18 days. I'm not going to make it

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm so fucking starved for content I reinstalled ff11

that lasted about an hour before deleting it, which is a shame because it takes four hours to install and set up

ruby dragon in 4 days

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what the fuck is wrong with triple triad drop rates?

maybe these drop rates made sense in ARR when triple triad was new and the game had way less content but there's hundreds of fucking cards now that each expect a like ten hour grind investment to collect. this is insane.

legit thinking about leveling a WHM to 70 aswell just in case they will be good this time they probably wont

WHM still has its uses, user. It's my go to for extreme carries since you can rez so much more than the other two healers, and buffing the raid dps of sub tank shitters with ast/sch doesn't really matter.

Think we'll get anything at SEs event tonight?

Get a non-virtual life.

how the FUCK do you make a viera that looks good?
all the faces either look dumpy or just "off"

Cross over event with Quiet Man

don't make veena

Whymage is going to be the same as ever, just now with a timer ticking up giving them free insta-casts every once in a while. So a simple and boring healer. The big difference this time around is that the other two healers are being simplified even further that before so they match WHM more evenly.

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Has SE charged for the ShB pre-order yet?



Since this is the MMO thread, how's SWTOR? Worth getting into?

They sent an email saying they'd charge on the 6th but nothing happened, I just had them charge me now to avoid any possible issues later on


Check emails and junk, had it in yesterday and billing will go out 6th 12th 14th or 17th

They sent another mail saying the 6th was a false date and they would charge on the 10th first.

Soon, brother.

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is anything gonna top the garlemald anthem for pre expansion hype?
even if stormblood was a let down the trailer with that anthem was kino as hell and made me so excited to murder garleans.

i want to kill dwarfs

Sup bro, this is the XIV thread. I don't think many of us would able to help you.

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I don't get this kind of retards who infest Yea Forums. What's the point of RUSHING a fucking mmo and then 2 days later ;


I just started a new character (first alt and I've been playing this game since 2016) on a new server and feels comfy as fuck. I don't even care about Shadowbringers if I don't get the story right.

I want to fuck Dwarves.

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>he didn't use the new official installer

lyse is so cute. when will we see her again?

Is Minfilia going to stat with us, or did they just bring her back to make Thancred suffer even more?

If she can't stay with us then Thancred will just stay with her on the First.

>516k away from the Sabotender Emperador

Still not as shitty as grinding for ARR relic weapons

It's stabilized enough that it has a general on /vg/ so check that one out

Never hopefully

Whm isn't even bad now

don't you still have to update through POL? if so doesn't really help

I finally finished my Kaiser Knuckles the other day after not playing for years
Honestly once you get past the Alexandrite step you can finish in no time at all

If you really love something, then you want to play it as much as possible.

After the Black Rose hits

>Be a tank main
>Level new job as fast as possible to 80, learn how it works
>Level other 3 tanks and learn how they all work
>Be ready to clear week 1 or 2

Enjoy your o10s prog today

Yeah, I'm also hyped, here's my plan
>Play through story in 4 days
>Do a few dungeons at max lvl
>Unsub because fuck the skinner box that doesn't even try to conceal its depressing nature
The most fucking stale MMO I have ever played. Only good as a singleplayer experience at the very start and very end of the expansion.

it doesn't take a million years anymore but even four hours is a bit of hyperbole. it's still a fucking mess of out dated systems and accounts linked to accounts linked to accounts and logging into the login system so you can login to the game

just keep it simple, face 1 and 2 are the nicest looking imo

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leveled WHM for quick queue times but it's boring as sin. I remember hearing years ago that machinist is a lot of autism for a very low reward in terms of DPS and utility. is that still true or have they been shown love?

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>level tank for first time
>got to level 55 so far
>cycle cds correctly
>die once on aery because people dont do the fart cloud boss correctly
>no comms
this is more annoying than getting none on a dps

Attached: 1559240213709.png (949x766, 1012K)

They're currently all over the place design wise, especially when you're below 70, but they're being reworked

Bets on gunbreaker's LB being named lion heart or something less obvious?

I actually found the Alexandrite not too bad since I had a lot of Poetics, for me it was the Trial of the Braves and the two light farming parts that really got me. Not that they were hard but it was dreadfully boring and tedious

Still true but they're getting reworked but I'm a faggot that only plays Paladin and Samurai so I don't really know how they'd play in 5.0

Wait for the expansion to come out, then look take a look at random viera NPCs and use Garland tools to make a perfect copy of the one you liked.

You get them with time, really don't stress about it though

Agree but those mongoloids who literally rushes the game and skips cutscenes and doesn't even care about the story are ruining the game for themselves.

FFXIV is just a "solo-mmorpg" where the strong point is the story.

Why? She is the cutest of the SB girls.

So were do I get those other currencies that aren't poetics?

The DPS is better than bard but its utility is barely existent in comparison. Job feels the worst to level because you get the full gauss barrel experience in 3 different chunks and it's finally complete at 70.

I'm already half a million past the point where I can get Emperador, but I want to build a slight buffer of MGP before getting it so I won't miss out on anything right after, however unlikely it is to be getting any deals that aren't already part of the current event or are otherwise limited

Isn't Squall's lionheart like a huge rush of attacks

The first Light part can take a bit (finding the low level dungeon that has the bonus light helps) but the 2nd one can be done in under 2 hours of slamming your face into Ifrit (Normal) unsynced

Yeah, but I'm just talking about the name since it's the only one they don't have somewhere.

I have 18 days to finish leveling machinist to 70, currently at 64. GIVE ME NEW MACHINIST I NEED IT.

are you level 70 yet?

Yeah I guess the second part was just the fact that I just don't ever want to see Tam-Tara ever again

Go do you user, not like the Emperador is going anywhere

should I take off grit for blood weapon abyssal drain in leveling dungeons? I'm level 63

who else FSH main here?

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Blood weapon doesn't work with Abyssal Drain.

What level will GBN start at?

Attached: GBN That bush just moved.jpg (908x1354, 307K)

What if they are saving it for future stuff
I kinda wanna see their LB now




It's going to be named Maybe I'm a Lion


Thanks triplet anons

Found the red headed step user

I thought you're supposed to use blood weapon for the MP and then spam DA abyssal drain

It works better when you get Quietus at 64.

Do you guys think Solus is Emel-Secht?

The development suggested as much. But to be honest, nothing is really concrete right now and the writer can pull anything out of their butts regarding it.

