Cyberpunk 2077

If you pre-ordered this game instead of waiting for a 0day torrent, you're a retard and you don't know shit about cyberpunk anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>you don't know shit about cyberpunk anything.
who tf cares?
like hey fuck you man you can't play gta 4 cause you dont live in nyc and you dont know shit about new york city.

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I'll never in my life understand people that pre-order.

>imagine having no ethics whatsoever
>imagine not wanting to support good devs who consistently deliver

>universe with digital pirates and hackers
>you play as a criminals
LMAO finna bouta dab on reddit and resetera literally finna spam them with screenshots of my torrent edition

Honestly, user. It's not the breaking the law that makes you lame. It's the fact that you feel the need to share that fact for attention.
Make friends

>mistakes video games for reality

If you care about how other people spend their money you are the worst kind of faggot.

It's my money faggot, why do you care?

I for a fact know some truly based dudes who work at CDPR and would gladly pay for their work because I'm not poor.

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lmao imagine feeling compelled to larp as the video game you're playing

>you don't know shit about cyberpunk anything

neither do you apparently and neither does more than half of this fucking zoomer ass board.

In fact all Cyberpunk threads are fucking shit considering none of them discuss the game at all, or the lore, or anything.

I bet you havent even read a single page of Cyberpunk 2020 or the chromebooks.

Your choice of personal hero in the character creation determines which character appears.

We know that Keanu is Johnny Silverhand. Morgan Blackhand will be played by Mike Pondsmith. Who knows who they'll pick for Arasaka.

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Ok faggot, still pre ordered it on GoG because the poles are infinitely more worthy of my money than Bethesda and EA.

I really hope its Takeshi Kitano or Ken Watanabe or something.

Game still look promising in my opinion.
I'm only pirating because why pay for it when I can get it for free? It's singleplayer only anywho.

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those generic choices weeee here we go again boys

I'm pirating it because that's what a real cyberpunk would do

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Already preordered it on steam

I've beed downloading games since I was a kid and I think this is the first AAA game I'm gonna buy desu, if it keeps the promise, it will be worth my money

i preordered this and death stranding, i'm going to enjoy both

>pre-ordering fedex simulator

>not prordering on GOG

>preordering at all
>not pirating the gog version

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its a fictional video game user. just because its based on cyberpunk doesn't mean you have to be a retard

I won't pre-order it, but I will buy it. Pretty sure it'll be worth the money but I'll wait for a review or two before I give them my money.

maybe you'll stop being a weight on your parents some day user

>best game of 2020
>hand-delivered to me with a GOG torrent of all fucking things
jesus fuck, it could not get any easier

>>not pirating the gog version

I'm still mad about Good Old Downloads shutting down over autism meltdown. That shit was convenient as FUCK.

>imagine being poor

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>not hacking CDPR to get the game early
>not adding your own DRM to it and then cracking it afterward
You don't know shit about cyberpunk

Keep seething boomer
This is going to be the biggest game of 2020 and it will BTFO absolutely everything

>just preordered a second copy and gifted it to a friend

What a waste of money.

If you didn't blindly pre-order a corporate technological product to support their increasing power and oligopoly, you're a retard and you don't know shit about cyberpunk anything.

kys, OP

imagine wanting to give away your money for something free this guy never min-maxes

t. og lamar "free" niglet


Given the lack of a physical PC release they're pretty much forcing me to buy a useless console version for the collector's stuff while pirating the PC version I actually want.

omgomgomg hoip

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Was there a hidden message in yesterday's trailer? CDPR always puts one in CP2077 stuff

>buying the gimped downgraded version when you're going to pirate the superior PC version anyway
Is this peak autism/OCD?

>you don't know shit about cyberpunk anything.

So since the game is set in a cyberpunk setting you should act as if you are some sort of pirate epigg hackerman or what are you even trying to say? I pirate 99% of my shit, CD projekt red is the only fucking company I've ever bought full price games from (plus Cyberpunk is 30 fucking USD in my country, get fucked NA and EU cucks)

I want the physical stuff but they're not releasing any of it for PC.

no reason to pre-order. I'll buy it when it's out


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Sunbros... I think we lost this one..

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Ya, that's autism/OCD

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Who pays these people to make these posts?


>2077 is currently #1 on steam
You can't beat Keanu Reeves son.

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Get a job, nigger.

I agree, instead of paying for good quality food I just root through a restaurants garbage and eat whatever I want. Fuck paying for goods and services I play by my own rules.

based and metapilled

>one of the few good games releasing in the last decades
>not supporting the developers
i'm a neet who pirates everything but i'll be scraping together what i can to buy this on day one, you're retarded if you don't

Yeah I wonder why.

