Why are jumpscares in games hated by critics?
Why are jumpscares in games hated by critics?
Stop making pitbull threads.
Kill all pitbulls
Why do incels hate pitbulls so much?
They are ugly mutants
Same reason people hate burkas and niqabs. Use your fucking brain.
Too much dog, the incel prefers the smaller lap dogs.
Haha I love this webm of dog, you should keep posting it day after day after day after day after day so I can keep looking at dog haha. I love dog haha I will look at him today and tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that haha
I love big dogs like retrievers, mastiffs, great danes. All big, loveable dogs. Pitbulls were bred to kill. They are not pets.
despite being only 13% of the dog population, pitbulls commit more than 50% of the crimes
got bitten by a pitbull puppy
it hurts like hell
This. Only insecure gangster types get pits.
Because they're the Basketball American of Dogs - ugly, dangerous, increasingly being spotted in places they don't belong, and typically fucked by psychotic white women before killing them.
Hate doesn't enter into the picture. They eat humans. I am merely maintaining self-preservation.
I was just looking at an /int/ thread talking about how /int/ is the lowest IQ board referencing something about what they said in another thread about pitbulls.
Wheres the full video?
>get a pitbull from a shelter
yeah no fucking shit. some dipshit wannabe gangster bought it, smacked it around, then got bored of it (or got mauled).
the common link between pitbulls and dog attacks is that they have especially strong jaws (so bites can be fatal), they're popular overall (so high representation) and they're a luxury item for morons who want to maim burglars and look tough.
it's the same shit as when cowboys tried using camels instead of horses and got fucked up because it turns out camels won't just let you smack them around. the cowboys bitched and cried about it, and only treated the camels worse until they were seen as vicious monsters.
Why would anyone own that stupid breed over something like, a Labrador retriever????
The pitbulls or the incels?
Jump scares are lazy ways to get a reaction.
What happens in the full vid
>be human
>develop intelligence based on pattern recognition
>use this to predict outcomes and plan for the future
>observe that one breed of dog is responsible for the majority of attacks on humans
>liberals and soccer moms tell you they're just misunderstood
This is the future we chose.
good asspull, spic
anywhere but Sweden thx
FEAR is unplayable due to constant jumpscares
Here comes a roll
This is a man who uses logic, unlike the rest of you brainlets. Correlation does NOT equal causation.
>muh socioeconomics
I'm sure you hold the same standards for other breeds. Most everybody accepts that there are peaceful breeds, is it such a stretch that it could be more violent ones?
Unless you're willing to pay good money there's no point in ever getting a purebred especially popular ones like labrador most are inbred to shit and have lots of health issues
They remind them black people
Absolutely adorable. Full video link?
>Why are jumpscares in games hated by critics?
Because they rarely have any lead-in or build-up and get overused to make a game "scary".
Unironically, FNAF is an example of how to do it well: the jumpscares are avoidable if you do well, and if you suck they're preceded by a noise letting you know you fucked up, first.
89 GET
I poisoned about half a dozen pitbulls in the past few years. Fuck pitbulls and fuck their retarded owners. They should thank me for saving their children's lives.
not germany pls
Stormniggers figure them a recruiting tool into neonazism. The idea is to first appeal to normies fear of pitbulls, then argue that everyone who is not yet a nazi is equivalent to a delusional pitbull owner. (The pitbulls represent non-whites in this analogy)
OP of this thread is of course a committed stormnigger shill; one who knows that he needs a pretext to spread his neonazi propaganda on an unrelated board. So he uses the tried and true method of putting the propaganda in the image and posting a vaguely game related OP...
even pitbulls raised from puppies are dangerous, morons
oh shid
they are low iq betas. Aggression is in every dog, you are the one that needs to control it.