Why is it when I usually see presenters, especially women ones, be extra like this, I think it's cringy but I thought this was adorable and wholesome
Why is it when I usually see presenters, especially women ones, be extra like this...
She embraced the cringe and it became cute, instead of cringy. Good presenters do that.
It's okay when Japanese women do it, desu.
because it was not forced as fuck
It's only adorable and wholesome because it was done by an attractive lady. If a dude/landwhale pulled the same shit you'd be singing a different tune.
she's just cringy and uggo by Japanese standards
not that I haven't seen worse faces in JAVs
pro tip: it was still cringe, but you'r dealing with yellow fever and can't see it.
>my busu waifu did a thing
>time to buy her game
I'd probably be okay if Keanu Reeves did it
Because she's Japanese and you think all white women are cringe sjws from Ben Shapiro owned videos but you can get past that here because she's a different race.
That's not a woman.
That's a man.
Actually, how do you tell Asians apart? They're so ugly.
What kind of reaction is that anyway? Is that normal on Japan? Getting nervous and doing weird body postures. Also this
This. A good presenter will always make an odd situation seem normal. She did that and was fucking adorable for it.
You think that because she's a jap
it's cringe if they do it in a calculated way because they think it will have a certain effect on the audience
it's cute when someone is just sperging out a bit because they are too nervous and don't know what to do with their body
Because it was natural, same way some people are good speakers and others are just reading off a script.
The adorable accent and her nervous demeanor
I want to cook her rice
Yea, it seemed genuine compared to other presenters
She's an absolute cutie.
Just makes me wanna cuddle her.
which presentation is this anyway?bethesdas?
yes, Shinji Mikami's studio
This, white women btfo
You only liked it because she’s Asian you dumb fag
Because she's Asian. We expect Asians to be all fucking quirky and anime like that
My god the entire time the japs were speaking in english I was laughing my ass off. I thought they learned years ago not to even try with that shit and just bring a translator.
it's because you didn't have sex
No there was the swedish guy from years ago who dropped his spaghetti on stage and people loved him too
but she's a westerner from LA tho
She wouldn't touch your greasy ass.
No but she’d touch mine
because she, and most japs, do it naturally, because their culture is bubbly and wacky a lot of the time.
white woman just seem to force it and it comes off as unnatural, artificial, likely because they're not that person really and probably never tried to get attention ever from strangers nor have a tried because "hurr respect womans muh surpressed!".
blacks are just loud. japs, despite having less freedom than americans, ironically act more freely than amerifats or ewwwwers
i want to hold her hand
because their company pays them to act like that so horny nerds will buy the game
Because most people that do this are cringe boomers that want to "hype you up" but only annoy the shit out of you. I think it's even worse with men.
In this case here she looked as if she had genuine fun doing this and she is cute.
>literaly its only ok when japan does it
>last thread
>hey she's cute
>reeeee you only think this because you're racist and virgin, ugh I hate men
>reeeee you only think this because you're a race traitor and a normalfag, ugh I hate women
Since when /pol/ and tumblrinas were so similar?
Couldn't not mention niggers for one second huh?
kill yourself
>Finding random women "cute"
Good job, keep treating 30 year old chicks like they're children, you beta orbiter.
because you're a white male retard who fetishizes asians
>but she's a westerner from LA tho
Are you retarded> Unless she grew up with most Japanese parent and was never allowed to learn english, she's definitely Japanese born and raised.
That’s because they are superior
western devs are soulless and ilfeless. they cant be funny. thats the difference.
it wasn't, you are marketeer shill
/pol/ is just right wing tumblr and that’s why everyone hates it
We should call out /pol/ more often
Isn't that why Miyamoto always talks in Japanese even though he apparently knows english?
this. some people just get mad as fuck this time because she happens to be an Asian women and they have an irrational hatred for those.
Because it wasn't forced, and she was clearly having fun.
because you're an autistic japanophile/weaboo.
They’re the most sensitive, thin-skinned, bitchy retards on this board
Extra what?
because women realise they are infront of children, even though most of them are 40 years old
Typical white nationalist poltard with yellowfever detected
This is her dream job and is damn excited to show it off after working in the shadows of Nintendo.
Where is the highlight vid?
I need it for... uh, sex purposes.
