Western games are a joke

Western games are a joke.

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I bet if she was a fat asian chick yould be pissing yourself with glee and preordering it right now. You are an antiwhite kike and need to fuck off back to dilateera

>false flagging

>That thing
Are you blind?

Nice defelction. Gonna call me an incel also?

>defending that shit
I think you are the one needs to crawl back to resetera my dilating friend.

You'd love that, wouldn't you? Get a job

I always think games that market themselves with this shit are really bad
Like the devs could not make a decent game so to get people to talk about it they do shit like this
Bait retards to talk about design and graphics so other even bigger idiots hear about the game and buy it
If your main selling point is diversity characters then the game is shit

what compels someone post like this?

He said western and was implying white.
Im not defending anything. Im just calling out racism.
Nah thats just how you vtards work.

>Im just calling out racism.
You just defended white while shitting on asian.

>and was implying white
Now you're just pulling shit out of your ass, retard. Fuck off.

wh*te "people" are so ugly

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>falling for bait

mental illness and boredom

I want buttercup to be my mommy.

calm down whitey.

Please, even though I'm a weeaboo I'd still play a western game as a fat chick just for the fun factor and novelty.

I didnt shit on anyone. You are the one shitting on americans because of bullshit int and bant memes.
>i donthave an argument,please ignore me!
Will do
No u

why do people think the top image was a human? lmao anyone looking like that irl should be gassed

>If your main selling point is diversity characters then the game is shit

Let me guess, if the focus isn't put solely on a bland generic white guy with a gun then that means that the developers are using diversity characters as a main selling point.

Are your feelings hurt by their design decisions?

Are you trying to raise a point or just making a reply to get (you)s?

every design in the game is terrible, but this one is especially bad. Western game development is truly in the gutter


That western game will bomb. I feel the same shit as Lawbreakers. it looks too busy and hard to grasp what the fuck is going on.

It's capitalism son, you don't pay it if you don't like it.

But none of you fags here have the nerves to do that. One Yea Forums starts talking about some shit everyone gets hype and preorderes.

Colorful, memorable design, influinced by classic comic books, such as Heavy Metal and Tank girl
Generic anime waifu #7890999, so bland fans though she is just another waifu from Zestiria

no, in the end I just buy the japanese game.

*bombs your superior island two times*
Nothing personnel

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There was that one cute mechanic looking chick in that game got no pic

landwhale with a retarded feminist haircut that only californians could even possibly find appealing
a pretty girl that everyone can enjoy

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>western women vs anime girls
How can they compete?

no. she's ugly.

more like Mayonetta

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Post what you think is attractive.

are you legitimately defending this design? or has your Yea Forums contrarianism rotted your brain?

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Fat people should (and will) die


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I can't, ponies are bannable.

How can you say that op pic related is ugly when you post that used up racetraitor hag?

You'll die too

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Why are people making it seem like this was the only female character when there were multiple (hot) characters that were shown off by Ninja Theory? It seems so stupid there can't be a diversity of character types, especially when the hot ones are represented

You can be diverse without having a fucking fatass

They need to be inclusive, you just don't get it user, get with the times

well the only thing worth talking about the game apparently is this (shit) character design, you figure out the rest.

>diversity this diversity that
Ugly things are ugly. No need to push this shit just for the sake of "diversity" bullshit, jesus christ.

People will say 'no', but do not believe their lies.
If it's not anime-esque fap-fodder, Yea Forums will whine and cry about it for literal months,

>overwatch 2

>well the only thing worth talking about the game apparently is this (shit) character design
Like the new Atelier game?

Whats with this trend of games set in an apocalyptic wasteland with quirky cyberpunk looking characters? It seems thats all the west wants to make nowadays.

Progressives loved that stupid Mad Max movie

post the hot characters then because I sure didn't see any

go back to your sjw forum

>defending a white woman makes me an sjw

both are lame
when I saw the new tales game I was like "wow more generic anime trash"

This. It's not like they'll force you to play as fatty.

Is this new Tales game going to be on PC?
I'd rather not buy it at all than buy a censored cucksole version.

good meme

Do you seriously think people except people with mental illness will buy that shit because of the cool obese tranny woman with pink hair on it?

I don't know but it's boring. I think Borderland somewhat started it and now its everywhere. The Bethesda conference was full of this shit it was terrible.

both are overdesigned garbage

The silent hill and luara croft designs are made by Japanese devs.

Why do western designs always give them such pronounced jawlines?
It makes them look like men.

no it just means youll have to see it constantly shitting up your periphery and be a waste class you wont play

No I wouldn't, because Mei's a bad design too