he is so handsome bros...
He is so handsome bros
Slavic people finally featured in games
I want him to cum on my mouth
So there's an option to not play as some wannabe gangsta douche right?
This is just one of the paths right?
Looks like a slav nigger to me
Looks whiter than the average mutt to me.
I can't be the only one who sees the similarities
Looks like some weird combination of Sean Gunn and Robert Pattinson.
>Yea Forums tells me they went full trannies
>poster guy is the average slav
>female nowhere mentioned
>nigger is the bad guy
>niggress gets a bullet to the head
based polan
Now you can finally be happy with the rest of the suppressed minorities
He wouldn't look out of place in a norf FC footy shirt with a six pack of Stella.
If that's your bag user...
No, it's pre-set as this "V" character.
>let's see what twitter says about CP2077
>white male spazzing about white males in games
>he said samurai, that's racis
>angry trannies
>cyberpunk is japanese genre
Brb gotta poke holes in my balls
>cyberpunk is japanese genre
The fuck?
The premise of the game is that you're a mercenary criminal for hire. You can roleplay as less douchey, be more trustworthy, or be more into tech and hacking than violence, but you'll going to by definition be a shit who wants to commit crimes for money. Your character may have instances, especially early in the story, where you're immature and douchey (that may change as your character changes with their experiences).
Honestly, I would do the same if I was a director/CEO. I wouldn't want to deny the world my visage
>Mexican guy dies
>black woman dies
>black man dies
>white man is the main protagonist
Is the trailer racist?
>black man dies
Did he? I thought he shot him at the end.
Black guy wrote the story. It can't be racist. Checkmate
Hey Niko, Its me Roman
i would rather look myself as normal white that playing the victim card.. only losers like that
is female MC called Samurai too?
Slavs dont get any special treatment
>western game that has an attractive male protag
Didn't know this was even possible. Based poles
>Yea Forums finally realises how attractive Slav guys can be
Thanks Poland
Samurai is short for Street Samurai i.e a merc.
You know what they say: Can't Mossad the Assad
So now Poland is western for you, but on other days you shit on east and certral euros?
oh, i thought it was his nickname, cause it was on his jacket.
no you're breathtaking, user
Everything west from Russia is "western" to me. And why would I shit on east/central euros? Did some soiboi get under your skin?
>no mommy meredith
Kind of disappointing trailer
Still going to play as totally-not-Sombra
Is being her boytoy one of the main quest paths?
oh i know i'm slav myself and i never seen myself as victim even though i really hate commies for what they did i would not hold it against the current people or demand something from them
Is making her my submissive slut one of the main quest paths?
Is it just me who sees the resemblance?
I have a friend who looks almost exactly like him, that trailer got me tripping balls
I just wanna be able to play as Big Hoss
Кaк дeлa?
but who is the rl model for the default male v. honestly hes cute i might just leave it as that and forget the character customization
Are the purple haired whales in twitter already complaning abuot a white male protagonist ?
He oн, нo я зaeбaлcя
Not all slavs are Russian, Igor.
Why do people say slavs are not white?
Like 90% of slavs are just as white as anglos and germanic people lol.
If you go further to the southeast the lines are blurred, but Czechs, Slovaks, Poles and most Russians are rather white.
Cop waifu or we riot
Kill yourself sub human faggot
Хepoвo. Пepмaнeнтный tfw no gf.
like clockwork
Who's voicing V? Because I hope the personality isnt so set that it clashes with the character I intend to make
I love my perfect wife, Olivia!
The ones that matter are
>ooga booga every slav is russion
Kurva anyátok.
Josh Keaton
Her Fappening was terrifying
is that Justin Timberlake?
Tы нe oдин
he looks like me
It was taken down before I could see it
pics or bullshit
Thats a secret love child of Justin Timberlake and Aaron White
post your ugly mug nigger
you're all breathtaking!
You look like Niko Bellic then
he looks Russian now. wonder what female V looks like
reads like a parody of an antifa member.
Looks too Polish, thank god there is customization so I don’t have be this ugly potato nigger
What did she comment on the gameplay video with the female protag?
Also, funny how Yea Forums and a random tranny on twitter screech the same
>reeeeee generic!!
So he shitposted dozens of tweets in less than an hour about some boxart.
you can play as a black man if you want so it's cool
Yea Forums is just shitposting though right?
This got me thinking. How are they going to do the CGI cutscenes like the one in OP when you can create custom characters?
