Where were you when /ourguy/ saved gaming?
Where were you when /ourguy/ saved gaming?
*laughs* I don't really know.
Ye? What did he do?
watching the e3 on my pc
stood there, and said a few things he was told to say I guess
>tv celebs in gaming are a good thing
kys pleb faggot
Saved gaming. Read the OP you fucking brainlet.
Holy shit
How can a man be so based
fuck off subhuman jew
Based as fuck!
You faggots made fun of Kojima for hiring actors for his game but suddenly it's based when CDPR does it? Fuck off with your western bias.
This isn't /pol/, you fucking retard. Fuck off!
If you ever doubt the power or charisma, Keanu just delivered a straight up "no u" and somehow came out of it as the cool guy.
Keanu isn't just some actor. He's /ourguy/
eat my shit
this isnt Yea Forums eighter
so fuck off with your ourguy shit you subhuman
this is the first time in a while my jaw dropped and I made an autistic screeching noise at a videogame trailer
dont fuck this up please CDPR.
Maybe it is, hopefully some of them can put these shitty videogame writers with ideas above their station in their place
You already made a thread on /pol/
You miss sunposting?
YOU'RE Banjo is in Smash
imagine unironically supporting muslims over the BASED jew
Why is ((Hollywood)) shilling their multi millionaire actor here?
Because CDPR put the multi millionaire actor in their highly anticipated future GOAT videogame ;-)
>Yea Forums
/pol/ newfags are retarded
I like Keanu but cyberpunk looks really cheap and awful now.
Perfect for today's cinematic experiences
I like muslims
They remove degenerates
You must be new here.
imagine supporting either
Why is /pol/ so obsessed with the jews?
>haha these Reddit memes posted here means that we support Israel now :)
they are degenerates themselves by definition in modern times, the golden age of islamic scholars is over
Asians aren't cool. That's why they have Jojo
Muslims have not even progressed the human developmental index for centuries. All the the technology they use are westernized developed or Chinese manufactured. Even the cowards and degenerates that refuse to make their own home better with their eternal "jihad" shit on everyone else.
He has always been /ourguy/ because someone posted a meme about him, don't you know that Yea Forums love trannies and support Israel, love the Hollywood clique and mindlessly worships celebrities?
newfags are the only ones that don't worship Hollywood.
There has yet to be a good or memorable movie in the last 10 years.
Wh*te "people" don't stand a chance against either group, sorry Nazi
Those were pictures made more than 5 years ago newfag.
John Wick, John Wick 2, John Wick 3
The intelligent "muslims" were just arabs without religion.
based nu/pol/ poster
imagine worshiping a celebrity because someone made a shitty meme of him here. Are you actually mentally retarded?
>Keanu Reeves in gaming is a good thing
global warming is going to fuck you anyway so white people win regardless
Well, it gave us the Riddick games.
I was happy, because /pol/tards were seething.
Based Wizard Vin Diesel
How is it one can win by losing?
This but unironically!
Is it the Discord trännies that are behind all this Hollywood shilling?
supporting Israel is a right-wing belief, just saying
by taking all your enemies down with you and ensuring your empire is the last one.
>B-But muh Hollywood Jew!
Who cares game devs using celebs to promote there shitty video games is nothing new
I hate both muslims and jews. I thought most people disliked both, not one or the other.
i thought islam was right wing?
>israel is a Jewish state
>nazis support israel
what did you mean by this
Freakin based
>hating people because of their race or ethnicity
t. low IQ
You're the newfag for parotting a literal fucking newfag reddit meme as your own.
>lol le sad Keanu why is he so sad bros le le le EPIC FOR TEH INTERNET WINRARS!!!1!1!11one11
He's going to win in 2020 user, how does it feel?
t. brown hands
Says the underaged retard.
It's okay when Kojima does it
please go back
>t. greedy hook nosed kike or knuckle dragging jigaboo
People like you only appeared probably 2 years ago but they were all equally laughable.
>Linking Reddit
Spotted the Redditor.
>imagine worshiping a celebrity because someone made a shitty meme of him here. Are you actually mentally retarded?
user, pattern recognition is part of IQ
>Keanu is newfag reddit meme
It's embarrassing even for underage like you.
You realize that the terms "left," "right," "liberal," and "conservative" have evolved and taken a whole other meaning in our modern political dicourse?
Well not all of them obviously. Numerous people I like are jewish, none muslim though. Thing is a lot of them are baddies when you are a white boy and nobody has the time and power to sort out the bad ones from the good ones so you have to generalize to save yourself resources like time and money. That's why I'd rather avoid all then go through the effort of meeting each one personally.
Kojima is a fag who can only get b listers like Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelson, with occasional has beens like Kiefer Sutherland.
CDPR are based white western men with big dicks and get A listers like Keanu.
Deal with it weeb.
I feel like you should go back to your containment board or stop having such a victim complex[/spoler]
I always kind of feel bad for the celebrities who you can tell really love the thing they're supporting but just don't like being infront of large groups of people. Keanu just seemed so nervous and excited at the same time.
he was also quite drunk
The Nazis literally did support Israel as a place where Jews could find homeland and fuck off from everywhere else. Jesus Christ, you're so fucking retarded
>t. 21 year old thinks he's not a filthy reddit zoomer
Kids these days. See a fucking yotsuba meme pic and suddenly all logic and reason goes out the window.
>rightwing = nazi
Damn you a retarded nigga
imagine being so bitter and hateful that the sight of people being happy makes you angry, i'm sorry the world made you this way user. i hope you can change and enjoy things in the future
based and redpilled
Pretty ironic coming from a newfaggot who can't even spoiler properly.
