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Is that...
Could it be...
He's back boys!
that card
Nobody noticing the lumberjack next to the axe, who is that guy?
possessed soldier?
...a fucking WUTANG REFERENCE?
Will Doomguy get a happy ending?
I fucking hate pre-order but I'm digging the bantz.
I want to fuck the demons
>its real
I like when they embrance the memes. At least it seems like they care. But at the other half, locking a level behind the pre order...? C'mon.
it's him
Fucking based
Heaven or the demons have got to the point of resurrectig the slayers bunny to try and calm the fucker down.
redpill me on daisy
i didn't know doom had lore
It's Doomguys fursona
john wick had that dog
doomguy had daisy
This pic is wrong, there are more than 12 demons on it.
When you come back to earth you find out demons killed your pet rabbit and go into a rage
>Demons are running amok slaughtering everyone
>Hayden and his followers have a God complex and pretend to be angels
>Doomguy kills all of them
>At the very end the real heaven gives Doomguy his bunny back as a gift for his purity
Post yfw
>Axe is written in demonic Arabic language
>Doom Eternal confirmed to killing Arab Demons
absolute base
Pure silliness.
That is so fucking stupid but at the same time awesome. Also where is this from?
At that point we all convert to and take control of Catholicism. Oust the pedos with whips, fire, and a grand Inquisition; then we repel the Muslims from Constantinople!
ugh man that throwback shotgun looks sexy as fuck. Really making me consider preordering. Quick, someone talk me out of it
I swear Doomguy is a gag character. As long as he thinks something will work God rewrites the laws of the universe to make it happen.
>I like when they embrance the memes
me too
feels like they are also shitposters but maybe that is the plan behind it
I can play this
Couple of press previews out.
OK, that's just ridiculous
All free with the special torrent edition
this can't be real
it is too stupid
>It's real
What the fuck
Apparently the Doom Slayer loads and shoots himself out of the BFG10000 at the start of the game.
can i fuck daisy?
Wasn't he always a gag character?
excellent work
>you will never be this mad
Doomguy would never approve
>Le funny doom bunny
That’s reddit tier
what happened to the fucking HUD
>As long as he thinks something will work God rewrites the laws of the universe to make it happen.
Plot twist the angels are jealous of God favoring Doomguy over them, so they now want him dead.
>western vidya will never be this silly again without twelve layers of irony
They injected some RAGE 2 into Doom it seems
I'm glad I opened this thread
everything that is not taking anything 100 percent serious is reddit these days.
fuck of no fun allowed niggers.
the internet is not serious business.
Let's not pretend like you were alive when doom came out you eternal pleb shitter
That vid isn't being ironic though, it's embracing the silliness. The developers call it "smart dumb" ie. like the violence in Robocop.
Is this too stupid or just right? Also doesn't it look like doom guy seems less autistic rage incarnate and more like his original incarnation?
>Plot twist the angels are jealous of God favoring Doomguy over them, so they now want him dead
Let's be honest, I would favor doomguy too
Yeah, it doesn't sit well with me either.
I know. That's why I like it.
it looks like shit and I hope it is a placeholder
I want this. I want this so bad.
The man gets the job done, it's meritocracy at its finest.
My fucking sides
They took it a bit too far with the whole arcade feel of the game. The HUD which looked fine last year has become a bloated, multi colored mess now. Plus there's all the question marks, one ups, floating weapons etc.
I don't Doom being over the top, but even the original games usually had an internal logic. Much of this seems like it'll be a bit immersion breaking.
>less autistic rage incarnate
>When he loads himself into a railgun to fire himself into space debris and fight what appears to be one demon zombie
Also in Doom 2 he launches a fucking eternal genocide crusade against hell because they killed his rabbit he has always been autistic rage
Oh my fucking god.
They redesigned the demons to be more like in the original DOOM.
I don't know if I like some of them desu
Free with torrent
The BFG10000 is gigantic, though.
This cannon is tiny compared to that.
I much prefer their new designs to the big slabs of brown and red metal most of the Doom 4 enemies were
>I don't know if I like some of them desu
What are you talking about, they are the best demon designs since the original games
I gotta say, new Imps look fucking perfect. They're likeness is impeccable.
Mixed feelings on the mancubus.
I'm glad I opened your image
John Wick Eternal
I dig it
I hope you can disable extra lives.
Feels kinda cheap to make your way through encounters with it, and maybe you don't want to burn through all your extra lives on one section that's giving you trouble.
You would know
the nu-Cyberdemon looks fucking perfect, especially compared to what they tried to do last game
I have mixed feelings about the IMPs
I know the orginal also had bones coming out of them but it feels so tacky on the 2016 designs
and I hate the new mancubus
This I can agree with
The Angels are shit at doing there job or not doing their job, because the demons are on earth. It be a dick move to try to kill the one guy that is actually fighting the demons out of jealously.
