how seething is Kojambo right now?
How seething is Kojambo right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be kojimbo
>get gorillions of actors and famous people from the movie industry to work on your game
>be a bunch of poles
>outshine him by hiring a terrible actor who stars in a meme action movie franchise
hey kojimbo
Kojima is trying to make art. If he wanted to just sell games he would have hired a meme actor off Game of Thrones for cheap.
yeah, instead he hired a meme actor off a terrible tv show about zombies as his main star
They spoke him directly, the samurai
he need to wake up and make good game hah
Hello there Kojimbo.
seething kojidrone
Why have you spent an entire night pushing this meme?
he hired some nobody z-list model with a busted face that was for some inexplicable reason used for mocap
looking at this post, i'd say he's pretty mad op
>mfw videogames try their hardest to be movies, constantly lap it up, constantly hiring actors because they know that videogame VAs are talentless hacks
>even then, they can only get washed up has-beens
>storytelling in videogames is, even at it's best, at the level of Marvel capeshit
What a joke of an industry.
You don't have your own identity, you are just a failed copy of Hollywood.
Because CDPR is copying his techniques of making garbage games that are incapable of standing out for their own merits, and need to get actors in order to stand out in some way, because the games by themselves can't?
Can't wait for Hideo & Kojima's college art project to flop
They'll be funding their next flick through kickstarter
you posted this at least 10 times in last 15 hours. are you out of medicine?
Get dabbed on kojima. Not a single zoomer is going to buy your game over 77
It clearly worked because Death Stranding is forgotten while everyone is talking about Cyberpunk and Keanu
>game that released a trailer last week is talked about less than a trailer that was released 5 hours ago
And look at that, they do the same: they don't talk about the gameplay, since they know it's trash, and instead talk about le ebin eceleb.
The absolute state of Triple A games.
>Cyberpunk never talked about the gameplay
They literally did almost an hour-long presentation showing one of the quests
And it looked absolutely terrible.
No idea who chose the first person view, but considering TW3's gameplay was already subpar I can't imagine how horrible this one will be.
They are both "games" who try to stand out for anything but the gameplay, which is why they wasted massive amounts of money hiring Hollywood stars.
Death Stranding didn't generate the exciment Cyberpunk did. No one gives a shit about Kojimas 10 min trailer of an artsy pretentious walking sim filled with B tier actors. Some cool neon filled shots and Keanu Reeves is all you need.
>how seething is Kojambo
Implying he is
>Keanu Reeves is Johnny Silverhand, a Samurai Rockerboy
>one of the 3 childhood heroes you can pick for your character
>one of the other heroes is a Corporate God named Saburo Arasaka
>Kojima spotted with CDPR multiple times
I mean why not put him in the game?
What excitement?
You fucks only talked about Mads, Norman and the women, and now you only talk about Keanu.
You have no excitement, you are just going
None of you care about videogames.
>first person BAD
I don't understand this meme,
"SUN BAD" at least has some brand of retarded logic to it.
I know this is probably bait but let's be real, Keanu is better than all the Death Stranding actors put together
Well, first of all, first person view for open world games is a massive mistake.
And second of all is that CDPR has no experience in first person shooters.
They had experience with third person games and even then TW3's gameplay was mediocre.
>The Matrix
>Bill and Ted
>Point Break
>John Wick
Yeah, bro. Keanu is just a meme.
>it bad because it bad
High-IQ post.
>has been
I don’t care about actors. What I don’t like is some overarching plot will ruin another RPG
>terrible actor
>Keanu fucking Reeves
President od Jack shit diemanhard
It's a good day to be a Kurwalander.
hiring a famous celeb is lame, cause it has to become "his game" and literal hollywood trash
mutts and westacucks dont understand it
what if they get mark wahlberg in CP2077 too
Ching Chong Faggot
I don't have anything against him, to be honest. They should get the guy who got his shit fucked up for maximum meme power.
Literally not a single person in either of the games is a good actor.
Why do you think their careers are dead?
Mads only appears in indie movies and his peak was playing a Bond villain 13 years ago.
Norman Reedus is just known for the Walking Dead.
Margaret Qualley and Lea Seydoux made a career only of doing sex scenes.
Reeves has nothing in his portfolio beyond Matrix and John Wick, both of which didn't improve thanks to him, but despite of.
Why is that?
Because videogame developers can't afford actually talented actors at their peak.
Well, there is one franchise that can, Call of Duty, which has had countless stars with careers that put the actors I named to shame.
Stars such as Gary Oldman, Kevin Spacey, Jeff Goldblum, Ron Perlman, Jason Statham, Michael Keaton, Sam Worthington, Ed Harris, John Malkovich, Kiefer Sutherland and Idris Elba.
That is talent, and now the washed up hacks that your poor studios hire in an attempt at having some desperate advertising.
>wow how dare they get Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand in their cyberpunk game
This is how retarded you sound.
KWO on suicide watch
I’m okay with Keanu, but he is actually a terrible actor.
B-but muh STRAND genre!
Why would I bet happy that a VIDEOGAME developer wasted budget on a MOVIE actor?
What is he going to add to the game?
Is his acting going to improve the gameplay mechanics or some shit?
He's actually retweeting the trailer.
>Reeves only has 2(two) genre defining franchises under his belt lel
>nevermind Constantine and Speed
lmao go easy on the onions
It's bad because FPS in open world games is a terrible view.
Literally only one game did it fine, which is STALKER, every other FPS open world game is crap.
what are you, a fucking retard?
What if they got the Joost as well?
Kojima will not be seething because this is just showing us the future of the industry trying to bridge the gap between games and movies, or other entertainment spheres for broadening audience and maximizing advertising effects. Kojima is just a starter of this trend. we will be seeing a lot more of games and companies have a famous actor in their games and be having a lot more of games that are based on other entertainment IPs, especially movies.
Don't you have to be somewhere else taking photos of burgers?
>constantine and speed
All you can name are movies that nobody knows about.
Meanwhile, all the actors COD has gotten have defined bigger franchises than none of your beloved CP2077 or Death Stranding actors have even dreamed being part of.
STALKER is shit though
wtf I loved has beens now
What's next, is DS or Cyberpunk going to hire, I don't know, Adam Sandler?
hello Marcin Iwiński ty niedojebany debilu, better teach you poles how to design gameplay because they suck ball harder than ubisoft
>Didn't mention Dracula or Point Break
weak dog.
This but unironicly. Cdpr wins.
Looks to me like he loved it.
Nigga, just because you only watch Transformers and Marvel shit doesn't mean the rest of us didn't watch other shit. Your own ignorance is not an argument.
There goes 20% of the budget, hope it was worth it
Based. Death to muslims.
Sorry, don't let me interrupt your fight over which one has the biggest Z lister, who was an A lister once back in the late 90s, late 2000s.
lol get fucked, Keanu been a fucking legend since the Matrix
he's a good actor in the way that he has perfected being a plank of wood
he can't act, but his whole point is his personality rather than his acting skills
For fucks sake you TYPE just like a FACEBOOK normalfag HOLY SHIT.