Maybe, I know Yoshida from Square is the same way. He only ever uses English for comedic effect.
you can't have sex with a video
Whitrannies seething over the optimal setup of WMAF
Im pretty sure Keanu Reeves is a pretty much universally loved person. I dont think even Yea Forums can hate him
have you tried?
not with that attitude
Asian woman often come across more "cute" than Black/Latino/Caucasian
Don't get it twisted, it's t_dniggers that masquerade under the veneer of /pol/. They are, all of them, devout redditors and not simple /pol/ natives for the most part.
Unfortunately because of all the yellowfeverfags recently white men are losing their appeal with asian women.
It's like the Konani conference with Tak Fuji and the other guy with the dancing game who wanted you to move your fat body. Both were weird/insane, but they went all out and clearly loved being up there so everyone ended up having fun. I think it's because we easily tune in on someone on a stage being uncomfortable and forcing themselves, so we just end up feeling sorry for them instead and waiting for our shared pain to end.
>some people just get mad as fuck this time
one day maybe roasties will pick up on this and realize that being a dorky qt beats being a vapid slut every time
he must be seething so fucking hard, I wonder if anti-asian user is going to finally kill himself now
you heard it lads
it's home team advantage time for once
It's always adorable and wholesome to see a women trying to speak a second language on stage with spaghetti.
>Incel bait
I'll pass
Unlikely, yellow fever has existed for as long as Britain and Asia have been swapping tea for guns
meme fetishes need to die desu
Be careful what you wish for user.
Anime and Japanese videogames have brainwashed you.
When is Yea Forums going to stop putting vaginas on a pedestal?
Asian women are genuine
American women are false
Because you have yellow fever. And it's cringe.
Damn anyone else want to see her doing porn with Big Black Cocks
there's a shitload of asians and few whites with yellow fever. you will never reach saturation
>gay men, leftist woman and /pol/ joining forces against some cute asian lady
weird times
she apparently worked on Okami, Bayonetta 1 and Evil Within 1 & 2. pretty based
>no evil within 3
>mikami barely on stage
still have some hope on this project, this is a good team
pretty much. everyone can empathize with stage fright and those people are there to entertain you after all so why give them a hard time?
the price you pay for anonymity - you just can't get rid of the autists
I bet she stinks really bad HNGG
>white women
>few whites with yellow fever
"No" It's pretty evident that recently there is ALOT of white men with yellow fever. Also unlike in the past you can't be a white god in asia anymore.
>>gay men
Like hell I am, nigger. There is literally no greater scum than the white woman, anything that makes them seethe is fine by me.
Again proving
asian > spic > black > white
Why are people legit mad about this lady?
>that picture
got a link to that?
it isn't because she's Asian
in fact the incels of Yea Forums have been obsessed with Emilia Clarke lately, a white woman
all you have to do is be cute and cheerful while not seeming too much like a leftist feminist roastoid
>all these filthy race traitors with yellow fever contributing to the genocide of our race by not marrying beautiful white women
Mexican women are gross except for the white ones
she came across as genuine
white women are gross except for the mutt ones. Have you seen german and british women? Yikes.
>posts a mexican instathot who looks like a burlap sack without 2 kgs of makeup and an hour of photoshop
>trannies seething because they'll never be a real cute woman.
>roasties seething because attractive women are the devil
>/pol/niggers seething because she's not white and muh hate all women
>incel robots seething because they're closeted faggots
I'm still not convinced that your pic has any women at all
Where can I see her? which presentation?
What is this from?
Because 500 charismaless male nerds awkwardly stumble through their presentations without sincerity and don't get recognition.
The game looked kinda cool, too. Will keep an eye on it, might end up being worth while
their presentation was garbage until she said "spookiee game!1" and threw in some anime girl stuff
I don't know. But for some reason Asian women make everyone seethe hard as fuck, no matter if they are trannies, radical lefties or stormfags.
Bethesda conference
It is great that latinamerica is not only conformed by Mexico then, retarded faggot
It's about whether or not it's practiced.
Being cringy because you're trying to impress people due to nervousness is cute
please circle the woman, I can't seem to find her
Last night bethesda conference, dev who introduced a game called Ghostwire: Tokyo
You're just a jelly spic that can't appreciate the superiority of white women.
This isn't new. People find genuinely excited/nervous devs talking about their game endearing? Remember the Unravel guy? People fucking loved him.
