Name a better smash newcomer
>Raped more women than Erdrick, Banjo, Steve or any of your faggot shill characters
>Not from Sega, Capcom or Bamco. Third parties are oversaturated by the same big companies jerking off nintendo
>First eroge game character in smash
>Bigger dick than any other smash character
>Destroyed a planet
>Long running series with consistent releases, unlike Banjo.
Attached: Rance for smash.jpg (300x300, 27K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:15
Sorry banjofag, try to wake up and face reality. Rance is in
June 10, 2019 - 13:19
>Doesn't need to rape them because they already want his dick >Have been fucking women for 1000 years >All with the brain of a kid
Attached: 30-63.png (480x320, 13K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:21
>did more for gaming than some shitty porn game Checkmate.
Attached: Dirk_the_Daring-0.png (320x500, 104K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:23
Rance fucking confirmed.
Attached: 1515426519370.png (483x290, 96K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:25
Shitty porn game series. Get it right
June 10, 2019 - 13:25
>Rape Rance doesn't like to rape anymore, he only does it as a last resort, like if she says no.
June 10, 2019 - 13:28
Also feminism representation
Attached: Rance.jpg (668x255, 50K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:29
Don't pull Rance into the smashfaggotry... Why can't you just make a normal rance thread?
June 10, 2019 - 13:32
This man beats his children and his family is dead, what's your excuse?
Attached: a095c120c7ffd9704c13193e1e1aadca.jpg (500x700, 29K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:46
>le meme rape man Grow up. Based.
June 10, 2019 - 13:48
June 10, 2019 - 13:49
Attached: images.png (258x195, 106K)
June 10, 2019 - 13:57
ugh another Fire emblem character
June 10, 2019 - 13:58
The hair went somewhere else
Attached: Flint-Mother-3-1379169072-30304.jpg (250x346, 23K)
June 10, 2019 - 14:06
Smash would take a whole new meaning if rance was in it
June 10, 2019 - 14:10
Cringe, keep that shit away from Smash
June 10, 2019 - 14:12
More fighting experience
Attached: 160541388.78_image.png (802x476, 360K)
June 10, 2019 - 14:12
>more weebshit trash yikes and cringe
June 10, 2019 - 14:13
>Bigger dick than any other smash char Ridley disaproves
Attached: 1533894449710.png (700x700, 513K)
June 10, 2019 - 14:14
He couldn't protect Hinawa or Claus Let him be in peace, he had a hard life
June 10, 2019 - 14:17
Attached: bruhh.png (303x174, 114K)
June 10, 2019 - 14:18
Fine, SECOND biggest dick.
June 10, 2019 - 14:24
Now he'll be able to beat his opponents in smash the same way!
June 10, 2019 - 14:33
>his down thrust is similar to link down thrust except Rance use his cock >grappling attacks all involve penetration in some way, dealing massive damage and stunning the target
June 10, 2019 - 14:35