Nobody gives a shit about what makes you happy kid, older cyberpunk fans are glad to see CDPR having so many classics attached to their cyberpunk title precisely because they add atmosphere to the world.
did you have a stroke while typing that?
I do not dislike Keanu but why the fuck is it such a big deal to have big shots actors in a fucking video game
I just don't get it
We already saw a chick with no chin, that's basically joost
I love Keanu and he's terrible.
He already seemed excited about Cyberpunk at E3 last year so now he's probably even more excited.
No, I believe Facebook normalfags are really excited that their ebin as fug actor is in a game.
I put that in higher cases to make emphasis that his is a videogame, not a movie, as such, actors are completely meaningless, they are massive wastes of budget.
Everytime there's a videogame with a Hollywood actor in it, it ends up being trash.
iis this the most kino moment in all of video games???
The only films Keanu hasn't been completely terrible in has been the first Matrix and My Own Private Idaho.
>literally nothing note worthy aside from John Wick
Not to mention Matrix was ruined by its two sequels.
Face it, your beloved companies don't have money to hire actually talented actors.
Only Call of Duty does, the rest have to lower their paychecks, sacrifice gameplay elements and make more DLC just to hire ONE actor.
Literally shills here right now.
He's just the latest push from ((Hollywood)) so he's shilled everywhere on the media and sites like Reddit and 9gag.
It all "coincidentally" started to be pushed the moment he signed his support(sold his soul) to Isreal.
You can ask the same about movies, why does it matter if there are big actors. It generates hype and what they produce is of higher quality
Hideous is fuming right now
>Yea Forums will ignore this in order to have some reason to shitpost
Can someone explain to me neo-Yea Forumseddit's addiction to outrage?
Are you brain damaged?
Is that it?
You have faulty brains and as such, strive towards being angry?
You want someone to put you out of your suffering?
mortal kombat
>actors and famous people
keanu is more famous and a better actor then c actors kojima got.
>keanu is a bad actor seething.
Of course you can ask that for movies, but a video game is not a movie
Normalfags drink water too, why are you still pretending you're not from facebook?
Really, fuck off already. Johnny Silverhand is gonna be on 2077 and there's nothing your shit generation can do about it.
No he isn't, he's actually pretty happy with this.
>Kojima is trying to make art.
He's been TRYING to make art his entire career. What makes you think he'll succeed with this shit?
>he never watched speed
And then people here wonder why nobody likes zoomers
I'm a normalfag because I don't eat up pathetic marketing campaigns such as hiring Hollywood jewish dick suckers?
How does an actor improve a game?
Does the game become more fun?
Sounds to me like wasting budget on some idiot from Hollywood is the complete opposite of that.
>all these implying Kojima would ever defame Keanu Reevese like this
And Call of Duty has had multiple stars, each of which are far bigger than Keanu, Mads, Reedus and any actor that has worked on any CDPR and Kojipro game put together.
How does that feel?
When are they showing Sonny Chiba as a character?
oh fucking kill yourself already
You're a normalfag because you type just like facebook and only stops when called out on it. You're also a normalfag for not knowing a damn thing about the history this site has with Keanu.
Really you're so new I can smell the dirty diapers from here.
He literally retweeted the Cyberpunk trailer, and the video where the dude tells Keanu that he's breathtaking.
>be Kojimbo
>release your Magnum Opus
>your largest game to date
>get completely BTFO by a digital card game made by some plumbers for every GOTY award
>get fired
>lose job
>get picked up to make anything you want by Sony
>use entire budget to field enough Hollywood actors that you can fool yourself you're a director for a day
>get BTFO by some plumbers fielding Keanu Reeves for their promo montage
>None of you care about videogames.
Cry me a river, faggot
A lot of video games has scenes today. Many many scenes in fact, just imagine Geralt in W3. You dont want some schmuck to voice act 20 hours or however much it was
As I said, it generates hype and the scenes are better. How the fuck does a trailer make the game better. How the fuck does marketing make the game better? Will you be outraged about that too you fucking mong?
Don't pay attention, obese Yea Forumsedditors simply want to be outraged because they are fat as fuck americans who have nothing in their lives beyond their addiction to outrage.
Keanu>that one basedboy from the walking dead and that other lanky Danish faggot.
>Mads peak was bond
uuhhh... should we tell him?
> it generates hype
So, it's a marketing stunt.
Thanks for wasting 20% of your budget on marketing.
>the scenes are better
How about, for once, we talk about the gameplay, since this is a videogame?
Oh wait, this is a thread comparing actors, so of course, you don't care about videogames, you are the kind of numales who think videogames are art or some shit like that.
I really wish both DS and CP2077 would flop.
Pathetic subhumans who only care about movies.
Honestly it's poetry that's he is on this game.
It's right up there, that's for sure. This is how you do marketing right.
They got a a likeable guy like Keanu, who's pretty fucking popular right now due to the John Wick movies, and have him talk about the game at E3 in front of so many people. Keanu's segment was felt more like authentic hype than most other presentations. Better than the screaming from Bethesda's fakeass presentation
You get your hardcore fans screaming like teenage girls at a pop concert because you give them what they want.
You get normies to turn their heads to check out this futuristic game with John Wick in it.
And then you show off 2 types of editions that you have for sale: a normal priced one that's more packed with more goodies than most deluxe editions and the collectors edition for the crazy huge enthusiasts. You come come across as consumer friendly also while throwing a bit of shade at your competitors and their pre-order 5 editions bullshit.
Devil's Advocate, Speed, Street Kings, Bill & Ted
>Keanu is anything but the GOAT
Have sex
I'm a normalfag because I emphasized the words "game" and "movie" to show that they are different?
To show that Hollwood actors have no place in videogames?
>You're also a normalfag for not knowing a damn thing about the history this site has with Keanu.
You mean epic as fuck reddit memes of incredible memey level over 9000?
Yes, I know that very well, and I hold no respect for celebrity worshipping scum, even less for Hollywood kikes.
>Thanks for wasting 20% of your budget on marketing.
CDPR isn't Kojima, squandering their budget like crazy. Microsoft covers their entire marketing budget lol.
Get fucked retard. You don't know what you're talking about, and should kill yourself to save us the time of having to educate you that you should be 18 to post on Yea Forums.
>squandering their budget like crazy
Then why did they get a Hollywood actor?
>Microsoft covers their entire marketing budget lol.
And even they squander that opportunity to make the game bigger by wasting money on an actor for no reason at all?
Sounds like a massive waste to me.
At least, if you are going to get an actor, get a high caliber, an actually talented one like Gary Oldman, or Leonarod DiCaprio.
keanu reeves is based but does anyone else hate when they have these big film stars put in the games? it's so distracting and they're never believable, what happened to creating your own characters instead of paying thousands for some fag from tv and put dots on his face and transfer him into the game
Imagine being this much of a cuck nigger to think you know what your chink daddy is thinking. He might as well shared that tweet to spare himself of the embarrassment of people pointing it out to him
>game is still the main focus
But all the gameplay they've showed looked like absolute crap.
Maybe they shouldn't have wasted so much money on actors.
