These are the people who play Wolfenstein games

>these are the people who play Wolfenstein games
What did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Obsessed with Nazis.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

They meant that it’s ok to, even required to, kill nazis.

>nazis were the bad guys

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Factually true. The problem is that the left considers everyone right of Mao as a Nazi

Did yall see that Swedish guy presenting Wolfenstein? He looked seriously deranged

nazis don't exist anymore

Shut the fuck up tranny

have sex, incels

78% of /pol/ are eternal newfags from 2016. They never had any real power to begin with. As the political climate changes so does them, fickle as they are.

>It's okay to defend yourself from a political terrorist group whose way of life is ideologically opposed to yours and will silence anyone that tries to bring that fact up
Well when you put it like that, yeah I reckon it's OK to kill Nazis


>killing humans GOOD
Kind of disgusts me, to be honest.

Fuck white ppl, or Nazis as I like to call them

Who hurt you?

So it's okay to kill communists?

Seething trannies still btfo

Well, that's all well and good until "nazi" becomes synonymous with a "straight white male"

I looked up the persons account. He's a follower of Three Arrows who's literally an Antifa, go figure. lol




yeah, portraying every german soldier as an evil rapist nazi is pretty disgusting

Yes, they aren't people anyway

Don't like Wolfenshit then don't buy it. Bethesda's dying anyway, and them remaking the same shitty political-pandering vidya every year is gonna get old real quick alongside no announcements of Elder Scrolls.

Is that the definition of "kill" now? Wew, very long-winded.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Why aren't the likes of ISIS or Al-Qaeda the target of peoples hate nowadays? The far right is a non-issue compared to Islamic fanaticism.




You realise that your incessant threads and constant butthurt at people who know better than you (''nazis'') only empower us. Joking, you don't, and you,ll keep losing.

>If you don't like it don't buy it
Honestly the biggest cope there is

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You seem to hate Nazis a lot
maybe you secretly want to be fucked by one


Except that’s actually wrong but okay.

All jokes aside, that's factually true

You're right, my bad. When does consumers coming together to voice an opinion ever work in modern capitalism? Completely unironic btw.

>political terrorist group
I'm not here to defend the action of Nazis but you do know a lot of those people were just doing it to feed their families and secure their own future, right?

what's wrong with being a nazi?

>Says it's wrong
>Doesn't care to elaborate
Excellent reply

You too, /pol/.

>liked all the games up to old blood.
>get called a nazi everyday
It's almost as if its wrong to go around calling people bad things and saying you will kill them.

How ridiculous, to act as if you are doing anything of any importance. You are not an activist -- just a dumb dickhead on a message board.

Factually wrong. Besides, ISIS and Al-Qaeda are products of the far right.

Keep seething, faggots.

It's okay to kill people whose foundational, unambiguous philosophy is to use violence and murder to force people to do what you want.

>Besides, ISIS and Al-Qaeda are products of the far right.
Imagine living in a world where cuckservative foreign interventions are considered "far right"


>>It's okay to defend yourself from a political terrorist group whose way of life is ideologically opposed to yours and will silence anyone that tries to bring that fact up
so you're saying it's OK to kill liberals

it's ok to want to murder people who want to murder people.

good goyim, never forget the deaths of

It's ok to kill nazis, commies, stalin/hitler worshipers.

The future is Israel + US new world order. You cannot stop it.

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Because that would be singling out muslims and that's a big no-no in today's culture, even if all you're doing is addressing the radical activists and keeping the rest of the populace out of it.

Why are its so obsessed with /pol/? Why don’t you fuck off their if that’s all you’re going to talk about on Yea Forums - Video Games

this, cant wait to play as the Vietcong and kill American scum in the next one

love this pasta, single line that triggers /pol/

Isis and Al-qaeda are products of western government's security agency + israels security agencys

they exist as a proxy in order to achieve their goals such as destablising a country in order to steal their men to work in your country as "refugees"

someone post the "wooden door" gas chamber meme

ok, now this is epic

so it is ok to kill you?

Because post 9/11 paranoia isn't in Vogue anymore

What is it with people lately and thinking or acting like saying "nazis are bad" is some kind of grand statement they need to be applauded for?

I know calling everyone you dislike a nazi is en vogue lately but surely they don't think when a new wolfenstein game comes out or whatever that saying "fuck nazis" means they're sticking it to every conservative in the united states, right?

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You have to be delusional to think/pol/ had any power to begin with.

These days, Nazi means anyway who doesnt agree with me and my political views.

>Killing Nazis, killing Nazis in vidya

This is fine

>Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi

This is not

But that'd be based user
Americans were literally invading

This, CIA created Al-Qaeda in the 80s (On record admitted by Hillary Clinton), ISIS proliferated under the Obama administration, shortly after the surge in Iraq.

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Its always okay to kill ningen

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Classic far right tactics. Eternal anglos and jews at work.


>Factually wrong
This is all the left has to say these days to convince themselves and other that they're right, when in reality they could not be any further from the truth.

This desu. Lots of people need to die. I recently found out there were actual Stalin worshipers called 'tankies'. These guys need to gather in one big rally with Nazis so people can take them out conveniently with pipe bombs.

Anything but a strong and bright future with Israel/US capitalism is an absolute wash.

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the lefts entire gameplan is to change the definition of words

"Nazi" just means right wing in current year
same way the redefined racism etc

They are absolutely right tho

OP is just a poltourist cringe lord

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niggers tongue my anus

social *clap* media *clap* callout *clap* culture *clap* happened

I can't tell if you're trolling or not

umm sweetie being bad is being not good + being right wing
left wingers cant be bad look it up in the dictionary

i guess it's always ok to punch communists then
and seeing how most of these liberals identify as communist...

all sand people need to be purged

Islam is spreading across the world millions of times faster than any European ethnic right wing political group. They chuck fags and trannies off buildings so I hope you know how to fly.