>The premise of the game is that you're a mercenary criminal for hire.
I mean, you can probably get to be an asocial hacker that is nice to everyone yet is the epitome of degeneracy. That doesn't mean that you absolutely need to play as a little murderous shit that is rude to everyone he does business with.
In terms of games it is western. Eastern=asia
oh boy, I cant wait to rape and pillage.
It's not gameplay, user.
I hope the character customisation is good enough to create myself as a cyber-gopnic
Consider suicide delusional pidor.
Are pols even slavs? they're kinda mutted products of German and Russian rape with a little bit of stepemutt thrown in. I wouldn't really call them a race.
He looks so polish kek
CDP injecting that slav pride into the game
remember when they said you could play multiple different jobs?
I remember they said police was one of them hahahaha, good one CDPR
user, read the question again.
Their genes are messed up but they are 100% slav in spirit
t.had a polish friend in high school
seething amerimutt
Witcher 3 didn't have many pre-rendered cutscenes so why would cyberpunk have them? That's just a cinematic trailer.
Dont forget the lipka tatar/jew admixture
Ever hear about those times poor jews got persecuted? ( many such cases)
Well jews ALWAYS found refuge in poland
That's right.
Just like anyone whose black are niggers, anyone asian are chinks and everyone middle eastern is from the UK, and anyone fat is american.
tldr im not wrong
I guess this would be the only explanation.
It seemed weird to me to make a cinematic trailer be about literally a twist in the storyline. I expected this to be in the game.
How retarded are you, falseflagger
Some of the earliest jew persecution sprees in europe happened in poland
I mean they'll probably just use in-engine cutscenes. We don't have that bink video thing going on anymore, and we haven't for some time.
He looks like a cuck honestly. Why did they refuse to give him a good jawline and hairline?
i mean
all blacks are niggers, true
>Some of the earliest jew persecution sprees in europe happened in poland
Source: your ass.
Poland was, and always will be safe heaven for G*d's Chosen People.
alright i trust you, fuck cdpr
Very true, before the Second World War. Poland had the highest concentration of Jews in all of Europe. It would make sense that most "poles" have a significant amount of Jewish DNA.
Phil Brooks looking good these days
Didn't they do cinematic trailers for witcher too?
I'm guessing that the implant mission is either the introduction to the game or that the trailer is supposed to imply that if your partner dies during the gameplay then you'll have to live with it. They did mention that they avoid making game over screens.
This. There's Russians then theres a bunch of villagers who got fucked over by everyone - east euro slavs
I can count the number of tumes I referred to myself as slav irl on one hand. Then theres poles, serbroaches, balts, etc, who are so embarrassed of their worthless cunts, thet gotta play up the "slav"
Reminds me of muslim subhumans from some shithole like indonesia or niger, who are moslems first citizens second
Shit taste. Is her making me her submissive slut one of the main quest paths?
>he thinks every person in the world is perfect
is this why you hate yourself user? you should know being a pmf is actually a rare thing so stop hurting yourself
>they've only been showing us the Samurai path
>already a really intense and long story
>8 other career paths that are equally long and complex
based CDPR
Everything we've seen seems to be from the front of the game.
After the intro with Keanu, you probably hit the character creator segment.
I do see the resemblance to "generic white action dude", yes. It's striking.
>femdom fag talking about shit taste
holy shit, you have no shame
>t. 56%
I know what you mean, I had friend growing up who was 100% polish. He had pale skin, blond hair, and bright blue eyes, but his facial features were super fucked up. He literally looked like some albino mongol, he had weird slanted squinty eyes and a totally strange and out of place jawline and facial structure. A very mutted people indeed.
Seething tranny
Wrong. Dex missions were done at around level 10, its the white orchard intro, possibly in one locked part of the city
wait, there are no character creator in this game?
the polish jawlet
>The Councils of Wrocław (1267), Buda (1279), and Łęczyca (1285) each segregated Jews, ordered them to wear a special emblem, banned them from holding offices where Christians would be subordinated to them, and forbade them from building more than one prayer house in each town.