Then again, I had no hopes for Death Stranding of Cyberpunk 2077, only thing they provided are fanbases that are glorious to shit on.
hey kojimbo. you're a hack.
when keanu popped up on stage. i became a numale clapping and saying yes! This is the first time i've ever done that.
>Then why did they get a Hollywood actor?
Because it is going to open them up to a pretty large audience that doesn't care about the cyberpunk genre. Keanu's following is massive. It is marketing genius.
See, You keep proving you are an underage retard who knows absolutely nothing. Is that part of your plan?
You're a normalfag for typing like one and having zero clues on chan culture. No amount of mental gymnastics is gonna make your posts go away from the archives.
It's not that you're just a normalfag, it's that you're also brand-new and part of the cancer killing the site.
You really should leave or at least stick to your /pol/ newfag friends.
Of course you did, because only a söy pumped numale would get excited for having a Hollywood kike in a videogame.
Well, not even that, a guy who sucks kikes off.
True, but those 2 games won't release in the same year. Kojima will instead get demolished by Animal Crossing in goty awards
Your turn based jrpgs arnt difficult they're just braindead enough for you to beat them.
based keanu triggering Yea Forumstards by just making a 20 second cameo
can you forgive me? it's keanu!
>Because someone made a meme with this celebrity on it means you now have forever mindlessly worship this Hollywood actor
>if you dare to question it you're a normalfag that does not belong here
Do you think we're at 9gag or something? Are you seriously suggesting because someone made a shitty meme about an actor it means you have to mindlessly worship him?
>Because it is going to open them up to a pretty large audience that doesn't care about the cyberpunk genre.
Or videogames in general.
People who won't buy it.
A Hollywood actor is a massive waste of money.
>It is marketing genius.
No it isn't.
Wanna attract people?
How about you pander to people who actually play videogames and there's a chance that will buy the game?
Literally the best actor right now and a nice guy
You are pathetic.
>Keanu Reeves
>Better actor than Mads Mikkelsen
Kill yourself you burger fuck. Christ, so fucking plebeian I can't even believe what I'm reading sometimes. Keanu Reeves is practically known for his all over the place acting.
>idris elba
and you were doing so well
>being triggered over an actor that he starts spamming the entire thread
Lmao thats some nice cringe
>Israeli apologist
He's already a jewish support scum, but the fact that he works in Hollywood shows his full commitment to sucking jewish dick.
He's a subhuman who deserves to be put down like his sister and girlfriend.
Just like every single actor in Hollywood, which is nothing but a kike propaganda machine.
damn, this kojima drone is going haywire, he just can't take it. Might I suggest Ghost Wire as your new most anticipated game? It's literally the exact same game only anticipated by an appropriately small audience (unlike DS shite)
What about it?
Despite the memeing, he's a FAR better actor than literally who's like Mads, Norman Reedus and Reeves.
Which means that, of course, neither the slavs nor the gook can afford him, because he's above videogames.
Except Call of Duty, of course, but COD is at a higher level.
>How about you pander to people who actually play videogames
They won every GOTY award in 2015 so I feel like they already have that going for them, now they just also have Keanu Reeves.
Sounds like you are just finding reasons to be upset.
Yeah but will the game be An action game/strand game?
Because the Zombie Meme Man is such a better a choice.
Tripfag tranny likes Hollywood actor that sucks Jewish dicks, why am I not suprised?
Only the last post is mine.
Am I a drone for pointing out the fact that Kojima is happy for this?
Do you prefer if I leave you be, so you can be outraged at your own fabrications?
This site has been making memes about him and shitposting him whenever possible since the days you were still forming inside your mom's dry uterus.
Nobody is worshiping anything, that's just your normalfag mind coming up with a strawman that tries to make you not look like a normalfag gen Z kind of person.
I get it, you don't like chan culture. So fuck off to your facebook and stay there. Problem solved duh, I'm done with you kid.
Mikkelsonfaggots completely destroyed
you're gonna have to deal with it
>you don't like chan culture
You don't have a "chan culture" anymore, it died the moment we kicked out that kike moot.
Now Yea Forums is ours, and when the mods get to the admins, maybe we can start deleting the more problematic boards like /jp/ and Yea Forums, and maybe start reforming Yea Forums by banning all these celebrity worship threads and rangebanning them.
>featuring a hollywood star does not make the game to be a movie game!
The point is, the people getting hyped up for Keanu to be cast in cyberpunk is the type of people who buy games just because their favorite actors and characters that appear in non-gaming media are accidentally featured in a game that they don't have any good grasp of.
These people are buying these games not due to the fact that a game itself is good enough to evoke a lot of interest but just the fact that a game features their favorite actors, in other word, popularity of movies that are not a game at all. This will ruin game as media, because it advocates the notion that consumers can be easily exploited by the same tactics using a famous hollywood star, and it makes game as media get closer to movie as industry.
Let's wait and see what they will do next. I predict more and more a game company tries to make a game that is based on popularity of celebs and have their games to be correlated with other bigger media, especially movies. SNS was exploded just by the fact that one video game cast one meme-tier hollywood star.
You are the one making game as interactive media to be integrated into one broader and bigger economic system of entertainment. And it will not be stopped.
>This site has been making memes about him and shitposting him whenever possible since the days you were still forming inside your mom's dry uterus
No they have not tranny, don't try and rewrite history like you always do.
So, Call of Duty is better than CP2077 and Death Stranding?
wow you're mad
So I think we can assume that Cyberpunk 2077 is the new Metal Gear Solid, and that death stranding is a Witcher add-on
Deal with developers wasting budget on jewish cocksuckers?
Not like I had any faith in post 2007 Triple As, but even less in hacks like Kojima or CDPR, who have yet to make a legitimately fun videogame.
Just because a game sells well doesn't mean it reviews well. Call of Duty does not average the user score reception that Witcher 3 received since the original Modern Warfare.
(I'm not even going to actually check scores to validate that, I will let you BTFO yourself by doing it on your own for being stupid.)
Not him but who are you larping as again?
No, but Call of Duty has far bigger and more Hollywood stars in their games, each of which puts the likes of Mads Mikkelsen and Keanu Reeves to shame.
>who have yet to make a legitimately fun videogame.
what games do you like?
Cyberpunk has better ganeplay then all your shitty waifu simulators you fat neck beard fuck.
>Johnny Mnemonic (Keanu Reeves) introduced a "laser whip" cyberpunk weapon
>Cyberpunk 2077 shows off a laser whip in the same trailer that introduces Keanu
You can't beat kino like this
Splinter Cell games, which are far better stealth games than MGS games.
Baldur's Gate, a far better RPG than CDPR will ever make.
Deus Ex, STALKER, Wolfenstein ET, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne...
Plenty, none of them failed movie games because movie games are enjoyed only by stupid brain damaged millennials, the same that cheer for actors in video"games".
Get out and good luck trying to find the original sad keanu MD5(s). I honestly don't know which one is worse, the /pol/ newfag that hates chan culture while undoubtedly spouting redpill this, redpill that on his home board or you.
Reminder no matter how much you try you will never become a female.
lmao no, it's just a low budget futuristic GTA, and they wasted most of their budget on Keanu Reeves.
>get gorillions of actors and famous people from the movie industry to work on your game
They're bunch of shitty netflix and tv show actors.