Can I turn off Doomguy grunts?
>turning off Doomguy grunts
I really don't see any way I can play this with a controller. I have to invest in my pc then, because m+kb is the only way I see you can move around fast enough to survive
The only redesign I'm not huge on is the Revenant. It was already perfect in 4.
It could be an arcade mode like there was in 2016.
>he doesn't like the UNF
maybe the classic sounds pack will make them less annoying.
are you joking?
how long did it take for doom 2016 to be cracked? im seriously considering pre-ordering this because of , first pre-order since guild wars 2
you know I dont get why nobody made a Daisy mod yet
and I dont even mean like a human version of Daisy, just a mod where you play as Doom bunny
like when you turn into a dog in ROTT but you can jump higher and eat carrots for HP
>that tummy
there are furry mods so thats close enough
holy fuck
was the GW2 preorder worth it?
lifted Angry Marine technology
man Halo 6 looks dope
Soe Gschwind-Penski
wouldnt say that Guncaster is "furry"
its more like Pillowblaster thought "hey dragons are cool what if we played as one in Doom but with a double quad barrel shotgun?"
Some blizzard employee? Why should anybody be familiar with her
>Game ends with daisy snuggling up in doom guys arms before the credits roll
I would cry from the pure kino
Anyone know what's up with the "demonic corruption" in the upper right corner of the HUD?
It's not doing the bloated HUD any favors with all these distracting Christmas lights.
>uh-huh, my fantasy space game with demons and 10 weapons super speed solder CAN'T BE NOT REALISTIC
Should I play 2016? this looks a lot more like DOOM imo
isnt his armor like indestructible in the lore
(outside of gameplay rules)?
you havent played it? its a great game and even if you hate the likes of serious sam the arena battles arent that bad
it wont be
That's honestly the thing I hate most about 2016
A lot of the bigger more open levels are great with lots of shit to explore for but then you have battle arena after battle arena after battle arena
Video games are back
Yes, but he's supposed to be tough as fuck without it too
It's implied he killed the titan bare-handed and before getting the armor
it still breaks my suspension of disbelief when some imp can punch him to death but this wont do shit
it's not DooM II, but it's fun FPS game with curazy jumping-shooting. More like Serious Sam, but without kleers and open areas.
If you want more DooM II go play Hedon, it's great
What the fuck?
damn boi
Hedon looks good, but I'm not a fan of being a furry
trans-women are women too bigot
So, they're going full Doom Comic.
That's not a strawman argument, don't use buzzwords you only heard
Good, I like how this series doesn't take itself seriously
I am at level 6 at haven't seen anything furry beside some doggos
>ignoring the rest
don't be such a faggot bro I can do it too :^)
its the number one complaint about the game from pretty much everyone
as far as i can see doom eternal has very few arena battles and is more dynamic like old doom
he probably means the futa art the author drew on the side
how much do you have to think about dicks in order to make that connection?
this. They did the "serious" take with Doom 2016, which worked well enough juxtaposed with Doomguy just not giving a fuck, but I'm glad they're going back to this less serious aesthetic
I personally don't hate arena fights they were just all there was in 2016.
Even in doom 2016 there were some stupid moments desu
well, there is no in game itself as far as I know.
Even secret-secret locations only have thicc demons posters
this might be the first American game I buy in ages.
>doomguy punches electronics to work
>serious take
It was pure comedy
what was the last one you bought?
>They did the "serious" take with Doom 2016
nigga 30 seconds in doomguy smashes the screen spouting exposition at you
at no point does the game feel serious, maybe at the very end when olivia pierce turns(?) into the mastermind
I meant more like everyone around him was acting serious, while Doomguy was just charging through ignoring all the story shit
Top pleb opinions
>I don't like the new grunts
>there's too many colors
>I don't like that his face is visible
That appears to be what's happening here as well
ikr? Like damn you must really hate Doom then if you don't like any of that shit
We get to see Doomguys face but do we get to see his dick?
lol. never change, Yea Forums
>>I don't like that his face is visible
that actually does bother me
Cute armpit in the thumbnail!
Age of Empires II HD on Steam I think
It's not like his face has always been some grand mystery, it's been right there on the screen since Doom 1
It actuially felt more like a cheesy 80s movies with a grunt just don't giving a fuck about what is happening even in the face of the apocalypse and killing his way to victory.
I mean you even pointed ouit why it was not serious
>everyone is like "we need da energy for muh energy crisis" and "you gonna get demon handled because they are our new masters" while doomguy is like go away I want to rip and tear
Wasn't his face at the middle of the HUD in the original game?
