Are you going to try it out?

Are you going to try it out?

Attached: fallout-76-patch-9-wild-appalachia.jpg (1280x718, 144K)

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When it's f2p in august sure

No, stay on /fog/ shill

I wouldn't even want to play it if Bethesda interns would hand out blowjobs.

>80gb trial

Attached: 1530816880213.png (544x361, 315K)

lmao no

>playing nu-fallout
that's a big no lil bro

I'll play it for a few hours and prob never touch it again so this free week is perfect lol
I wanna see how stinky it is


no, not until its like 5 dollars or free


Did you guys know it's going to be free for a week? We're also going to add human NPCs and a Battle Royale mode!

Attached: 1446454636145.png (1068x1080, 931K)

>paying for a fallout skinned rust clone with a tacked on battle Royale and more NPCs then every game prior

Isn’t it 50?

Yes, I will try it for free, for maybe a few hours, then not purchase it. I actually already tried to install it but it's not free yet, probably in another 6 hours or something.

>90gb F2P always online looter shooter battle royale


Don't do it, it is not worth it. Only pain and suffering will await you

Attached: Photo_2018-12-26-011943.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

Of course not. The game is fundamentally broken and Bethesda took the meme bait and made a Battle Royale mode for it. That shows how out of touch they really are when it comes to what their fanbase wants.

not after all the updates it got to repair the fuck ups it had at launch.

I bought the collectors edition at launch. I wouldnt until private servers are a thing. The game is just a glorified resource sim like all those other survival games. If you played one you played them all.

a Battle Royale is what 76 should have been.

Absolutely not.

Oh God, no!

If I'm not banned for dupping literal millions of items sure, had a blast breaking this game with a friend and discovering all kinds of glitches that no one else seemed to.

Attached: Photo_2018-12-25-003118.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

fuck off todd

Absolutely fucking not. Todd ruined thr fallout franchise. Fuck em.

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no chance

What if they blew out handjobs?

On pc? Or is that just for console

>not f2p
No point

There’s 0 chance this game still has an active playerbase


Get outta my head

What do you actually do in it? I discarded it at release because no NPCs in a fucking RPG (and also the verdict from the people who got it that it was a shitty mess), but I understand they've been fairly diligent about improving it since then.

Fuck off Todd go port skyrim on my cock

>Download 80gb trial
>start game
>agree to terms and conditions
>asked to enter credit card info


gg on putting shortening your SSD's lifespan btw

I'm actually legit curious about it.

You really have to put cc info just for a trial?


Attached: 1522181572230.jpg (800x800, 90K)

how the fuck do i get the free trial? im looking everywhere on shithesdas website and launcher but i dont see it anywhere

Sure, why not

>You really have to put cc info just for a trial?
all american companies do this, the hope is you will forget to cancel and they can steal your money.

thats so cool

i can't believe this shit is still going on and it's probably an entire case against games as a service

But i'm Canadian, it's illegal to do that


>50 GB

No not even if free

As soon as it becomes F2P

>50GB asset flip
Would rather die than play anything SHIThesda made post Oblivion.

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Get out.

No and fuck you, Todd.

Attached: todd_bundy.jpg (193x275, 16K)

I have some friends who still play it and defend Todd. The are pretty happy about the NPCs, I mentioned how this is not even a feature you implement in an update and they called me hater. I want to kill myself.

They sound like retards, cut them off.

That's a shame, I was quite looking forward to trying it, even if I'd spend more time installing it than I would playing it.

When does the trial start? I cant see it on the launcher

Don’t give this game any chances, they don’t deserve any attention

>he cant handle 80gb

>installing Bethesda launcher

Attached: 15063262265544.gif (320x205, 2.38M)

Hopefully soon. I'll play it until Nintendo e3 since I have nothing else to do.

Attached: fallout 76 fan.png (797x465, 98K)

Missed opportunity right there, Todd. Could have sold NPCs as a DLC pack.

76 has NPCs. The people playing it.


Adding br, NPC's and fallout 4 style no (yes) dialogue choices won't change that at it's core it's nothing but a veichle for microtransactions.
So, never.

Attached: 2017-11-16 19.40.48.png (527x381, 135K)

I like it

post a screenshot of that
seems like bullshit, because there's no need to enter your cc for the normal version one

Nope I'm not playing it

Where the fuck is this trial at? What fucking time on the 10th? Goddamn, fucking Bethesda is inept.

>having any expectations for Bethesda ever again.
Did you even hear that shitty voice acting?