Enjoying The Sims 4 Yea Forums?

Enjoying The Sims 4 Yea Forums?

Attached: funfactitsaguygettingthtfcked.png (1366x768, 763K)

god i wish that were me

lmao why is he standing on the table

because he is not wearing shoes

TheKlub17 is better

does sims 4 have actual sex or this a mod?

because she's sitting on it, retard

Why not?

Attached: daddypls.png (1366x768, 1.11M)

reminder that rape animations exist that let you knock out your target and force her unconscious body.

I spend hours inviting people over and taking advantage of them. would be great if a police mod existed that let them come after you.

can you fuck the kids too?


Attached: losinganalvirginity.png (1366x768, 749K)

oficially no

Clean your house faggot

I used to do that to kidnap neighborhood teenagers and keep them locked in cells. They would also constantly pass out from fatigue and hunger, which would let you rape them again.

you have ATF for that

>she pleas and cries in Simlish

Attached: 1560020196490.jpg (324x291, 33K)

Is there a mod that allows me to work as a prostitute?

yes, but you shouldn't you degenerate nigger
yes. whole ass career that lets you pleasure johns and sell your bottom.

Maybe if you reverse the roles.

>yes. whole ass career that lets you pleasure johns and sell your bottom.
Oh god yes. Time to pirate Sims I guess.

This is the only reason I can't go back to Sims2.

>not loli

I thought sims 4 was supposed to run on anything, but it keeps lagging for me

Yes, it's called Nisa's Wicked Perversions and you have another that allows the use of drugs too.

Attached: d50cbcd44151bd52e3abd641ac8fae14f989272e3880ec967967fdbda5d214f6.jpg (960x540, 45K)

And unofficially?

It's poorly optimized or the engine is trash, the framerate is all over the place with a 5 2600 + GTX 1060.

I mouth fucked a slut like this one time. I think she was trying to give me genital herpes but damn I came so hard. didn't get the herpes on my penis but I did get it on my mouth.

Dang, well at least my sims 2 runs fine

>spend 6 hours modding sims 4
>spend 2 hours making a sim
>one sex scene
>cum and close the game