>tfw less than a month to get Ozma and dont even have any +2 or kirin/vermillion

That's the obvious implication but we'll see. Reminder that Emet-Selch in FFXII represents Gemini. He could be two Ascians.


Who else would you trust to be that big of a job?

Why aren't the Ascians trying to do something about the Firsts situation? it seems like Elidibus doesn't give a shit even though the more shards get ruined the more fucked up their rejoing will be

How do I cheaply bot my MGP in a way that isn't 15 dollars a month

>Too autistic to make one character a jack of all trades (because I want my characters to have a theme of their own and for them to stick to that theme)
>Leveling alts is genuine cock & ball torture in this game

I know I have no one except myself to blame for this, but it is still frustrating.

Attached: tired.jpg (400x288, 26K)

>Why aren't the Ascians trying to do something about the Firsts situation?
Because Solus thinks he can use the Light-burned aether to initiate the last Calamity they need. If he does that before the First is totally overtaken by Light then they don't need to worry about anything.

I'm glad I'm not this autistic

I feel the same way but for races and names for my main character.



Please think of the content creators!

I have been playing my character for 50 years, every job is at minimum level 50 and half of them 70 and she still has an identity and theme, it is what you make it.

I stopped playing for a bit and now I'm stuck on fucking Shinryu's Domain and can't get the other trials cuz no one is fucking on the duty finder. How the fuck am I supposed to get the current item level?

kage bunshin no jutsu

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Just wait it out my friend. DPS?

Stop posting these retards.

Bro it’s only a bunch of cosmetics. If you really want them then just grind out the mgp because the event makes the grind easier. You’re only meant to do gold saucer for the weekly challenges anyway so don’t complain about it taking a while.

Butt chin

She broke the NDA like a retard by confirming the leaks were accurate.

I know your pain.

TNK, and I was on the duty finder for 2 hours not too long ago and got no one. I just wanna do wreath of snakes because I don't wanna get left behind and enjoy the new content with my FC.

What are some PF red flags?

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What theme other than "super special chosen one" (in addition to being an actual chosen one, that is) could a character that can switch between a caster, a melee or physical ranged with the snap of their fingers be? My problem is that my autism runs so deep that even if I wanted to play another class, my current character is already "locked" (in my mind) to their current class and that class is who they are and if I want to play some other class, I'll have to play another character created entirely with that class in mind.

Crippling autism is no joke.

What are some major red flags in dungeons that the player is a retard so I can avoid it

>first come first serve lootmaster
>clear for 1 then farm
>discord required

Attached: pf.jpg (725x463, 120K)

You have a few trials before snekman though. Time to wait some more I guess, people used to avoid shinryu like plague though idk about now

Dude it's Final Fantasy
If your character isn't jumping through half a dozen jobs in a single adventure you're just doing some kind of meme challenge playthrough


Guys. Dark Knight looks so boring now. You get edge moves and a few bloodspillers every minute. You get your nicely animated dot every two minutes. That's it. That's literally it. You can't go fast with blood weapon. You can't extend blood weapon. You don't gain mana from autos or OGCDs. Nothing. DelIRium is just a shittier inner release.
Dead Knight.

>Kill for a friend
>Only accept people who already cleared
>Clear for 1 then farm

Learn the lore behind soul crystals. When you change jobs, you're actually swapping out the crystal you're wearing. Most of WoL's skills are inherited from the crystal and sent straight into their brain, and that's the actual lore reason for why you can't, say, access DRG skills as a WHM.

Mr.Happy strategy.

keyboard turning is the single biggest shitter redflag

>double SCH

Attached: SCH.jpg (960x730, 81K)

Discord required is dumb, it is not needed for any content.

>got too tired trying to farm nidhogg scale
>create my own pf with lootmaster and scale queue
>get the scale and leave

Plays in French

Your job is literally to stand there, comms are for HEALERS

>kill for friend
>but she's alone
>dabc strat

Attached: 1494443904893.gif (382x450, 704K)

WoL's real job is Mime, and this job's main ability is to perfectly "copy" all moves inside job stones.


>"Kill for a friend"
>"DPS in" for O9S
>"Leave the salt in the kitchen xD"
>Clear then farm
>Anything related to lootmaster
>French Players

I have noticed that players without a title usually suck fucking dick. Sounds strange, but keep an eye out.

>playing singleplayer ffxi
that was a mistake, yes

18 days to get this fucking Tsuku dog. Fucking Christ just let me win it already.

Think of it like this. To me, switching classes on a single character is like Cloud using Barret's gun arm. Just doesn't feel right.

Frenchies and Germans.

>kind of want to play Hrothgar, if only for a little bit
>my sense of aesthetic would lock me out of most casters and shit like NIN and I've already got every job maxed out
Why am I like this

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You wont ever get the current item level because you'll never kill o12s

Is it better to just farm dogs when ShB releases? Is there any point in wasting time doing farming now?

>>first come first serve lootmaster
This one really pisses me off. Why would you fucking join this shit?

For a fun time, head to the Quicksands of Balmung and Mateus and type "/emote slaps you"
Seriously do it, nothing makes me happier than seeing people who take themselves too seriously get pissed over this

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None unless you're like me and want to use one while leveling.

>not wanting to be a big burly cat ninja

depends how bored you are, You'll have an easeir time doing the content unsynched later on

I noticed male roes are usually autistically good desu, I don't think they would look bad


Why would you need to kill O12S when you can do eureka for the weapon?

>level healers in potd
>get commendation every run, usually two
Felt really fucking good, won't lie.

Give me some top tier DRK glamours

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Takes less time to kill o12s than grind like a retard in eureka.

Assuming the pattern from previous expansion drops holds true, i390 will likely be serviceable stat-wise until around level 75ish, and you can get 390 from the most recent 24-man, trading in Creation tomestones for gear, or Mendacity for Doman Reiyaku, and 380 crafted gear for tokens to use towards 390 gear.

The Creation gear can get upgraded to 400 easily enough, and Seiryu drops 395 weapons.


I usually get at least two commendations as a tank each dungeon or trial or raid. It’s pretty dope.

But a long time is still faster than never

Don't care about those mad trannies but I want to mating press your cat

>commending green DPS
jokes aside I’ve seen multiple threads on the healer forums whining about not getting comms but haven’t seen it for other classes which is peak lel

If the tank and the healer have the same last name, you're in for a bad time.

>mentor crown

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Many have tried
None have succeeded, degenerate.