All Latin Americans are Mexicans
Back off virgins the lady is with me
>hurr white women are so ugly you can't even tell them apart from dudes
Get rid of your yellow-fever incel pedo.
Passion is a good thing. Soulless corporation = bad, passionate people trying to make an artistic vision into reality = good.
how old is she? she looks like asian woman 50
do you think she shaves her pits haha
Aren't trannies a very small minority in NA? How is it possible that a single branch of the video gamers community hold so many of them.
Just because you share border with the latinamerican country with the ugliest women doesn't mean the rest are not beautiful, México is a country of orcs
I just want an Asian girlfriend bros
I most certainly hope not
No, me
seething wh*tiod
>Tangentially vidya.
>No it’s okay, this thread can stay up because anons really like perkiness and think that their drooling ass is decent behavior among the other kinds of spam.
your words not mine lol
Those are literally trannies, user.
Stop lewding one of our founding fathers user, Ben already has a wife.
white trannies are common but safespaces aren't. It just happens that the speedrunning community is one of those safe spaces where whites can come out of the closet.
More like everyone's fucking tired of these yellow fever faggots shitting up the board.
The best part about calling out /pol/ is that they instantly mentally shut down and go full SEETHING until the thread gets deleted.
take a look at the population density for the US. they have a shitload of people forced into a handful of cities.
So what if a white woman was born with a dick? I'm so sick of you bigoted third worlders with your outdated gender roles.
trannies and white """women"""
thats a white bitch nigga
I saw her first. I said back off!
No, I did
>you're not some kind of incel with yellow fever are ya?
She’s Japanese. So pits are shaved but bush is untouched
She's Asian, look at her eyes
Incel? No.
Yellow fever? Very yes.
But their bushes are cute with normal hair
>Fat hairy bush
fucking googled the name in that filename and its a spic bitch, still not an asian
Here's to white women and Asian women and how cute and precious they both are
Fuck lefties and fuck nazis
That's called makeup you idiot.
Her face structure is completely different to an asian girl
This conference was the worst I've ever seen in any E3 ever desu.
Rate the Asians and give justifications.
>Get rid of your yellow fever
The only cure is giving in and marrying an Asian girl and producing many Eurasian children
i've unironically seen more people whining about /pol/ than people whining about racemixing
Lies. EA was irredeemable.
Korean are the worst, they always have extensive plastic surgery and they are just usually awful people
why would you ever be proud of having had an abortion?
because having an abortion is a human right. Just think of all those evil countries where women aren't free to do it? Are you saying we shouldn't celebrate our freedom?!
pol doesn't only whine about racemixing
>She’s Japanese. So pits are shaved but bush is untouched
Bay reparations for exploding my dong >: ^(
wh*Te femoids BTFO
Can someone explain to me who is she and what did she do?
>white men with asian women everywhere in the game
>main character has a british accent
is this a wmaf simulator?
>clinging to his arm in the top right
cute. CUTE!
She’s a Japanese woman and she had my baby
imagine the subhuman children
From my job I only know Japanese and Chinese personally, the Japanese I know are great guys, friendly and really fun to be with, the Chinese there are not bad people, they work with dedication but are really recluse, they just don't talk much.
because western roasties are fake and full of hate, envy, and self importance. so when they do it its just disgusting because you know theyre the total opposite inside. when this woman does it, it actually seems believable it might be her real personality.
Poltards are the most notorious racemixers ironically. Poltards are much more likely to have yellowfever than your average white guy. Source: Just take a look at pol and the sheer amount of yellow fever threads
they would probably be based
Japanese cause I’m a weaboo.
Chinese cause they look nice but have Asian lacking personality syndrome.
Vietnamese because China lite.
Korean because all the girls have a boy glued to them and their accents are too thick.
Thai because I don’t like their runes.
>because western roasties are fake and full of hate, envy, and self importance.
yeah and I'm sure jap women aren't, nuh-uh! My anime wouldn't lie(actually they would, so have sex incel).
He doesn't realize it yet. The wh*Te ape is incapable of thinking that far ahead.
because look at her hips. She is literally BUILT for bwc
just make sure you only have daughters, then it's all good
Nips win by a huge margin, chinks are morally broken and gooks are dog eaters, seaniggers are the equivalent of BRs.
Like Keanu Reeves?
One, that is creepy as fuck you would view kids as good looking.
Two, they are ugly. As are all mixed """humans"""
>How is it possible that a single branch of the video gamers community hold so many of them.