I think it just MP
Literally just play the games and prevent yourself from being the eternal zoomer
what's the code
please, loli girl.
>bonus level
why on earth do you think it bothers me because the face is supposed to be a mystery lol. what a retarded opinion
no, it bothers me because it looks stupid. either only show eyes or nothing at all
i was fairly interested in the dark souls invasion thing they teased last time but i have 0 interest now that it's a separate game mode entirely
No, John. You are the demons
Its still a dark souls-like invasion though? Theres just a separate game mode for it as well
I hate the HUD and the cut to third-person but everything else looks solid gold.
It still might be involved in the form of the Marauder
John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy..."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
all I know is it's Aoi Shirosaki
It never is.
Yes, if you are a PC player and not a retarded consolefaggot you can modify your games however you like.
>why on earth do you think it bothers me because the face is supposed to be a mystery lol
This isn't the Master Chief, you humongous faggot.
We've Doomguy's face since 1.
Hopefully it's both an invasion mode and a separate game mode.
good kek
Did the SJWs get pissed agin this year about something some random ai said in game?
More like Zoom Eternal
That sounds fun desu.
>When Hugo drop spaghetti
Bless his heart
This, what the fuck were they thinking. Two pieces of good DLC (cosmetics) followed by horrible DLC (actual content). Day 1 pirate, I guess.
Explain nuDoom lore to me. There is heaven and hell like in Diablo now?
God yes
I think most of the gameplay was from the multiplayer/versus mode, note the "demonic corruption" in the top right corner. At least I hope that's the case, the gameplay from last night (overall look, shitty UI, doomguy making roblox oof sounds whenever he gets hit, etc.) looks way worse than the quakecon gameplay from last year
Idk about "like in diablo" but heaven and hell will be in doom eternal yeah
Technically just different dimensions. The one they tapped into in 4 is demonic and brutal in nature.
Got a giggle outta me mate
It's just a skin.
>Doomguy is some old as fuck Slayer that got granted strenght by some different dimension angels
>spooks the different dimension demons in an neverending massacre
>gets trapped by their priests in a tomb
>secured by Robovillain
>awakes at the start from DOOM 2016
I don't mind the face but the grunts stand out. Doomguy's supposed to be an unstoppable force; if every single hit audibly hurts him it rips that illusion clean out. Colors are great too, but not on the HUD. That shit's obnoxious more than it is helpful.
can you even read?
>the BFG 9500
But the demonic corruption part of the HUD is clearly there for the whole section that's purely single player.
IIRC day 1 so they removed denuvo after a few weeks.
i'm gonna buy it but i'm really not into pre-orders so i dunno
does anyone remember if 2016 you could pre-load the files a few days early to avoid waiting for the download?
They should have kept both designs for more variety IMO. I think the d44m mancubus looked a bit cooler than the doom eternal one.
>hey gamers look,we know the DOOT meme!
>hey gamers, we remember the rabbit from the original doom, we are hardcore oldfags!
I really hate when companies start using memes made about their games.
im excited for d44m 2 but shit like this really does cheapen things.
That's actually a relief, now that you mention it. Not him, but if it really bothers me I CAN change it. I just have to put in the work myself.
Fortunately, I'm a massive autist.
Until bethesda bans you for illegally modifying their game outside of their sanctioned mod store
>equipment items are now on a shoulder-mounted launcher which allows you to use them without having to lower your guns
>melee strikes are actually useful now since they can stagger demons and even deal AoE damage (after two Glory Kills)
>flamethrower means you can optimize your damage output more and always recover some armor by remaining on the offensive
>you now get dashing for more mid-air maneuverability and being able to dodge projectiles more responsively
>upgrade system has been much more streamlined, you just find upgrades on the spot instead of having to trawl through menus to unlock them
>basic shotgun has been buffed as the explosive shot can now fire three explosive shells before having to cool down, and the charged burst is replaced with a full-on automatic mode
>the super shotgun has a fucking grappling hook attachment
>the Plasma Rifle's overpowered Stun Bomb has been replaced with a microwave beam which locks-on an enemy to stunlock them and makes them explode dealing damage to all nearby enemies if you fill up the bar, requiring you to have your weapon held out in order to stunlock an enemy properly instead of just quickly switching to the plasma rifle for a quick stun bomb
>existing enemies and pick-ups have been redesigned to fit the original counterparts more
>enemies which plop down shields
>enemies which can teleport around
>enemies which can fire projectiles in a spread pattern
>we've got archviles, arachnotrons and pain elementals too
>expanded gore system means you can shoot certain parts of enemies (like a Mancubus' armcannons) to disable them
>more environmental interactions in the form of triggers you can shoot to open doors or trigger traps
>more arena variety through platforming-oriented environmental hazards like spinning bits of fire, Celeste-style dash-refill pick ups, and so on
>you can vault over poles to get to higher parts of the arenas faster
>swimming and radsuits are a thing too
are ya ready kids
I prefer them going memelords instead of SJW pandering
>dayone pirate
not gonna happen if its denuvo protected user
Daisy isn't a meme though
Congrats, OP. Today you were not a fag but, in fact, a patrician
Probably something among the lines of "take teritory back"
>acknowledge the past of the game
>somehow Yea Forums can twist this into a bad thing
you fuckers are pathetic.