>outshine him by hiring a terrible actor who stars in a meme action movie franchise
The best action movie franchise of this decade.
>literally anything happens
Brave Gamer
>Most of their money
No, they just had that one gay pedo guy.
You're so mad you aren't even making sense
his ass
>A bunch of literally whos and an actress from a bunch of made for TV movies who is so Z-list Animaniacs made fun of her decades ago
>The most likeable man in movies
Keep seething Hideous Kojimbers
I'm not gonna meme and say you have shit taste. Those seem like good picks.
>Baldur's Gate
I saw the cinematic for that too, it got me curious. I would like to try it.
Sounds like your parents wasted most of their baby budget on alcohol while you were in the womb
Keanu is like Schwarzenegger. Mediocre acting, but charismatic in their unique way, and you love them even more outside of the movies.
Gary Oldman, Jeff Goldblum, Ron Perlman, Jason Statham, Michael Keaton, Sam Worthington, Ed Harris, John Malkovich, Kiefer Sutherland, Idris Elba...
Those are some of the actors that have worked in COD.
And some in bigger roles than the one Kevin Spacey played, like Gary Oldman, who played Viktor Reznov in 3 games.
Sorry you don't actually like cyberpunk but don't be a cunt about it
Has someone done this yet?
Who but stupid antifas like the cyberpunk setting?
do you feel old yet when my brother said he looks like the guy from Fortnite
You actually think these actors are cheap?
You think they work for free, and you think they are going to waste their time on a lesser industry if it isn't for a good price?
>game is still the main focus
Lmao the only reason they got Keanu is because John Wick is in peak hype right now and he's a wholesome meme guy who everyone loves (disclaimer: including me)
What they did here is the equivalent of hiring Johnny Depp during the peak of the Pirates franchise.
>Yea Forums fighting over which side is seething
>not realizing we get two games that are probably going to be really good
Also probably kojima is probably hyped too and vice versa for CDPR. If you've ever created anything in your life you know how tired of it you get by the end and knowing that someone else is out there making something just as good gives you something to look forwards to and they probably feel the same way about you.
>People think Keanu Reeves is a great actor
Clearly you people haven't seen Bram Stoker's Dracula.
blade runner is a good movie mang
>heh guys I found this meme image from Hugh Laurie that was posted on this site 2008, this means that he will forever be /ourguy/ and don't you dare to question it :)
Neither of them are going to be good.
DS will be a shitty movie game, and CP2077 is going to be like The Witcher 3, a game with pretty graphics but mediocre in everything else.
>I'm judging this man based on his ability from 15 years ago
just like how they made those Akira references because of how hype it is nowadays right?
There's a reason both Blade Runner movies flopped, because no one can fathom the shallow and bitter taste of the cyberpunk genre.
It's like making an entire genre based on SJWs, it's all a SJW fantasy, which is why i'm glad most cyberpunk franchises such as Blade Runner or Deus Ex are commercial failures.
The Akira references are subtle(ish)
Keanu was LITERALLY the focal point of the trailer and the entire showcase for that matter.
what's going to be good then? what should I look forward to?
>i only play the most popular games on "top 5 recommended games"
what a fucking pleb
Did you even play a game this year you autistic superpeasant?
I like how neither CDPR drones nor Kojambofags talk about the game itself because both know it's going to be crap.
Better than your shitty favorite game, faggot.
If there's any good upcoming game, it hasn't been announced yet.
STALKER 2 might be good, but then again, we haven't seen anything about it yet.
We already know it is 2020 GOTY
Truly the master of accents
>akira bike with akira stickers is subtle
>a 3s long reveal is the focal point of the entire trailer
lol ok
>expecting Yea Forumsedditors to understand subtlety
Sounds like a horrible year.
Sounds like a great year. We'll get to see faggots like you crying about people enjoying liberal tears AND the GOAT. You'll be a salty cunt for 365 days, glorious.
I know, right? I love those blokes so much.
You're unbelievably retarded.
S-s-stop liking Keanu! He's a bad actor! Stop it! STOP IT!!!!
I was going to play Cyberpunk anyway. Adding Keanu, whom I love, is just a layer of frosting, strawberries and honey on this motherfucking cake.
But liberals are the kind that gets le hyped for Holllywood kikes.
And even more for cyberpunk, due to the fact that cyberpunk is an SJW setting, an antifa wet dream.
israel is based compared to those other goat fucking countries
>motherfucking cake
Why do you talk like a nigger?
>cyberpunk is an SJW setting, an antifa wet dream
>be amerimutt
>know that jews are the reason you are a quarter nigger, quarter spic, quarter alien, quarter european mix and your country is a shithole
>but you are an amerimutt, so you must defend Israel
Fuck off IDF.
What hilarious is that you retards think that Kojima is bigger than CDPR somehow.
Might I remind you that Witcher 3 has outsold EVERY SINGLE METAL GEAR SOLID BY LIKE 3 to 1.
MGS is dust in font of CDPR's success. Of course they can hire a much higher profile actor.
Because I am one?
Is Yea Forums unironically the new /pol/?
Funny that all the SJW cunts like you are crying about it
Metal gear has like 20 games with total sales amounting to 55 something million.
Whereas Witcher is on like 35 million with just 3 games. Witcher literally dabs on the entire MG franchise
>"Hollywood kikes"
Nice try.
not really his fault tho, most american actors can't do any accent.
brutal mogging.jpg
>squandering their budget like crazy.
More like investing, if it will make more money thanks to that, they will have more money for the next game
>*Footsteps getting closer*
>*Shitpostbots launch their insults but CD-PROJECT-RED only start smiling because it doesent work on him*
>*Footsteps are getting even closer*
All of Yea Forums is /pol/
>look i retweet a popular stuff, i am relevant!
nobody likes schwarzenegger here
t. califag
I wish 1992 was 15 years ago, 2007 was a pretty good year for games.
>t. califag
Nobody likes you either.
>pizza with knife and fork
WTF I hate Keanu now
Wait a minute, that height difference.
No, people retweet stuff they really like.
I see redditors have arrived.
Hollykikes belong in a pike.
he is far from terrible, just 5/10
photoshop, here is different but real pic
Imagine allowing reddit to dictate your life
Imagine being so hollow of a person you allow your personality to be crafted entirely by a third party.
>oh no, a group i dislike likes a thing! now i have to dislike it!
Imagine being only a shadow of a person.
BASED Todd mogging on the slavs.
Imagine unironically outing yourself as a redditor to complain about your fellow redditors
If you want terrible, look at Salma Hayek.
Imagine being such a hollow person that you worship celebrities.
Imagine having such garbage taste in videogames that you let celebrities have an effect on your buys.
Imagine being a m*llennial.
Pretty weak defensiveness, user.
Imagine having to cope this hard because your attempt to convince people not to like a thing backfired.
somebody nuke this guy and his whole state please
literally this but unironically
>hispanic is white
Ah yes, millennial speak.
And no, I'm sure I won't be able to change the minds of redditors such as yourselves who worship Israeli bootlickers and jewish cock suckers, as is the standard for Hollykikes.