Because they have no friends and spend 99% of their time awake on the internet.
Trannies are just hyper-NEETs.
The reason she activates your caveman brain is because unlike most modern Western women, she shows a lot of femininity, which warns us to protect her and to be attracted by the fragility of her girlyness.
It has little to do with the fact that she's Japanese, but I will admit the mannerisms are entirely a Japanese thing. If it was a very cute and girly Western woman, you'd feel the same no matter if you say otherwise. Point is: you feel attracted to a WOMAN, not a fucking OGRE or a THING which most Western women currently are.
Nice bait fag
Did you get rejected by an asian user?
Central Asia is a shithole.
>it's creepy that you judge their looks
>btw their ugly freaks, have sex incel
ok chang
Keanu is like a quarter asian only.
Okay but what distinguishes China and Vietnam? I certainly can’t tell the two apart by sight.
Except I literally just articulated the mainstream liberal thought of the west. Countries that don't readily allow abortions(mostly Arab ones) are seen as violating women's rights because of it. So for a white woman to celebrate having an abortion makes perfect sense from her perspective, since it's one of the greatest signs of her freedom.
God, I wish.
honorary arians for a reason.
North are subhumans. South are asians trying to be burgers and the mexicans to Japan.
Some eastern are ok, most are subhuman
subhumans but they keep in their country
and he's based as hell. What difference does it make?
Central Asia is a shithole because hapas are subhumans.
>when so many people on Yea Forums have autism and take everything literally, even jokes
To be fair it's easy to see why being a roastie pigskin would make you seethe at seeing this
sorry, bud. here's a wake up call from my good old pal nobita
What if you aren't white but still fetishize asians,huh,user?
>none of them gets that "cute" isn't just looks but also mannerism
and that's why some come across as fucking ogres, no matter how they look
this guy makes videos about dating nip women literally every day. Of course theres gonna be some negative ones.
Exactly. If you don't embrace it won't break the cringe ceiling into cute territory.
Central Asians aren't hapas.
>creepy as fuck
nothing is lower than a black woman, it's like saying I would rather fuck an ape than a white roastie
She's so fucking adorable.
I'm just saying that Keanu ain't hapa, but his dad was.
ALL children
now show how they grew up
I can garuantee that not a single one got past manlet status
>implying any of this is bad
so that hapa gave birth to a based kid. All is right in the world.
They're both guys right
It came out in a completely natural way, compare it to the lady presenting the commander keen thing and struggling to say that cuss word she stumbled on
pretty sure they are both biologically female, but it also doesn't come across as natural for either of them
His father was a drug addict that abandoned him at age 0 lmao
That would still make him 25% mixed. I dont see how it would go away in 2 generations.
Plus he is a rare exception. Most of the time it makes ugly ogres.
seems cool to me. There's a reason so many hapas end up as models.
>tfw no asian gf
>it's like saying I would rather fuck an ape than a white roastie
an ape is an upgrade from a white roastie. they don't speak words
Mexican: Girls think you’re annoying and smell bad.
Black: Your body is far bigger than their own and most don’t like that.
Asian: Just make the first move already and stop being dense or afraid.
Nah, white women are literally fucking trash.
>OMG!!!!!!! SO KAWAII DESU NE!!!!!!!!!!!!
>people in this thread unironically defending wyte wimmin
you're mom isn't even watching you right now, you don't need to keep up the charade - you're among friends here.
wow what creepy white guy made this, some next level cope for wanting to date a Filipino women
no, you're just brainwashed by trapfag posting
There are literally a mileu of lightskinned rappers and ball players that are all attractive.
The absolute low IQ cherrypicking of /pol/
nah, but they are literally fucking dogs.
The one with the black wig is Male. Head to shoulder ratios never lie.
you have no friends incel
Seething incel poltard
have less sex
>Most of the time it makes ugly ogres.
yes when the mother is ugly, like your pic.
This, it felt genuine, similar to the Unravel guy being nervous and shaking like a leaf (I'm sure some people thought that he was cringe, but as someone with mild to sever social phobia I empathized with him)
stinks of virgin in here.
More importantly, how can you idiots get so excited for something that showed no gameplay whatsoever? It was just some shitty CGI movie abotu Japanese people leaving their clothes in the street.
I don't go to /pol/, so lame defense.