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Suck my dick poorfags its only 30$

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I'll pirate it day one, but my workstation is long in the tooth and I may have to yank the GPU from my desktop and rig it into my newest server, which needs some serious work (and new drives) first.

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Why would you preorder a game that doesn't come out for another 10 months anyway?

Shut up, Pirate! Go be a poorfag somewhere else!

This. I wishlisted it and that's all I'm doing until it's out and we see how badly they've fucked it up.

I can't into squatrunes.

Why did you buy a game that is going to be released in 1 year? And why did you not buy it from GOG?

i only play games 5 years after its release

pirate or not

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I got a fucking email send to me because I own Witcher 1 and 2.
>please preorder our game, we saw you own two of our previous games
How about fuck you. Now I'll definitely be pirating this shit.

I'll only suck it if you buy it on GOG

>only 30$
Damn, so it's gonna be shit then. No good game is ever that cheap. Guess I'll pirate it afterall.

Let me get it straight. You check the box were you agree to receive emails on promotional and advertising material and now you complain you are getting it? Are you that stupid in your entire body or only inside your head.

I never checked any boxes you retarded little child. I always make sure to uncheck those ad emails. Go suck your master's cock somewhere else.

>marketer from CDprojectred is furious at your personal choices and opinions


They have yet to deliver.

I don't consume garbage like a hobo

Lol like you have the money to buy a gaming rig, poorfag.

Stop projecting hobo

Stop pretending poorfag

no u

For real, I never had a drought of games to play since I could hop over and grab the super easy and convenient GOG version


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No U


have sex

The fuck is that? A cock ring?

Wasnt the new gameplay show at closed doors. No leaks yet?

Why are you hiding your game CDPR?

>existing as an infertile virgin with estrogen levels off the charts
lol get a job you NEET faggot

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What the best place to pre-order anyway? I'm torn between they're based), Steam(cause it's more practical) or the Cyberpunk site physical copy.

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That's Kaneda's bike dumb nerd

Not him, but thats what Kaneda's yells during half the movie, so...

They have nothing to show. The short few seconds of gameplay after keanu was on stage looked horrible. They weren't lying when they said this game was in development hell.
Meanwhile retarded children on Yea Forums start preordering like crazy because they saw a celebrity on stage.

>tfw I pre-ordered the collector's edition on GOG
Keep seething you pathetic weeb incels

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>imagine browsing Yea Forums

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>They weren't lying when they said this game was in development hell.
So its going to be 30 bucks for mediocre game?

Of course. It should be a dead give away that their game is only 30$ on preorder. This game is all show, no substance.

Wait? There is a collectors edition? I thought that there was only a regular digital edition on GOG? Did i fuck up getting the regular edition?

You degenerates are fast becoming just as bad as the steampunk niggers

c'mon and try to stop me, faggot

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Its 60 in EU and NA, its regional pricing because Poland loves my country :)

You fucked up by preordering

Still seething
Get a Job

you fucking retards its only 30$ in my country because of regional pricing, check your stores you absolute brainlets.

The truth is it's worth only 30$ which is an accurate value for it's quality. They are asking 60 for westerners because they are retarded as fuck.
>tfw retards will pay 60$ for a mediocre 30$ game.

It's 30 for me as well you sperging child. Ask mommy to give you your meds, then sit down and shut the fuck up.

Nope. I even preordered two copies so i can gift one to a friend.

You fucked up by preordering twice HAHA

yeah because you live in a shithole country like me, I just checked its 60 USD in the US and all of EU, I preordered gta 5 for 40 dollars too, unlike NA and EU fags who paid 60.

Funny how all you faggots are claiming to love "true" cyberpunk yet none of you even played OBSERVER which was the closest thing to a true 3D Cyberpunk game

Nor have you read any of the literature, just cause you played "Le epic redpilled Deus Ex" doesnt mean you know shit about the genre

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I'll probably preorder a few more times around Christmas to give out the game as a present.

>wanna buy it on gog for free drm and supporting CDPR
>its more expensive buying it there where in live
>on steam its cheaper
wat do bros?

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Steam prices all games like that you retard

You're fucking up by preording multiple times

I'd go for a key when it's out, tends be like 10$ cheaper. the collector's statue is pretty lame

Literature is for faggots

You must've seen completely different gameplay because the one I saw was fucking tremendous. Don't listen to based retard over here.

It's just an accurate representation of what a game is really worth. Seethe more

Buy it on steam they still get a cut anyway.

shills are out in full force
Why don't you guys show us some actual new gameplay?

Actual retards, I checked around 8 different games and steam always change price by regions.

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It's 10 pence cheaper here. I'm getting it on gog to save my shekels.