It's coming to Steam, r-right?
Day 4 pirate, then.
gonna need hot sauce on that
He grunts in the originals as well.
Totally agree about the HUD though. 2016's minimalist version was fine and so was last year's quakecon version of Eternal's. Not sure what the fuck they were thinking with this new one, it's incredibly ugly and distracting.
it's just a skin for an enemy stop being autistic
day one pirate when it's cracked a few weeks later then
Think I have some issues with the scene. Doomguy shooting himself is fine, but the bland videogame green glows being slapped on pretty much everything just drives it a bit too silly. Green can be used to designate important gameplay elements, but why is the bullet glowing green or why does the cutscene wall have greens as well? If it was a silly fun thing happening in serious world, the contradiction would amplify the effect while keeping it immersive. Now when the game world is silly and the events are silly, it's just bland overall of sillyness. Feels more like Super Mario Galaxy than Doom. Make the gun feel like a real weapon rather than a funny toy that shoots marines as well.
Most excited for the enhanced movement
I mean, they had Bill Gates in a presentation of Doom long time ago. Memeing isn't entirely new.
Skin for MP game
this is some anime shit
i love it
They're just mortally challenged.
>final battle
>he drops his helmet on the ground
>we finally see his face
>its pice related
sauce please
Will Crash be in the game?
I'm ready for the r34
>but why is the bullet glowing green or why does the cutscene wall have greens as well?
Because it's a larger version of the BFG9000
Holy shit what
Would come
This has long been known established. BJ is doomguys ancestor.
they're acknowledging it for the sole purpose of trying to appease jaded millennials that they're hardcore too. Same reason why the quake con trailer had a specific segment dedicated to M+KB gameplay. id is specifically pandering to neckbeards.
>It's me your brother, Edgeguy
Is the BFG a panik button like the last time?
That's a very bad fan art. Also from some one named Alahu Akbar
Green is the universal sign of "go toward this" in nuDoom.
Okay see I would have called bullshit if the webm wasn't already posted in this thread
>[Tsubaki Jushirou] Aneito Imouto
page 34
>that transition from walking to pushing button
Embarrassing, Bethesda.
...is a society.
based fapbro
This really looks like Metroid Prime. I think Samus does the same in a game, since she can turn into a ball
Ironically enough, reddit takes everything too seriously. They know not that everything on the internet is a work of fiction and falsehood.
Literally the game I'm most excited for this year. Fucking Yea Forums shat on 2016 for some reason but it was glorious and I'm glad to see such a great sequel. FUCKING HEAVEN AND HELL TO KILL HHHH
What if you tear ass through all of Hell, only to come up to that weird angel thing from the poster/trailer and it's like
>Hey, guess what, I can give you your bunny back
Then he materializes Daisy in front of you
Can we actually have emotional turmoil for Doomguy?
why the fuck would millenials know about the doom 2 rabbit.
Bros...I had a dream recently where I was Doomguy going around in a super mall trying to get groceries. But I killed a guy for some reason at the entrance and Martin-Li (Spiderman ps4) is trying to kill me and interrupt my shopping.
and yes, Yea Forums is one person
Yeah, but shouldn't be at the expense of art direction. A glow on the control panel + the gun should be enough.
Millenials /=/ zoomers
Milenials were the ones who played doom in the 90s tho, zoomers were born in the 90s
It's always been a panic button
Yea Forums shit on it because literally everything they had shown about the game prior to release looked like absolute garbage, and the soundtrack sucks
If Bethesda had actually shown that it was fun then there wouldn't have been an issue, since release Yea Forums almost universally says it's pretty good at the very least
Sauce please
Probably canon.
senpai you can be almost 40 and be a millennial. im 27 and i fucking played doom when i was a kid. its not that fucking surprising. also its not like people can't learn about a series that came out before they were born.
Shut the fuck up. You are not a war veteran or a government operative. You are not as jaded and cynical as you think you are. Video games are fun.
Pretty sure it's because the thing is an oversized BFG9000 normally
What about the music?
Is it going to be that metal dubstep mix again?
Doom 1 actually
Furries keep ruining everything.