I bet you think the Hodgetwins are attractive too.
>rappers and ball players
>not roastie
Kill yourself, weeb faggot
>rappers and ball players
It's all so tiresome...
obvious seething /pol/-roastie
wh*Tes are almost always ugly, minus a few outliers.
Which one of my races do you want me to stop betraying?
Native American?
>be extra like this
zoomer trash
the funny part is this pic is based on a couple that isn't onions at all and are quite attractive. The guy who made that must've been seething.
Mutts are fucking ugly.
wow, nice cherrypicking
Despite /pol/ going on about muh beautiful white master race, the only attractive wh*te women are the southern mutts and turkish rape babies, and subhuman slavs(although they age like garbage).
You're not gonna get an asian gf, asian girls don't want an ugly nerdy white guy like you. If you can't get white girls you won't get Asian either, im sorry but thats the unfortunate truth.
I'm literally half white and half chinese, though.
I'm betraying both on a daily basis with my boricua/guyanese gf hahahaha
Why the fuck does reddit and twitter hate her, I thought they think all women are queens?
The guy is definitely not attractive, can't really tell with the girl
Then you don't really listen to anyone on a board meant for shitposting.
Just like incels will try and keep groups of people from dating to give themselves better chances, some of the people here will discourage others in the same way so they can try and keep people from taking up all of the good girls.
>latinamerican country with the ugliest women
Mentioning them because theyre popular and have fangirls. The argument is about attractiveness. One of these singing niggas sings a tune and has whitoids all over the comment section.
So since it can't be that theyre attractive it's what? Jewish programming?
They are jealous
>granny election tourist from reddit denying that wh*te supremacist roasties are the ones butthurt about asian women
the girl certainly is
>when your black boyfriend names your ogre-son "Gorpheus King Jr" and promptly abandons you to raise the creatura by yourself
>first day of school, Gorpheus is sent to the principal's office for hitting the other students and stealing
>He's a mutt
Further defragment your culture
I am Asian. I dont have to worry about it.
But you are right, wh*Te incels on image boards like this will most likely never get an Asian gf. And if they do she will either be a fat pignose one left over that no Asian guy wants, or a western born "Asians" that behaves like a wh*Te chick.
>Caring about the characters "background" or "lore
>giving a shit about cosmetics like skin color/facial feature
real niggas only put big think into CHARACTER BUILDS
I know their faces are ususally caked up in makeup or they have had like 100+ surgeries done, but you can't tell me some of these asian girls don't have banging bodies. Eve nthe ones with ugly faces have a nice, tight body. God damn.
Because japanese people are good at being cutesy
They don't, they worship her like Yea Forums does.
Man this just makes me sad.
These are both attractive people, how did their offspring turn into gollum? That poor fucking kid.
6 top bimbo
I hate white people.
That chinkcel lol
The country with the ugliest Latinos is Chile and Bolivia
Why don't they hand out beta blockers for the speakers at these conferences?
>Yea Forums not actually discussing about video games and instead discuss who's part of /pol/ and who's not
I hate you all. I genuinely hate you all. Stop making a fucking video game board your little autistic soap box about how "better" you are for being attracted to a specific race. Fuck off.
>Japanese complaining about foreigners coming to fuck their women
I guess it's OK when it's Nanking, eh?
they are usually just pretty thin.
which every ethnicity could be if they had even a tiny bit of self-discipline.
it's so great to see how he really created the thing and took pictures
Let's take a look at country's with minimal zog influence, like China for example...
I could post the data proving it but that would be off-topic.
Based and anti-miscegenationpilled, we should all keep to our own
>Thinking you owe society your sexual preference
Because the world is overpopulated and all the greatest philosophers and religious leaders tell us life is suffering. Bringing a being into existence is the greatest evil one can commit. Abortion is the morally sound thing to do.
2-6 are all good with me
4 has a cute face too, would shatter my pelvis/10
they really try to make it obvious huh?
I like her too but people are mad because of people like these
inb4 spic
just fucking skip the pleasantries and get her a god damn translator. why try if your english is broken as fuck? seriously
>Because the world is overpopulated and all the greatest philosophers and religious leaders tell us life is suffering.
Why haven't they killed themselves then?
