>the west can't make attractive fema-
Literally one of the only good things in Bethesda's E3 conference.
>That reaction.
That tickled my funny bone. That being said, I love her narrow waist and subtle feminine hips.
Is it really? I thought that was a dude
Remember when there was a full on furry thread yesterday that reached the bump limit
>sandpaper tongue
Does this have romance? Can you fuck her in game? I'm horny and lonely bros.
Khajiit tongues are a very erotic experience.
But ESO is the best mmo ever made. Bethesda should have let Zenimax make FO76.
Zenimax, iD, and Arkane are all the good parts kf Bethesda.
Excuse me, but straights aren't allowed to be furfags
You're going to have to remove this thread or add a penis to that cat
I wouldn't say best, its an okay single player "mmo" though. ALSO Khamira is a horrible character, if abnar tharn and cadwell weren't in the story quests that dlc would've been trash. The sidequests in the zone were pretty good tho
If southern elseweyr ain't free or "limited time free" like murkmire then fuck zenimax, giving us half a story and cucking you at the boss fight is the stupidest shit
Yeah. It’s a her
>it's a fucking female
fucking dropped
I'd add my own to her at least
She looka lika man
>that guy on twitter that draw it as a boy yesterday and got roasted by everyone
His defense was that he doesn’t know shit about the online game and have 0 idea about it being a girl.
I require this image
based and furpilled
those whiskers are a mess and need trimming
why did they let the queen fight a dragon like this
These cucks have nothing on my main man, Senche-Raht
No much need or space for an MMO in my life but I admit, the Khajiit is cute.
They look nothing alike in game
The part where she roared back at the dragon was cool as fuck.
don't tell me you would
fucking SICKOS
>Trimming whiskers
Dude if you are trimming your cats whiskers, FUCKING STOP, whiskers aren't just hair, they are full of nerves and help the cat move around.
That's a big cat jaw, dingus.
there was like 4
There was a joke about that in Bojack Horseman. Princess Caroline was walking into walls after trimming her whiskers.
That's a male btw
Ohmes is peak, get that furry and literally bestiality shit outta TES
even better owo
> Can't play as Cathay-Raht tank
Ferals are the best
Imagine him sucking on your nuts with its nose pressed up against the base on your shaft
fuck off furry niggers, you get the rope first.
All khajiit lovers please report to your local shower
I like Ohmes and Ohmes-Raht, let me play as them again Bethesda
the OG furfag was straight
Why is this thread still going? You can't fuck her in the game. Useless.
The OG furfag was some Grug thousands of years ago
porn when
She's Queen of Elsweyr, so no.
Cheetahs are cute.
kys fag.
thankfully ESO has Suthay-Raht, Cathay, Cathay Raht, Alfiq-Raht and Senche
It's trash
That they are.
Good taste user, along with Blacksad is one of the few furry comics that is actually good.
Jesus christ look at the size of those claws.
That thing will tear you to shreds.
You don't like dragons, user?
It'll just suck your fingers bro
>tinder profile pic
>no rpg allows you turn into undead behemoth
>watch eso trailer where that one dude turns into skeleton behemoth
>immediately hooked
never played eso, but is it possible to play as a paladin (read: moralfag) but still turn into a bone tyrant?
Why does he pad his chest
Not lithe enough.
You'd imagine it would be relatively easy to just swap the eye color yellow. Also maybe increase eye size if the editor allows it. That seriously cannot be a "baked" face model.
Depends on how you mean. The skill itself is locked to the Necromancer class, so you can't play it if you're an actual Templar, but yeah, you can still make good choices even if you're playing a Necromancer. I think it has a tank spec too.
>tfw cheetah are just big housecats but slightly inbred
>tfw you will never have a pet cheetah
>tfw never ever
Well, yeah. The original Elsweyr trailer shows that she's a cathay.
>Bethesda is too lazy to ever put the choice of playing as all these different kinds of Khajit
>Mods only are clothing for whores or the occasional body for whores so no one will ever make them playable
>ES VI will probably be even worse than Fallout 4
>The possibility of a voiced character making so you can't choose some races
All cats are the same, just some of them are different sizes.
The only real difference between your house cat and a panther is the size.
>tank spec too
thats it im buying it 50% off, thanks user!
cheetahs don't have the inborn instinct to kill
your housecat does
>but is it possible to play as a paladin (read: moralfag) but still turn into a bone tyrant?
many necromancer skills, including that bigass bonetank, are criminal, so you'll have to watch where you use them
>monster is just a hairy woman
Don't reply to monster girl fags
Cute kitty has a palico hat.
What is it?
I hate that after Morrowing they removed digitigrade feet from khajit and argonians. Lazy fuckers.
What are some hot gamer tips for a WoW veteran playing this game? Is tanking any fun and can you level with it?
will the game have the different types of khajit?
what, that's clearly a man
>zootopia knock off is good
dumb newfurfag
It does, yeah.
That literally looks like a fucking cat. Why do white people want to fuck animals so much?
It's not like WoW at all. If you liked Oblivion/Skyrim then it plays like that.
puts the 'ow' back in meow ;)
they act more like dogs than house cats
>Bethesda should have let Zenimax make FO76
Zenimax owns Bethesda you retard.
>why does x race do this?!
Dont open this can of worms
they're just more attractive than our women
It's a bit different from what you'd expect, but yeah, it's pretty fun, and it doesn't make normal adventuring difficult.
I imagine they were too lazy or retarded to figure out how to make the gamebryo engine not explode when physics was applied to non-humanoid legs.
I know exotic pets are a terrible idea but I understand why people would want a cat the size of a large dog.
Tanking is a lot different, if it's good or bad is up to you.
