Who else has started Cyberpunk?

Who else has started Cyberpunk?

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Not interested but glad it makes trannies mad

wtf. how??

The boxart is le generic white guy and trannies are seething


Cdpr making "transphobic" jokes or some shit

they're also mad that the cyberpunk tabletop game gives you a malus if you change sex

By existing.

one of the rare times where I might consider a physical edition. steelbooks are looking good too.

What's a malus? A cyberpunk version of malady?

Top kek

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"malus" is the opposite of "bonus".
You'd know if you hadn't dropped out of high school.

The CDPR Cyberpunk twitter PR guy made a joke once about assuming someone's gender. Trans twitter activist twits were not amused and now hate the company for a mild joke. These critics on twitter are really rational and level headed in their virulent condemnation of this and in no way come off as crazy cry bullies.

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literally just one person

You havent even seen gameplay lmao, its going to be like watch dogs

LITERAL discord tranny.

It's true that the cover is bland and uninspiring, but not because it's a white dude with a gun, but because it's just a character with a fucking gun. They get upset at the more or less right thing, but for the wrong fucking reason.

i agree with him, they should have used the chick with the praying mantis blades from the first video

buy the game on GoG you fucking steamdrone


why buy when i get for free lol?

Always go gog over steam when you can

>Unlocks in 10 months
Lmao why would you even bother ordering it yet


im surprised sjws arent mentioning how he uses cocksucking as a derogatory term in the trailer. they probably havent even watched it yet since they dont play games.