See this is the issue. It should honestly be a crime to call someone a nazi. People that do it should be investigated for domestic terrorism.
Since innocent people could get hurt due to the causal use of it by certain people and their threats of violence.

fuck white people
kill them all
make the west brown again


You can't make a lot of villains in shooters anymore who aren't aliens, zombies or demons
Human enemies are a really touchy subject since humans are naturally prejudice


Don't. If Israel goes down so does the US.

its because actually attacking the ideas that are centerpieces of the Nazi movement would inadvertently attack the centerpieces of Zionism because they are more or less interchangeable ideologies but you just pretend that spelling the name backwards stops it from being authoritarian fascism.

nobody actually talks about WHY the nazis were shit because if you say 'ethno-nationalism is kind of retarded since a hyper-focused on genetic lineage in propaganda makes the ideology less palatable to people outside of that ethnic lineage" it just gets people talking about jews even when you are literally talking about the NSDAP


the only people still left on /pol/ after 2016 are literal reddit boomers. it's a shithole

>tfw my grandfathers were both in the german army, drafted against their will and thanks to a bunch of limprwristed american leftists I may spend a life time on how it was required to kill him cause of the uniform he wore

And don't give me that "Yeah but only if he was ACTUALLY a nazi by belief!!"
You can barely write down the difference between a traditional conservative and a neocon - how is an intellectual nutsack like you going to understand the group dynamics and political tendencies in an authoritarian nation, home to a people that still understood itself as an actual, real empire under a monarch and that was broken by war, hunger and civil unrest?


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/pol/ is the equivalent of bronies.

if you're talking about the sampson option then they would need to be dealt with in a way similar to how the jews go about genocide, secretly, never admit you are doing it and constantly promote it as a good thing

*dabs on your nazi grandfathers*

>What did they mean by this?

Attached: BethesdaMarketing.jpg (2636x3332, 3.08M)


someone post the "at least my grandchildren doesn't know how to speak german" meme

I dont care about killing nazis but i dont get whats so special about killing nazis, just generic humans wow never done that before. Why would any sane person buy wolfenstien: nazis nazis nazis edition when they can just get the new doom and actually have fun without having to deal with all the cringeworthy characters in modern wolfenstein

Hitler was actually a jewish plant
Hitler had 2 of the rothschilds the literal head jewish family behind everything wrong with the modern world, and he lets them both go free

hitler was a mossad ageny

>Linking their rooty tooty Gnatzi shooty game to actual modern-day politics

What were they thinking?

>you're a communist if you don't like nazi

top lmao. pol retard school of false dichotomy

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Honestly at this point, why don’t we just move all the nazis in America somewhere else? They want their own little island anyway so why not give it to them.

Have sex

How about Madagascar?

>>It's okay to defend yourself from a political terrorist group whose way of life is ideologically opposed to yours and will silence anyone that tries to bring that fact up
You mean AntiFa? Since Nazis haven't really existed in any real capacity for over 70 years.

Joke's on you! They are both dead already!


Motherfucker ISIS or Al-Qaeda wouldn't exist if the West didn't keep sticking it's dick in the Hives nest that is the Muslim middle East.

>B..but 9/11 though!

Yes what about 9/11? This shit would have been over if you retards dropped two nukes over there as an immediate response. More lives and money would have been spared if you used the nukes instead of perma-icing yourself in the middle east.

There's a reason Japan got nuked and it was exactly because of shit like this.


they were thinking that game journalists (all leftists) would give them free publicity and shill their game

Even better.

*dabs on their nazi graves*

They're losing influence because their insults are losing relevance. Just calling everyone who disagrees a tranny just alienates the indecisive people in the middle and invalidates whatever retarded political views you've already spouted. Nowadays you might as well be going to a Youtube comment section for political debates.

>Motherfucker ISIS or Al-Qaeda wouldn't exist if the West didn't keep sticking it's dick in the Hives nest that is the Muslim middle East.

What absolute twaddle.
Do you know what the russian invasion of afghanistan is?

big if true.

>this entire thread

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How do you counter this meme?

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>Nazis don’t exist
Nigger I’m looking at one right now.

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do you have a computer installed in your mirror?

Yeah because after Trump you'd think we would have gotten shit done and fixed the country
But /lol/ just decided to keep bitching on things more nonsense then the last

apart from the literal nazis that keep marching in the US

They're losing influence because their insults are losing relevance. Just calling everyone who disagrees a nazi just alienates the indecisive people in the middle and invalidates whatever retarded political views you've already spouted. Nowadays you might as well be going to a Youtube comment section for political debates.

>facist symbol is a bundle of sticks
>together we form a mighty faggot
facism is pretty gay but so is communism
how about we shoot everyone in that room

sorry but you sound like a nutcase talking about killing people in the context of a video game
also it's not like even 75 years ago you just executed people for party affiliation

umm sweetie that comic maker is a nazi there's no need to counter it

>killed millions
citation needed

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im a tranny

We need another silver war

phone poster

have sex

these are all me btw

None does it as well as the Jews though, palestinians are being described as invading monster as we speak.

>Implying I'm American
Irregardless of why these groups were formed, it is what it is now, and Islamic fanaticism will not go away, it's a cancer not only affecting western society, but other countries in the middle east (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon etc). Leftists simply cannot turn a blind eye to it simply because it would be considered "intolerant" because possibly in the future, it will be their heads being sawed off because they're fucking infidels.

well there was a war user
Millions of white people died

don't do it through subterfuge, do it through overt means

i'm not even joking when i say that the best way to fight the negative influence of judaism on society is to promote christianity. there are a lot of messianic jews that accept jesus, but you never hear about that because it runs contrary to the nationalist movement that is attempting to use the jewish diaspora in other countries as an asset to promote their own interests

remember, jesus didn't come to earth to bring peace, he came to bring a sword. its a lot of effort to keep something in the dark when all you need to see is a tiny flame

>What did they mean by this?

>"kill nazis yeah!"
>yeah I agree, fuck nazis
>"you're a nazi too, i've just decided"
>w-wait, no i'm not...where did you get that impression?
>"Shut up nazi! I get to kill you now!"

And thus history repeated itself forever and ever.



At least their caps already red to being with.

these are all me

What a brave individual, much like picrelated. To be honest it's no wonder nazism hasn't made a return. With men such as these guarding against fascism with free speech and incredible martial art prowess we have nothing to fear.

