Why are the mods deleting gay thread ?

>Be us
> Play vidya
> then, Marxist take over vidya industry
> (((Marxists))) shove their pro-faggot, pro-SJW, pro-diversity and ultra-left politic propaganda crap right on everyone's face
>You can't escape it, vidya games are now inherently political and Marxist
>Yet, if you dare to talk about this here, you'll get the thread banned and you possibly banned for (((off-topic)))
This is fucking ridiculous.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do they gave us a choice ?
We didn't want to be involved in politics, they FORCED us into it.
We just wanted to waste our lives playing stupid vidya games and be left alone.
But they wouldn't even let us alone wasting our youth and our life away in vidya games in peace...NO, they HAD to try to brainwash us too and ruin video game.

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Snoy movies aren't games though.

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This is a gay thread

Just don’t play gay shit my dude. It’s not hard when you stay away from normalfag genres


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just play Japanese vidya m8

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>get MAD right now!

I imagine just posting race violence youtube videos is much more successful at doing that.

They put a Female MC in my game! I was forced to lash out!

There's a black person in my game!! Why can't they leave me alone! They ruined my life! I must attack!

There's 100's of hetero couples in my games, but I saw a gay one also, games are ruined forever!

Showing anything except hetero christian white males is forcing me to hate the world! Why don't they pander to my reality that women, gays, and black people don't exist or are inferior in every way! Not doing so is FORCING me to hate!

literally have sex

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You play too many ameri-core game
This, buy jap/slav if it bothers you so much

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Play japanese vidya on a pc or a nintendo switch.

There, fixed it for you. You dont want to support the ps4 censored weeb games

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True facts

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C'mon user, BE GAY, do it....DO IT. You know you want to.....
suck one

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nobody cares about your shitty polbait threads. stay triggered

Discord tranny go away

Dilate your pusshole

Why white males so fragile and whiny

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The last based Sony game:

Straight white protag, flirts with women, uses women, kills children without hesitation

It'll be a sad day when Bend Studio will be forced to make a game about negro wahmen

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It's to get political points from completely out of touch scumbags who've taken over media and social media and academia.
That's it.
Look at BL3.
BL2 was always faggot heavy but they did it in a tongue and cheek way so that the normies could just write it off as a joke or dismiss it.
Now their full on rainbow pride parade with it.
The video game industry has always ALWAYS been lousy with queers and multiracial and had many women.
It is, well WAS, one of the most lucrative and open jobs for anyone.
Talent and the ability to entertain gamers was all it took.
Now it's just scumbags looking for political points and to manipulate the masses for whatever sick goal they want.

And this is coming from a straight "cis" guy who's in every way a typical jock with a big swinging dick who's absolutely smashed nearly every single member of the LGBTQA rainbow at least once at one point or another.

I hate this too, every game now is some political statement and then snowflakes like this get booty blasted when you mention it

And not a single african trans female on that float. And ps claims theyre for diversity.

>1 digit IQ post
Yea Forums is an amazing place.

You mean african or black?
Cause they treat transexualism as a disease or outright kill people for crossdressing in most parts of africa.

>m-muh Marxists and trannies and jews are taking over the worrrrrld
Fragile as fuck. Go cry. You lost.

>tfw new games' politics are politics I agree with
>tfw don't live under existential crisis about my lifestyle being eliminated every day
>tfw not constantly indulging paranoid conspiracy theories about jews making my life worse and instead recognizing that life and video games are pretty okay actually
Why is being a progressive so comfy, bros?

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I'm with you, Op. Here's a bump b4 thread gets killed.

mfw faggots & faggot "allies" think they're hot shit

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Based furfag. Get fucked, m8.

Easy just play nip games

You know you want to suck them, all who hate this much have fag tendencies, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Met them all my life and it's 100% true.

Based and redpilled. All those neo nazi posters on /pol/ do nothing but talk about male aesthetics, dick size, and posting WW2 photos of "handsome men". Literal closet fagets.

The outward hate insulates them against the self-hate.

gamers rise up

Go back to discord fuckface

>everyone who criticize pedophiles secretly love children !!!

Just like most of the hardcore right leaning women have fucked non-white males before, and conservatives support interracial porn the most KEK

There's one thing i learn after observing the 2016 USA election is that projection is often used as a weapon by liberals.

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>move hq to California
>games are no longer allowed to be fun
>censor tits
>hire people based on diversity points
The absolute state of snoy

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>projection is often used as a weapon by liberals.
Imagine posting this unironically

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I fucking wish the mods here were marxists with an agenda

Nope, no thank you. we citizen of /pol/ throw gays off the roof, muslim style.

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>Math teacher: 2+2 is 4

>Retard, no 2+2 isn't always a 2 and sometimes that 2 doesn't want to be a 2 and that's why 2+2 isn't 4

>No, you're wrong, try again


>Because you're incorrect, and what you say is completely false


>Why are you so ill bent on trying to destroy what is structurally sound?