>weekly challenges is gonna get me 2 million
>fuck triple triad
>fuck chocobo races
>fuck mahjong

High Allagan Coat, or just dress up like Fray

>18 days
So what are you guys doing to pass the time?
I might actually get that gamepass thing for a buck.

I only commend the shittiest player, too bad I can’t comm myself.

Use a glamour and weapon that suits it. For Nin, there’s a lot of BIG knives. Plus a lion breathing fire (Katon) will look pretty good.

Im rebuilding my PC. It's all gone to shit many times over. It's actually quite depressing how so much shit can go wrong

based hard-to-get cat

I've been playing Smash the past couple days.
I fucking hate it, but I keep coming back for some reason.

You posted three of Them. I also like the Demon set from World of Darkness.

Already prep to level GNB with gear from 65+ and crafted, with materia. Just need to 8 totems for Alex weapon and coffer for Omega, that is, if I can find people.

I'm catching up crafting to 60

>mentor crown

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Eh, it's not too pure. Some user from the threads took lewds of my character.
But you can't have them faggot.

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I used to do this in WoW.
>in a raid of forty people
>/e spits on you.
>now in a raid of forty chimps

got to 70 yesterday on my BLM
today i set up my action bars, got rid of Division and Lucid Dreaming. today i queued for some lvl70 experts and got aggro after a regular 4flare rotation. why are tanks not adjusting when BLMs are in their dungeongroup?

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>Just need to 8 totems for Alex weapon
You're in for a disappointment.

I'll probably do a deep cleaning of mine before Shad hits.

I've tried getting into smash a lot of times, but I just fucking despise playing it "seriously" for some reason.

>Alex weapon

based. teasing erp is best erp.

I was gonna farm the kamui but I got it in less than a week with some insane luck.
I've genuinely felt completely aimless now. Everything's leveled I just need yoshi to hit the switch.

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I'd be glad to see you fags stop regurgitating your general of nothing here every day for a year hyping up what will be a month of "content", but hiro is friends with yoshida so these generals are welcome here 24/7 while relevant threads that get a spammer just get pruned. Ad threads by samefags are fine too since they probably pay to do it. Ebin webside eggs dee

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lolling @ this mad nerd rn

No alex weapon for new jobs?

I need to do this in an alliance raid. Do you think it's ban worthy if it's not directed at anyone and is meant to clearly be a joke?

How are you supposed to do MSQ if you switch to a lower level class?

>female catshitter
>female catshitter in slutglam
If you're a healer, you shouldn't even bother reviving them.


>selfie of the 3 useless cunts, the most useless one holding the phone
At least the other two are cute enough to make up for it.

New jobs only get raid weapons from latest expansion (so only Omega series in case of GNB and DNC).
Alex weapons still have a chance if the ultimate version is implemented.

I need scissors

playing other games

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Catch up to at least Pyros in Eureka, only for the autistic desire to use the elemental fending armor for my DRK Glam going into ShB

Attached: buty.gif (440x300, 1001K)

>literally started the game a week ago
>level 29
>wont be ready for the extension when it comes out

Easy, level that class up

Oh, I didn't see that anywhere but that's good to know. Thank you user.

>Use DPS LB2 on the last boss of a dungeon as soon as it's up
>Party gets upset that I didn't save it until the boss was almost dead

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Don't forget unlocked all of the logos actions

>level 29 in a week
Unless you no-life degen the game, I doubt you'll even be able to start Stormblood before launch.

buy the level skip warrior of light

Attached: yoshi p.png (1776x1000, 1021K)

>lb charges half way through dungeon
>use it
>"wtf dude save it for the last boss"

Attached: 1550023825696.jpg (600x662, 38K)

Yoshi stated so back in Stormblood's 3rd fanfest. He said new jobs will get every primal weapons but only raid weapons from previous expac.

Servers are gonna be on fire the first week anyways

My two biggest red flags are an enforced meta comp (bonus points if the party leader is playing something like samurai or red mage) and an absurdly high or odd ilvl requirement that's obviously just the party leader's ilvl. Both of them scream "I am a complete shitter and I'm hoping that a meta party with a high ilvl will drag my ass across the finish line"

if it's anything like the stormblood launch the servers are going to be fucked for like two days anyway
don't worry too much about it, you'll burn yourself out on the msq if you try to power through it

Catgirls can have versatile roles in any group.

Don't sweat it user, you have so much content to get through that there's no way you could have caught up in that time anyway. You can at least be caught up by the time 5.1 his hits though

>doing Ifrit and WHM just died
>Scholar's just leaving them dead and asking if he should revive
You have swiftcast you piece of shit, what else are you even going to do with it

>Level 29
Accept your fate and just take it easy. You could play 24/7 every day until the expansion drops and you still wouldn't make it. Might as well just cruise along at your own pace.

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that's fair, they gotta cut off somewhere. i figured they'd leave out sub (level of the job) primals as well though.

swiftcast a ruin

Good for you. You'll experience ShB when all the bugs have been fixed.

Ruin II, you mean

>joining a roulette as a tank
>get thrown in a dungeon I have never run or watched a guide for
Guess we'll die.

give me soldiery weapons reeeeee

>Spam the fuck out of the LB buttom to make dps do it and shitpost why not
>They still dont use it and I end up using it after everything's done
I feel very sad every time

I have the same situation but i main tanks so i should be fine. The issue is seeing what mogs still look ok on hrothgar which i imagine few will

Guess what you don't have to sit and spam dungeons and primals for a month until they release the raids.

Attached: 1550030697791.png (640x944, 1.06M)

Probably a WoW refugee, last I remember, only 1 class could combat rez,and even then it was pretty restricting.

Embrace the void

Attached: the void something something.png (436x786, 583K)

>got to try out new pvp system when servers were fucked at SB launch
is there even any new pvp content this go around? I feel like ShB is launching with less content than the expansion that came before it, though I guess that's par for the course with FFXIV at this point.

you are literally the least pressured role in a new dung
just get aggro and press cds

Probably not ban worthy, though I think it’d be more obvious since there’s no /spit in XIV. If anyone complains just say it’s a pirate sign of respect.

>Discord required
>Join their call
>Nobody ever fucking speaks
I think these faggots are just hoping they'll rope in some poor soul that has the latest MrHappy guide memorized or something.

There's no ERP here faggot.

do people actually watch guides for dungeons?



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No, ruin II doesn't consume swiftcast

Shitposting on Yea Forums mostly, I have nothing that I feel like doing in game between now and the expansion launch really.