>In 1348, the first blood libel accusation against Jews in Poland was recorded, and in 1367 the first pogrom took place in Poznań (Posen).[39]
>In 1349 pogroms took place in many towns in Silesia.[31] There were accusations of blood libel by the priests, and new riots against the Jews in Poznań in 1399. Accusations of blood libel by another fanatic priest led to the riots in Kraków in 1407, although the royal guard hastened to the rescue.[40] Hysteria caused by Black Death led to additional 14th-century outbreaks of violence against the Jews in Kalisz, Kraków and Bochnia. Traders and artisans jealous of Jewish prosperity, and fearing their rivalry, supported the harassment. In 1423 the statute of Warka forbade Jews the granting of loans against letters of credit or mortgage and limited their operations exclusively to loans made on security of moveable property.[31]
>In 1454 anti-Jewish riots flared up in Bohemia's ethnically-German Wrocław and other Silesian cities, inspired by a Franciscan friar, John of Capistrano, who accused Jews of profaning the Christian religion. As a result, Jews were banished from Lower Silesia. Zbigniew Olesnicki then invited John to conduct a similar campaign in Kraków and several other cities, to lesser effect. In 1495, Jews were ordered out of the center of Kraków and allowed to settle in the "Jewish town" of Kazimierz. In the same year, Alexander Jagiellon, following the 1492 example of Spanish rulers, banished the Jews from Lithuania.
I can keep going, motherfucker.
.... they will be ingame?
Also Geralt had the same default hair, beard and armor in the CGI trailers.
There is.
>ooga booga me man strong woman weak
If your taste was food it would be a plain cheeseburger. Inoffensive, uninventive and ultimately uninteresting.
I need all gay people to die.
Go ahead and keep going. Wont erase the HUNDREDS of times jews ran off to poland
Ok let's start with you
put your head in the oven, ivan
>food analogy
I'm not gonna even bother, you Americans are all fucked in the head
he looks like an edgy knockoff gos
The top half of his head looks like Antony Starr.
you just can't win
>everyone has to look like bj blaczkowich
So what if they ran off?
Do you know how many times they ran off to the US and UK you fucking mongrel?
B cepдцe нe дepжy я
Amish waifu or we riot
what the fuck is wrong with his hairline
you fuckers are corrupted by the internet kek
Still, almost 10% of inhabitants of the 2nd polish republic were jews. They laso had a lot of priviliges from kings during the medieval era.
Truly a Promised Land.
Which one?
hairline? what the fuck are you on about you lookism faggot
For what?
Left looks like a total bro so left
>Keanu Reeves
>Probably can get a personal JOI
He's just an incel.
Give me slav gosling
custom male
only subhuman niggers play default
left for everything
shaved side is disgusting
based and redpilled
You can put all your "slav"nigger vassal villages together and you still wouldnt come close to 5% of what Russians have accomplished, sorry
Is there anything more pathetic than poles pretending theyre epic tracksuit slav squatters for example? You're a wannabe russian
>lazy eye
1st playthrough default male
2nd playthrough custom female
femV with maxed out muscle slider if there is one
Spot the balding jawlets
Nobody in poland wants to be a slav you cockmongrel.
If anything, everybody wants to be as far removed from your gulagistan as possible.
Everything Russia has ever accomplished has been nullified by the 20th century, stop coping.
Did you see her as Catwoman in Gotham? Muh dick
The eyes always scare me about Russian/slavic people except for polnish people. Its this 100 yard/nothing to lose stare.
one to marry, one to kill
not pic related
the default character is sometimes the best looking one. Not in this game, though.
there are better games for your fethsi, user
>t. lookism
Protag is destroyed physically after the intro, you can create your body afterwards.
Trannies rejoice
>there are better games for your fethsi
Like what?
Luckily its an rpg and we can choose.
In a perfect world
this pic related
Why would you care about how the character looks when it's a first person game?
The polish half-jew monkey is backpedalling and muddying the water - classic
>we wuz slaaavs!!
>d-didnt wana be slav anyways
pathetic little villager
I want to suck his cock dry.
t. lockstahl vibes insectoid
That's the kind of twitter user that would probably decry violence against trans, until it's revealed it was done by an illegal immigrant.
He sounded like Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad in the most recent video.
>Like what?
San Andreas comes to mind,
if you catch my drift...
It's Justin fucking Timberlake.
>the default character is sometimes the best looking one
you're praoably shit at making custom characters
also it's subjective
have sex
Dont get to be the biggest cunt on the planet by looking at people nice
definitely prefer the new skinny guy. the old one was very generic
I want to cum in his mouth
Left is cute so him
Right isn't ugly either but i fucking hate that haircut
Imagine having a female character. Being able to choose outfits and a suitable personality type. Actually investing time in the Cyberpunk world, only to see V once or twice in cutscenes. How fucked up would that be?