Attached: in-an-act-of-courage-and-dignity-this-man-refuses-49862215.png (500x540, 138K)

have sex

>Doesn't realize it can be used this way

The bankers and investors definitely want less government interference so they can run the show. Absolutely ridiculous to put them as opposed to libertarians.

If the nazis had won do you think there would be muslim rape gangs in europe raping white kids?

>There is always someone doing mental gymnastics that says yes hitler loved diversity and mulsims raping white children

>Leftists simply cannot turn a blind eye to it simply because it would be considered "intolerant" because possibly in the future, it will be their heads being sawed off because they're fucking infidels
they've been programmed to want white extinction, they will welcome their beheadings with pride

i posted both of these comments

Imagine actually being deranged enough to be upset that people want to kill Nazi's. Your Grandparents didn't go to war for you to be a pussy bitching about trannies kyle.


It amazes me when /vpol/ gets so but hurt about the world not liking nazis

replace 'nazis' with 'aristocrats','bourgeoisie','kulaks','intellectuals', etc to describe pretty much every repressive regime.
The vaguer the term the better, so you can slap it on everybody you don't like.


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why do the mega rich side with the far left

You have to go back.

Yes it is ironic, fascism is about violence and yet even antifascist are fascist.
It's America at its finest.

>grrr white people grrrrr

bankers would lose alot of power if there wasnt regulations on who could open up a bank

The Reich would've collapsed once Hitler died and all the angry betas in the Nazi High Command started fighting amongst themselves.

And 90% of the people who complain about /pol/ are people shitposting from reddit and neogaf / resetera.
Before 2016, nobody gave a shit.

>not liking hitler and nazis makes you an sjw
what fucking bizaro world am i living in? what the fuck happened to this board?

Punch antifa

the only cringe here is your posts and the posts of subhumans like you

>it amazes me when people aren't following the indoctrination we- i mean those kikes have spent decades on

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no u

Colloquially maybe, otherwise it's a double negative.

When does the campaign against the red menace kick off?

corporations want cheap labour so want open boarders
your government wants to increase its GDP (they dont care about per capita) and also wants to import people in order to slightly destablize their own country in order to be able to bring in things like the patriot act, mass surveillance etc
Israel wants it because they want white people dead

Fight back against /pol/ unapologetically. Don’t back down. We’re the only community we have.

>talk shit about nazis
>immediately start seething about commies

Christianity promotes love and forgiveness, Judaism promotes vanquishing other beliefs. Worshiping a desert God, the same desert God, is not the answer.

have sex incel

The meaning of nazi has changed. it means any white person that doesnt hate themselves

Replace that with communist.


as it should

no u


lmaoing @ the /pol/incels butthurt about the nazi-killing
also fucking BASED

Na not really. See /pol/ is Yea Forums.

Commies are unironically the ones pushing the "white = nazi" rhetoric to begin with. Notice how much of the left are supporters of socialism.

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Can I be a nazi if I'm not german?

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

its the truth but you try to shame us
i would bet you are not even white

>Why aren't the likes of the far right the target of people's hate nowadays? The far right is a non-issue compared to the far right.



>We're the majority not /pol/
Keep saying that incel.

the only cringe here is your posts and the posts of subhumans like you
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:51:02 No.465611173▶
File: 1525137382716.png (951 KB, 1524x1262)
951 KB
>it amazes me when people aren't following the indoctrination we- i mean those kikes have spent decades on
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:51:03 No.465611175▶cringe
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:51:34 No.465611245▶no u
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:51:40 No.465611267▶
Colloquially maybe, otherwise it's a double negative.
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:51:45 No.465611279▶When does the campaign against the red menace kick off?
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:52:01 No.465611309▶
corporations want cheap labour so want open boarders
your government wants to increase its GDP (they dont care about per capita) and also wants to import people in order to slightly destablize their own country in order to be able to bring in things like the patriot act, mass surveillance etc
Israel wants it because they want white people dead
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:52:19 No.465611349
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:52:23 No.465611360▶have sex ince
Replace that with communist.
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:53:58 No.465611575▶
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:54:01 No.465611580▶
fucking BASED
Anonymous 06/10/19(Mon)15:55:23 No.465611758▶
shut the fuck up

>literal nazis
The National Socialist German Workers Party was dissolved on 10 October 1945
What you're looking at is LARPers that did none of the things that the Nazi Party did and are nothing like them.

it never was brown you subhuman

no u

Please go and suck your Hollywood tranny lover celebrities dick in one of his 10 threads.

Nazis were proven right and are the good guys.

whiter than you mohammad

its thanks to Destiny, he destroys righty cucks and is fairly edgy, so people get easily impressed and become more center left leaning, i know i have.

That 2010-2015, "lul fuck sjws!" wave had most anons swept, but it's over now, facts and logic always come out on top in the end.


umm sweatty white people were black before they magically transformed into pale whiteoidds


no u

>It's okay to defend yourself from a political terrorist group whose way of life is ideologically opposed to yours and will silence anyone that tries to bring that fact up
are we talking about anti-fa?

this is your brain on black "science"

Attached: 52percent_and_me.png (1124x598, 203K)

> (You)

have sex


>Nigger with 2 IQ talks about "muh facs and lagik"

thats the default response of non whites


I mean, it literally is perfectly morally fine to kill nazis. That's why so many games are about killing nazis. Because it was the last time the US fought and defeated an unambiguously evil foe. Don't autistically shit up the board until they start saying "it's okay to punch nazis" and by nazi, they clearly mean people who call themselves nazis today. And even then, take it to /pol/ instead nigger. We have enough shit already on this board.

how do destiny introdoce himself in japan?
watashi wa tiny des

The jewish part is true but the flags mean nothing, since the red flag just means socialism

no u


>tfw properly prepared for the boogaloo

i can't wait for lefties to go too far. armed with dildos, while i bring a FAL.

found a jew

have sex, incel

Lmao destiny has never brought up a single valuable argument. His """debate""" with JonTron was pathetic and JonTron didn't even know how to support his claims.

i win

whether you think they are dumb or not is irrelevant, a big part of righty esque enviornment is the result of "lul sjws get dunked on in this video!", and someone like destiny completely counters that when he makes a fool of the people making these videos.
Their fans watch the videos and get exposed to facts and logic, and then they change.