Just had them charge me right away. Didn't want to get hit with a sudden drop in cash I forgot to expect.

>To repair my gear using crafters I currently need LTW, GSM, BSM, ARM, WVR at at least 60.
No one in their right mind elitist faggot crafter or not can think this is sane.

Most tanks are horrible. That’s why I always play tank so I know the mobs are not spinning or killing party

I dunno how it is now, but yeah Druid's battle rez used to have a 30 minute CD

>play tanks 100%
>YoshiP designs a race entirely around tanks
>no possibility of trannies
>no possibility of weebs
>entirely not sexualized so no homos either unless they're extremely thirsty
This is the perfect race for the serious tank player.

Attached: 1559223955474.png (1423x1049, 1.69M)

>job locked slots
>ilvl requirement higher than the duty's requirement

Literally go to Mor Dhona, head out the Northwest gate and turn around, he's alive and well watching guard there.

Imagine a world without Ala Mhigans. An absolute paradise.

It’s a perk if leveling crafting but it’s not required in any way. Just go to the repair guy. They warn you if your stuff is almost broken now too.

I used to to get nervous until I got some experience and then realized everyone else is more retarded than I hoped

>entirely not sexualized
>gay furry bara race that's literally made solely to pander to furries
>not sexualized

Yeah, but then you get something worse than trannies and weebs. Furries.

ok furry

Garo set - kiba

*becomes a sineater*

Attached: The_Griffin_First.jpg (1500x2128, 1.04M)

Literally every race except maybe Midlanders are fetish-bait in some form or another.

I don't RP, ERP, or any variant of that concept.
I could care less about furries.

I know it's a perk but it's still stupid. So all except my weapon and belt are currently able to be repaired beyond 100% but it doesn't matter because I still have to go repair my weapon and belt.

>bara furfag race
popoto is the best tank race anyway you overcompensating basedlet

Attached: 63895376-939D-4C23-B278-55D46309C00C.jpg (1024x528, 36K)

I don't want to live in a world without Minfilia's milkers

Attached: 1447356691440.jpg (1920x1080, 792K)

I'll admit
I haven't played in about 8 months and have no idea what I'm doing with my tank now that I'm

The same could be said for literally any race.

lol yeah, sure thing user.

He deserves to rest in peace after all his efforts in liberating the motherland.

You may not care about them, but they will definitely care about you.

That's because you never get any. Comms are for heals, when you don't get them it's just people too lazy to click the button

You have been for almost two expansions now and nothing of value was lost.

Can people become sin eaters? Are sin eaters people?

I'm currently catching up with super old Heavensward MSQ, and I always have a wiki page open with the boss mechanics of a new dungeon. If it has a mechanic I need to do, I why to know about it so I don't waste the other people's damn time since they've all probably done it countless times already.

There's a very easy to use block feature. I'm already well versed in it as a Roe player.

She's getting ported over, though. Best of both worlds.

Well it means you don’t have to pay to repair the ones you can fix. Crafting emphasizes leveling all of them for cross class skills anyway, or it used to at least.

>I could care less
So you do care?

but I miss returning to the Waking Sands

>Furry AND a bara faggot
You just keep digging that hole bub

Attached: 1547330975163.png (500x475, 172K)

>oh no! My phone Autoincorrected couldn't to could
>oh no! A retard on the internet pointed it out
Oh my...

Well he found his perfect race.

Why do you think WoL is going to the first?

because Yoshia saw WoD and thought “I bet I can fuck the story with alternate dimensions even worse”

Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiasts at?
Just imagine having a cute Lalafell lass bouncing on your lap

Attached: 1547333621174.jpg (1920x1080, 1022K)

>openly admitting to phone posting
neck yourself retard

>hes not into bara

Missing out dude

imagine picking her up and kicking her off a bridge

Storm Private's Haubergeon

go away phoneposter

>Damage controlling this hard
Thanks for the hearty keks user.

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Attached: ffxiv_10062019_175042_941.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Midlanders are pandering to woman-fetishists

>Just got to the ala mhigo dungeon
Is there any way I can be shadowbringers ready in 18 days?

Attached: Double king bullshit.gif (640x360, 1.3M)

>tfw going out of town with a 2 day pass for an amusement park, and 3 night stay at hotel
>coming back on the 21st
>one week later get to play shadowbringers
>and no work

feels really good man

Attached: 1557553825357.png (808x802, 159K)

And you think anybody gives enough of a shit?
Markers are standardised and Fisher Price sized, there's nothing in there that will outright kill you outside of being a complete and utter retard.

Low T, beta cuck and a half if I've ever seen one. Holy fuck, grow a spine.

sin eaters are the light version of voidsent.

>no Ala Mhigo
>Garleans invades Gridania instead
>elementals' puppets either in prison or executed in public
>Black Shroud burned to the ground, no more elementals
And Ul'dah will be a lot cleaner too. Truly a paradise.

Imagine stuffing a Lalafell full of cock

That's pretty rude

press esc to skip cutscenes

Pretty easily. There's a lot of patch stuff, but there's not 18 days worth of it.

>He actually went out and took a screenshot
Thanks user, I knew I wasn't crazy

I don’t think I’ll have enough time for that. I want to start ShB at launch and don’t have a 70 yet. Just got my first class to 63. I think I’ll wait until after

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get 30% off papa johns with the FFXIV30 promo code

Attached: 1585742184241.jpg (593x643, 152K)

Attached: mog.webm (1152x720, 184K)

Legit just buy a level potion bro. It'll save you so much time.


>Papa Belongs in the John
No thanks

Fuck off Mentaiko, go back to drawing you fag.

>Papa Johns
I don't like cardboard though, so i'll stick with Dominos.

As a footfag, this should have been my dream game because of all the different types of footwear. Sadly, those garbage foot models just ruin the whole thing.

Alright. how hard is it to gear up? I'm still in my AF gear.

Attached: f9c (1).gif (336x294, 2.16M)

Domino's doesn't have stuffed crust

still undecided. might go wild and play a healer which ive never done in ffxiv. otherwise im torn between: MNK, SAM, DRK or DRG or even DNC

As a footfag the less you're catered to the better.

they do, it's just shit

>Picking the most thirsty dwarf we know
You know what you did user

>middle of SB
>insanely hard to find good tanks and ranged
>decide to pick up both roles
>seems to be working out
>they announce new jobs in both of those roles
>now tanks and ranged are filled instantly in every group

Attached: sonic_war.png (689x607, 1.08M)


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How do I find a good FC mates?