Based China editing out the darki-
>he's still there
>Chewbacca isn't
China restructured the poster.... and you think it's about race. This is your mind on /pol/
They made the robot bigger and in the middle what does that mean now? And woah there's more troops on the bottom that means they're pro-big population?! Woah dude chewbacca is gone wooah bros racist. You think this is evidence of something?
asians generally have super high metabolisms. i can eat just about anything, all fucking day, and never gain weight. we aren't immune to tons of awful fast food shit like mcdonalds, but we also tend to have more balanced diets - rice instead of bread with most meals, lots of veggies all the time, steaming/boiling food instead of frying it, eating smaller portions more often, etc.
17 best
Too bad 1 minute of kawaii vagene wasn't enough to save the shitshow Todd and co put on.
I genuinely feel bad for her.
How many languages do you speak?
I always wondered if it's natives or ESLs who are completely lost the moment anyone has an accent.
Hers wasn't even that bad, thick but you could still easily understand what she was saying.
ok user
Being multiple races is part of the culture of America.
Yes you do. This is why culture is dying in the west and you're falling right into their hands
potential cuties detected
based Xi taking out the furry-trash
Most of them are dead. We're here as purgatory and once we already exist and have a conscious awareness it's sound to try to live as well as possible and limit the suffering of yourself and others, but it's backwards retarded thinking to actually think it's morally wrong to kill a being before it has developed a conscious sense of self.
It's only low IQ fools who view reality through simple lens that still procreate.
Didn't this movie do ok in China
take notes you dumb white roastie, you might learn something
my heaven
No, I meant why the people who pretend to buy into this shit don't just kill themselves. It would be the logical conclusion if any of them actually believed it.
ok isis
>Let's take a look at country's with minimal zog influence, like China for example...
When you start using china as a "good" example of culture you've fucked your life up.
Holy fuck, that Chinese poster is absolutely, disgustingly bad. Jesus Christ
>look at the top of his head
>look at his lips
There's a difference between a guy who just happened to fell in love with an asian chick than a yellow fever betafaggot who fetishize asian women because of unrealistic standards that they're pure or something when in reality they're no different that the average western woman.
whos isis
Retard, the southern cone of south America has the most beautiful latinas
Dumb chinks ruined it desu. Helmet looks like it was made in one of their slave factories.
asians with hips (ass) are the best
Kek no
You could have this more if every country was an ethnostate.
You have not been to Japan my dude. I was there for 10 days and not a single woman looked like a 7/10 JAV actress.
Black weebs will never accept that asians don't like them, you're wasting your breath
I would die for her 1000 times
Imagine pretending a shitty poster is good just to be ironically racist lmao
Niggers are not attractive and will never be attractive, fuck nigggers and get a gollum kid
found the white landwhale
>Niggers are not attractive and will never be attractive
But this isn't true
the ending of that was insanely hot. The booty jiggling is nigger tier though.
Niggers are fucking ugly, mutts look ugly because they look just like niggers
But the most attractive women are from races with heavy mixing
ResetEra trannies are already seething about this
What are you talking about? Weebs don't care what China thinks about them.
source? i'm liking that artstyle
It's a mix of ESLs, amerimutts and people with double digit IQs.
it's not as if that difference matters on here because the moment you find any Asian woman cute some seething fag will just claim you have yellow fever and there's no way you simply thought she was cute without that.
3 why are you asking? if my spanish is broken I want a translator, not people to have to attempt to understand my shit accent
A lot of those girls are not bad looking.
All of them would reject me though
She can barely speak english
Mutts can't be race traitors if they are a part of every single race in the first place.
white weebs will never accept that asians don't like them, you're wasting your breath
I shouldn't have watched the video. She sounds like a retard. Far cry from what I gathered from the images.
>mods delete an arcade thread
>this shit stays up
>judging asian women through the dozens of ones attractive enough to be popular and posted online
95% of all people are ugly, no exceptions
Like half of LA then
The others don't know how to present and have low charisma scores. She's actually charismatic.
Nah most of the time those guys still fetishize them as making good housewives that still hold old values.
It's still a pretty prevalent view that most guys in general have
have sex
i'm assuming you've never had that done on your penis, because you wouldn't care less about how niggerish it is. its literally the best thing that could happen to a person with a working dick.
no youre just mentally disordered so you dont realize people's curiosity lies with new things. mixing with black or an abo will not produce good looking results.