Color coding like in the last game, green is the objective and blue marks optional paths and spots you can interact with, yellow marks points of interest like doors and exploding barrels and reds tend to form a path
Speaking about lights, of course
What the fuck is this onions joylent fuck boi cuckpilled tranny numale shit,Please fuck off from Yea Forums and go back to plebbit reddit cunt beta faggot
It's already on Steam
Read the thread
>the soundtrack sucked
I'll agree with you that the prerelease trailers WERE garbage and looked awful, but the soundtrack was fucking amazing
>that rope of precum too
>the soundtrack sucked
Doomguy is uncompromising, he would immediately rip that dude's arms off and break his shins with them
>original guy says millennials don't know who Daisy is
>say that millennials aren't zoomers
>you throw an autismal fit
I had to agree with him,. though
it was nothing like original
Angel says ge can rez daisy
Taunts doomguy
Doomguy fucks.his.shit.
>metal dubstep
I don't know how to name it otherwise lad
Whoever recommend to me Doom 2016 I can't remember but go fuck yourself. Because that game is shit. Game sucks shit
Glory Kills. Get a Glory Kill, John Carmack. Where'd you get the idea for Glory Kills, were you down at the Glory Hole? This is the worst game mechanic. You shoot them, and then when they have low health, they glow orange to let you know that they're ready to accept your Glory Kill. And then you sprint up to them, and you press F. And you watch your character, by hand, dismantle the super strong alien martian demon. By pressing F. And you do this almost every other monster that you kill. It's one of the gayest game mechanics. I actually paid 60 bucks for that game. And I don't feel good saying that right now.
>anything using digital instruments is dubstep
Can you kill yourself please.
mick gordon is as important to nudoom as jeremy soule is to elder scrolls
Mick Gordon can do NO WRONG
Nigga I never said it was dubstep
It doesn't fucking matter what meme metal offshoot you want to call it, it was shit and failed to get me hyped for shooting demons like the classic Doom soundtracks did
it's not dubstep. there is plenty of wubbing, however
Aoi Shirasaki
I was not judging, I'm asking
I like the vega music
Yea Forums shit on it because this entire website has created a culture of terminal skepticism, anti-positivity and headcanon.
Yea Forums would much rather see a trailer about a game full of black women demonizing whitey than an actually fun and original game because it means they get to shit post about it for years all while feeling like an oppressed victim. Feeling like a victim lets them blame their mediocrity on society instead of themselves.
whyd you reply instead of letting them rot.
giving them one of these "i accept you trolled me" macros instead.
You're right about the grunts. I don't mind them /as/ much, and they should be easier to take out if I don't care for them.
But yeah the hud's hideous.
Then I guess you can revel in your objectively wrong opinion. Original Doom soundtrack was good for the time it came out, being sampled MIDIs of songs, but the new soundtrack did a good job at integrating the best tracks while also updating it.
SauceNAO gives me nothing chief.
dilate more
im stoned i dont give a fuck
Mick Gordon already confirmed
I suppose it is a good place to ask as any;
I just finished DOOM, on normal. What next?
Do I start a new save? Or just crank up the difficulty and start from the first level?
You earned this (you). Enjoy it.
>Feeling like a victim lets them blame their mediocrity on society instead of themselves.
Now let's be fair, that's not a Yea Forums thing, that's straight up most people who act this way.
Skepticism and anti-hype aren't bad either, they keep us grounded.
meme war veteran here!
so much this! I love when the corporations try to scam us but use epic style memes so it's okay!
beat it on nightmare or if you don't have a job ultra nightmare.
He wore his seat belt, mmkay?
Play through Doom 1 & 2 on Ultra-Violence. No jumping, no freelook.
playing d44m on anything other than nightmare is for women & minorities
2016 is actually easier than you might think, I played it on UV first time with no issues. Nightmare is fun, a full arsenal on that even more so, but it'll feel slower after you've gone through the later levels.
>only seat belts
>not airbags
you are not helping your case
Okay, so anybody else feel me on this? I feel like the monster redesigns in Eternal are absolutely fucking spot on, it is such a big improvement from Doom 2016, it embraces the almost corny look of the demons that we saw from the box art in the original doom, it's great.
But the Doomslayer still looks overdesigned.
no jumping goes without saying because all levels, both official and player-made, are ruined by it
free look makes the game more fun
you dont even play doom
arcade mode is fun
>Doomguy's supposed to be an unstoppable force; if every single hit audibly hurts him it rips that illusion clean out.
I'm glad they're doing that, the whole thing of making of seem totally inhuman is gay. Doomguy was originally just a guy remember.
Kek, I'm alright with this.
It's the lines.