Are you that surprised?
Only numales care about actors in games, it's the same kind of retards who care about games being "art".
Pic related are the people who form these threads.
>all the gameplay they've shown is crap
Unlike Death Stranding whose gameplay looks excellent. All 0 seconds of it.
>still being this defensive
That's four posts from you now that advertise how sad and petty you are, all because you can't stand that other people like a thing you don't. Imagine living like that. Imagine having all your opinions dictated for you by what other people like.
heres your you now fuck off
Weren't spaniards white? Or something?
Hating on based Keanu = dilater.
No wonder Hayter hates you and Konami fired you, you're salty as fuck.
Spaniards were muslims my dude
No? It's pretentious garbage like everything Kojima makes, and Cyberpunk is garbage game made by developers who have never made a single actual fun videogame ever.
Why are you forcing these comparisons with Death Stranding anyway?
I know spaniards had many rapebabies from muslims, yes, but were not muslims themselves.
Why does everyone forget Constantine
Keanu was Yea Forums before "Sad Keanu". So your shitposting with wojaks about reddit and jews in pretty ironical. Why not just attack C2077 like you did before? With sun and GTA. I'm sure you just pretending.
>muh white males!
I agree he looks pretty bland though, give him a mohawk
Spaniards were white.
Hispanics are not because they are born from Spaniards fucking the natives.
Only culturally.
Sandniggers only invaded the south of the Iberian peninsula, the rest was just spaniards converting to Islam.
lmao how the fuck can a black guy be better than mads?
yeah but I mean genetically they had that concentrated brown rage streak of the common sand snake, and then they went to the new world and decided mixing it with aztec heart eaters was a good idea
Because he's a far better actor?
He has a bigger range too, he can be a main character or he can be the main antagonist.
Meanwhile, Mads can play nothing but villains.
You've got to at the very least admit, CDPR have come really fucking far from their Witcher 1 days to swing a cameo like this.
>mentally ill people have opinions
who cares
>millennial speak.
Millennials now are 30 years olds. You make no sense. Are you underage or something? Because you can't be 40 years old.
Those very same people are screeching ITT though.
Why wouldn't you hate a guy who sucks jewish cock and works for an industry that produces nothing but leftist propaganda?
I grew up loving the MGS series, but I'm still able to acknowledge how much of a pretentious hack Kojima is as a writer / game director.
I'd pick being in a CDPR game over a Kojima game.
Keanu is based, CDProjekt made a great move
checkmate Yea Forums
>Mads can play nothing but villains
But that's wrong, watch some of his danish films
d i l a t e
good point i guess
although i generally don't like to play celebrity popularity games, i do feel somewhat comforted by the fact that people who chop their genitals off hate keanu reeves.
which is, you know, kind of ironic.
Holy shit is that why the theater was full of kids when I went to see JW3?
Because he's been in fortnite? What the fuck.
So you haven't see any of Mads' films other than Hollywood garbage.
>Millennials now are 30 years olds.
That's whats so pathetic about millennials.
People in their 30s should be having familes, already have stable jobs and their own home.
Meanwhile, millennials in their 30s are too busy playing videogames and watching stupid superhero movies, and making up stupid buzzwords on social media.
Millennials are rabid dogs, and like rabid dogs, they deserve suffering.
>The best action movie franchise of this decade.
Lets not get too crazy.
wrong incel
Ah yes, we all know trannies are against leftist propaganda and Hollywood.
Trannies are right wing.
Yes Keanu is Yea Forums. What's your point? You was not even born back in 2008
Keanu is the fucking man, but how is this not wasting budget on what could've been improving quality of engine/hiring an underdog and be a trendsetter/something videogame related?
It's good marketing for sure but I'm really confused about how this would improve the actual game
>The Hunter
thats the first movie I saw for Mads and fell in love with his acting right then. not btw
>tfw even schwarzenegger couldn't save cali from faggotry
only retarded zoomers care about ps4 exclusives
please dilate, you're not fooling anyone
>the rest was just spaniards converting to Islam
Are you fucking retarded? Do you even know what tthe Reconquista is?
You do know that Keanu Reeves literally dated a tranny, right?
>implying anyone except Gibson can work in Jewwood without openly supporting Israel
Do you?
You do know it consisted of taking out religious figures and reconverting the peninsula to christianism, right?
Anyone can claim that "X" is Yea Forums. Why are you Americans so obsessed with worshiping Hollywood so much? Why are you here posting about a celebrity on Yea Forums instead of licking his ass on sites like 9gag and Reddit?
He's probably not as expensive to hire as you'd think. That's why it was a genius move. Hiring a likable guy who's at the top of his popularity at the moment for a decent price.
All that unscripted breathtaking stuff really helped the game even though it has nothing to do with it because it was a neat moment.
Do you know how many tranny porn threads you can find at any given time?
>People in their 30s should be having familes, already have stable jobs and their own home.
Are you brainwashed or something? How old are you? In this case kids should not post on Yea Forums. You should study and self improve. Work if you're 18yo for future of society. Getting ready for adult live. Broaden your horizons. Not spamming shit threads for 5 years. This is your guide for life. Though discussing anything with your kind is pointless.
Ah yes, the zoomer intellectuals are here.
>"I'm smart because I am a cynical asshole"
You are somewhat right in that Keanu is pretty washed up nowadays kinda like Bruce Willis but he's still a bigger name than anyone in DS.
Exactly. If the whole penisula had converted to Islam then it wouldn't have happened.
The post claiming the whole peninsula converted was beyond stupid.
Because Americans have no culture, they have never had divine figures or a main religion, and nowadays they don't even have parental figures.
So they replace those with Hollywood actors.
They praise them as if they were gods.
Of course, as expected, when what you praise are jewish dicksuckers and drug addicted pedophiles, the resulting nation is a set of slaves to the jews who compose the most degenerate nation in the entire world, and which has almost third world-tier living standards despite being the richest country in the world.
Seriously, everyone should take a trip to Los Angeles or Washington DC at least once in a life, it's absolutely fascinating seeing those creatures interact with the world around them.
When I was in America I felt like I was visiting a zoo. I knew I was among lesser beings, but they were funny to watch, and almost adorable.
I don't trust tabloids like you.
You do know what the word "ironic" means, right?
Matrix Reloaded is the best one in the trilogy
seethe more sweetie
Jamie Clayton, that's the name of his tranny ex girlfriend.
there was a meme abour a skin resembling him so they added him for real as promotion for JW3
Mads role in The Hunt and Hannibal were amazing though.
You seem to know an awful lot about that tranny.
Both Matrix sequels were absolute garbage and completely unnecesary.
We have
>the most powerful military
>richest nation
>best universities that the entire world is desperate to enter
>most developed by a wide margin
>what we say become trends, be it political or entertainment
>People eat up all we shit out and beg for more
Sorry eurotrash, but you need to reach our level first for any of your shitty banter to have any effect.
>Why are you Americans
But I'm not American.
>Anyone can claim that "X" is Yea Forums
No. As example Linkin Park is part of Yea Forums. It's board history. But well you can deny anything. Not like board culture even exist.
China has bypassed America as the world super power decades ago.