Has destiny ever debated any of the super hard right?
Like the race realist, no immigration, jew hating type people

Keep dreaming of fantasies, seething /pol/cuck

Retard, jews have been spouting this "6 MILLION" shit from the beginning of fucking time, they use it everywhere they can because they think it's part of some great prophecy that will lead them to rule the world. The "holocaust" is just another dogshit lie that for some reason people have believed out of the idea of sympathy, sympathy which they don't deserve but hey they're fucking kikes they don't care, they'll prey on the good nature of others without hesitation.

>white people were black
>he doesnt know white people were invented by the scientist yakub

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Why do /pol/fags take everything so seriously?

You say that, but most normies coming out of those videos thought jon was in the wrong, and jon tron has never recovered since.
No matter what your "feelings" tell you, the objective reality of that outcome runs contrary.

But it is Ok to kill Nazis, Granted the gameplay is fun but its also Ok to play as them too

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yep, and he btfo'd them all, especially nick feuntes


>jon tron
he gets milions of views for every video and even got comissioned to do a video for the rickenmorty guy


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No, he very carefully hand picks who he "debates" otherwise people wouldn't donate to him.

Seething n*zis lmao

It's funny that when Destiny debates someone on the right, the right gets butthurt saying that the person Destiny was debating is stupid and that he should debate someone better. Destiny then goes on to debate that better person, and the right gets butthurt that destiny isn't debating someone who isn't stupid. It's a never ending cycle.

christianity does promotes love and forgiveness, but thinking that it is weaker for doing so is exactly the kind of corruptive vanguishing that you speak of. is your information on jesus from the word of jesus, or is it from a third party explaining jesus to you and corrupting it?

Jesus did not come to bring peace on earth. he came to bring a sword.

>jews have been spouting this "6 MILLION" shit from the beginning of fucking time
Yes as I stated its literally in their holy book
>they use it everywhere they can because they think it's part of some great prophecy that will lead them to rule the world.
Yea you're still agreeing with me
>The "holocaust" is just another dogshit lie
Potentially however I believe its much more plausible that it was indeed an inside job sacrifice some jews, botch the numbers to match up with the jewish prediction and create israel for the rothschilds

You dont think the rothschilds would be above sacrificing afew of their own in order to establish their state right?

see i have never even heard of this "nick feuntes" and i watch right wing youtube videos all the time and visit /pol/

What other right wing people has he total owned

>jon tron has never recovered since.
Laughs through flextape

that doesnt sound like a white name

>contrarians turn against contrarians turns against contrarians

>/pol/ seriously losing influence

Is it out of fashion to say Nigger?


Hmm. I think not yet.

>anyone who says nigger on Yea Forums is /pol/
Yeah, I'm thinking you are a newfriend from 2016. Welcome.

>I believe its much more plausible that it was indeed an inside job
I don't see how you can consider this in any way more "plausible", if anything it's vastly more difficult to perform.
So you think Hitler was just a puppet, a puppet of which whose talent was so great that he rallied an entire country behind him? You need to remember that he wasn't a politician before he came to power, people truly believed in him.

the right wing is sweeping eruopean elections
right wing youtube videos getting more views than ever
more jew hate then i have ever seen on Yea Forums

calm down, nigger. If you start getting so upset at basic banter Trump winning in 2020 will completely blow your head off.

BIG thanks to trannies for the help, it's never been easier to convince people that leftist are mentally ill than when they start parading as woman with 5 oclock shadow and fuckign frilly dresses.

1 term polcuck

Not even trying to hide it, are you?

>increasingly nervous man etc.

>Killing nazi in vidya was always fun
>like zombies its acted that they are the generic vilains that everyone can kill without remorses or second thought
>now in CURRENT YEAR killing nazi is political !
>It helps to fight the orange man and you should be galvanized by doing it
>'nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi' 15 in a sentence like you are retarded
>the situation is so bad that some retards even defend nazi and feel offended by that
Holy shit our world is collapsing, i sincerly have no hope in the futur, everyone is becoming insanely stupid

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>"kill nazi filth, shoot nazis, blow up nazi scum, nazis nazi nazis nazis nazis."
It was so fucking cringe. Pathetic to hear from a cucked swede as well. The country that happily cooperated with Nazi Germany to avoid war.

The moment you dehumanize others, ignore that they have families, want to see them butchered, you have the same fucking mentality as the nazi death squads. Seeing leftists fail to grasp the irony disgusts me every time.

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Nazis and Commies need to be hung by the same rope.

It must really seethe the commies that far-right politics are so mainstream and normal now. Every country is electing them and moving further to the right. Most gamers are right wingers and everyone mocks the left and sjws even other lefties.

Also even if trump loses in 2020 we're not gonna just go away, we're here, we're queer, get used to it.

>Potentially however I believe its much more plausible that it was indeed an inside job sacrifice some jews, botch the numbers to match up with the jewish prediction and create israel for the rothschilds

its this. im an ethnic persian jew from the town in poland where all the jews lived before hitler kicked them out and you would not believe the amount of shit i've gotten from jews who cannot reconcile the fact that my family lives in poland and they are ethnic jews and they did not get holocausted.

there is a lot of circular reasoning as a result, 'well if you aren't a practicing jew you aren't a jew' 'your yiddish last name isn't yiddish because its in a latin script so that means its russian' 'if your family didnt die that means that you aren't ethnically jewish' etc etc etc. i look like joe fucking bernstein too so its a tall order to try and hand wave that one away

The nazis were just normal white people but on the side that lost
you only came to hate them and see them as inhuman through jewish eduction

>that far-right politics are so mainstream and normal now.
Such as..?

You fucks are getting cleansed off youtube lmao

>78% of /pol/ are eternal newfags from 2016.
repeating this lie over and over again doesn't make it true, you tranny.