>this skin will not play brass band music when you invade other players
Why even bother unless you are gonna go full dubstep gun?
yeah i don't like how they gave him a bunch of gimmicky bullshit. the game almost feels like some kind of first person zelda game now.
i dont like the new armor. all the demons are gonna rip those unarmored arms off right quick.
i prefer the first armor.
wtf I love Blizzard now
Freelook is cheating. The weapons are designed with range limits and certain encounters are cheapened when you can just peek over a ledge.
Eh, not like you find many mirrors in Doom
I can agree with that
On the plus side you will barely see him so whatever
Just give a reason not to preorder this now.
It's a first person shooter so it's not really a big deal to me.
This is some video game shit right here.
The lack of sleeves is more in line with his classic look
Sun's out guns out motherfucker
To be fair, the marketing team for 2016 did the worst job possible. At least with Eternal they got some new marketers who are doing an infinitely better job.
The pre-order details are that it's a remixed and harder version of a pre-existing map. Literally "you get a remixed version of the Cultist Base map from the campaign".
I like the lack of sleeves, I would have honestly felt that a more simplistic and sleek looking armor would have fit the game better, since the monsters this time sort of embrace a simpler and straight forward design. Doom 2016 kind of tried to be edgy in a modern way, this game looks more like it embraces its past, the monsters have way more character to them.
blessed image
tell me why i should buy this game when rage 2 is this game plus doom 2016? and i got bored of the latter half way around
I actually been bamboozled. I started to play on hard first, (highest available difficulty for the first playtrough) and got my ass kicked, so I went back to normal.
Then once I was a few chapter in, I realized that this is easy, it's just for the first our I only have the peashooter pistol, and shotgun that cannot get these, asshole imps form a distance. Everything got simpler once I got my hands on the machine gun.
what compared to the armor in the originals where you're entire abdomen was exposed?
honestly, that man shits out good vidya music like doomguy fires bullets
i literally cannot think of a single OST by that guy that didn't have at least one good piece in it
Yeah, it's a bit overdesigned, but man, I love the sheer amount of 90's cheese emanating from it's very being. It's fucking glorious.
yes unfortunately
>got my ass kicked
>on hard
were you using a controller?
>he thinks you can just rip through doomguy's muscles
probably a Hexen reference more than anything
I actually really loved Doom 2016s demon designs. They were a perfect mix if Hell/Alien and the ones that were modified by the UAC looked cool as shit.
I'm pretty sure doomguy could survive in the vacuum of space with no armor on
his skin is basically another layer of armor
>and shotgun that cannot get these
the shotguns are OP as fuck
get the grenade launcher on max and it makes even bossfights pisseasy
>mfw this pic makes me nostalgic about milk cartons
just buy it from instantgaming you cheap fucks..
who the fuck is this?
A zombieman
John Zombie
>just buy a key for bethesda's launcher
the fuck out of here todd
John Stalvern
Shotguns are useful later on, but when the majority of your opponents are imps who run away and climb on walls to shoot you, they are just not effective.
that's why you hug them and don't run away
>As the DOOM Slayer, you return to find Earth has suffered a demonic invasion. Raze Hell and discover the Slayer’s origins and his enduring mission to rip and tear…until it is done.
>discover the Slayer's origins
damn it's not doomguy after all...
I know it is the original, and everything, but I always had a pet peeve against sleeveless armors. I never even used bio-soldiers in X-com because of that.
was there any doubt?
is it wrong that I don't like doom anymore? FPS games just killing shit is boring to me, even with the nice animations.
blessed thread
Worse than piracy if you buy from key resellers.
If he's not Doomguy, why does he have a Daisy too?
In the original sure. this is Doomslayer and not doomguy. Doomslayer isn't part of earths history.
can I at least turn on Brutal Doom? It's too boring otherwise
Nigger his bunny is right there. Right fucking there. Doomguy is Doom Slayer.
he is the doomguy but he got renamed into doomslayer in 2016
There are 2 species of Cyberdemon, Balgaar and Harbringer
>The Doom Slayer Origin
>Punched a commander for refusing to kill civillians, sent to Mars, defeats Icon of Sin and all that
>Totally not doomguy
he's "the same guy with a different background"
Doomslayer is Doomguy
He's been universe hopping
pls respond
it clearly isn't. The icon of Sin is the Doomlslayers son and the knight sentinels are from a different dimension .
You know if you can save Daisys soul from Hell by the end that'd be a really nice little ending.
just look for genderbent doomguy and theres your crash
Trailer shows that Doomguy was always HUMAN, He died and came back to life.
The Betrayer questions him about WHy he still protects mankind if he isnt even human anymore
The Betrayer starts hunting him down
Doom Slayer's bunny: alive
Doomguy's bunny: dead
different people
>if I call everything reddit I'll fit in on this anonymous website
Fuck off and try to have some fun for once. Faggot.