>he is so handsome bros
You either have low standards or bad eyesight
I never said we wuz slavs, faggot.
Nice strawman. There is nothing noble or good about adhering to slav culture, it's the most niggerish one in Europe.
Go back to shooting up krokodil.
I used to think this way
then I realized I've spent accumulative hours of my life making fake people
based, he could sue them
Guy you posted is in the top 1% of the dating pool worldwide, brownie
If he had blue eyes, top 0.1%
>Polish subhuman
and that's a good thing
Looks more like this guy
You must be one ugly motherfucker and I am in the top 0.00000001% then
I don't get why people are still believing a word those Pollacks are saying.
After a bragging, chest-beating original press conference, we get a long radio silence and are then alerted that "there have been layoffs".
For some reason, then, they start refusing to give clear answers, use fuzzy word magic at every turn and leaking some fuzzy details such as "you won't be able to see your character in the game", "your fully customizable character is a hard-ass mercenary named V who only takes the most difficult jobs" and "every character will become proficient in all three paths".
That is.
They have not even made the models for different characters and likely are so far behind it that they won't be able to include them on launch, because changing from first-person to third-person isn't a big job if you do have the models.
There is only going to be one playthrough, because the amount of methods of interacting with the world (hacking, climbing, repairing) is so limited that they can't allow just one player to realize how bare-bones the game is without all these gimmicks.
Your character's job, name, profession, motivations and personality are determined for them - no playing a corporate heir, an ex-cop, a clueless ganger, a journo, a rockerboy, no nothing.
t. ugly shitskin
He is based on a real person working at cd projekt red you retard.
Nah you're just a clueless virgin :)
Wait, is this guy asian? He dies too.
It's the name of a popular rockband in the setting, actually. The main singer and guitarist, Johnny Silverhand, is the guy Keanu is playing.
old one looked like he belongs in 2077 USA (mutt)
new one is a slav self insert, Goose looking motherfucker.
That dude is pretty cute. You must have high ass standards.
omg yess. i really hope they show off the characters a lot in cut scenes.
what you saw in the 2019 trailer is the result of bad choices in your playthrough. V appears to have gone into cyberpsychosis (evidenced by the fact that he's barely bothered by friend and partner in crime dying as a result of his screwup)
for some reason people literally think this is the only course of events even though you literally die and are dumped in a scrap yard, which is to say, CDPR's way of conveying "game over" without showing a screen saying it explicitly.
kek fucking brainlets.
in the 2018 gameplay video you meet Dexter at a nice club after the mission goes off without a hitch (other than you getting played by corpoCunt). if you want to disappear someone, you have them meet you at some seedy location where bad shit happens all the time and nobody cares, like the motel in the 2019 trailer.
looks nothing like your pic
poo in loo, motherfucker
Did anyone else think this is the greatest CGI (in game graphics maybe) that has ever been made? This looks like a movie that cost 500 million to make. The characters look amazingly detailed and real and not in a uncanny way
>canon gay
Based as fuck
Kek no one wants such an ugly potato nigger
i recently watched that cdpr documentary on youtube, really made me like the guy
>no playing a corporate heir, an ex-cop, a clueless ganger, a journo, a rockerboy, no nothing.
Can be a possibility later in an expansion pack with a new campaign.
But what if I play a custom male character who is a fucked up subhuman?
It must be nice to be able to leave one's entire thought processes to a single buzzword.
If you dilated exactly half as hard as you deserve, the universe would be swallowed up.
>V appears to have gone into cyberpsychosis (evidenced by the fact that he's barely bothered by friend and partner in crime dying as a result of his screwup)
It's called shock retard. V was holding him and panicking the entire time Jackie was dying. Does that sound like a lack of empathy to you?
Why do they call him Hal? Is Hal short for Henry?
Look at his picture while I cum in your mouth
>>he said samurai, that's racis
it doesn't make sense, japs are honorary aryans so you can't be racist against them
Dilate tranny
>If he had blue eyes, top 0.1%
Not "high" just some
Looks EXACTLY like him
Custom male
>Polish pride
the Polish government is literally giving them money to project the Polish legend to the world.
He looks Polynesian
Shitskinoid virgin projections are always so lowIQ and blunt. Like ok, we get it youve never been with a girl
Looks like your usual retarded Polish cheap labor yikes.
