How mad is Kojima at Sony right now? He had to grovel for his C tier cast...

How mad is Kojima at Sony right now? He had to grovel for his C tier cast. CDProjektChads just dial up Keanu and get him in like its nothing.

Attached: kojimanopiko.jpg (799x920, 187K)

n-norman, i-it's ok, i still think y-you're good, we'll sell right? dont l-listen to those guys

you tard, the different is kojima actually loves those literal whos from his indie movies collection shit. it's a win situation for him to make his game with all of his fanfic casts

lol, xbox literally destroyed the remains of sony this E3, so much that kojima himself is in denial

Please tell me Kojimbo isn't dumb enough to do that.

Why does Kojima type like a 16 year old girl.

>posting literal who twitter screencaps

stop with this shit

Kek'd heartily, good fake.

>16 year old girl.

too old

what the fuck does A start mean? is that japanese for A list or something?

That is fake. Hideo is actually geeking over Cyberpunk and retweeting the trailers.

>literal whos from his indie movies collection
How is the walking dead or boondock saints "literal who"?


yeah all those multiplat games really destroyed sony

Since when did Yea Forums start giving a fuck about celebrities? I care about video games, not movies or actors.

Norman Reedus is a big name now after Walking Dead in the US. Watch the Peter Fonda or Jeffrey Dean Morgan episode of his show Ride with Norman Reedus, and people are basically running to the streets to get their pictures taken with him.

No, it's japanese for only retards defend by using semantics.

I take it you have filtered all the e-celeb threads

Kojima has been talking with Norman for years before even production started.

why did he feel the need to post something like this online
wtf Kojima

Keanu reeves is great for cyberpunk though and I don't even like any of the matrix movies

Kojima probably wants Keanu for his next game.

>those literal whos from his indie movies collection shit
top tier kojimbo bait

he misspelled star i think

This has to be bait

He had to settle for Jack Bauer because he could never get Kurt Russell

>Mads Mikkelsen
>C tier
I just want him and Keanu in a buddy cop action movie or something

OP is a faggot and forgot to spellcheck before posting this fake bullshit on here.

Op figured what inspect element is

I think that Kojima just likes the actors he chose, and wasn't looking for the biggest name. I mean, he used Norman Reedus for P.T.

The fact that it uses broken english makes it more legit.

What happened?

modern games are literally movies
we Yea Forums now

By saying this he's literally acknowledging that Norman is a nobody.