Why does this game seem to be making certain people so mad? It looks awesome.
Why does this game seem to be making certain people so mad? It looks awesome
>Why does this game seem to be making certain people so mad?
something something nu-wolfenstein.
nazis don't like being cast in a bad light
I wonder if the tits shown in this wolfenstein will be main character girls' tits
Looks better than expected.
Hopefully it is much better than the inconsistent mess of 2.
I actually haven't heard much discussion on it specifically. My only issue is that TNC was meh and had absolute shit level design, and this is pretty much a standalone DLC of TNC, so I fear it will have the same issues. But I would love playing co-op so that's exciting. Oh, and the main characters look pretty uninteresting and dykish, but I guess I can't confirm anything till it's out. Like if everything else is great I wouldn't care.
They still make these?
Coop Wolfenstein sounds fun.
blood dragon has the same style and far more superior. you're just a shill. you bethshills should have shilled prey more maybe then arcane would have been making prey 2019 by now
>Doom Eternal
>Are you ready to kill some demons? I know you all hate demons and well we're ready to kill those demons with you this fall. In Doom you can punch, kill, and burn demons in various ways. You can kill demons in multiplayer too.
Wonder why they didn't go with this approach even though it's always been ok to kill demons and Doom has always been about killing demons xDDDD
>BJ having two daughters
What is it even about?
Yea Forums members think that nazis were not so bad and don't deserve to be treated like that.
Since, Yea Forums is mostly American and that your school system is shit I don't blame you.
>think that nazis were not so bad
no one thinks this, I don't see anyone in history as bad
>Ugly women killing conservative white men
Of course it makes me mad, its basically feminist shooting at me, i want to to play as the other side.
They went full retard on the sequel and this seems to be the continuation.
It looks like shit and you're a obese virgin nigger if you buy it.
meh ill probably play it
I'm not going to buy another Wolfenstein game after the second reboot. Sacrificed their gameplay in favour of a narrative that was designed to push a modern agenda in a game about killing techno-nazis.
Because compared to the first one, it was really boring and generic, and tried to make up for it with edgy shit like your dad being a piece of shit, to the point I only played the first two levels, but if you critique it you're labeled a Nazi sympathizer.
What you think of as “nazi” is basically shaped by allied propaganda (inb4 hurr durr the allies didn’t do propaganda only the bad guys do!) and people who used the term as a political buzzword to the point where it’s a parody of a parody of a parody of what the allies wanted you to think the nazis were. This whole “kill nazis” shit is just boring because it got so predictable. It’s the most generic bogeyman I can think of because being a “nazi” stopped meaning anything in particular except being EVIL a long time ago.
And now you can play as two lesbians killing nazis, which is totally rad and they’re not beating a dead horse at all. If developers had actual balls they could depict the nazis like the Legion was depicted in New Vegas, as in, people who are ruthless but might actually have a valid point in some aspects, and you may only disagree with the way they want to achieve their goals.
two diverse lesbians killing evil nazis (not to be confused with the good nazis) in coop.
I have abstained from the politicism of TNC, but since these threads tend to devolve into /pol/ threads, I'll give you my point of view.
Everything was pretty much triggered by machinegames using the "punch a nazi" tag line in some of their ads, as well as the trailers having the communist and black panther leader characters having lines about fuck the bourgeousie and fuck whitey etc in the game. The timing was perfect politically speaking to where it looked like they were virtue signalling. I still don't really know if they were. I figured the Swedish devs weren't too familiar with current american sjw politics, and figured since it's trending for some reason it would be a perfect tagline for a game literally about killing Nazis. And the black panther chick and the communist dude makes sense for being in the game, being in america in the 1960s where a resistance against the Nazis is taking place. It makes sense plot wise, so it didn't feel like they were virtue signalling (to me, virtue signalling is when something political feels forced into the game, but like I said, in this game it is totally justified and necessary).
But, the gaming journo crowd took it as a virtue signal, and being leftist, made it a big deal. Its always stupid, since chances are all these sjw normies werent gonna play TNC either way, they just wanted to use the virtue signal while it was fresh (remember, im unsure if it was a virtue signal, but the left took it that way and used it as such).
Next question would be "If you aren't a Nazi why would that make you mad?" Well it's part of a social campaign to say that all people who aren't progressives are Nazis. For example, do you think borders are important? If you say yes, under their definition you are as bad as having commited genocide. So to the left, "Punch a Nazi" really means "Commit violence against anybody right of center, you're justified".
Honestly if it were like doom but fighting against Hitler instead, I wouldn't have any problem with it, but as a shooter it's boring, and they tried to do zany Tarantino shit (and failing at it) like "LOL BASED BLACK MAN JUST FUCKED A NAZI'S FAT DAUGHTER! LAUGH WITH US!" in between parts that are overly serious like "IT'S TIME TO SHOOT YOUR DOG BOY! DON'T BE A QUEER! GOD I HATE MY JEWISH WIFE REEEEEE!" Shit's obnoxious. Wolfenstien wasn't about that. It was about running around, shooting shit, collecting loot, and finding level exits.
So, the people on the right see the punch a nazi tagline, plus BLM and Communist stuff, they read it as a virtue signal. I think people who follow the series realize that TNO was about killing Nazis as well (duh), and we didn't have this stupid journo shitstorm over it, and know it's not a virtue signal. But the people who aren't familiar with wolfenstein now have an opinion on the series, which is "this is a virtue signal and this is the side I'm taking". So you have a mix of people who follow Wolfenstein who enjoyed TNO that are saying it's not that way, and then the retarded journo opinions saying it is that way. Maybe it is a virtue signal, but it would have to be pretty far forced to seem like it, since its a series about killing Nazis anyway. Here's my opinion, to keep it vidya related
The first nuwolf was campy but fun. The second one went way out of campy territory and right into cringe, and did so in the most "current year" way. This installment goes even further into retard land. It's a shame because there was potential from the New Order and Old Blood, these sequels are trash though.
looks like a stale FPS. just put carpenter brut on the trailer and they'll lap it up.
>b-but it has co-op
there are a shit ton of co-op FPS games.
The nazi sympathizers see it as a personal attack
The power suits look cool. I'm liking the extra force it's giving you to just blow people apart.
>The power suits look cool
looks boring as shit just compare it to doom guy armor.
Fuck you honeycomb is the shit for sleek power armour you stupid shit.
I think it must be fake controversy because I have heard shit all of anyone caring. It’s new ghostbusters all over again.