>the most powerful military
And the most incompetent, hence you lost against a bunch of farmers in Vietnamn, and why, after 20 years, you still can't defeat a bunch of stupid, 60 IQ sandniggers armed with rusty AKs built 40 years ago that are more likely to kill other muslims than US soldiers.
>richest nation
And some of the poorest population.
>best universities that the entire world is desperate to enter
Only to get in and be inmediatly brainwashed into a blue haired communist.
>most developed by a wide margin
Is that why so many of your cities, such as Detroit, are third world tier?
Is that why you have the same crime ratings as third world nations?
>what we say become trends
Yeah, congratulations on spreading feminism and SJWs around the world.
>People eat up all we shit out and beg for more
Which is part of the previous point since what you shit out is nothing but SJW propaganda.
>you need to reach our level first
No need to, looking at this, we only have to wait 50 years until all of the US is turned into a gigantic favela.
Cyberpunk 2077 looks pretty good.
Keanu Reeves is great.
Hiring him was one of the best marketing moves in video gaming in the past 5 years at least.
Just a couple quikfacts for ya in case you were catching up.
>super power
China is a thirdworld shithole pretending to be a super power
Sounds like the US.
The US has nothing beyond it's military, and I doubt it can compete against any first world nation, seeing how they can't even compete against ragtag terrorists.
To be fair, USA lost in Viet Nam due to not fighting the cultural battle. They were seen as bullies and tyrants (which they are).
based /pol/tard
Kojima must be fucking livid right now, holy shit lmao
every man has a flaw
>tfw you weren't fast enough because you had to ask a friend if this was real
Hold me
He plays a larger than life celebrity in the game, so its supposed to give you that same sense of starstruck. As for why kojimbo does it beats me
it got me too, I wasn't ready, I got completely surprised
I bet he was left speechless, like he didn't know what hit him, like an obese kid realizing how fat he is for the first time.
Seething Slant.
>what we say become trends, be it political or entertainment
You truly are a blight upon this world.
>not getting Johnny Mnemonic to play Johnny Silverhand
>MGS5 lost game of the year to Witcher 3
>now Kojima lost again to CDPR with celebrity whoring
and it was with just a single actor even, fucking lol
i've never played a single jrpg, cope
>mushrooms and artichoke hearts
patrician taste
he is legit jealous probably
wachowskis used to exchange letters with kojima and talked about games and stuff. The first game they played after finishing the matrix was MGS. They were/are also pretty big into video games at least before they went full tranny mode. Played Halo 2 on xbox live too.
now he rushed death stranding to release this year because he knows he wouldnt get any award at all in 2020
It should worry me that Hollywood is cozying up more and more to the vidya industry but honestly I can't ever see it getting worse
What are you smoking?
They got him for the same reason Fornite hot him, because John Wick is big now, but not MCU tier, so they can kinda afford him.
If you think this is anything but a lazy marketing stunt you are delusional.
>he rushed
More like Sony told him to hurry the fuck up and stop wasting money.
It helps immerse players into the "childhood hero" concept by using actors who played childhood heroes IRL.
Wouldn't be surprised if we see more celebrities playing these type of characters.
only incel trannies seethe over keanu and especially john wick 3 after our bud at the movies, armond white, gave the movie a certified "based and redpilled" and "Yea Forums approved" and dabbed on tranny school shooters. Trannies were livid after that.
Why are you forcing this artificial competence?
It's just so random.
What does Kojima have to do with CDPR?
>kojima is seething
>even though kojima made getting high profile actors for vidya face scans trendy
>trannies seethe about a guy that literally dates trannies
Something went wrong with your programming.
Exactly what kind of subhuman has an actor as a childhood hero?
>Wouldn't be surprised if we see more celebrities playing these type of characters.
I hope not, since they are a massive waste of money.
Something went wrong with yours, you can't prove to me Keanu dates trannies because he doesn't.
Cyberpunk is shit.
CDPR can't make good games.
Keanu Reeves is smearing his name by participating in this flop.
Anything Hollywood is pretty much guaranteed communist and LGBTQ
Are you actually asking why Yea Forumsedditors are shitposting?
Wake the fuck up kiddo, we have a sarcophagus to not open
Wou kojima you semm a little upset here, drink with me buddy
Kojimbo looks like a third wheel here, like the kid that's desperately trying to fit in.
>not white sugarless monster
PS in the new GFUEL cans for maximum memes
Anyone else seen Valhalla Rising? think thats the only movie i've seen with Mads, in it. Pretty decent, notable mostly for having almost zero dialogue in the whole fucking movie. good cinematography IIRC, its been a decade since i saw it
Only shitters do vidya (or TV) let's be real, they'll never get an A-list actor.
>trying to act with logic
Dude, early in the thread people posted how Kojima retweeted all about CP2077 and Keanu, it's literally the only game he's retweeted about in the entire E3.
This isn't even Yea Forums, it's just worthless, fatass Yea Forums redditors.
Call of Duty does.
CDPR and Kojima wish they had the pull COD does, which hires actual A listers instead of has-beens.
they both had cameos in Nic Refns movie and they had both worked with the wachowskis. Refn didnt allow the tranny to show his face though because it wasn't very cinematic.
kys uncultured kojimbo drone lmao
>they both had cameos in Nic Refns
Isn't that the guy that is in Death Stranding?
They've gotten a few B+, Keanu is arguably A but not S tier. Give the industry time to grow and consolidate with a new generation of sycophants and sociopath actors and producers and your kids can enjoy the globohomo monoculture like good little ants.
he literally kissed the tranny.
What about San Andreas? Lots of really good actors in that game who were relevant at the time, even if it was voice only. Now that mocap and face scan tech are a lot better, i see no reason for actors not to get into games.
>hurry up
He's made the game in only 3 years.
It's probably the Sony exclusive of this generation that took the least to make.
Spacey is a has-been bro
cute headcanon tranny, but no
>Nic Refns
based Drive poster
Underrated post
CDPR shows they are far more intune with pop culture than COD
kevin spacey is cringe bro
kojima is a close second I guess
but basically Keanu is the perfect fit for Cyberpunk. It does not get much better than that. Any other actor like Ryan gosling or some shit would have been cringe.
What about Gary Oldman?
What about Jason Statham?
Idris Elba?
John Malkovich?
Ed Harris?
Michael Keaton?
Ron Perlman?
Jeff Goldblum?
All men who still have careers that are alive, and who have been far more succesful than either of those hacks working on CDPR or Kojipro.
Specially Gary Oldman, which has appeared in three Call of Duty games.
Meanwhile, the others can barely afford a cameo.
"Pop culture" is worthless, specially nowadays.
In this case what matters is talent. Call of Duty gets the highest talent there is. CDPR and Kojambo get the has-beens that they can afford with their poor money.
>but basically Keanu is the perfect fit for Cyberpunk
Because Matrix 20 years ago?
A good actor can adapt to anything.
>this is cringe
>that is cringe
Please, stop talking like a millennial.
Maybe someone cool like Will Smith would do it for the lulz but real A-listers only care about artsy shit, like Brad Pitt, or oscar bait, like Di Caprio.