>Most gamers are right wingers
fucking lmao

The DNC has nothing on their hands to go against Trump. They've been self-sabotaging themselves in the past 3 years time and time again by focusing on trump instead of their own policies. Unless he somehow fucks up seriously in a way that Ican't even imagine, he's not going away.

2 terms
2 genders
2 scoops
2 cat

Sorry sweetie. It's just the natural state of things is all. One cuck can't change things.

oh please FUCK OFF.

>apart from the literal nazis that keep marching in the US
They aren't nazis, real nazis are left wing socialists just like in the 1930s.

Its gonna get even better when furries join the lgbt
the left will forever be associated with furry autism

>doesn't make it true,
>Yea Forums_traffic.jpg

Nice headcannon you got there

>last EU election didn't see a massive surge of right wing parties in my little safe space

>all these asshurt responses
Holy fuck my sides

Trump for one.

Yes goyim, REJECT this information! Show them no mercy!

>everyone is becoming insanely stupid

Attached: 1546854430221.jpg (680x680, 23K)

>>last EU election didn't see a massive surge of right wing parties in my little safe space
I don't live in EU, so know nothing about it.

/pol/ isn't even linked to the blue boards anymore so yeah, you can say goodbye to their influence forever.

That fuels the right even more you fool
Makes them feel righteous, they see the fallen as martyrs
They think they must be right if they are being censored

Do you even know what a nazi was back then?

>Trump for one.
Does /pol/ considering neocon as right again?

Your older relatives would be ashamed of you for supporting Nazis

>I'm a newfag and must scream

the eternal Schadenfreude of Yea Forums is a pedulum

They are too annoying now

Nazis =/= white guys

>And 90% of the people who complain about /pol/ are people shitposting from reddit
Most /pol/ posters are from reddit
It's why I stopped going there
Fucking dumbass Trumpfags from reddit swarmed this place

Its a videogame

>2 cat
what did he mean by this?

>2 Kat
>2 KAT

Americans are mentally ill

Because they spread truth, you guys are not man enough to want to hear it.

Why are people acting like sociopaths over this game?

They're not the majority I think but compared to past elections they gained massive influence. And more and more countries elect a right-wing party in recent years, Denmark being the sole exception since the social democrats adopted ideas of the right wing parties in their parliament.

Thats just what a nazi would say

>punch nazis
If you agree with this statement, you are quite simply on the wrong website.

>fuck niggers, fuck kikes and fuck jannies
If you agree with this statement, you are quite simply based and on the correct website.

I didn't write the rules. I'm just a messenger.


facism is supposed to be a third position between socialism and capitalism
Literally radical centrists

Because they are sociopaths.

Unironically this

>normal white people
equipped with an ideology that celebrated the killing of "lesser races"

why even pretend user? you would probably be dead if nazis had power.

Hiro im still gonna say nigger say wave bye bye to the advertisers

What if I want to punch nazi niggers?

>They're not the majority
So what's the point if they might loose influence to the next election, as much as increase it.
>And more and more countries elect a right-wing party in recent years
Like what? Germany? France? Because right now it's the only countries which are relevant

>>radical centrists

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Fucking hypocritical mongoloids, no one cares about what the nazi were before, that's literally the point of having nazi as generic ennemies.
It's like you were trying to defend a zombie by saying that he was a human being before he died.
Stupid niggers.

Only whites can be nazis.

And as we can see they will not leave us alone unless they are dead. A parasite will always seek a host.

no, and last time he had to debate even a mild trump supporter only a few minutes into it destiny was advocating we start a ground war in mexico instead of build a wall

>The nazis were just normal white people who suddenly decided to invade everybody around them and start the biggest war in the history of humanity

>Dey killded dems
There's your jewish education kicking in again, the nazi's didn't kill jews, they rounded them up and deported them.
The large majority of jewish deaths were from Allies bombing the camps.

ethno-nationalism is what lost, and the entire german empire up until that point was kind of built around that. it's kind of why europe completely never recovered from world war 2, the unifying factor behind each of their national identities was demonized as a bad thing.

america didn't define our nation on the same terms that they did, and when the post-ww2 world order happened, we weren't really on the side that 'lost' because we fit into the globalist scheme

Obama was far right?

The nazis loved white people, why would they kill me

The killing jews stuff is nonsense, they were trying to get them out of the country, but no one would take them
There is nothing wrong with wanting your country to be for your race. With no cunt jew influence

We're not belligerent and insecure enough to have to go on boards that will not only sway our opinions on things that shouldn't be swayed upon, but also replace our brain with a hivemind that doesn't think for itself while thinking it's the only real mind out there, and that everyone else is a robot and girls are destroying the white race yadda yadda. /pol/ is poison to the mind, and the only ones who drink poison are those who are suffering from other mental ailments. Only losers go on /pol/

what if I just want to genocide everyone

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x205, 14K)

>All of these fucking replies of of triggered /pol/babies

Propaganda, the camps were actually intended to be prison camps used to contain and deport prisoners.

I'd love to punch a nazi in the face, and I'd also like to curbstomp SJWs. Yea Forums is not a political website, it is a site for contrarians, you stupid piece of shit newfag

You just admitted you are scared they would change your mind. Intellectual coward

All their ideas have so much thought behind them

so why were they allied with japan
why did the US nuke japan and put japanese people in concentration camps?

Attached: jap trap.jpg (434x581, 395K)

>only whites can be nazis
You know there were muslim SS right?

Instead we have resetera tards and ironic resetera tards that post "incel", "yikes", and "have sex" in every thread. Once again the wrong side achieved victory in the course of history.

imagine your country being flooded by third worlders and the only complaint you have is a group of people from 100 years ago

You scared nazi boy?

have sex


LMAO all of these /pol/ nazi worshipping fags are crying their tiny dicks off.

Luckily Americans don't leave their country much so the rest of the world is safe.

