Bankrupts unity

>bankrupts unity


Attached: john.jpg (723x330, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Riccitiello also allegedly invited Evans to his hotel room or on work trips where he propositioned her for sex, and propositioned two of the people that reported directly to her to have a threesome.

fucking alpha

Learn the ways of the elite boy, this is how successful men behave

This guy used to work for EA right? Whose own CEO looks like he regularly snorts coke lines off of hookers.

didnt know tortellini moved from EA to Unity.

>ruins EA
>ruins Unity
F*cking based!

He was the CEO of EA, and he was caught on tape laughing about charging people to reload their guns with micro transactions


>using your position of power to blackmail people
>the ultimate beta behavior


lol thinking like this is what's going to keep you from ever having a job, or a wife.

There's no such thing as alphas. Only assholes.

Since you lined your op post with anti-white racism I don't care.
Hell i'll make a game in unity called op is a faggot nigger right now.

I do not know what motivates someone to hire women yet.

Go back to Réddit m8

What's his name again?

Attached: john_ravioli.png (779x538, 385K)

>Position of power


Oh no, who would have thought. John Stracciatella always seemed like such an honest and honorable man.

Imagine how many times this has worked for him. Even if he's fucked now his life must've been awesome.

>Be successful and have money out the ass
>Ruin future profits for a bit of pussy
Just hire an expensive hooker, it's gonna amount to the same cost anyway, you just get to the good part faster

Johnny Risotto

>begs people for sex instead of people begging HIM for sex


>talk to wom*n
>money stolen

#metoo was invented by blacks btw

>Got your lazy ass fired
>I-I was harassed
Like a clockwork

When will those jews stop harassing us? As a white man, I had to suck a number of cocks to get where I am today. (Something I did with gusto)

Will this board ever move on from these shitty race and sexual orientation bait threads? It gets so old.

Unity was pretty bankrupt of ideas, so, business as usual I guess

Looks like 60 years old Projared

Attached: 542452424.jpg (285x177, 11K)

>get asked to have sex with someone
>politely decline
>mutually part ways
>accuse guy of sexual misconduct in the metoo era

Like fucking pottery, never trust women.

josephi ravioli

Men get power to get laid more easily, that's the sole point of having power.

this what incels actually believe
literal fucking incel pleb living incel dream acting like a retard
just like your hood niggas who smelled the money

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English, faggot, do you speak it?

Why would he do this? Nigga is a rich CEO, retard should have just hired a hooker.

Sounds awakward as fuck. I rather hire an escort.

said the thirsty permavirgin.


Jinny Tagliatello

This faggot is already in the processing of making Unity into a public company so I hope his ass gets mowed in court.

>be a woman
>dont do shit at work
>get fired

you think they get pussy without paying? lmao
he could get whore instead begging for it like a "beta"

John harass that pussy like a cello Riticello

He must have pissed off one of the higher ups because he didn't do what they wanted probably because it made no business sense. If you hang out on dev forums too they are saying unity is not prepared at all for next gen. I think there will be huge cost cutting going on.

>There's no such thing as alphas.
cuckolds actually believe this lol

no company would hire women anymore if they werent legally forced to

wtf I love unreal engine now

But they aren't forced. This is mostly self inflicted.

John Riboccelo does it again!

I would just hire enough women to keep me off the radar and pay to be "social media influences" AKA sit at home and shill the game on twitter or whatever. Of course, I wouldn't even really expect them to do that, really I'd just want to pay them handsomely enough to sit at home and do absolutely nothing in a cushy deal they'd be crazy to complain about so I could keep them all far far away from the real work. Of course women are probably stupid and delusional enough to think that they're somehow essential to the development process even in those circumstances and would probably still demand more.

because getting a hooker is just a transaction, in this case here he tried to use his position of power to use a woman as he likes. completely different

How about not getting involved with an employee in the first place? How hard is that?

He's fucking rich the guy could get plenty of women and he chooses someone at the company he is involved with like a dumbass. Idiots need to stop doing that there's why people say don't mix business with pleasure.

>woman lies
As always.

>be woman
>want to suck ceos cock
>says no