Keep fucking your brainwashed coalburner, niggers are and were considerated ugly since millenia, that's why the human species evolved far from how they look
I don't think asians like me, I understand that any positive remarks I experienced from them are just pleasantries
It's cute though
I love asian women, I just find twerking to be lame.
Stop posting this Kojima tranny she's a 6/10 at best
with asian women
You mean while inside her?
Guy likely can't get a girl himself.
It's the same kind of complaint incels have
seething roastie
Because we're already here and self aware so might as well live with the least amount of suffering as we can as we have the innate biological urge not to kill ourselves and survive and it's hard to go against that. But we should be conscious enough not to bring another being into this anomaly of existence.
i agree its tasteless and sometimes visually repulsive, depending on the girl, but its a fucking amazing skill for a woman to have/master.
mods are stupid, what's new
>i don't understand subjectivity
I don't remember the title but it's funny as fuck
/pol/ pls. I would take black girl anytime.
Unironically this
I can practically hear your flapping through the monitor.
What the fuck is that black shit on her foot?
But this is wrong
Probably henna
It might be normal
Normal doesn’t mean good though
nevermind, found it
GAR-311 I Hypnotized The Gal Who Always Bullied Me, And, Having Started Acting Like A Baby, I Took The Opportunity To Change Her Diaper And Have Her Drool On My Dick!
She's actually a womb owner and was really upset by the entire internet thinking she was a guy in drag. I feel kind of bad for her but I despise a) women b) attention whores c) social media d) normalfags e) normalfag memes so it's a bit difficult to feel too bad
>gay men
She was the only thing that wasnt complete utter fucking trash at that dumpster fire of a conference personally.
save it for a chocolate thread, nigga. should be a few later this week, what with all the strong black wimmin who don't need no white male MC's being introduced
Asian girls have become increasingly interested in black culture and black men as of recently.
japan is different, women are women and CUTE!
women in NA are fat purple hair whales.
Only soi-boy, anime-watching, pedo-freaks think some asian woman acting like a child is "cute" and "adorable UwU". Unironically neck it, autistic spergs.
I can do you a favor and pull the trigger for you if you're too much of a pussy.
It has nothing to do with that mindset though, the reason they get abortions is because children require effort to raise and they can't be arsed to invest any.
Based. White guys are pathetic.
What if they are children?
niggaboo cope
I know plenty of grown women who act like that. It isnt a pedo thing to be attracted to someone energetic. Here is your (You)
You've already done this in this thread. Fuck off, retard.
compare this girl to SJW women in America.
she's cute and genuine, not a fat whale who is fake.
Japanese girls wouldn't be interested in you though
stay mad, you cold faggot
>*creak* how my body
because you're reddit
Ahem. Niggers.
Maybe the first part, but it really is reminiscent of those kinds of bitchy posts.
yellow fever racist incels are fucking ruining it for regular white guys that might want to date an asian at some point
they're all going to hate us and not want to fall into the stereotype
>I despise a) women b) attention whores c) social media d) normalfags e) normalfag memes so it's a bit difficult to feel too bad
t. has never been to japan, Japanese women especially like black men
why not? I take care of myself and exercise regularly, not a slob.
probably 10/10 if she smiles
le r/niceguy
only insecure losers decide what they like and don't like based on the opinions of random fags from Yea Forums
>white guys that might want to date an asian at some point
You shouldn't want to. And you're the reason why the west is falling
larp all you want they still wont touch your turd dick
>someone took the time to make a collage of children
And thats a good thing. Perhaps.
It was inevitable, what with globalization and all. To be fair, though, blacks took a very hard interest in asian culture decades ago. Bruce Lee is considered America's first minority hero, and lotsa niggas grew up on kung fu films. then wu tang happened, and then dragon ball z. i have no idea why people are always so confused about the prevalence of black/spanish turbo weebs
Sure they do.
Nah I would adopt a child who has already been cursed by being brought into this conscious existence, but I wouldn't bring another into it myself.
okay nazi
Fuck the west
You're a massive faggot. If you're gonna say it, say it.
I hate myself for laughing.
Oh that's what you think makes a woman attracted? Being clean
The absolute state of low IQ Yea Forumsirgins
His name is Eurasian Tiger.
>adorable and wholesome
because she is quite attractive, and those hips are top notch
Where are you from..?
I can't stop watching.
It's already too late, Asian women in Asia have gone off white men increasingly each year, it's not the early 2000s anymore, Asian girls aren't that into white guys now.