>wahhhhh the games industry is full of leftists

Yes, every creative industry is. That’s where the left thrives. This is how it’s always been, it’s just more polarising and obvious.

Doesn’t matter though, right wingers are usually still a good 50% of the country.

You don't do shit, but shitpost your waste of a life away everyday, ultimately accomplishing nothing with your seeth kek


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>wahhh leftist control everything

They always have idiots. Leftist made silicon valley a success. Leftist birthed Hollywood. You think right leaning fuckers started the Renaissance? No you imbeciles the very ideology of a leftist is to think non traditionally. Leftist have ALWAYS driven advancement. Right leaners? you caused the dark ages. And also had people believing masturbation caused cancer.

don't support sjw projects
don't apologize or capitulate to sjw's
berate and demean sjw's for being sjw

Damiani jacking it

>They always have idiots. Leftist made silicon valley a success. Leftist birthed Hollywood. You think right leaning fuckers started the Renaissance? No you imbeciles the very ideology of a leftist is to think non traditionally. Leftist have ALWAYS driven advancement. Right leaners? you caused the dark ages. And also had people believing masturbation caused cancer.
>Implying it's not the Jews
Ignorant idiot.

Projecting much?

>Literally a corporation wanting to make money



>Ignorant idiot.
Stupid nigger.

>don't do shit
>shitpost all the time
I don't shitpost, my grammar is shit, i lurk 90% all the time
>implying you don't shitpost all the time
>implying you accomplish shit yourself

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>We actually want to make good games

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You should all find Jesus.

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Indeed yikes, even today all the right leaning countries and regions ARE the most stagnant, and the most backwater and primitive. Even across the seas. All the most advanced regions in China such as Hong Kong are all the most leftist regions. While the conservative regions are the shithole part of China you and yours likes to criticize on /pol/. Same with Japan. Same with North and South Korea. Same with every damn country on Earth. The right leaning states are the shitholes.

companies that get woke go broke, this is a fact, and yet they continue to push it. you have devs on Twitter shitting on potential customers because of their opinions. this is not how an intelligent capitalist does business. jacobinmag.com/2019/06/video-games-marx-at-the-arcade
>totes not marxist

Whats wrong with racism in video games? Its a useful theme

It's ma'am you white bigot

>muh real socialism was never tried, pls don't bring up venezuela pls pls

>confusing liberals and leftists

ameritards never change

>get woke go broke
Captain Marvel and Black Panther are two of the highest grossing MCU and Superhero films of all time who BTFO'd all the white straight male films such as Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and Spiderman who was Marvel's biggest superhero, KEK

are mods and janitors so lazy they cant remove troll threads like this

>Leftist made silicon valley a success. Leftist birthed Hollywood.

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Not him, when a game is woke but not very woke, usually people tend to ignore those things, if it's very obvious like BF5 it tend to go the broke route but yeah i agree

bro what the fuck is that

Those things are ridiculously huge, hnnnnnnng white cocks

average Yea Forums tranny

>people who hate murders secretly love them

Kys faggot

So youre saying leftists are the people making movies with white men saying nigger all over the place in the 50s? Amazin'

It's like all you can think about is this retarded american spawned political identity bullshit, like all of this has been hammered into your brain while being in school when your cognition was developing.
You sure you aren't racist when talking about all other countries as shitholes?

>compares murders to two consenting adults in love

and youtube/google just cost alphabet 70 billion dollars from all this cancerous shit, the antitrust review, all the bad press about censorship. places like vice are going under because of siding with sjw's. your examples are true but are the exception. gilette learned this and still doubled down, cause they are ideologues

And those "smart"liberals want to import "backward primitive" conservative into their country. Really activate my almonds

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yeah but only if the racists are cartoony evil white people

this thread is jewed as fuck but i have faith that real humans can discern the truth here

If you guys put half as much effort into anything else as you do trying to make yourselves perpetually miserable and angry you'd be masters of your field.

>american spawned
You realize that in the 40s America was more right leaning than EVERY single nation in EU, correct? Britain was one of the first to end slavery, and Germany literally constantly criticized Americans on their racism. Infact part of the huge reason America became MORE left leaning is due to European immigrants who later influenced the direction of American politics. The Germans, Swedes, Irish etc who came over were all majority left leaning you retard.

Wait I thought America was an evil white supremacist right wing country and thats why it needs more brown immigrants...

and at the working class's expense

these lefties don't seem to be very left.

Why are Marxists so devoid of happiness?

Not surprising lol

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No, Black Panther is very high grossing and won some kind of Oscar.
Disney pulled a WB and bought their own tickets so they could pretend that CM did well.

Because capitalism fucking sucks and I'm insulted at the idea that I have to "love my job" in order to be successful. Fuck you, I'm gonna do and care as little as possible to sustain my hedonist lifestyle and not even pretend to care about my job

>it was rigged waaaah



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Fuck off /pol/lution

do you even have a job
you sound underage


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There is nothing wrong with a revulsion to homosexual behavior. It is a perfectly natural reaction based in real world science.