Attached: ussr-5-x-3-flag-2864-p.jpg (598x448, 8K)

Try not being commie scum.

Naw tranny comms are for Tanks

Attached: 1535324623735.jpg (1024x1004, 291K)

now that I look at this closer, it's amazing how close to death she was if she was standing one inch to the right.

what if they were the warriors of dankness and they smoked a lot of weed lol

>Cat bed table
>Clearly open room with likely no closet
>Appears to be a single room without visitors or roommates
>Still gets three pizzas
user I have so many questions I don't know where to start

WHM is godlke in expert roulette for them sub-15 minute dungeon clears but thats about it

So you'll stick with the other cardboard pizza?

i just play war so i dps another mob if u take aggro lol

can I make it, any tips?

Attached: jobs.png (199x328, 35K)

since we're getting arbert and company's story in the role quests i wonder if they're actually going to bring that up

The cats clearly like pizza

>when I play a DPS I rec the tank
>when I play a tank I rec one of the DPS
Fuck healers.

Don't rush, just do moogles and namazu daily.

Wait, Shadowbringers is in only 18 days? Fuck, I'm still in Stormblood! How long is the post-SB stuff?

Thos fucking walls, do you live in an alley, user? Are you okay?

The hardest thing to get at your point will probably be a weapon, but you can just buy a 380 weapon off the marketboard for dirt cheap, along with the rest of your gear if you have the dosh for it. If you don't, then dungeon gear and genesis tome gear shouldn't take too long to get.

Because I let people die if diversion wasn't used

That's clearly some sort of metal furniture like a supply cabinet or something.

Do triple turn-in leves. Only cheap ones. The EXP curve is very shallow past 50.

All forum outlets:


JP: Theorycrafting is fun, it will be interesting to see these new changes and how we can adapt to brand new playstyles, I'm excited to finally play Shadowbringers!

What the fuck is wrong with the west?

>18 days to finish the Stormblood MSQ on my alt so I can play with friends on another data center
I dunno if I can make it guys, i'm only up to the Azim Steppe

Attached: sudoku.png (394x394, 342K)


but should i use diversion if you can just use tankstance?

triple turn ins?

Attached: 1453302305155.jpg (549x560, 50K)

Yes unless you want to die.

leves -> namazu/moogles -> collectables in that order
also no you're probably not going to make it for all of them unless you go buckwild with collectables, and collectables aren't that great for crafters

it's not all that long, and most of it is pretty shit storywise (gosetsu and yotsuyu's storyline is pretty good tho), you have plenty of time

Retarded compositions and locked jobs
High IL
>farm group
>can't kill boss

Japan doesn't like Scholar, apparently

Or monk

The ones with a star next to them are doubled, turn in HQ again and it's doubled again, technically quadrupled.


JP: Let's do some fun countdowns until the release of Shadowbringers, bringing the community together with interesting projects

So that means it's time to buy all the gunblade primal materials.

Scholars should be gassed

Just transfer your main to a preferred world (apparently its free right now) and use world visit to play with them.

if they didn't like sch they would've taken chain strat away and made whm meta

If you can't be fucked to press a single button, I can't be fucked to swap stances and fuck up my rotation.

>Almost under 1000 recipes to go for Crafting Log achievements
>Did about 700 in a week

I'm not sure what will break me: Culinarian as a whole or Carpentry's Housing items.

Attached: 1553532354534.png (319x309, 48K)

Even Japan is smart enough to realize that what they're doing to SCH and MNK is fucking retarded.

If that was an option then I would've done so, dummy. I wanna raid again on my main but my friends are all on Crystal which has a dying raid scene.


Monk's changes are pretty underwhelming
They should repurpose TK altogether if they're giving us Six Sided Star to basically perform its old role. Just make TK a big dick damage oGCD that's only available in GL4 or some shit

Whats wrong with monk now? The six side star thing?

How long would it take to catch up with the msq from the beginning?

A lot of housing items still sell for decent profits to fund the endeavor.

Nothing, just the small brain complainers are at it again.

Raid with your friends, then.

post benchmark bunnies so I can rate

about don't think about it hours

Depends on how hard you no-life it. You won't catch up in time for Shadowbringers if that's what you're asking.

Go bring some benchmark bunnies back from the contest for everyone else here to rate.

CUL is pretty bad just for the sheer volume of ingredients you need from all over the damn game in the most absurd stack sizes. You going for shiny tools or the master achievement?

They don't raid and one of them isn't even up to HW in the MSQ yet

Nothing, its just shitposters latching onto something to shitpost about
>before LL
>rarely any monk posters, except for a based few
>After LL
>Suddenly everyone is a monk expert, with UUltima/UCOB weapons, and they are chiming in

SSS seems to be doing TK's original job (as your "the boss is fucking off" button) but it preserves GL instead of eating your stacks
So then the question is, why does TK still exist? Feels redundant.

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When I play I don't commend anyone because your average DF player doesn't fucking deserve to be commended.

Anyone in Aether here? I need new friends. :(

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La goblina

Frankly, I'd take deleting the DATABASE memes any day over pruning Energy Drain and Bane
I just wanted to continue having fun with my favourite job

Attached: 1354575477215.gif (450x381, 64K)

This. I remember seeing job stats for SB. MNK was one of least played job along with MCH. MNK posters in xiv thread were rare

>that room
>those cats all neatly lined up and tucked in bed on a table
>three untouched pizzas just lying on the other side
Literally what am I looking at here

Monk's changes are a strict downgrade in exchange for two redundant skills

It's epp's bunny so yeah accurate

I'm sure he won't finish both HW and SB in 18 days either, so you will have someone to play with if your other friends decides to leave both of you behind.
Get a free transfer to Crystal, get a paid transfer back to your raid server.

They gutted all their skills and replaced them with literally nothing.

Let's rate our husbands

Attached: dllhost_Mb4QWX2bSr.png (1009x742, 1.53M)

Those cats are dying look at the expression.

Shiny Tools. And yeah I actually broke down and bought another fucking retainer just for CUL ingredients. The worst shit is that there are recipes that get called upon 40 levels of progression later as ingredients. Goddamn cookies.

Would bend over to pick up a pencil as he looks at me/10

Let's not.

Those cats are being euthanized :(

They look so bad in jackets like that.


Can you fuckers just leave already.

