characters. Every single time goku was pushed as the lead the series bombed and the movie was poorer for it.
No one fucking cares about goku per se.
They care about the Dragon Ball universe.
Which will NEVER be worth three squirts of piss becasue the series is ran by out of touch suits and a VA who wants to leave her mark on the landscape rather then leave a door open for the newer generation.
Sounds like they have their work cut out for them. Poor sods.
The fuck happened
Gohan was good until he came out of the time room.
>Gohan was always a shit character
Not in this future he isn't.
>wants to leave her mark on the landscape
She has a long fucking time ago
>goyhanfag cope
Still too shit to beat a couple of washing machines
Can someone be this fucking wrong?
Obrigado doutor
>and a VA who wants to leave her mark on the landscape rather then leave a door open for the newer generation
How does she have any power over what happens and what doesn't with the story itself?
It would have been rad if the game started with bardo as a prologue and then you play as goku from the start of dragonball.
What an impossible game to make though.
>and a VA who wants to leave her mark on the landscape rather then leave a door open for the newer generation.
I'm pretty sure she's under contract and her only escape is death.
Jobbing doesn't make a character shit.
An obviously weak character getting beaten isn't jobbing, it doesn't make whoever beats them look strong.
This is the same panel where he says "...but Cell is even stronger than him". Otherwise Vegeta would have never said that out loud. He also doesn't say "He's brilliant", but something like "That bastard is gifted".