Should have gone the Geralt route and made him attractive.
>melting pot circa 2077 has no place for a slav
See west? This is how you do black characters.
I like the new look because he looks more realistic and not just some badass action game character.
based V killing minorities
he looks like wigger shit
the "potato nigger" is 100% whiter than you, mutt
He looks like somekind of starving serbian migrant
How to be killing with wizard eyes?
so a guy with a dick in a wig
That’s fucking cute you ugly inbred subhuman. I’m Scandinavian and actually white, fucked more women than you’ll ever talk to lmao.
Slav self-insert, Goose looking motherfucker.
Who does he even think he is?
White blue eyed male in his 20s/early30s, will get laid with almost everyone, sorry to be the one who tells you this, my nonwhite friend
Thats a 0.1% right there. You dont believe it because like all virgins youve been prnecting your problems on him
meant for
Yes. And that´s a good thing.
This is how you do white people driven over the edge.
I can see it.
>Eight days after release
>Get novahot with the new Killing Streets (tm) Expansion Pack for Cyberpunk 2077 (tm)! Play a Cop or a Rockerboy for just US$ 29.95!
And then you get an extra piece of equipment, a message on your commlink and a free hairstyle as well as a reskinned kill quest where you take orders from an unvoiced manager/precinct chief and you're cut off from your employer or your rock career ends.
Germany made it the purest country in Europe
the polish government is giving money to alcoholics to make more inbred FAS children, not to artists and game studios
>They called her Bug.
>She's not asian.
I wonder if they know.
woah, dude, cool it with the antipolonic remarks
You know two buzzwords, but the meaning of none.
"he doesn't like game that introduced magical black woman with setting-breaking abilities, he must be tranny, uhh, back to chew on banister, delicious wood treatment"
it's called cyberpsychosis, retard. V is slipping before your eyes in that trailer. he even stares into the viewers eyes as if to say "fuck you for making me do these things".
What the fuck is wrong with that woman's face? Her jaw is a square. Lmao. The muttbaby seems to be an improvement.
Man I love the fucking music in that scene. It's so good at relaying the tension of the situation but at the same time it just sounds fucking good, like something I'd gladly listen to when driving or working.
Honestly that little bit of her shutting his cybernetics down remotely was the coolest part of the actual trailer, wish it lasted longer. Better then some generic fight or bleed-out scene.
cute is what he is
I wonder if I'll be able to avoid piercings, Wonder how much of a pure biological character you can be, can you avoid augs all together and try to do a purist run?
The OBVIOUS shitskin virgin is actually SCAAAANDINAAAAVIAN lmfao
You streetshitters are literally too fucking dumb for the internet. I bet if I called you poor, youd turn out to be earning 250k at wendys
you don't know much about the subject i see.
Whichever has a better voice acting done obviously.
>implying he has tear ducts
You funny.
He's a weeb, crying is manly.
Roman I can't go 4D Bowling with you right now. I have to get my Dick cyberised
He's kinda cute yeah. Seems less of a douchebag from previous model. Really want to see the new female V now too.
neither you, anyway it's not polish gov money but eu funds
If you could it would stop being a believable cyberpunk setting.
Could you HFY DEUS VULT faggotrons just stop and smell the roses for a moment instead of making every game about how you being shivering in your mom's basement is actually a last stand by a new white hero against a degenerate humanity?
thankfully hitler solved that problem
kicking jews out over monetary disputes and then inviting them back next year is not exactly a persecution spree. That 109 countries thing is a meme
only 1400s babies will understand
I live in Norway you retarded ugly manlet, holy fuck you are stupid.
german/slav mix doesn't sound bad to me 2bh
Some mods are required, at the least. It was another Yea Forums shitposting topic last year.
>8 seconds into dubstep and kill and he gives you this look
It's her handle senpai
Can i create The Goose in this?
>female V
You mean the single toggle on the menu that makes the character preview into a black silhouette and prevents you from going out into third-person and blurs every mirror in the setting?
They already admitted it wasn't going to be customizable.
kys jew, and stop begging for holocaust gibs disgusting parasite
every nation has trash :)
The mission you're talking about happens before this one, it's getting the spider bot for this, the big heist. Jacky dying is probably unavoidable considering how much time and effort went into that cinematic.
The T probably stands for Tyroneiqua
>it's called cyberpsychosis, retard.