Sorry, YoshiP cursed us with them. They will be here forever, now.

that hrothgar face looks kind of dopey but i guess all of them do to some extent

Attached: tried.png (1652x929, 2.07M)

you aren;t getting male viera

Having an actual functional AoE combo beyond PB -> Rockbreaker spam is nice I guess, but yeah
Shame that I don't think MNKfags are vocal enough to cry enough to get them to touch the class up in 5.1

When did Snow turn into a cat?

Why can't MNK players just do what WAR players do to get themselves buffed in half a patch?

How the fuck does the amount of complaints make said complaints any less valid?

We are autistic cry babies

Is it worth leveling gatherers if I'm not going to bother with crafting? Someone said expansion launches are good way to make money with them.

Attached: kebab_animal.jpg (740x555, 175K)

Because that only works for WAR and SCH. For anyone else you pray you are on the fotm list among the devs (see AST for all of HW).

Because nobody at SE plays monk to begin with

Can't wait for /gw2g/'s autistic furfag to pick up XIV and spam his shit on /xivg/ until the thread dies.

Id be more fine with them if yoshi came out and promised they will add more or fix the hair issue later but i fully expect them to ditch them in the state they are jn

I have yet to see a hrothgar that doesn't look like absolute shit.

Real talk: not unless you bot. The profit margins for purely gathering are much lower. It's pricing up the final crafted items where the gil comes in.

is balmung transfer open right now?

Nah, monk is shit in ShB, fuck off.

Attached: monk.png (92x166, 3K)

That would be incredible.

I can post complaints without playing MNK. If you notice xiv threads often have scapegoat shitposting job. Explain me why no one cried about MNK in weekend threads?

Because nobody at SE gives a shit about monk except the guy who made the 4.2 changes and he's likely not allowed to touch the job ever again because Yoshi P hates the job having a skill ceiling.

It's the eyes.

Attached: dllhost_HIVAMGm9vR.png (801x769, 1.33M)

I have been complaining about my job getting gutted in literally every thread, you stupid faggot, fuck off.

mnk got a bunch of buffs throughout sb though
the class itself is ok, mnk's actual problem is that drg and nin both exist and there's (usually) only two melee slots

While Lyse is cute, somehow she was a lot hotter masked, and wearing those bright red boots

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It honestly wouldn't change much

We will never see female Hrothgar since they're busy being baby factories

Attached: 1560177407876.jpg (2560x1440, 1.7M)

Because apparently literally every single monk player in existence besides casual expert roulette heroes being unsatisfied with the changes including the top monk players in the east and west isn't enough to constitute "real complaints"

I wonder if they're going to show anything at SE presentation. It's 4am my time.

>If he hates furfags he must want gay viera.

I don't give a shit about your gay race drama.


the whiskers and fangs remind me of walrus

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Well the only bright side of the monk changes is that it's easily fixed in a patch if Yoshi isn't a retard. Just tweaking Anatman so it grants you GL1 instantly on use in combat already fixes the issue with the braindead rotation, then after that all it needs is Deep Meditation being fixed.

They'll just replay trailers we've already seen.

Who cares. MNK has always been a shitters job with absolutely garbage animations and low effort rotations.
Play BLM faggot.

This is face of mhniggers.
>always crying
>shitting threads
MNKfags are subhumans and should be purged.

Attached: 1559100616051.jpg (300x300, 18K)

Fucking same, dunno if it's worth it desu.

Ive been crying about it every day since the weekend of the liveletter when I did the math of new skills.

I honestly refuse to believe she's genuinely an Ala Mhigger because of her pretty blonde hair.

MNK is shit job with braindead rotation. Play SAM or NIN or BLM if you want real high skill job for real man.

>low effort rotations
TK still exists, it's not 5.0 yet.

MNK was the most complex DPS rotation after 4.2, but okay fag.
>don't post
>duuuh monk is fine nobody is posting in threads during

She was also a better character back then.

Why does it seem like playing Bard is much easier than pretty much any melee dps? You just have to apply your DoTs, start singing, apply your buffs, then just spam heavy shots while waiting for procs from your songs and throw in the occasional iron jaws/straight shot to refresh your dots/buff and a new song when the last one ends/is about to end.

As a melee you have to worry about positionals, combos, resources (on some jobs) and generally you have a very clear rotation in which you have to do things to achieve optimal dps. Bard's just so much more relaxed.

I realize that this is offset by the fact that bard does not deal nearly as much damage as melee dps' do, but I still can't help but wonder if it is fair to demand so much more from melee (or so little from bard).

Attached: doubt.jpg (1280x853, 92K)

I'm hoping for a new FFXIV trailer. Now's the best time to it. I'm sure yet another FF7 trailer though

>Calls a job garbage animation and low effort rotation
>Recommends BLM

Attached: 1480285539523.jpg (1375x749, 125K)

>MNK is shit job with braindead rotation
Well yeah, it is in ShB. It was the most complex job in 4.2+ though.

tl;dr nothing, wait for the live letter on June 14.

Because Bard is by far the easiest DPS job. They've never really been able to address this either without the community screeching because of muh cast times.


Haha only 3 more dogs left after this

Attached: byakkototems.png (47x53, 4K)

>Seething 5k parsing MNKlet

How does it feel to get black'd so hard in every single raid tier?

bards also have support responsibilities, and they'd make the best kiters (if kiting ever becomes necessary again)

>high effort
>complex DPS rotation
MNK runs on a treadmill for the most part and for the most part really only has to coordinate their last RoF/Brotherhood etc. burst. They don't interact with anyone and they don't really help anyone either. The 90s cd lines up perfectly fine with alot of cooldowns when they're up.

SAM is a bundle of small optimizations. Their openers vary depending on the phase length, midare can be a better dps gain over a 3 sen haga under some buffs (TA). Their rotation is generally all over the place with the most fight specific knowledge required for hagakures. They're required to know phase shifts so they can mix back better into their buff cycle. The 1 minute dot can easily be a dps loss if it doesn't tick for 45 seconds, not knowing phase shift mixups and hagakure timings are a dps loss, etc.

Basically, no one grades classes on "mechanical skill" like so many TK savants think. No one is applauding your ability to press a series of buttons in order. Difficulty in XIV is graded by how easy it is to leak dps and SAM can leak much more dps than MNK can due to its higher fight-specific knowledge. Versus MNK which is largely just fire and go, no thinking required.