For example you don't just taunt everything, only the big ones that shred your party members since you only have single target taunt.
You'll enjoy it a bit more if you play it like a single player RPG until you start doing group content.
Digitigrade is only good when they have enlarged or oversized paws. If they are kept to quadraped proportions where they look like theyre walking on their ankles, it's even worse than plantigrade.
No it's just laziness. There are mods that add digitigrade feet for them and they don't have problems. Claws are another thing Bethesda didn't add either.
It's the other way around you retard.
shit forgot my pic
>anthro with feet
absolutely disgusting
They were the right size in Morrowind. But after that Bethesda pussied out on doing them in other games.
No they aren't, they're just hair. The nerves are under the skin at the base.
furfags will get the gas. yiff in hell
Didn't know they had protection in Tamriel.
>how are you doing fellow 4channers?
you need to go back
That little hiss at the dragon was extremely cute
they didn't have digitigrade feet in any other elder scrolls except morrowind.
and they look fucking stupid anyway. so it is good they got rid of them.
There was a mod for Skyrim that actually made it work. Problem is that because it's so late to the party that it's not compatible with other things.
anthro animals are basically equivalent to space aliens.
people will want to fuck space aliens. why are anthro animals any different?
Are you talking about this shit mod?
Don't waste your time. He's fresh off the boat and thinks ED is a substitute for lurking.
When will Ohmes be playable?
Even better in my book, honestly. Cats are based but dogs even more so.
People who say that have never actually seen large dogs
Now if only the real material would look like the advertisement material
He's magnificent
I want to be an Argonian and have a Khajit gf AHHHHHHH.
Too bad they're always piss ugly in-game. Also Elder Scrolls should add bird people.
Is it finally possible to melee as a magic user? Can't fucking believe bound weapons aren't in the game despite being a cornerstone of elder scrolls magic
>Female Khajiit after having sex with a race that does’t have a barbed penis
“Once you go man, you’ll always be a fan.”
Once you go mer, you’ll will never want fur.”
Is this game still subscription based?
>implying a warm-sands khajiit would fall for a cold-blooded lizard.
The bird people are extinct, since the Aylieds wiped them out.
>Playing ESO
Mammals and scalys dabbing on this faggot.
It's buy-to-play. The DLC packs are separate purchases, though.
One is simply aware!
>game cutscene
>fur actually has a sheen, and looks like fur
>fur just looks like lumps of clay with hair patterns and horrible UV mapping
Thanks Bethesda.
It’s free to play now, that is that if you play on a console however you still have to pay for that online service still.
In that case, why get a panther when you can get one of these?
They complement each other, the perfect forbidden love.
I guess you will never have to worry about accidentally having children.
Khajiit are our wives. Remember to impregnate your Khajiit wife with human-cat hybrids
only degenerates play as khajiits or argonians
I thought they were supposed to be less sapient than humanoid types.
That’s not how it works. A union will always have the offspring take on after the mother 100% with only some family resemblance with the father. That being said, your son or daughter may grow up to be no bigger than a common house depending on the moons.
Thanks, I'll check it out then. How much is buy to play? Is the f2p content good enough to check the game out or is it royally cucked
> Literally just a human with warpaint
>tfw no VERY special khajiit friend
Completely fully sapient Khajiit that was born during a certain phase of the moon. You than thank Azura for that.
No, they're quite intelligent. You might be confusing senche-khajiit with senche-cats, which are distantly related to khajiit, but aren't actually sapient.
What is this from?
>You will never pad the head of a cute khajiit
also choose a stealth archer class, befor the gold skinned mer devils shit up this thread
Khajiit are Elves.
Completely fully delitized sapient Khajiit, foreverially tiedup and loving it.
The free stuff's alright. Not as good as the later content, but the game's not bad.
To be honest the khajiit in Skyrim are the best looking ones in all the games.
user’s pic related is a certain Worgen from WoW.
It's an mmo, so I'm kind of scared of the grind. How bad is it? I just want to immerse myself in TES environment, not really looking for a game that will take up 8 hours a day of my time
You mean a Mer with warpaint.
That is a cat, not a man.
I like the Skyrim design. I wonder if VI will make them even better.
based blinyposter
Not too bad. If you really want to speed up your skill growth, you can do a few PVP matches. They're pretty fun.
Imagine that every time you come across a ignorant Man, he mistakes you for a Bosmer.
Yes Khajiit are mer but they are not Thalmor assholes and are very cute also they can help you kill thalmor assholes
Alright, thanks user. Have a wonderful day
Is that Ruth Connell?
do khajiit girls go into heat?
Eh, almost.
Because they are so attractive
They’re not animals despite mistakenly classified as a beast race. They’re Mer.
No, that's just something they tell to cute boys to get them to "help them out".
are necromancers fun or should i not bother with this game?
Calling Altmers Thalmor.
the game is fun, play it. necros are good but so are the other classes.
when you mod it
that's kinda hot
Half of Elsweyr is supposed to be in cahoots with the Thalmor during the events of Skyrim.
short advertisement for wow on twitter.
really hard to find the specific post
Too curvy.
I want to have a wholesome relationship with Katia and help her get her life in order!
how did bretons come into being if this is the case then?
I've played it before but got bored. Are necromancers a real necromancer experience or am I just a mage with a skeleton pet?
magically genetic-engineered slave racee
Too bad all she is good for is pleasing Argonian chads.
like all of the classes you can play the class as a fighter or a mage, as a tank or a healer, or a weird combo of the four. there's lots of bones and flesh to manipulate in weird ways and the pets are meant to be temporary fodder as you combine different attacks together. its as real as you make it out to be. making the game fast-paced and fun depends mostly on your own skill level and learning from others.
>elves wipe out bird race