How are the TEW games? Which one is better?

how are the TEW games? Which one is better?

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second is better, first one is very stiff
story of first is more interesting


not op but im guessing since its survival horror the story is at least somewhat important, so i cant skip 1?

Both are good, but the first is better.

i don't recommend skipping 1 since 2's story relies on it very hard


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The first half of tew1 is great after that not so much. Tew2 is more consistent overall so if you only are going to play one 2 is the way to go.

Played second only because of (((Kidman's))) tight ass in jeans

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First one is more challenging and linear. Better level design.

Second is much easier as you literally drown in ammo, health and crafting items even on hardest. You can pause whenever you want during boss battles to instantly make new ammo and health to top yourself up whenever you take a hit. There are even some places where you can drink coffee to refill your HP. Stealth is overpowered after a few upgrades, especially since the AI is pretty stupid and easy to trick. There are a couple of open world areas but they are limited.

The story of the first is largely all about the villain, and the game is a series of very disjointed sections that give a little more insight into that villain and what's going on. The protagonist is just sorta there, has no plan and typically just blacks out to be teleported to the next section where you'll learn something new that the protagonist can't actually use or understand in any way, and it's very obvious they bolted on his few bits of story after the fact as notes you're forced to pick up, which even he doesn't bother to acknowledge because it's such a pointless afterthought. The first is more "interesting" in that it's simply more mysterious since the protagonist has no fucking idea what's going on at any time because of how little he has to do with anything. The 2nd has more of a proper story with defined goals, which is less interesting in how straightforward it is, but it also actually feels like it was designed from the start with having a story in mind.

Due to the fact that the first revolves entirely around the villain who isn't in the 2nd, and the 2nd is all about the protagonists story that's so poorly tacked on in the first, I don't think you really miss anything of value from playing one before the other.

The biggest contentious issue for people is the gameplay, as each does some things better and worse than the other.

does 1 actually run well now and isnt locked at 30fps/cinematic black bars on pc?

The first one turns into resident evil 4 halfway through and the second is open world

first one at least feels like Japanese horror, TEW2 is just a mediocre, generic survival shooter

I think they fixed that.

That stuff came pretty quickly after release on PC anyway, so it always ran OK there. The biggest issue is that it just makes the game more prone to crashing, but your mileage may vary. I think the game only crashed a single time for me.

TeW 1 = kino
TeW 2 = meh, 7/10 nothing special

The first one is an intense game with lots of action, that constantly throws you into new situations.

both are good
first is better
start with the first as the second is a direct sequel.

1st one is scarier and the design is a bit more concise, but the 2nd is more "fun" with more action-y gameplay, also much easier, so it's hard to say if you're into horror

also the gameplay, story, and presentation are much more polished in the 2nd

The second is unironic kino, but you NEED the first one to truly see why

first one is a lot better, second one is still decent.
overall I enjoyed them both even though they both have their fair share of flaws.

you didn't play 1 for kidman's wet tshirt?

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>"I'm so sick of survival horror games becoming an action horror."
>make an action horror game

is Shinji Mikami a hack?

The second game doesn't have scenes like this

the imagery just isn't up to the level that the first game sets it at. Which I think is especially important for a horror game.

I don't think I'd say he's a hack, but he definitely likes action in his horror games more than he wants to admit.
it was pretty obvious how the first game was going to turn out regardless of him saying it would be a return to pure survival horror again once the first couple of gameplay videos dropped.

First is far better, people don't like it cause they suck at it, Two is ok but dumbs down much of what made the first stand out in favour of good but generic horror shooters.

2 doesn't have matches and its gameplay boils down to stealth instakilling everything

imagine surviving that just to get superaids from falling into that vat of old blood with an open wound.