Every guy is wearing a cheap outfit (chinese made custom tees for their E3 game, jeans and some decent pair of shoes)...

Every guy is wearing a cheap outfit (chinese made custom tees for their E3 game, jeans and some decent pair of shoes). Every women is decked out in high end luxury gear (yves saint laurant, hermes, salvatoree ferrgano, burberry...)

Attached: 258F4E2E-5AAE-4D35-A80F-A19590FB86A0.jpg (435x600, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Women are superficial. You should know this by now OP

You leave Zelda Williams out of this, you fuck!

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But why though.

>be famous
>rent jewellry and dresses to look rich

Women think that spending egregious amounts of money for brand makes them superior to other women whose clothes are made in the same factory in china but don't have a brand.

Imagine knowing all those brand names. Are you gay?

Because they're dumb.

because most guys are slobs who dress like they're forever 10 years old

>women are superficial
>meanwhile Yea Forums throws a fit every time a girl in a video game isn't hot enough

Name brands is not the same as dressing well. I dress pretty well and buy very few big brands.

big if true

I have explained this to my wife countless times, but women are stupidly stubborn, I'm sure that even if she visited those sweatshops she still would prefer the one with the "prestigious" brand tag.

do you expect any different? also easy pickins would definitely wife right

It's a lot like apple products, they're expensive and shitty and you could get something much better for much less but people stills fall for the stupid brand recognition.

>if you have an android swipe left

>hating on superior Aryan Apple products

Based Dobson thread?

>poor working class background
>sister goes into debt buying supreme/yves/lv/burberry crap
>throws away the $300 t-shirts she bought a few months ago because she simply doesn't have enough room for the new stuff turning up nearly every day

Women almost never have anything interesting to say about anything so they use the things they buy to display how successful they are and try to flex on other women. That's it. They are shallow.

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and that's why I cant imagine befriending complete savages.

That's what happens when the board is full of under age porn addicts

We got a hipster over here

yeah women say this and then they fuck hood nogs

hood nogs usually wear expensive clothing though

imagine being poor,oh wait you are.

So, you are a gay with money?

*ill-fitting stolen expensive clothing

Imagine making someone rich by supporting slavery and being so deluded you think paying a slave master extra makes you special.

>superior to Apple


men are overall, more utilitarian than women

wow the women are wearing overpriced garbage that barely functions and at worst causes spinal and foot injuries. Men blown the fuck out I guess. Oh wait women are actually retarded and are literal grown children LMAO.

That is tacky shit you find at the Goodwill.

Christ, Zelda Williams is really pretty. Like, really, REALLY pretty.

Why is she so pretty?

Excellent thread

This is exactly why you can’t find a gf. I grew up around nogs and if they buy anything, it’s expensive clothes because they take pride in designer shit and it’s a status symbol for them

Being a hipster makes you better than other people.
It's fine to be gay dude, but if you know all those brands you're definitely at least bi. No masculine man memorizes purse brands or whatever the fuck they are.

He's right though. Do you know any computer nerds who prefer Mac OSes? I've never seen any on anything but PCs or Linux. Apple hasn't made good shit since the iPhone printed money.

no, user, you can't find a gf.

are you telling me those rags are "high-end"
the kikes really did a number on the goyim

quite a lot of professional programmers go for mac os, e.g. the people who wrote unix

>being so poor, that he does not even know nu-rich brands.

lads, stop being poor.

>imagine caring about poor people, and caring about the cost of things.

This why you are poor, you have a poor person's mentality.

Actually I know a Cisco software engineer that just bought the most expensive Apple crap available, he's superficial though so I don't know if that counts.

>>yves saint laurant, hermes, salvatoree ferrgano, burberry
what a homo

>Why is she so pretty?
She's a quarter Asian like Keanu.

>LMAO they're all Bangladeshi rags, so I'll stick with the cheapest and ugliest ones
Nerds dress like shit. Are you surprised?

Imagine having to draw in your fat ass potbelly in your own comics lel

It's why I can afford to take a year off and not experience any difference in my quality of life. Keep making bad decisions with your money.

post a fit

I'm sorry you are gay.

At least two were wearing shitty bin liner-style "leather" coats.

>he wants ugly kids
To be fair, women going after money is just as normal as men going after looks.
There is a point where some people have more money than sense though. My point is that just because you can afford a mcmansion doesn't mean you should own one. Same goes for everything else.

You are comparing rich people to poor people.

This is how I dress on a daily basis even if I don't leave the house on that particular day.

Attached: ijhuigjvhc.png (1006x632, 1.51M)

Imagine making a thread about pointing out how brand-name focused and superficial women are, and then making fun of people you perceive as "poor" because they don't recognize all of those brand names.

This is an absolutely NOT cash-money thread OP, and you should probably kill yourself.

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As a woman you are either intelligent enough to have to spend your life coping with the true functions of your body or you are dumb and you follow those functions blindly.

lol now post an actual fit homie

fucking cringetown omg

Dude you're absurdly gay. Enjoy your brands for old women ahaha. I dress to suit my body an work out and I bet I look better than your purses.

Imagine having this much anxiety about how people perceive you

Tight solid colour shirt and fitted jeans on a fit body. Hitting the gym and well fitted clothes >>> name brand garbage.

I don't deny it. I'm extremely narcissistic and want to look better than everyone else.

Imagine believing that people don't judge you for looking like a slob.

post a fit
doing bicep curls is easier than cultivating a taste in style

>slacks and a button-up shirt
Is it normal to wear graphic t-shirts past middle school or something?

mfw I realised Nintendo named their character after Zelda Williams

Guessing OP has never had much wealth before? Typically the guys wear whatever, but super expensive things in our pocket ie a LV or prada wallet or shoes beyond 1k, most things that normal people wouldn't spot at initial-glance. The women splurge head-toe in brand name things.