No it's not. V did not display cyber psychosis in that moment, you are just wrong dude.
He's going to play the solo of fortune celebrity
>That 109 countries thing is a meme
This. France was better than most, for a while, but they are also the worst in other ways. The Carolingian dynasty and Napoleon really fucked everyones shit up.
>deus vult
>The mission you're talking about happens before this one, it's getting the spider bot for this, the big heist
how do you know?
It sounded like Jacky went psycho though.
Was that supposed to be funny?
Uh nigga? GTA IV? every war game ever? literally the mother fucker from Wolfenstein
>Polish and Russian voices confirmed
The important thing to remember is that jews have had almost complete control of European finance since the fall of rome, and this is because the christian church literally handed it over to them.
Not that guy but I'm firmly convinced that Silverhand is V losing his shit to cyberpsychosis ala Fight Club.
why are you triggered?
There was 40 min gameplay video
It’s because the Keanu part looks like where the “real game” starts.
I think anything is just guesswork in our part. It’s entirely possible that the demo+the trailer with Jackie dying is all tutorial, or it might be the end of the first “chapter”, we don’t really know.
One thing though, is that we are always portrayed with “Jackie’s” car. So I think he will always die
He's not crying lol. It's like light of those lines in his face.
Asszem rossz táblára írtál, /int/ két utcával arrébb van.
yes, so? reference the parts that prove your claim.
>those subhuman arguing
start war already
>probably unavoidable
You do not comprehend how duct-tape-and-prayers this game is and how unrelated the cinematics are from the actual content.
You will not see the cinematic in-game because it's pre-rendered and includes V with a face.
The real thing will be five seconds long, in-engine and show V from the neck down while Jacky flails in ragdoll physics.
There'll also be an alternate one where Jacky doesn't die and tags with you the whole game, causing multiple plot holes and hangs because they desperately put it in as an "impactful choice" in the eleventh hour.
Its a famous white people pastime to get assblasted about other white dudes on the internet, yup
If only we could find a way to harvest you shit-people with your massive inferiority complex that literally pours out of every single cell in your weak body
Tell me what exactly does it feel like, knowing you will NEVER be white?
I saw that top post but didn't expect them to project tons of replies. holy fucking shit, it's box art. convinced me that they are mentally ill.
>mirror actually mirrored the image
for some reason it makes me so happy
Not that gut but his eyes seem watery
Only the hair is somewhat similar
First worldies are suffering
That's what every one of them thinks, yes.
For all you fags speculating on how this confirms aspects of the story such as Jackie dying or you being betrayed
In this gameplay trailer geralt meets a character in a place he is never at in the actual game and gives him a gryphon head, something Dijkstra never asks for in the actual game.
Also this cinematic never happened in game.
Cringe, you aren’t white.
You are an ugly triggered subhuman.
Already buying just for this qt
Why are you so childish?
Scruffy, balding, looks like an unemployed British man because he's just a random engineer
Alpha chad silver fox with the perfect amount of stubble
>Gosling as Morgan Blackhand
He does cry later in the trailer when murdering people
Hy тaк тo дa
this guy is pretty handsome no homo
Dirty mongol detected.
>They already admitted it wasn't going to be customizable.
Is your name Tyroneiqua or why do you care so much?
It's obvious, why would they spoil a major plot point in a CG trailer?
this one is more manly and brutal
Hot dude
Why are white people so fucking autistic? No one gives a fuck what kind of white you are, nigga you're fucking white, nationality doesn't make you special retard. All you niggas look alike. Cyberpunk dude could pass as British, Polish, German what the fuck ever. Hell none of your countries are homogeneous you retards and you all have admixture from each other. Germans are literal Slavic/Germanic mutts, and the Brits and French are mutts themselves.
Well so far all other posters have done is post so called people who resemble him but look way way uglier LOL
Because your joke wasn't even good and it bothers me
Having a bad day user? Would you prefer I ask if I can replace everything and become a terminator. Because I'd probably do that too, sounds pretty "metal"
are you genuinely mentally challanged?
I agree, but why would you feel the need to post this when the game is not even an exclusive to their store?
They changed their minds, not enough dev time.
Whatever you say nigger.
>slav american
What did he mean by this?
Definitely gay. If he wasn't, he would've flinched at the unexpected intimate contact.