You have no self awareness for sure. Are you okay?
>"heh, my kind of shitposting?"
>"I do nihilistic posts on Yea Forums pretending to not be excited by anything and acting like nothing matters to me"
>"In reality nothing excites me and even shitposting doesn't fill the void so I just try to ruin their stupid fun with whatever new meme or buzzword is giving more (You)s lately"
Based Keanu made me like CP2077 again.
>calling others newfag
>2016 election fag
Yeah, I'm thinking cringe an redpilled
>Complain about ironic weebs hiding behind irony to mask their fragile ego
>Pretend getting excited for something is "childish" when you're just a jaded faggot, or worse, some poorfuck with severe sour grapes syndrome
>"Israel bad!"
The most /k/ nation and actually made some place worth living in in a region of shit.
Good software developers and they landed on the moon right behind China and stole their thunder.
Based Jews.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Boy what is with people being unable to formulate arguments? I'm out. See ya sweeties!
Not the same guy, but it doesn't matter anyway since you already outed yourself :^)
This is how it's done retard instead of typing the whole spoiler thing.
Even those """"""2016 election newfags"""""" can spoiler properly while you can't. I guess you're even worse than them self-proclaimed "oldfag".
>Highest illegal and legal migration numbers since first term Bush, way above Obama levels
>Real wages still are stagnant
>Yield curve inverted
>Trade gap with China grew to the largest since 2007
>Massive trillion plus deficit during and economic expansion, debt is exploding under Trump
>No Wall.
>Didn't drain the swamp.
Your fuck potato isn't going to win. I'm going to be able to quit my job when Yang wins retard.
>/pol/fags thinking anybody cares
Too late, already ousted yourselves as /pol/fags, that is if your crying and whining hadn't already. Go back to your containment board ;)
>this man promised things and didn't deliver but this one, he's the real deal!
You're all retards
Still trying to save face after making that beginner's mistake?
>literally getting this hung up from a single misstype
You act like that's proof of anything is more funny than anything
>cares so literally about vidya he literally got drunk and delivered a ZzzZzz PR speech
anyone noticed how he bends his leg? was he drunk or tryinna to act cool to fit in?
2 pakis a black and a chink, seems the racists are more diverse than an antifa (((protest)))
sure showed him his racist views of blacks are wrong
>he actually admitted that he typed it
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA As if posting HWNDU cringe will change the fact that you're a newfag yourself who fucked up spoiler blackbars.
There's no reason to prove a /pol/fag wrong. They're the niggers of white people.
Nazis were centrists tho
This has been the most coverage of illegal migrants for the past 30 years. Whatever it is, it worked.
He's playing the chess game "2015 E.U. Edition" with the liberals.
they are slavs though, not really white or big dicks
Shit man those pics must be from like, 2010 or 2011. No one remembers Sad Keanu anymore.
What is 2016 election fag?
an underage that started coming here after the 2016 elections. basically facebook, reddit, and twitter fags. (You)
Someone do an edit.
e3 peaked there
I think that Keanu is a great person to be put into a game about Cyberpunk knowing his previous role as Neo in Matrix. Also Keanu is pretty chill guy and there is no real reason to hate him. If you don't like him its ok.
He was drunk, right?
Keanu's a good lad.
Lmao Western bias? On this site? How new can you possibly be?
Keanu is straight edge
>2011 was when I started coming here myself
>Feel way too old for Yea Forums these days, even though I'm still newfag cancer myself
Only John Wick 1 was good, the rest are cashgrab.
Trump doesn't look like he knows what the fuck chess is user.
>Yea Forums - Ecelebs and real celebs
Thanks for the laugh, Yea Forumsirgins.
Poor Keanu
2 was mediocre 3 was 10/10
>People suck Kojima's dick and Reedus' dick for years
>CDPR does it ONCE
This. Second was more like a "remaster" of the first one? It was almost the same, but the 3rd one. Oh boy. Few fights were too long, I can say that but overall it was great action movie. The dogs were the best.
What game is Keanu making game?
>Yea Forums is one person
It's because the very first and only things we saw about Kojima's game were just actors.
At least with Cyberpunk they showed some different stuff
fuck off schlomo.
kill yourself subhuman jew
wtf i hate jews now
Got paid
You are supporting a potato. He isn't doing shit. Migration literally doubled under his watch and he can't seem to pass Obama level deportation levels.
stop reposting this you falseflagging dumb kike. Stop trying to use based Keannu for your pro-jew propaganda.
We found the other wielder of the Stone Mask
>I like his acting
>Seems to be a honest and really nice guy irl
>He now got a new acting role
>Will preform motion capture for cutscenes in a video game
This only indicates that some of the non interactive parts of the game will at least show decent acting. How does this saves gaming again? At while at it, saves it from what exactly?
It "doubled" because they started actively monitoring it rather than ignoring, stop repeating your fake news and fuck off back to Discord tranny
Saves it from bethesda voice acting
>B-based Trump is decreasing immigration by increasing it. 8D chess! Ebin!
John Wick is cool and all, but I don't think that Cyberpunk 2077 is interesting. I'm fed up with all the open world Ubishit. I'll keep an eye on it, though.
Citation needed.
BPS says it's worse than ever. I got a friend whose been there 12 years and he says this is unlike anything he's seen. 150,000 a month.
>(((/pol/))) ruins another thread
The thread literally started out with /ourguy/ in the title. It was ruined before it began.
I guess there really are underage people on here. Anyone else would know about sad Keanu.
You would also know it originates from Yea Forums.
Seething weeb. Go dilate.
post posting Yea Forums SHIT on videogames in 643654 threads you filthy lowlife
Why is foot like that?