It’s all so tiresome, I wish humans would go extinct already.

of course they would change my mind, that's how the mind works. Act tough all you want, but when all you have around you is idiots and smart losers who act like idiots and shitpost, you're gonna adapt. Only idiots don't adapt, and I'm not an idiot and neither are you. At least not the type of idiot I'm talking about, which is an idiot so stupid he must be so clueless he has no idea how other people work. Actually, scratch that, it's not idiotic, it's autistic. You'd have to have severe autism to not be human

You know what. Yes people are labelling right wingers as Nazis and yes, pushing to kill them. Why is this a bad thing? Right wingers for Trump in power. The ends justify the means.

It's cool, surely the tent cities full of junkies and streets full of shit are a temporary speedbump on the road of progress.

when you coming over babe?

none of these faggots ever played RTCW

are you 100% German/Austrian up to 5 generations back? if not I got some bad news for you user.

cunt jew influence is nonsense, they were trying to make Germany great again, there's nothing wrong with guiding blind "muh suprior race" asses into a better future that the asses can try to destroy.

The opposition in the Eu parliament can block the whole thing should it not mopve in the direction they agree with. Since they were mostly led by left parites in the past, nothing ever really happened, now that right-leaning parties are the majority in the opposition you most likely will see more lockdowns so not more insane left bullshit laws get passed.
France is implementing more and more right-wing policies, they've pretty much closed their boarder, something that was unthinkable 3 years ago and marcon has lsot pretty much all his popularity. It's doubtful that he'll be president in 2021 unless he give in competently to the yellow vests which would be close to a 180° turn for him.
Germany is the only one to worry about, but even then you have the AfD that keeps on gaining more and more popularity despite the msm and current political parties doing their damnest to keep them down.

seems like you people have no problem with racism
you only have a problem with racism against a certain group (jews)

the nazis werent racist and that's why you hate them

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very bad rethoric unless you are an actual FAGGOT.

I don't care what you trannies think, CW2 is gonna be good

>Most gamers are right wingers
pretty much, so are most employed people and people that make over 50k a year.

How did you do this?

because they can't stop forcing their bullshit into other boards in the most annoying ways possible

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>contributing to the punch-nazi narrative is harmless
see and then gtfo

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Now you are admitting your an idiot that just goes with the crowd

nah, I feel it too. It's their own fault for shoving shit down our throats. Fuck them, they're no better than SJWs

Reminder this is all justifying leftists attacking everyone they view as a "nazi" (everyone slightly right wing)

>no one cares about what the nazi were before
>when that was your own initial statement
kek, keep going, lets see how else you'll kick yourself in your cut-off nuts.

Attached: jap2.jpg (480x360, 42K)

Why do lefties always come to the defense of mudslimes then?

the nazis did not hate other white europeans
they wanted a united white europe

Imagine your country being flooded by violent white supremacists and the only complaint you have is a group of people that don't look like you

imagine being this brain dead as to actually care about all this shit
alt righters truly have the lowest iq on the political spectrum, followed by tankies

This pic triggered Alissa Milano to no end yesterday.

Aw poor Nazis scares that people might kill them in game. I'm going to get sweaty enjoyment bludgeoning you all with knives in game. I always felt that was the most personal way to kill a Nazi.

Learn to read tranny-obsessed retard.

They'll call anyone on the right a Nazi, regardless of how far right they actually are. You know I'm right and you're being intentionally ignorant if you try and deny it. I shouldn't have to cover my ass by saying racism is bad, cause everyone already fucking knows that. I'm saying there's a problem with teenagers or juat innocent people being beaten up on the streets for wearing a MAGA hat cause that makes them a 'Nazi'.

"why were they allied with the other racists that thought they deserved the rest of asia"
also read history books (or just stop listening to richard spencer or whoever you shill for)

How come when the "nazi punchers" come out and actually try to punch nazis they get sent to the hospital in comas?


Attached: jap3.jpg (400x501, 40K)

[ space ] [ / space ]

>calls people out for not understanding nazism
>compares nazis to zombies
>implicates its acceptable to kill nazis because they are subhuman
>uses the same reasoning the nazis did as justification for killing nazis
>calls people hypocrites

i.. i don't even have words.

Attached: will i am.jpg (379x374, 18K)


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>Don't call POC subhuman you bigot
>Also its our duty to kill Nazi scum

Yeah I hate BLM too dude

They're annoying retards. Now and then they point out something that's true but most of the time there's such obvious cracks in their logic or their entire opinion is based off of non-realistic circular logic that can only survive in their bubble. If you go there and actually try disagreeing with them to have a discussion it's like you're talking to a screeching retard. They, ironically, act like niggers.

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>now comes the projection
Keep going.

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Except third worlders are far more violent than white people

stop lying

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the only issue is no one even knows what a nazi is anymore how sad

>they were allied with these people of a different race because they are racist
yeah that makes sense

wolfensation was always about killing nazis,are u guys braindead or pretending?

At least I know A) the difference between "your" and "you're" and B) myself.
You're just a kid, I used to be just like you; all cocky and shit thinking I didn't have limits. Once your grow up you'll learn to know yourself better, both your weaknesses and your strengths. You're pretty reclusive and just come off as a bullied person so that'll probably take some time for you.


>nazis are a race

Both sides are retarded, nazis have been meme antagonists for a long time now and saying hurr durr look we killing nazis is a statement thats roughly 70 years to late.
Those who feel offended because they identify as nazis are just retards who forget they would get a trip to the shower or the eastern front if they lived in actual nazi Germany

I just hate the brain drain that comes from normalniggers and "ironic" reseterafags.
But do go on and watch retards give yous to have sex posts all day long and pretend it's funny.


Also the left:
Why kids love 'fascist' cartoons like 'Paw Patrol' and 'Thomas':
'Fat Sex Therapist' compares fitness trainers to Nazis, children's dieting to sexual assault:

Attached: WSupremacy.jpg (1021x702, 167K)

they never had any influence, /pol/ always has and will be less funny /int/

>They'll call anyone on the right a Nazi, regardless of how far right they actually are.
Like you fucking mental call everyone you diseagree with a commie or a 'tranny'.
You are as much insane as them /pol/tards

>germans were allied with japan because they are racist
galaxy brain

remember to kill /pol/tards

>At least I know A) the difference between "your" and "you're" and B) myself.
>Once your grow up
Try again /pol/tard.