Stop pulling my leg
It is ironic that white people are the most concerned about homogenity the entire white race is the most heterogeneous on the planet. It exist because 2 different ancient groups mixed together. Both Asians and Africans have more genetic variance. While all Whites and even Arabs overlap with each other.
Because you're black, right?
But what about muh slavic women. Stalker had none, how am I suppose to fall in love with Alpha Svetlana, if she's not in game.
>They already admitted it wasn't going to be customizable.
Why are you lying on the internet?
Maybe volcel
These Pollacks created an outstandingly good game, they have credibility, you have none. They were quite clear about the game being in first person even when they faced disagreement. They didn't completely rely on fuzzy words and details then even when they were getting crap for it. It also makes sense to have your character be based on what they're going to make the game about. The game is about being a criminal, it makes sense that whatever your background your character is a young criminal just starting out. Your character can become adept at those three major abilities combat, tech, and netrunner, but they've said and shown that you don't have to be a generalist. You get to choose your stats. A story that can be deep and enjoyable isn't going to necessarily work for any and all potential characters. Have you ever played a table top RPG and seen players just outright refuse storylines, jobs, and plots since their character wouldn't do that? If the player character is some corporate heir wouldn't the game be focused on office politics? If instead they're all dedicated to being a rockerboy they wouldn't necessarily be carrying out these jobs either they'd be playing songs and going to concerts. They wouldn't fit into doing these jobs, so game over, you don't play or CDPR would have to make a game that fits all these potential characters but the story then becomes a mile wide and an inch deep.
Lol my russkaya ex used to get salty when I said that to her.
>we are all the same please unite!
Yikes no. Slavs are inbred subhumans and not considered white by actual white people
No self respecting straight man wears earrings.
I'm a girl and I choose the handsome guy over the dyke easily. I detest playing as girls in RPGs.
shut the fuck up streetshitter
if you thought it wasnt massively obvious that dirty virgins like you are the ones spamming the most pathetic shit, then LMFAO@u
Oh yeah, Im sure a WHITE american would call a WHITE russian, nonwhite
definitely nothing fishy about that and definitely doesnt smell of some buttblasted chinkoid or some such human garbage projections
t. norf fc
Lmao, poles will pay them anyway. ;^)
Wow dude you sure told me
That was the worst thing about the trailer.
>durr magic hacking with muh eyes
Whats so handsome about him?
(and here's why)
Left ear is hetero, right ear is homo. Keep in mind he's looking into a mirror.
No YOU STFU, literally no one cares about ancestry as much as you white /pol/ posters. You are the number one people ordering those ancestry test
nah hes clearly a white cuck getting offended on behalf of others at any trivial thing or a harmless joke
Agreed, I have no idea why these faggots are so insecure about being white.
Soon they'll be walking around with a fucking paint colour sampler checking if their tan isn't too dark.
i'm white too
what a wonderful post
That’s because the white groups have actual culture and soul.
Africans and Asians are soulless animals
>The game will not be third-person
If they have the models, making it third-person is literally inserting a few lines of code moving the camera.
They do not have the models or the frameworks or indeed the anything.
No, no one went cyberpsycho, it's called "someone made a shit decision" and Jacky paid for it.
>trying to talk sense into the "i saw a bunch of pics on the internet i'm an expert: the site"
lmao just google your cherrypicks of choice and keep flinging feces, it's what this place is for
Hes not a brown round-faced head-shaking ring-a-ding-ding-ding streetshitter manlet mong
>tfw I have my right ear pierced and I'm bi
didn't know about this but can confirm
true, there's no way black people can figure out how to post on Yea Forums with that average IQ
too bad that trailer was CG and the final game looks like it's from the PS3 era
still looking forward to it though
Can't wait for the meltdown when people realize there's no character customization other than male and female.
Give her a proper haircut and she cute
It's 57 years from now, I think fashion might change in that time.
Nothing wrong with him being a fag though.
>btw im a girl
You know the rules.
Brits are literally inbred my dude. That's why they're trying to wash out their genes by importing massive amounts of foreign donor sperm kek
Not true, creating every animation in duplicate is a ton of work
Inferiority complex - the post
no, he would be killing people if he was under cyberpsychosis, so it's either a hallucination from all the damage he suffered or Silverhand is directly trying to contact you.
Huh? Why you being tired made her salty?
>making it third-person is literally inserting a few lines of code moving the camera.