>Only shitters do vidya (or TV) let's be real, they'll never get an A-list actor.
This is wrong. Question is about money and passion. Game budgets are not movie budgets. Expensive actors are expensive. But this doesn't mean others are bad. Look at Tom Hiddleston. At first he was no name. But now everything is different.
Go watch Jagten
Rockstar does it perfectly.
They ditched this pathetic and almost condescending act of getting the FOTM popular actor, and instead get good, but unknown actors and get great performances out of them, superior to any performances that these blockbsuter stars will provide since they probably think they are way above videogames and they are only in it for the paycheck.
Are same poster ?
Although perhaps I should emphasize in zoomers.
Probably zoomers, you are probably very excited for Keanu because he appeared in Fornite.
This is wild projection out of nowhere. Guessing I suppose. I excited for Keanu because of Keanu. And calling someone zoomer when you use
>Kojambo get the has-beens that they can afford with their poor money.
as some kind of argument, not validates you above zoomers. Since all your posts are just pokemon battle
>my actor is expensive ur actor is bad poor poor
But isn't
the whole point of the thread?
Thus, Call of Duty wins by default.
you can find all those in the bargain bin lad, black ops 2 had robert downey jr in a teaser because they didn't have the budget to pay him what he wanted and they know moving from movies to tv/vidya is the first step to b list
>you can find all those in the bargain bin lad
Bare in mind most of those people appeared in COD games from 10 years ago.
The most recent one was Kevin Spacey, who appeared in AW, from 2014.
I fucking hope they bring Jack and Jeanette back.
Oh. Sorry. You're right. I apologizing. Didn't even read OP. Kevin Spacey after ""scandal""" kinda losing points. Do you like Keanu as actor?
RDJ probably dropped out because they wouldn't let him wear his stilts while doing mocap.
lmao this.
He's okay, he seems like a nice dude, although he has appeared in some awful movies.
Hopefully John Wick's success can make Hollywood put him again where he deserves.
He's carrying a smaller than usual briefcase to look bigger in comparison.
All tryhard cringe garbage and doesn't fit cyberpunk. Keanu is a flawless natural choice because his image and his roles are really in tune with the internet zeitgeist. For example, I showed the matrix a couple of years ago to a couple of 10 & 12 year old zoomers and they both immediately recognized keanu/neo and lawrence fishburne/morpheus because of internet memes. They had not seen the film before and had literally never even heard of the matrix.
all those actors you listed would be disonest and pure cringe. Call of Duty has been on the way out for a long time and it's pure normalfag boomer garbage tier if you hadn't noticed. The opposite of cool.
Ryan Gosling or Tom Hardy or jake gyllenhaal is now 2nd tier normie shit. They used to be the alternative guys but they kind of started to take it easy and people stopped caring.
Keanu is more alternative and has somehow managed to remain alternative to this day despite having starred in mega hits. Either by pure luck or as a concious choice..
Pop culture is not worthless at all, it's just evolved and it's very important if you want to be in touch with your audience and want to make the right choices. CDPR clearly has young guys working on the game that are very in touch with whats cool.
What I'm saying is though no one fucking gives a shit about Rebbit Oldman or Rebbit Keaton or Rebbit Perlman.
>launch 2077
>cyberpunk music starts playing
>this guy is fine because of memes
Zoomer detected.
Drop the pretentiousness, they hired him for the same reason Fornite got him, because he just released a movie and he's big and not too expensive.
Also it's not just the memegeneratore fortnite zoomers that recognize him, it's also the 90s born /pol/ redpill millenials and the gen x boomers
keanu has stretched himself over multiple target groups
idris elba or jeff goldblum only have limited reddit appeal, their acting ability is a non-factor when people enjoy keanus acting because it's so unique. There is only one keanu reeves in existence but there are multiple jason stathams if you just look hard enough
>Pop culture is not worthless at all
Yes it is.
Pop culture is a compilation of products that have had big marketing campaigns.
>CDPR clearly has young guys working on the game that are very in touch with whats cool.
Yeah, who wants quality when you can have "cool", right?
I just hope this cancerous trend of getting Hollywood crumbs ends already.
Or maybe that it doesn't, since it somehow marks when a game is going to be garbage.
Even if they had unlimited resources they would have hired keanu
this is a fact
they would not have considered any of the people on your list because they are fucking irrelevant
there's a lot of overlap with shit like the john wick audience and video gamers and the matrix. It's logical, it makes sense.
I will rewatch Fight Club and you can't stop me. It's a great movie that people want to discredit with "muh edge teenage anarchy fantasy", but it only gets more and more relevant now.
>Yes it is.
No it isn't, not in the marketing or entertainment business.
cool is synonymous with quality you fucking brainlet
you think I'm going to play an uncool video game? fuck you retard
My ass, they would have hired an entire ensemble of hollywood stars, not just one.
Keanu would be the smallest of them.
They are going for marketability, not quality or acting abilities.
It's the same approach COD takes, see what's popular, throw money at it until he accepts.
is he fucking pretending to be smoking?
>cool is synonymous with quality
Are you telling me Fornite is quality?
After all, it's a big part of modern pop culture, this culture that, for some reason, you insist isn't complete trash.
Who would win in a fight? Keanu Reeves or Norman Reedus?
Cause they are plebs.
It was one of the best religious sci-fi of that decade.
What happened to him after Matrix?
he seems so different
Definitely not because he played in Matrix and Johnny Mnemonic, likes that kinda action stuff, and is one of the most approachable actors right now.
Yea Forumsiggas out here forgetting how great it was to hear Charles Dance on TW3, wasn't a huge part, but it was pretty fucking good
Dude, they are Hollywood stars, they are civilians, they can't fight for shit, it would be a complete embarassment.
no one who played black ops knew viktor reznov was played by gary oldman
this is why your argument fails
if CDPR had hired an allstar cast, keanu would feel more irrelevant which is the OPPOSITE of the entire idea they are going for. He is meant to be a small celebrity/cool guy in the game. What better way to emphasize this than have the rest of the cast be unknowns.
can you put more buzzwords? it was kinda hard to understand your post
>"they didnt showed gameplay!!"
>they did
>"w-well i didnt l-like it!!"
>Charles Dance
Literally who?
>you play as Norman Reedus
get the fuck outta here
You mean he's a compromise between popularity and being cheap.
If they had the money they would have gone for an MCU star.
dude, Keanu trained with actual operators
So mald
>no one who played black ops knew viktor reznov was played by gary oldman
I knew it, his voice was obviously his.
Plus, he also appeared in World at War, a lot knew beforehand.
See, now this is just sad. I feel sorry for such people. But such is life, fellow visitor
look how watery that pizza is
Training for war is worthless if you don't fight wars.
fuck off kid back to Pleddit.
>he would have hired a meme actor off Game of Thrones for cheap
He did exactly that, but with an actor out of Walking Dead instead.
>back to plebbit
pretending to do something is how he rolls
>pretend to be a movie director
>pretends to be deep
>pretends to be friends with celebrities
Get fucked Kojimbo you hack
imagine being shorter than kojimbo
Norman Reedus is the only one anyone knows in his shit game. Everyone else is a literal fucking who.