Attached: pffffffffffft.gif (359x202, 3.03M)

Is it just me or is the Executive Producer for Machine Games giving off evil vibes?

Why are the most virulent anti-nazis some of the most evil people around?

Attached: Wolfenstein 2 dev.jpg (2544x1450, 340K)

/pol/ was a useful tool at the time.
Like a match once it has served it's purpose it becomes useless.
The funny thing is there are left leaning individual that still worry about /pol/. They are always a step behind the trend.

Have you considered that this might be explained by prejudice and institutions, rather than you psuedo-biological bullshit? Read a fucking book

The japs sided with genocidal maniacs and were genocidal maniacs themselves.

That was entirely their choice. A bit of racism against them is justified

killing people in a war vs killing people as a part of your ideology and systematically jail then kill them in every country you take.

Attached: _97314496_nazi-punch-composite.jpg (660x371, 41K)

>non-socialists are basically the same as enemies from wolfenstein

>all this extra shit over a series thats been doing it since the 1980s

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>pedo furry from laddit with an anime pic and his laddit essay judging anyone

seriously LEARN TO READ, your infested /pol/tard minds cant even process normal informations.


>I'm saying there's a problem with teenagers or juat innocent people being beaten up on the streets for wearing a MAGA hat
Aw boo hoo hoo. Maybe the reason that kid is getting beaten is because he's a Nazi. Stop making excuses for terrible human beings. There is no way I can ever feel bad about bigots getting beaten up

>i'm not racist i just hate those jap gooks and want to kill all of them

Attached: 45B10DAE00000578-0-image-m-77_1509026279113.jpg (470x508, 52K)

>wtf why does everyone hate me?? all i wanted was to commit genocide :'(

>write one can think that both sides have a point
>but one always over does it when it's not fully with them
>retard comes out and immediately proves me right
Thanks, I guess.

I like the pic where the lefty got put in a coma.

shut up fritz

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Leftist unironically want full-blown sharia law. Complete with the complete subjugation of women and raping of children.

What else can you do when the monkeys keep paying


>A bit of racism against them is justified
so you're saying racism is a good thing if it's justified
like being racist against blacks or muslims because they commit most of the sexual and violent crimes despite being a small minority

Doesn't really change the point.

>Starts talking about trannies ('cut-off nuts')
>im the one projecting

>being flooded by violent white supremacists and the only complaint you have is a group of people that don't look like you
If only.
White supremacy is a good thing and it always makes a country better.

how many violent white supremesists are there? because if there is less than 300,000 then in a single year they are outnumbered by brown people via 1 year of legal immigration into the uk

>the uk doesnt even have the highest immigration numbers in europe
let that sink in

Traditional /pol/ thought is as strong as it's ever been, but the whiny faggots who backwashed from t_d are rapidly losing relevance, yes. It helps that they're incredibly easy to bait as evidenced by this very thread.

Thanks, I've been looking for that meme.


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t. Undialted tranny obsessed with the white gods

>Have you considered that this might be explained by prejudice and institutions
Na because thats easily debunked by science and stats.
>ather than you psuedo-biological bullshit
Like the father of DNA?

>wearing a hat turns you into a nazi
You've just proven him right, you do realize that, right? And that this utter insanity of your does turn them against you more and more, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you want, since you need some kind of enemy to rally against and get at least something out of your live.

Even Disney knew it served them right.

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nigger are you stupid? I'm not the /pol/tard

Because they don't want to be honest and just say white men like they are thinking in there head, just like when the lgbt people say straight people, they always mean white men

don't worry, it's just you

>i'm not racist, i just want to kill all the jap gooks, skin them and hang them on my wall

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You can be racist against one race and not racist against another
I personally love the japanese and hate the kikes

oh NO bros!!! there are BROWN men!! white women might like these BROWN MEN more than me because they have larger penises! this is just unacceptable

Am I correct in saying that people are only "mad" about this because the advertising quips are poking at that whole "punch a Nazi" debate a while back?

As in, "I don't believe one should be assaulted on the basis of having hateful views, even if I do believe Nazis hold an evil ideology. The devs appear to propogate the opposing argument that assault is justified if the person is deemed hateful. Expressing my frustration with the devs actions is difficult, as an Ill-intentioned party could easily accuse me of being sympathetic towards Nazism."

Cause that's about where I'm at and I got no answers either.

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>/pol/tard got exposed and tries to deflect

>call someone ladditors trannies
Really galactic mind plays retardera

>It's okay to rend the intestines of the Viet Cong dog people
>We must burn their flesh and their backwater country to ashes
This wouldn't be okay to say so why are the populace so bloodthirsty over Nazis? It's bad that I can no longer tell if the retards on twitter are being hyperbolic or are actually this deranged and murderous.

>now the strawmanning
Yep, just as the playbook says. Keep going.

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The irony being that Swedish social democrats were big supporters of Nazi Germany and their neighboring brethen in Finland supported joining Hitler in attack to Soviet Union.

>social media liberals are far left

>All those assmad pol replies

Holy shit.

>/pol/tard is exposed and has to fall back to "m-muh facts!!"
Lmao, classic

>if you hate one race you must hate all others
truely high iq

>>write one can think that both sides have a point
Stop trying to fool yourself by thinking that YOU have a point because you (and me) know who you side with.
Both sjw and /pol/tards are fucking scums and cancerous for our civilizations.


baka user meant ideology hate is justified but got silly.
So no, it's not ok.
>> like being racist against blacks or muslims because they commit most of the sexual and violent crimes despite being a small minority

also not ok silly user, you punch nazis, don't fall into the red pill degeneracy, you CAN be less angry all the time.

Attached: Untitled-1sasdasd.png (207x203, 35K)

Crypto Nazis who are too afraid to come out of the closet are mad that people say the words "kill nazis". Hilarious

Have sex, incel

Socially acceptable target for existing sociopaths to prey upon without social repercussions

You truly have nothing to say beside buzzwords, right ?