Do not try and pretend you are above that yourself.
You post here after all
holy fuck he is shaking
i've seen a newhalf jav looked like her
If you date white women you'll be able to date asian too, but if you're a virgin being in asia will make no difference.
Wh*toid incels I swear
into dreams
she cute
>they're all going to hate us
they literally won't give a shit if they actually like you as a person.
but if they don't like you anyway that might become another reason against you, yeah. not like it matters though
This is a very shit thread on all parties here. Glad to be of some amusement
Nigerians are the main immigrant community in Roppongi and are the vast majority of Nightclub owners in downtown Tokyo.
Japanese thots are literally getting BLACKED daily by African pimps.
Nintendo people always speak with translators.
Pretty sure in her case this was part of the plan
>the right literally makes the troops look like Chinese drones
What did they mean by this
You don't have to be liked by Asians to enjoy their work.
What a love discussion about Yea Forumsideo games
She had a very thick accent and was clearly a little nervous about having to talk in English, which was pretty cute.
very entertaining thread
Why is she so precious bros?
probably has a tremor during good days, too. I have that, it's usually barely noticeable but in high stress situations I look like fucking end stage parkinson
ya did it, lads
this kills the resetranny
Think she got lewds anywhere?
Great wankfiction.
Probably just trying to overcome the nerves and still be presentable.
Because she is actually a game dev, working on the creative side and having input of her own instead of the curated and sterilized focus group amalgamates that are made in the west.
i now have a strange desire to try nigerian-japanese fusion food
I hope her game succeeds
we need to trade women with japan
>finding this cute
None of you will ever truly be wizards
This woman deserves my cum
She is cute and nice, she kept the cuteness of a young girl into her adulthood.
I will in 5 years.
I wonder if she saw and saved some lewds
Imagine becoming a trend yourself on twitter
An attractive woman can be cringy, but there's a specific vibe of cute somebody needs to pull off cringe and she got it
I want to protect her smile
You compare this to shit to shit that actually makes you cringe and this seems almost wholesome.
This dude is REALLY trying whereas everyone else feels like they tried to hard.
>[desire to punch intesifies]
This was a cringy as fuck. Just shows that this board is full of weebs, since the only reason any of them find this "adorable" is because she's a nip. If she were western there'd be cringe threads everywhere talking about the "state of western women".
So just japanese food?
>niggers are and were considerated ugly since millenia
Well there also have been men with jungle fever for years.
I can't even falseflag about hating him he's just a cool dude.
w*stern women would use this opportunity to mouth off about objectivisation and inequality and victimising and abuse
a lot of girls come off as fake, she was cute and authentic: like with the english speaking stuff
this is the difference between a fake gamer girl and an actual, genuine person who likes games.
have sex
I bet you own a switch
Yeah, and there's always been "people" who want to fuck animals, what's your point
it took me a while, but thats a very funny joke, user.
>diamond wedding band
Just get titanium bands if you do wedding ring. That way they're ultra light and ultra strong. No stones.
Lmao they must rage dilating so hard right now
no u
Japanese >> Chinese > Korean > Thai > Vietnamese
nice meme retort, weeb.
>what with all the strong black wimmin who don't need no white male MC's being introduced
Nah, i think jews are finally realizing that BWWM is superior propaganda.
i'm only here right now to see how Yea Forums reacted to this lovely women
i'm not disappointed
Oh, and don't do engagement rings. They're a scam. You pay thousands for something that sits in a box for decades. You may as well go penguin mode and give a girl a cool rock.
Yeah it was cringe, but she embraced it. It's hard to not be cringe when you are not a native english speaker and have to present your product to thousands of people.
I legit would rather not. It will only attract people who make it their duty to shit up your life out of jealousy.
>yeah its just creepy
>gamers are so thirsty
quick rundown?
>Transitioning (Any%)
it's not virtue signaling
Except lots of people found the Devolver Digital girls hot.
yeah, I always thought very simple rings made from gold/titanium/whatever are the best for wedding rings. they go well together with most outfits and occasions, and since that's a ring you'll be wearing throughout most of the day that would be useful
Eurasian Tiger, a redditor famous for hating WMAF relationships to the point of spamming the same photos (of japanese school kids, no less) to try and prove his point. he's easy to spot like a brown bear in the arctic
Now that is being rude, user. Let white men like black women if they want to.