He's right, my family owns a part of Tencent and I don't know that shit, retarded gay.

I know people judge me but I survive knowing i'm living in their heads instead of them living in mine

Dude I just told you what I wear, I'm not going to upload a pic of myself. It's much harder work than just ripping some shit offline.

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How is he being based? Her dad died and he replied with cringe capeshit

mfw I realized F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife was a video game character

It's normal for most people to never leave middle school when it comes to their behavior. They just try to convince everyone they got older.

bruh liftin bruh lift bruh breh bottom top daddy breh pl8 breh swole breh

confirmed both small and poorly-dressed

You answered your own question. "Capeshit" is whay binds us and unites us. It's the American mythos. It was a very powerful message of empathy.

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Better at both than you actually. Plus actually straight because I don't memorize purse brands ahha.
Unironically though.

thanks for reminding me I gotta get off Yea Forums and hit the gym this morning.

he only got triggered because people pointed out that you need to be a massive homo to even recognize whatever brand their purse is

perhaps you're too old to concern yourself with the young and fashionable, but graphic t-shirts are in fashion again. find something else to whine about.

lookin for a bottom sub bruh

I'm not old. I'm only 30

I'm sure they are with people with no real life experience that have to loudly announce their interests. As they always have.

>actually straight

clearly very comfortable with your sexuality


Are you asking if I'm looking for a bottom sub? sure I guess, asl?

yeah you're at least 6 years late on the PFFFHAHA MUH GRAPHIC TEE /fa/ndwagon

>women going after money
It's (social) status women want, not money. Money is just a common proxy for social status. You can be filthy rich like Mark Zuckerburg and still manage to be a turn-off.

post abs bruh breh bruh post dick breh bruh breh

fuck le tote

>Knowing and caring about clothes brands
You don't need to shit talk women just because you don't like them OP

I mean, god forbid they try to look decent for a social event.

This isn't /soc/ bruh, I'm not gonna whore out with pics.

If you're cute you shouldn't have any trouble finding what you want, though. And if you're not, you should avoid carbs like the plague, run as much as you can, and do squats, that will give you the body you want.

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/fit/ doesn't represent us.
It is the right of the high to laugh at the low.

>computer nerds
Who cares if some virgins in their basement use chinkpads. Fucking NASA uses Apple and macOS.

>i'm chasing the latest craze and spend my free time trying hard to look like a gay pornstar but i'm 100% STRAIGHT

I want to kick this guy in the fucking balls assuming he has any fucking faggot.
He probably made himself look 10x better too. Like most artists do.

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whats with so many of the men on stage at E3 conferences wearing the jeans + graphic tee + sports coat combo? it looks like shit. at least wear a button up shirt or something a little more smart casual.

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That's pretty old

I've been working out a decade. Fitness isn't a craze it should be the default state for any self respecting human being. Buying guccisace or those ugly fucking kayne west shoes isn't.

Maybe for PCs. For mobile, their tablets are unparalleled (not that you should really be using tablets for more than an entertainment device), and the iPhone is simply a better platform than Android could ever hope to be, especially with the shit-tier hardware manufacturers that utilize Android today.

>Fitness isn't a craze
the fitness craze is clearly a fucking craze

Attached: lift1555322208176.jpg (868x616, 209K)

women live in easy mode. especially gamer wamen. they probably have dozens of beta orbiters showering them with money at any given day. they don't even have to meet it's just an online gamer friend

also it's not so much as fitness craze as a weight-gain craze

>t. triggered apple trannies
Seeth harder while I play .webms on my phone.

Webm can be played on iphones, lol. By the way it's a jewish format that literally nobody uses except Yea Forums

Well, excuse me while I play all these games.

Burberry isn't high end luxury gear zoomie.

All of these are bad.

For women, like any public event, E3 is just a chance to be seen. The guys are just there to look at video games and shit.

to be fair,going to a event and dressing like you are in your house is a very manchild attitude

you dont need that much to look decent as a man

Doesn't matter where they are
Women love fashion

>video games are serious business

Attached: soyman.jpg (1594x1918, 300K)

>Didn't link any pieces

Yeah op whatever. Looks like clothes from gap.

I dress like a hobo when I'm in my house. a graphic tee and some jeans is smart casual to me.

But I bet their genitals are in closer pristine ten year old shape (size and use)

>not being in underwear or naked

Rod Ferguson came drippin in ferragamo my nigga. He was definitely coolin it. I wouldnt be surprised if he took one of these girls and rocked their pussy afterall he is alpha. I could imagine his cologne was Gucci. He was subtly flexing on everybody.

is this how you queers on /fa/ talk?


The filthy poor spend their money on clothes, the wealthy save or invest.


I don't like how my leather chair feels against my bare ass. I'll stick with my mustard-stained t-shirt from the late '90s and a pair of basketball shorts.

They don't look comfortable to wear.

Graphic tees always feel like shit

Yo chill little hawmie. Ill knock ya pussy ass out onna gang nigga. Ya think ya tuff cus u on the internet but wait til i see u keyboard warrior whiteboi birdchest ahh nigga. bdKilla 10 block 4-0 u niggas hoes ya dont want smoke lil nigga no cap P.

Assuming you're not obese, men's clothing is always comfortable. If you have something that is uncomfortable, you need to see a tailor, or if it's shoes, look into wider designs.

Only a closet case would even know those names fag lord.

Because it's all they can focus on

Guys compete on a different level, usually through physical or mental competition, women just compete through looking nice and ruining each others' reputations, that is it.

The difference between men and women could be biological, could be societal, I guess we'll see if feminism works.

>luxury gear
>still a roastie

tells you a lot