>It's okay to kill Nazis
>oh and all white people who disagree with me politically are nazis :)

Attached: 1535506450698.jpg (500x322, 19K)

>deflection and strawmanning in one go
Be careful to not overheat that small peabrain of yours.

Attached: kk.gif (245x280, 1.3M)

"Oh look that white person is writing about killing nazis, he must be after white people"

stop being retards on purpose anons.


This is the only reason why I cringe when a tranny posts "kill all nazis" because in heir fucked minds my dogs neighbor is a nazi

Do I need to get the graph showing the spike in traffic in 2016

>fight back
>when you already control all social media
>and trying to completely censor anyone from expressing remotely conservative opinions anywher on the internet

What? When was this ever said? Destiny has never won a debate at all. He gets assblasted by a statement, brings up OHH DAWGG THAT AINT TRUE THERE IS STRUGGLES LIVING IN POVERTY SO IT CANT BE FACTUAL DAWG. Starts talking faster until he goes off like a wind up monkey. Hes legit said fucking your sister is okay as long as you dont have a kid and drink your own piss is like drinking alcohol. If that is the guy who you're praising, yikes no wonder most of you are pedos

mayocide when?


Back to projection I see.

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>Why are the most virulent anti-nazis some of the most evil people around?

the same reason that the most virulent anti-gays love sucking dick, the same reason that the most virulent racists have genetic problems, the same reason that fanboys don't know anything about their fandom, and the same reason that Apple markets their products in the way that they do

the best way to avoid your own inadequacies is to focus on other people's in the hopes that other people focus on your target rather than yourself. you will never grow or learn, but that's why they do not stay in positions of power for very long, if at all

yeah "facts" something chapchuds love to ignore especially when it explains the behavior of their pet niggers.

Serious post. I think that the vast majority of us hate Nazis for the obvious reasons - despite the jew jokes. Even killing the Jews is genocide.

Can I get non-troll replies answering this? I like to think that we're good people who just like to make jew jokes.

Attached: I wonder.jpg (256x257, 9K)

Based tranny janny

muslims follow an authoritarian genocidal ideology so its okay to be racist to them

thanks user

Being raised by a single mother correlates with criminality far more than race does

That is the real redpill

>facts are only valid if they support my narrow worldview and nothing else

but Yea Forums was always right wing. Always.

I hate Nazis because they didn't win

yeah wtf i suddenly turned liberal but
fuck niggers
fuck trannies
fuck kikes

Attached: 1559908700116.png (1067x458, 411K)

Umm sweetie go dilate, you get uppity when you don't :)

based ban-test poster

How's going fellow "magapede"?

same desu

Lol the meme that "destiny won the debate" is a meme specifically because he never really "wins" any debate. That's why it's a meme.

Hmm let my try that.
Yup, still feels fight.

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you are at minimum 12 years late on this, it has nothing to do with /pol/

Yeah, I don't take the jokes very seriously.

Sounds an awful lot like race realism to me.

>constant population increase isnt an issue
>demographics dont determine democratic results
>more competition for housing and jobs wont make things harder for people that are already here
>its okay to outbreed the natives and make a race a minority in their own ancestral homeland

>waaaah your are deflecting + buzzwords
Yeah good thing to do when you have NO ARGUMENTS. No one forces you to reply, you can stop there if you have nothing to say.

Everyone is anti-sjw now, it's normal. Even sjws hate sjws now. You lost we won as usual.

>Destiny wins debates.

Lol He fell for the meme.

>even defend nazi and feel offended by that
People aren't defending "Nazis", they are defending what the implication of that word has become, which is everyone disliking leftist ideologies. Nazis in games have become the pretty much the last type of human that its OK to mass-murder. In the past we had terrorists, religious fanatics, all kinds of races. Today they are pretty much all sacred, just not to offend anyone. But Nazis, who the left made synonymous with everyone right or nationalist, are socially sub human. It's symbolism at its finest.
People are fighting against that symbolism, not for NS ideology.

Why are Republicans so defensive of Nazis? Wow that is so telling!

>Being raised by a single mother correlates with criminality far more than race does
Being a single mother correlates more to race.

What is annoying me as all this *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* around this shit, they all "get" it but pretend to be totally oblivious when someone takes issue with it

As usual just imagine the opposite
>"This game is all about killing commies"
>"Are you excited to kill some commies? WINK WINK"
>*cutscene with the good faction doing a torch march*
>*protagonist killing a commie epic style*
>"Whaat? Are you offended about killing commies lol? Are YOU a commie? ;)"
We all know what they're playing off of with their marketing, and what these words are stand-ins for nowadays

to those countries? go ahead.

there's no point in being retarded on purpose user.

Nigga, you're a retard who at first agreed with the initial statement that your bunch of fuckwits is composed of fucking idiots who just hate on everything without taking a step back and take a boarder look at any given situation only to then backpedal as hard as possible because you made it far too obvious what you really think. But please, keep going with your bullshit, my sides thanks you at least.

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>"fickle as they are."

Attached: 1547204042634.png (500x582, 84K)

Literally nothing wrong.

Discord gay ops have been going on for months. /pol/ is never wrong and pol never loses. The new generation are all red pilled.

Sure thing nazi, this thread proves you wrong ,but I doubt a Nazi like you posses the necessary intellect to understand that.


Can't hate my grandparents, way too nice people

Why would I hate people who are long dead. It's not worth my time. I do hate political faggots though so /pol/ and trannyera should fuck off of Yea Forums.

anonymous supah haxorz are truely a right wing cause

which republicans? this statement goes nowhere i don't understand it

>Seeing /pol/ards and seeing /leftypol/tards

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Nazis were based as fuck.

>It's okay to harm Nazis because their ideology caused harm

Omg this so much, all ideologies except anarcho-capitalism should be banned.

Attached: Wholesome Ancap.jpg (750x691, 74K)

You can post your "graphic" all you want but that doesn't make your theory that Yea Forums wasn't right-wing before 2016 any more true.If anything the 2016 fad brought more lefty types.

this thread is literally about someone getting offended that it's ok to kill nazis.

and it's ok, even hitler did it.

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Heil Hitler.