>real skill
The one bit of skill NIN had about having to predict if the boss will move or turn every other 60 seconds is gone thanks to TN buffs. SAM is the most unga job in the game

>that first paragraph
Oh, so you're a fucking retard. Got it.

Also don't @ me if you think TK is bigbrain. Literally every class has a phase ending priority. Healers dont DoT, DRK tries to end on souleater, PLD uses spinny slash, BRD fishes for refulgants, NIN ends a fight at 0s huton, BLM cuts the fight at the end of astral, etc. etc.

Legitimately seen some arguments that TK is just oooh too big brain before imao.

>Wave cane in a circle
>attack happens
Pinnacle of animation, SE had to pull out the mo cap for this one!

I feel like I've seen this post before

So you don't understand how TK is used at all or how monk plays at a high level and you think memorizing slight variations on 3 different openers makes your job hard when SAM is literally the third easiest job in the game after RDM and BRD, got it.

>mhniggers delusional about their """complex""" rotation
>thread number 999

>TK isnt complex because RoF and BH line up with cooldowns

(late) Threadly reminder that Elezen are the one true master race, and all of Eorzea rightfully belongs to them

Braindead SAM players often like to shit on monk for "taking their slot" and try to act like their job requires brainpower because they sometimes have to stagger a haga with yaten

the buff to deep meditation is fairly substantial combined with more bootshines per encounter from gl4
even with internal release gone you're gonna get more chakras than you were getting in sb

Why doesn't anyone ever shit on the cowardly Sharlayans?

R8 bros

Attached: ffxiv_24052019_174553_503.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

bard and rdm are the easiest because they’re the only ones with reactionary rotations (besides mch which is its own shitshow), and I feel they don’t want to make it harder because of that

bowmage was a really bad idea because moving is fun and helps separate ranged physical from ranged magic, though I’m surprised they didn’t keep it on mch

>weebs seething that their Kiri'to' U'chi'h'a gets locked out of parties

Based and Halonepilled

Lalafell you mean


dilate tranny

Casual clothing looks weird sometimes but it's not bad.

>Shit hair color
>Shit hair
>Au ra
>le quirky glasses!
>basic ho sweater
>unfitting cuffs
>HoH ring btw
Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero outta Zero

kill all lizard niggers

>the buff to deep meditation is fairly substantial
No it isn't, because you get significantly less crits over the course of a fight now that IR and bard's crit buffs are gone and Chain/Litany are nerfed. Even if you get more chakras over a fight from it, it won't be a substantial amount more and it will definitely be less until later in the expac when you can get higher crit values.

b-but muh ten million potency attack!!!!!!!!!!

I have noticed a lot of players play as male cats. I understand if you want to play as a female one, I have played many mmos before, but a male cat?

Ironically, all "MNK" players wo liked the TK rotation are just SAM tourists who swapped to what they thought was the more complex job for pro-gamer points. I'm glad they're going back to their tranny job.

It's really not, chakras need to guaranteed and not run on rng if you're going to remove oGCDs so FC can be our main one

I don't want to be the cute girl user, I make my character cute because I want to hug_ the cute girl

Gays and actual women play male cat

>So you don't understand how TK is used at all or how monk plays at a high level
plays at a high level
This is your """"high lvl"""" rotation.
You do opener. Every RoF you do fire tackle. Outside of RoF you do TK every RoW. Repeat.

Attached: 0NZ5.png (663x559, 478K)

Every bad player is a male cat. Every. Single. One.

Bard still needs something to keep it from just being "hit your buttons" because right now it literally never loses uptime unless the boss is outright untargetable. Their songs should have been GCD locked with cast times at the very least, they could have been like Gunbreaker's dot and catridge combo where they have a ~30s cooldown but are on the GCD.

Is it ok if i just get the base game and start with that?

Right, yet you completely fail to understand how this is actually applied in an actual fight. Just like how SAM is just "do midares and keep up your dot and use hagakure on cooldown" on a dummy.

start with the trial

MCH's new gimmick seems to be long CD weaponskills that are affected by skillspeed, and going apeshit during overheat with Heat Shot lowering the cooldowns for other skills

So you're a better player than the ninja who cleared UWU and O12S before any other ninja in the world

>gets locked out of parties
If SAM locked out of parties, MNK doesn't even have parties. No one play MNK. And no one need MNK.

Play the free trial, if you like it buy the game and pick up free Heavensward, which is until June 26 or somethinf

Based ESL retard

Don't worry, Sa'suke' Kiri'to, someday someone will let you into their savage parties. Maybe in ShB where your job will be as braindead as the new monk.

>Will want to hit up Hrothgar for RP
>Most of the 2% who play them will probably be all gay and hate on smaller races like lizards

Attached: 03.jpg (1057x627, 635K)

How did they manage to make the most based job of all time?

Attached: FFXIV_Gunbreaker_Art.png (1767x2500, 3.43M)

Unless they're speedkilling O11S or O9S, of course

How can you tell, you arent in the party Boruto Strife

>fail to understand how this is actually applied in an actual fight
It's applied like any other DPS rotation. You're not special.

Are instances down in Light right now?

>It's applied like any other DPS rotation.
So you admit SAM, NIN, and DRG are easier than monk? glad we agree

To take a spot there have to actually be players playing Monk you know.

>SAM shitposters are actual esl japs

Do i have to download the whole game again if buy it on steam? Or can i just move some files? As for Heavensward, that's news to me. How do i get it?

They will let GNB use Heirsbane, right?

Right, but the reality is they know everyone will laugh at them if they try to attack DRG or NIN, so they go for the lower-hanging fruit first

>E-ESL r-retard
typical monk player
And we have actual clear rates. Yes. Especially compared to US raid trannies

Attached: 1560104036356.png (1809x1861, 256K)

No they're more likely south american or slavic subhumans, considering they think SAM is difficult to play.

they are catering to boomers

Attached: phil spencer.jpg (608x1211, 50K)

I wish Lyse got more porn. She may be a whiny fist clenching idiot, but she’s cute and more porn would have made her at least slightly more bearable.

Right lads
I still have a fantasia
What is the MOST based race/gender and why?

SAM is even more of a joke on JP DCs than monk though

Yoshida dislikes everything from 1.0 so no.

it's a 40% increase from the previous value that's up all the time, it's substantial
like you would have to stack crit to an impossible level to match it with current values

Monk is hardest job in game

Lizard girl cus they make autistic incels seethe and also they're cute.

you can play the trial on steam too as far as I know, otherwise you'll have to download it again if you really want to have it on steam
heavensward comes with stormblood for free, but if you wait for SHB release you get both the old expansions for free


Stick with only getting the game from Square's store, that's also where you'll find Heavensward offered for free if you have the starter pack

>SAMshitters think they have a chance of being meta
Sorry pals, rDPS only. NIN+DRG still king.