>Doomslayer was the traitor that got killed by the demonified son
Based retard.
The Icon of Sin is the Betrayer's son. You know the guy with the fuck-off axe in the cover? The one doomguy is dropkicking? That's the Betrayer, not Doomguy. Doom Slayer is just a new name they gave because it'd be silly if characters said Doomguy.
post more cute rabbits
That grunt might actually be older than you are console fag
that sounds hella gay
Nick and Judy better hook up in the sequel dammit. I swear to god it's always the stupidest shit I want to see get a happy ending or sappy romance moment.
I just know he’s the son of commander keen, which means one of the two kids in the new commander keen phone game grow up to be the doomslayer
that was the case until bj had twin lesbian daughters
Wait, that mobile cancer isn't Commander Keen but Commander Keen's children?
Does this mean we will get doom bunny porn? Best lore and fanbase ever brehs im ready
holy fucking crap. Mustard Chief looks like a damn sissy next to this DoomCHAD.
What is this Zootopian shit on my autistic Yea Forums board?
>commander keen
Confirmed for Yea Forums posters
The fuck are you on about? It took like 8 months for d44m to get cracked and even then it wasn't a proper crack, you had to make a dummy steam account and use a tool that would make steam and denuvo think you own the game legit. They had to shut down the servers after thousands of people tried to get in with fake denuvo tickets.
I just kind of like that, it makes him MORE badass, not less. Like, he's just so fucking rage filled that he doesn't mind taking the hits. John Wick did this perfect, Wick getting his ass beat constantly made the over top moments more believable. There was always a sense that Wick actually COULD be hurt, it just wasnt likely.
Then his ass gets yeeted off of a building and all of that went away. Whatever, still a great movie.
wait, there are people who are actual fans of CK or something? those games were garbage
Old quake unreal and doom (pre 00s)are pure fps
2016 only shines in the arcade mode or absolutely barrelling through the (story) mode at breakneck speed strafing as fast as you can as soon as you start playing it more like a regular fps game it sucks
It's designed to be played like the older doom games despite having some of d3s bog system shock type shit I don't play it like that and regularly go back to snap map as well.
Such a shame they don't open it up to mods which is fucking annoying as it kept doom alive to this day and idtech7 would be awesome to play with unlike ue4 which is a cluster fuck
Imagine being this humorless.
what the fuck
metroid prime 4 doom crossover when
You’ve never talked to people outside of Yea Forums have you?
I swear to god ill actually die happy on the spot.
in the lore the armor barely does any protection, but makes it so he can harness the lifeforce of demons he kill, his own body tho is super tough
Im not a furfag, so I have to wonder. How does that um. Work. Anatomically.
>the bethesda conference was really the doom eternal conference
This is wholesome
just check the porn, you'll fing plenty of examples
has any woman ever hit the wall as hard as soe
Yea Forums is a furry board please take your negativity elsewhere.
>demon grabs doomguys exposed arm
>hand explodes when he flexes a cep
It was also the
>please come back to 76 conference
Somebody link me to an easy to set up Doom 1-2 that I can play on Android please.
Not just the canon thing but the way the camera shows Slayer getting up afterward is very reminiscent of the cutscenes in Prime
>samus' ship is hidden somewhere in doom eternal
>on android
but why
Doomguy and Daisy both got something in common, They both died once
Source? Because as far as I know that is made up headcanon bullshit
Fuck you thats badass
there's a daisy skin in skulltag or at least one that circulated at one point
Doom 2016
I hardly touch my PC anymore, and considering the limited movement old Doom had, having it to play on the go sounds like fun.
Don't act so surprised, it's not like I'm playing it on my iPod 5g with RockBox.
Absolutely based
Where at
There was a Doom 3 Hell Knight in one of the quick shots, maybe someone has a screenshot.
Lore menu
IIRC that was just fan theory. My guess is that the nigga with the axe is the old school betrayer.
Fucking amazing
just wait until you get xCloud and play Doom Eternal on your phone
It seems like they've made armor even more useless for some reason, which incentivizes aggressive play even more. I like it.
so that's doomguy as a kid huh
I'm just here for more Doom styled furry bunnies, if anyone got some, post them
That's pretty funny.
I'm not wasting 60 dollars on a call of duty that came out over 6 years ago.
>want to play old Doom because it had limited movement
>just play nuDoom lol
also Australian internet is shit
straight from ign
Fuck I shouldn't have hesitated
Damn. Toddguy is getting richer again.
>“Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him...the Doom Slayer.”
>$200 for a toy helmet
I don't understand why people have a problem with this, this seems like the type of "stupid and crazy but it just works for him" that belongs in DOOM.