It's not a true Sony Exclusive, it's getting released on PC a year after it's release
fortnite is not cool, it's bright and colorful and for 8 year olds, it's for closet homos
cyberpunk is cool because it has ass and tiddies and guns and keanu reeves from the matrix and john wick and it also has 90s cred because its based on an old pen and paper rpg made by a black man. It also has rare euro cred because its made by poles so americans will ove it. Cyberpunk bladerunner doomer shut-ins also love it because of the cyberpunk meme. It's an all in-1 package
fornite is a contemporary zoomer trend, stylistically it blends in really well with team fortress 2, borderlands or any other game with a simplistic cartoony type of artstyle. of course its more nuanced then that and the audiences may be entirely different for all 3 games, but history doesn't care. Fortnite and cyberpunk audiences dont' have any real overlap yet but they might have it in the future if john wick was in fortnite (was he?) this just means long lasting appeal
>western devs (kojima is a japanese man btw) are the only people putting real people in video games
>addiction to outrage?
>anything new to Yea Forums
This place was founded on this, faggot.
>cyberpunk is cool
Yeah, that's why most cyberpunk media ends up being a commercial failure, including the allmighty Blade Runner and Deus Ex.
Mads was great as hannibal
Mads is the big star.
Reedus has nothing beyond Walking Dead.
Mads has been part of James Bond, Marvel movies and Star Wars.
Only pajeets eat their food with their bare hands.
Dude, the only reason people are even paying attention to this game is because it's made by the creators of the 8th gen's Skyrim.
Remove that, remove Keanu, and no one would care.
And I wouldn't blame them, there's not much to like from what we've seen in Cyberpunk.
even if those weren't commercial successes then, doesn't mean they aren't considered cool now
film buffs jerk off over the cinematography in the original bladerunner, it was a stylistic landmark
Yea Forums jerks off over deus ex redpills in the original deus ex, it was an rpg-shooter hybrid landmark and usually near the top of all top "best rpg" lists
cyberpunk as a trend is making a soft come back now and CDPR is banking on that. I don't know when they got the idea for this game originally but the timing is right nonetheless and they have built good publicity from the witcher games and the DRM free shit.
Trust me, you can do a WHOLE lot worse than Keanu Reeves for role-models. The guy's incredibly humble and down-to-earth despite being a big star.
>Millenial calling other generations shit
Giga nigger calling the kettle black
No, it just means he's good at hiding him being a scum, and that he's paid the media to push this image of him.
He's a big star in Hollywood, you don't get there by being a nice person.
Is she actually going to be in the game?
They are considered "cool" by a minuscule minority.
The vast majority of people just don't care about the cyberpunk setting, they see CP2077 as a futuristic GTA.
Well, now they see it as a futuristic GTA with Keanu Reeves.
Jesus Christ user.
You expect me to believe someone big in an industry of rapists, pedophiles and drug addicts who produce nothing but political propaganda is someone who got there for ANY reason other than the fact that that kind of scum thinks they can put him to good use?
>Hire ONE actor
>Hire shit ton of actors and blow the money just like he did with Konami
>just like he did with Konami
>even though he hired ONE actor, one who is an even bigger has-been than Keanu
This already created more hype than the millions Jimbo spent on literal whos. You can bet he's seething right now
And just like with Konami, he'll make back that money within hours, maybe he can even make double the budget at launch day alone, like MGSV did.
Are you aware that Shakespeare's plays were the equivalent of modern soaps in the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras? Get the fuck outta here, you pretentious little shit.
>Norman Reedus is the only one anyone knows in his shit game.
you dumb underage ignorant fuck.
If you post on Yea Forums you're serial killer, school shooter, pedophile and terrorsit.
>You can bet he's seething right now
Actually, CP2077 is the only game he's retweeted about.
He's obvious excited because he wants more devs to hire actors.
What i'm not aware of is how that has anything to do with what I said.
He's also taken hand-to-hand courses as well. He'd definitely outspar a complete novice.
Yea Forums is a website that anyone can use.
Hollywod is a clique, an elite, a club where you can only enter if you are allowed to, and the ones who allow it are liberal pedophiles.
I firmly believe that America would improve vastly if the head of every single person working in Hollywood was impaled in a pike.
There's no bigger scum in America than Hollywood.
Dude was in boondock saints though.
>Kojima seething over Keanu Reeves and Xbox
Explain this meme. Until John Wick 2, people saw Keanu Reeves as a shitty washed up actor who was known for Bill & Ted and Matrix. He's been in countless films where he'd give the worst performances of any actor. What the fuck is there to be mad about? Big deal, he's had pretty nice resurgence and is now in a game. I fail to see why Kojima would care when he's making one of the most anticipated games this year and he's got Mads fucking Mikkelson. I hate Kojima and think he's a literal hack but this meme is retarded.
>Jiu Jitsu
All these styles are worthless on their own.
That's why in CQC in special forces they teach you a combination of various styles.
Your post full of logical fallacies.
It's based on nothing, Kojima actually seems happy to see this.
This is just more of Yea Forums living in an alternate world where they keep spouting stuff based on nothing.
You said pop-culture is 'worthless'. I just proved why you're wrong. The abysmal Transformers franchise doesn't cancel out the cultural impact of The Godfather.
>The abysmal Transformers franchise doesn't cancel out the cultural impact of The Godfather.
It does, and even more nowadays when we have zero examples of quality.
Pop culture, as I said, is just what it's succesful, and success has nothing to do with quality, it's just a matter of proper marketing.
>Explain this meme
Meme implies everyone in world is 15 years old angry teen who participated in subculture and fanbase wars
Mod this thread is offtopic
he's entirely correct and you're entirely wrong
Are we still debating who'd win in a fight between Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus, or have the goalposts shifted now? Also, if you seriously think CQC is on par with actual martial-arts training, you're out of your gourd. CQC is what you use when you've spectacularly failed to shoot your enemy in the face.
>t. califag
ching chong ping pong something about the fog or some shit buy my game round eye
god i wish that were me
CQC is just a type of combat, one you use when you want to kill your enemy.
Jiu Jitsu, or any other specific combat styles, is when you want to look flashy and you use against people who don't know how to fight, because if they do, they are going to push your shit in.
Keanu Reeves is strongest. He has operator training.
>Jason Statham
But COD sucks
So is he Johnny Silverhand? Something something immortality chip
yes, the chip in v's head
walking pleb actors are goy of thrones tier retard
Hideo won.
CQC is to martial arts what SparkNotes is an actual literature course. Both are abbreviated,simplified versions that are the bare minimum you need to survive against an even bigger scrub than you. A Navy SEAL may be death-incarnate on the battlefield, but throw him into an octagon with any tomato-can fighter and he's going down, even if he's stupid enough to 'go for the kill'. What you see MMA fighters do in the ring is everything they can LEGALLY do, not EVERYTHING they can do.
>not EVERYTHING they can do.
That's the full extent of what they can do, because they don't train to kill, they train to show off.
>tfw no one cares about Fem V anymore
it's over.
It must suck when your mom drank alcohol while being pregnant with you and now you have to live with a deformed slightly mongoloid face.