I don't think the actual number of players who would boycott a game simply because the devs support gays/blacks/etc or are trying to push their liberal views is high enough to matter. MK11 and Wolfenstein II sold relatively well. Not everyone in real life may share the views of the devs, but at the same time I doubt they care as much about culture war bullshit as the weirdos here

Have you tried making your own videogames?

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Yeah I make $83k as a software engineer

Dialate yourself tranny

oh you are on the spectrum then

Off yourself homosexual

It's the black in them that gives them those huge dongers.

Yeah and your point is...?

its The Jews. Less interested in making good games and more interested in drugs and being faggots. The tech industry is screwed now because of faggots.

No. I just work 9-5 comfy salary job and spend the rest of my time drinking with friends, eating at restaurants and generally doing whatever the fuck I want. Wish I could travel more but I'm trying to buy a condo

>>Be us
being multiple people isn't healthy user you should get that checked out

>I, OP, reserve the inalienable human right to force my mentally ill screaming fits into conversations about video games, thereby ruining any and all online discussion of said hobby. If I am ever forced to reflect on my own petty faults, I shall deflect by simply accuse all other people around me of suffering those faults instead, and I shall do so as loudly as possible. Any attempts to moderate such content shall constitute evil censorship.
I see you've taken the oath, brother frog.

Since this is the off topic thread I recommend using kuroba for shitposting.
It's got special Yea Forums emoji support now.
:you: has a special Yea Forums emoji.

>all this shit just to explain
Holy christ

Lol do you know how jobs work in communism? If you think being forced to love your job in capitalism is bad then I have news for you comrade

>tis the jews
The jews also produced some of your favorite movies of all time, and all of your favorite capeshit heroes. Superman himself is literally Jesus. You only throw hissfyfits when they decide to give someone else shine every once in a while LOL @ how fragile you truly are.

>its The Jews
Yes !

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yeah i made a game called kingdom come, but giantbomb wouldn't give it any coverage because they're leftists. oh i'll just make my own games journo website. oh no leftist basedmafias have threatened my advertisers to drop my website due to muh imaginary bigotry. that's ok i'll just use paypal/patreon donations. ooh no i'm kicked off patreon/patreon, oh well people can direct debit. oh no mastercard shut my account now i'm living in the street. maybe i should have joined the tolerant left..

kill a marxist on your way to work ;)

This is what it looks like btw

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The software industry always had drugs and faggots. Some of the best games and tech was created by druggies, faggots, and drugged up faggots.
The entire goddamend gaming industry was created and exploded onto the scene because of coked up pansexuals. Ruined by jews and rich scumbags fucking it up though.
The problem is scumbags attempting to cause rifts in the american populace and demonize those people while also using them as bargaining tools for their own sick political and social ideologies.

Dios mios.....

I love that guy but i'm disapointed that he's bluepilled about muslims, because i used to be myself

I never said I wanted communism but I'm not gonna pretend capitalism doesn't fucking suck ass

Shut the fuck up retard.

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you responded to a post asking marxists something so I assumed you were one my bad

Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

neck yourself faggots

Poor little oppressed fragile white boi

lefties are freaks

What is wrong with this?

>reflect of my own petty faults
Trademark demented liberal jabble

>Sean (((Miller)))

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cyberpunk 2019

>people enjoying themselves
Oh the horror. Poor user, hating people out enjoying their life as he sits here and seethes

so are discord trannies larping as /pol/acks

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Oh no, he's not taking somalian cock up the rectum, how will he ever enjoy himself now.

the colonization of US was the biggest fuckup in history

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I just wanted to rail on capitalism tbdesu

i guess its the same thing as lefty women still gushing for racist white chad cock

>muh money
Make games to express yourself. If you get fucked by lefties just make your game free to send a message.
You can be as based as you want if you don't care about the jewdollar.

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/pol/ has literal spambots shitposting bigger antiliberal threads to autosage.

they can enjoy themselves in the privacy of their own home

>seeing gays will make kids gay
Did you have to be taught to be straight?

thats fair.

Seek mental help

need that fuck you money like notch. they'll drag you through the coals for every coin you have, you need backup funds to fall back on or don't try it

in many ways, this SJW bullshit that's been going on in vidya the last years have made me significantly less tolerant

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gamers have always been gay.

Being straight is natural. Being a faggot who dresses up in stupid clothes is not, and it certainly isn't normal to brainwash impressionable children into being trannies.

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t. leftist can't meme

I would be so bummed on a daily basis if I played anything but retro games. Everything has been turned into faggot shit.


Shit, if you have long hair or earnings then you better watch yourself. they don’t play that shit at all. If you’re a fag you best be wealthy and have a security detail.

i dont want to be associated with gaymers anymore. Thank you for curing me

look at how sparse the audience is

good enough for you to respond

This image proves that trannies are indeed mentally ill, we should treat them how we treat an autist and put them in insane asylum.