Would you?
>grunting like Quake Guy
I seriously hope he doesn't chatter like Master Chief soon
holy shit i'm so ready for this
Did we read the same replies?
>Have you ever been so angry that you loaded yourself into a FUCKING RAILGUN and shot yourself, accelerating at 15 times the speed of sound, in a vacuum, just so you could kill demons?
then don't buy that shit game
Doubt. His vocal chords probably got burned by his sheer rage that he can only manage grunts and growls in overtones.
of course i would ive never had sex before
I saw most of the people receiving it well, but there are some people saying "ugh this is TOO stupid for my suspension of disbelief in a game that already requires you to completely suspend your disbelief"
How the fuck did you catch that?
OMG is that a reference?!
In the lore the armor was so good that UAC couldn't penetrate the plasma barrier.
Fuck off.
Todd did it again!
doomguy hnnnng'ed before it was cool
encapsulates 90% of Yea Forums
Everyone one Yea Forums loves Doom
I have faith again
they should port over the original Doomguy pain sound effect instead
why are nintendo fags so fucking unironically OBSESSED
you don't have to ruin EVERYTHING, Doom is in no way related to metroid just fuck off already and don't leave your containment threads again
>Destroy All Humans remake
>Ghostbusters remastered
>new Doom embracing its roots
What is this strange feeling? Could it be genuine excitement for video games?
Terraformars ?
>getting excited about remakes
no you're just retarded user
Is there anything else to look forward to?
You are not allowed to be excited for video games you piece of shit, where do you think you are, fucking get out of my face
based and truthpilled
>You know the guy with the fuck-off axe in the cover? The one doomguy is dropkicking? That's the Betrayer
Where are people getting this from
yes there is
>Doom Eternal
I want a new Deus Ex that embraces its roots
kill yoursefl
the first two retard
you know exactly what I meant
I hope they have an option to make all the weapons and powerups look like the did in the last doom,
not really digging the new design choice they went with
If that was going to happen, the other person wouldnt have a choice. You dont fuck doom bunny, doom bunny fucks you
But I only care about Doom and a possible KI 4
The gore tech is actually blowing my mind how cool it is, how you'll literally shoot off parts of their body, revealing the skeleton underneath, and how you can even destroy their weaponry and shit.
and the monster designs, my fuck. I cannot wait for this game.
>the first two
>one is a remaster
So are they saving the numbered sequel aka Doom 4 or would it be 5?
These fucking monsters
extremely pleb-tier taste ngl
This tech is like 20 years old already, look up Vivisector and chill on the hype.You're not definedby the products you consume.
No u
there's no difference
stop acting like an annoying 4 year old honestly its not even a little bit funny
Nah I forget the manga but long story short theres a witch that has an orphan boy servant that she has go do impossible tasks and while shes cantankerous hes like the most innocent being on earth.
I don't like this
>it's a cutscene
>cant even choose where you look
It's supposed to be a game, let me kick that ball of myself and stand on the launchpad when I want to.
If you remove gameplay and just show a prerendered sequence it's not a game but a movie.
Last year's conference, pretty sure they introduce the axe dude as the Betrayer.
dog bless hugo and marty
la criatura...
consume good
>You're not definedby the products you consume.
But I have nothing else to define myself with...
He has the Night Sentinels symbol on hin
>angel turns out to be a demon is disguise
>taunts doomguy, makes fun of him and kills a bunny
>doomguy flips his shit
>drops all his weapons
>pure fucking carnage, uses his fists to tear through hordes of even the biggest rank demons
>demons are so fucking scared that they start running away from you
Pre-ordering games is what kills polished releases, because they know you faggots will eat the shit up when it comes out, and just fix all the problems with patches throughout the next year
that stuff's fucking negative percent instead of 56%. I hope they splatter their intestines everywhere when you kill them
stop projecting
I can be excited about a cool feature in a game without being "defined by that product"
you've been browsing too much r/latestagecapitalism, take a chill pill.
Ive never preordered anything, but I might actually preorder doom 5. Doom 4 was just perfect and theyve earned a little faith from me.
thread theme
No need for it to be a demon in disguise. Angels can be cunts too.
>Angel materializes Daisy back
>Doomguy pets her
>Suddenly blood starts running down her eyes
>Body flops to the floor
>Daisy's head in his hand
>Angel says "This will be your eternal punishment for disobeying"
>Doomguy goes full berserk mode
pretty cringe my man
you can get this for 25% off on gmg right now
They butchered the original designs. Sad.
Dick Kickem
no one cares nerd
Can we have high-tech whips? South African cops have these awesome looking plastic whips.
This is funny but I despise the cuts to third person
>tfw chew ass minigame