>top NIN/MNK player in the world: I prefer playing NIN in prog because monk is too hard
>dumbshit grey parsing SAM on Yea Forums: MNK is the easiest job, let me post a dummy rotation to prove this
Hmm, I don't know who I should trust on this one.

>Melee used to be a chad job, DRG and MNK bros 4 lyfe
>Naruto comes and ruins it
>Then his even worse cousin Kirito comes
What an actual tragedy

Anyone trying to use their classes "difficulty to play" as some kind of measurement are always compensating for something.

>Look that pic up
>Fatalpulse victimgirl

Attached: 1508987235179.jpg (603x558, 110K)

>not MNK

based, my alt was the one with the glasses earlier in the thread

Female Elezen, because barely anyone plays them

Any chance I can finish the MSQ before expac drops? Just got to HW content.

>World first I play DRK because it's fun.
>Dumbshit Yea Forums poster yells about the meta and shed for the billionth thread in a row.

>top NIN/MNK player in the world
Who is top NIN/MNK player in the world?

Sorry cuck, DNC is the new hotness for parties and DNC is made for MNK cock only. Maybe you can compare knives with SAM

This is a good option

Bunny girls are my fetish though so I might just wait til Viera

>caring about meta

JP tolerates samurai even less, do you must play on American servers. Tell me, where is your ultimate clear? Surely you wouldn't bring up that chart unless you contributed, right?

if you go by that metric then female roe is the way to go

>DNC is made for MNK cock only
lol retard

>grey parsing
Here we go again. Same tune. Same US parsefags

>it's a 40% increase from the previous value t
No it isn't, it's 20%.
>You would have to stack crit to an impossible level to match current values
Not really because the nature of having Deep Meditation be RNG on top of RNG means that crit frequency is much, much more influential in how many chakras you gain than the actual proc rate itself. With 2k crit right now you have a 20% crit rate. That means you have a (100*.2*.5) chance to get a chakra from each non-bootshine weaponskill, or ~10%. By changing the proc rate to 70%, that number increases to a whopping 14%.

DPS fights are always who has the bigger penis
Tank fights is always who has the most buttons to press
Healer fights is always who is the least deep in the grave

Depends on your personality. Any race/gender can be based if you are. If you're a faggot though, that will show no matter what you pick.

Ah, but you see, Elezen are unpopular, but are still capable of being good-looking

>Fatalpulse victimgirl

Attached: 1559586693360.jpg (747x729, 76K)

The person who was the first NIN in the world to clear the relevant fights in the last two patches.


>JP tolerates samurai even less
Can you please post proves?

Attached: 1558097066988.png (576x466, 494K)

I'm still mad.

Attached: ffxiv_caster.jpg (1920x660, 770K)

I like SAM because I love how it plays and love the aesthetics of the job. I normally don’t play melee classes, usually I stick to casters, but samurai is just fun.

20% increase. Original chance was 50%. And is still rng on top of your crit rng. Current BiS crit rate for monk is still just 25% of a fight. You have a 70% to get a chakra 25% of a fight, that's still terrible

>s-stop parsing guys, I'm contributing really! I know how to haga....
Don't worry man, someday you'll find a PF that allows SAMs in it. Maybe try transferring to Elemental.

He can't, because he's bullshitting

Cope with what? You not understanding math?

The one you like playing as the most regardless of what others tell you.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2019-06-04 15-12-50.jpg (1343x999, 345K)

That's about right
So far I've gotten to level 57 or 58 as a male cat Ninja but I basically never talk to anyone.
I'll probably go viera because they make me hard

I'm sure he pressed TA once every minute very goodly.

What's makes him best NIN in the world? World first?

then post a good looking elezen. and don't use fanart.

Is true though, locking jobs out of PF is more common in Japan. SAM gets shit on as much as DRG used to in JP datacenters

No. No. Fuck, no. Stop enjoying jobs that aren't approved by The Balance Discord. Jesus Christ.

Attached: 06_09_2019 12_06_21.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

Literally the only reason I play a catgirl

You're bullshitting.

>not content with attacking monk, the Uchiha now has to attack NIN too
lol, go ahead and try to claim that pressing yaten once or twice in every fight is harder than NIN, please, this will be entertaining.

>unmodded sweater
fix that

Shit, this is starting to grow on me

Attached: ysale-lady-iceheart-final-fantasy-xiv-heavensward-3.72.jpg (210x240, 20K)

Attached: elfs.jpg (480x366, 97K)

Stop replying to yourself as an excuse to post your shitty character.

Says the guy who claims SAM is the hardest job, then RPs as a gook, but somehow can't post any proof of any of this (likely because he can't find a PF that will keep him around if they even allow SAM to join in the first place).

Brotherhood is barely rDPS since it only affects melees. Maybe that will change, but as of the most recent build we've seen of 5.0, it's the exact same.

aw shit you got me

Attached: 1ctp0paje_1436214351558.jpg (299x200, 16K)

Attached: grookey.png (698x846, 178K)

Can you post proves? I can literally google jap streamer who pugging with SAM

It affects everyone except the SMN if you have one but if you're bringing a MNK you're going BRD/DRG/NIN/MNK anyway meaning it only doesn't affect healers.

They didn’t keep the ass window did they? The worst ones always win these contests.

You're alright user

>as much as DRG used to in JP datacenters
Wow, japs have shit taste

You know that it's actually impossible for those posts to be from the same person, right?

I didn't say it's impossible to join a PF on JP D/Cs, I said it was more common than NA. On NA you'll mostly see job locks because someone doesn't want another job rolling on their gear (IE caster player makes a PF and locks out the other two casters)

Attached: 1.png (1090x1078, 2.21M)

Try to make a Viera, not a midlander. Viera have a distinct, non-human look, so if you're trying to make one that has the features of a classic human beauty, you've fucked up.

I really don't like it. I enjoy the boss music but that overworld battle theme does not work for me at all.

All three tracks in the job actions trailer are great though, especially the omega remix that shit is fucking lit.

I just play MNK because I like the gameplay, not because I care about dick-measuring or metafaggotry and I reckon it's the same for most SAMfags. Why do you all care so much about the meta when it only matters for world firsts?

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