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What the fuck does that even mean? You realize steam charges different prices so people in shithole countries can afford it more? It literally increases their profits you brainlet...

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thanks doc

They actually charge rich countries more. The shithole countries get the actual price. Cyberpunk is a 30$ game HAHAHA

We have to wait until gamescom for the demo that was shown today. The only gameplay that was shown was the small segment directly after Keanu's presentation, and it was fucking sweet.

I know that the genre isn't defined by some shitass tabletop

>literally admitting they're only in it for the money

it's a fuse igniter.

imagine having no cock
now imagine something worse being OP

this non ironically

>the more copies you pre-order, the more likely it is for us to get retail
wait, so you can't pre-order physical yet?
i thought that was only my country

They killed the annoying spic and ditched the female 6mo later. I wonder what changed their minds

>not supporting based polish devs

Ah I see, makes sense now. Thanks user.

30$? So like 20 missions and GTA free mode? Lmao. People defend this garbage.

have they shown ANY gameplay at all?

it would be funny if this game turned out to be a text adventure game with just fancy visuals.

>use hacking on enemy
>I don't know how to do that

>people still fall for the preorder meme

Why would you do that a year in advance? Why not wait at least 6 months till you actually see anything. It isn't as if it will be more expensive if you order now or on the release date.

>Everybody complaining about female V in the demo and WACKY SPIC SIDEKICK
>Storytrailer and Cover show V is canon male and the spic bites it in the intro

Already pre ordered it on Steam and on GOG. I'll support CDPR until my dying breath. They deserve it

>pirating gives you the same exact game as the person who bought it.
>compares it to dumpster diving and not stealing fresh food
C o p e

they showed gameplay a fucking year ago, stop it

Different intro missions regarding choices

But Keanu

>inspect element
fucking retard

No because they shouldn't have done it in the first place. The game is a joke now.

I'm supposed to inspect element here and see what? That it's a jpg? I don't use steam dipshit.

the nigger used it to change the $60 or so USD to $30 fuckboy

It wasnt very good, I would want to know if they improved that or they try to sell that poor man's FPS as some revolutionary RPG

But they keep changing the game, so we don't really know what it's current state is. The gameplay from a year ago looked like gta 5, the gameplay segment from last night looked completely different. Does this studio even know what they are doing anymore?

>tfw I invested 4000 Euros in CDPR in 2017
>tfw the portfolio is now worth ~38.000 Euros

Thank you based polacks

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meant for you nigger

You should probably dump it before release, their numbers are gonna crash after this game.

I'll ride the hype train up until one week before release then dump everything.

holy fuck you idiots are actually insane, go to the Russian version of the market ( , guess how much they are being priced? 2k roubles, which is 30 usd, literally off yourself you degenerate waste of oxygen

You would be safe until a week after release. There is going to be a lot of impulse buying. It would be after a few days when people would realize that they wasted their money

No single game costs more than 30 usd in Russia, kill yourself.

No single game is worth more than 30$, kill YOURself.

That's gambling to close for my tastte, if they actually shat out a turd the day 2 and 3 reviews would immediatly tear it apart and youtube sois would make it known to everybody.
I'd at least make less money than I could make if I just sell a week before.

Based cyberpunk poster.

based, not buying this garbage GTA trash, wasted potential the game and reminder the faggot ass devs insulted their customers with the whole sun debacle, also negative glassdoor reviews
day 1 pirate, fuck CDprojektred

>not supporting the last sane video game developer in the western world
NOT based

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Do you understand how pricing works? no shit idiot we live under capitalism not fucking Soviet style planned communism holy fuck

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>he forgot the progressive stronk female vagina

All this babbling, and yet you don't even live the cyberlife.


Why not support, with money, a company that you would support with rhetoric?

>I can't into squatrunes.
are you mentally disabled?

how does investing work anyway? you put money in companies and if they make money you do as well? like gambling?

at least they had a reasonable justification, and they didn't make a big deal of it (see battlefield women in wars pandering)

Pretty much, yeah
Basically if other people also think the company does well and buy their stocks the price goes up. If the price goes up your own shares are worth more, so you made money.
Buying CDPR seemed like a no brainer at the time especially with the Hype Witcher was generating

no u r

>if you haven't played some autistic board game then that means you can't be interested in a cool looking video game
What a fucking idiot you are.


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This. Even their steam releases are DRM free

They are a true success story, just look at their 2004 e3 booth

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But /ourguy/ the multimillionire Hollywood actor that sucks Jewish dicks appear in their game, I even clapped when I saw him.

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Is there going to be a USA PC Collector's edition?

hey guys recommend me some music like this

Wait, are you badmouthing kee-new?

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when you invest in a company they use the money to do stuff, like make a game, and in exchange they give you a piece of the company which entitles you to a piece of their success
that piece of the company is called a stock and its value fluctuates with the value of the company as a whole
a companie's earnings are basically what delineates the value of the stock but there are other things, like a CEO falling ill or really bad PR of a company member raping a baby or whatever that can also affect stock value

basically investing in a good company gets you more money cause now people will buy more stocks and it makes yours worth more
it's not really gambling if you set up fiscally viable trades but if you invest in brand new companies and such it can seem like more of a gamble but you also stand to earn much more money

>GTA V reskin
have fun


I preordered and there is nothing you can do about it.

>pre-ordering cyberpunk

no thanks

I'm not even sure this game will run on my 1660ti

I was gonna say François Chau, but he's Cambodian-American.

Lol, why do you care what im spending my money on?

>no drm
>not pirating day 1
Wtf are you even doing?

C-can i be your friend too?

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What's the point of pre-ordering a digitally released game one year before release anyway?

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I might pirate it. I like CDPR but I lost my job and I'm poor as fuck now. Hopefully my situation changes soon

Must be nice to still leach off mom and dad.

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irl friends are not worth it. why don't you just gift it to an user friend?

Its like buying a music cd: because you like the artist and want to support him to make more.
Good luck user.

now they are so powerfull they have Jonathan Harker

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There is already 40 minutes of gameplay from last year on Youtube, and gameplay from this year will be shown in two months during Gamescom/PAX. The game already looks better than last year visually, its literally the opposite of Witcher 3 so idk what you are talking about, i dont see development hell, but i see technically demanding game to make which takes a lot of time.

This dude knows what's up.

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I'm going to pre order on steam as soon as they post the system reqs

dumb mongolposter

the game is priced like every AAA game 60$. AAA RPG's are actually the only genre worth the price imho, they have tons of content.

If you pre-order any game in any context, you are retard period.

>theres a way to legit kill off the cybergoblin for good
BASED CDPR! gonna buy the retail version actually. digital is a meme. standart edition is packed full with good shit.
stay assblasted, poorfag.


God damn you faggots are retarded.
Pic related, it's the retards that pre-order games 2019.

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yeah the real world is full with walking cunts like that. deal with it or stay in your piss forever

You guys have all the answers directly from CDPR, about the gameplay, preorders etc...

>Finally, after months of preparation, we can share with you two big things we have been hard at work on — CP2077's cinematic story trailer and a brand new gameplay demo! Yes, yes, we know — for now, the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August. Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online :(. "Why are you not treating us fair", "why is the gameplay not being released right away?". The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go. We are putting our hearts and souls into making CP2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story. Also, hype can turn into sales (after all, we are not a charity), and good sales allow us to grow, take creative risks and deliver new, great games for you to enjoy.

>And let’s not forget about one more super important announcement — the release date. Less than a year from now, on April 16th, 2020, you’ll finally be able to sink your teeth into Cyberpunk 2077.

>As you probably noticed, we prepared 2 editions of the game. Why only two? Because when we pre-order ourselves, we don’t like to go to Wikipedia to compare content. We have a simple deal: there’s the standard edition, the one we think most gamers will choose, and a limited Collector’s Edition. While we're pretty proud of the CE, we'd like to turn your attention to that first one. Why? Because we have really maxed out the physical capacity of the box with goodies. We think this raises the bar for "standard" and we hope you'll think so, too. Also, since pre-orders are live, you might be wondering if there’s any point in placing an order now. Yes, if you want to give us some extra support. Pre-orders help us build anticipation — the more copies you pre-order, the more likely it is for us to get retail (both digital and physical) behind the game. Therefore, if you like what you see, we will appreciate you "voting yes" for CP2077 with a pre-order. If you are still hesitating though, we would rather you wait for more materials or reviews. Our goal is for you to truly enjoy CP2077 and not regret a pre-order.

Take care and looking forward to seeing you in Night City!

If you think playing a huge open world RPG on day 1 is a good idea, you're a retard and you don't know shit about video games.

big brain Yea Forumseddit figured it out!

You can steal if you like but now I'm allowed to treat and consider you an inferior


Still kind of amazing considering how fucking awful the initial release of Witcher 1 was


i want the box tho

I am 100% sure I'll buy it on sale 1 year after release.

>Morgan Blackhand will be played by Mike Pondsmith
why? he already plays Dax or not? i'm just reading the wiki for blackhand.
imo a well written Riddick, played by Vin Diesel, could be alright.

>Saburo Arasaka
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Ken Watanabe or François Chau are very solid choices
>inb4 muh MK11 hype
best choice for a cold hearted corporate god