>they got rid of the create your own V thing from store pages
>white skin
>not white
Why wouldnt I care about ancestry you dirty cockroach LMAO
My family name is 500 years old
Then theres you, a literal who RAT lmfao
We talking russian accent, or just russian translation. Because a russian accented MC sounds pretty sweet. Why don't games let me pick cool accents in voice select. At least based XCom has us covered.
The only white people that will exist in 50 years considering how retarded western europe is.
It was a way of signaling gayness to other gays subtly back when being gay was still underground.
Wearing belts upside down was another thing.
he looks like a generic slav bitch, weak jaw and all
KEK, the ones with inferiority complexes are those who need to be specific ancestries to feel some sort of pride for their lack of self worth and invidvidual failures.
So Koreans, Japs and Chinese are white people too?
>no, he would be killing people if he was under cyberpsychosis
Hallucinating a childhood idol telling you to burn a whole city is kind of implicitly violent.
He looks like ziggy from the wire
>My family name is 500 years old
Literally no one cares, you're still an unaccomplished incel my dude
this, we try to dissociate ourselves from russia (or eastern europe generally) whenever possible because the whole region is a corrupt shithole, and frankly we are more ambitious than that
ALSO we are actually more slavic than russia will ever be, they just perverted the slavic identity with degenerate soviet ideology and mongol genetics
pic related typical russian town
You seem to know some things about that, wouldn't you happen to be an homosexual in my board?
Russian MC would be nice, I hate translations.
Literally taking all the hard work done by big name Western voice actors and figuratively replacing it with shit
Lmao, have you ever seen an asian person without skin whitening?
Poles have caucasian features, just google polish actors or politicians. Posting inbred alcoholics is not an argument.
Do non-whites not have facial recognition skills? If you live in yurop, surrounded by people who resemble you more or less, then a guy with slightly foreign features is going to catch your eye. Even if they're as white as you. It's not a positive or negative thing, just interesting, since it's nice to know where they're from and what they look like over there. I guess burgers wouldn't understand since they're such a cocktail of every mutt gene under the sun.
>They were clear about the game being first-person
They claimed it was going to be first-person, then they backpedaled on it and had Kotaku compliment them for being "honest" when they only made false promises. Not relying ("completely") on fuzzy word magic isn't a good thing when what you're saying is "fuck you, we'll have your fanbux without doing shit".
The game is not about being a criminal, the game is about the world of Cyberpunk, which explicitly has journos and corpos and cops and rockerboys.
Even then, the "hardcore mercenary who only takes the most difficult jobs" is not a down-to-earth backstory, it's a high-flying endgame career that shows they have no interest in building on your character's story since they're starting him off where he'll end.
It was stated that "you will NOT specialize in ANY of the three, but instead go into all of them", emphasis mine, words theirs.
Sure, a game like that is hard to make.
But then you don't promise that game, gather Kikestarter bucks and then run away cackling with the moolah, releasing a pale shade of it.
If you can't make a good game with options (which is easier now than ever with procedural generation), you don't make a game with options.
You say "this is going to be on rails" since the beginning.
Because all this time, it's been played up as this semi-open-world interactive game where the world reacts to your race and appearance and gender and background, and then it becomes Slavic Male Simulator 2019 where you shoot, Matrix-combat and WoW-engineering-create things that shoot guys for you down endless hallways and alleys where every ability is obligatory and no choice offers anything better than a collectible.
That's a pretty specific type of character you have in mind there.
that place looks incredibly soulless, like a massive prison. where do you even go to do interesting things, what do you do?
How do these "people" even fuction IRL? Do they screech at every white male they see on the street?
Western cities are the same, we just have more trees.
>like a massive prison
The Soviet Union in a nutshell.
If they have the models.
If they have the models.
If they have the models.
If they aren't at the point where there's just moving the camera left, they haven't done the work they told us they'd be doing and they never intended to.
nah they only feel safe online. you know when they say le cringe racists only do their thing online? that's pure projection.
this reads like talktotransformer generated your post
What's wrong with dykes? Are you phobic against lesbians or something?
>t-they whiten their skin it is fake!
Asians are more white than you, fucking hilarious.
You nonwhite jokes keep making these posts about "not caring", they are very amusing
If you can, do also tell me what you think it means and feels like to have blue eyes, we ll compare notes :)
why does this guy look different in every image?
By pretending to be a video game dev on the internet
the girl version looked manlier than this faggot
This, if you're surrounded by mostly white people you get better at detecting subtler nuances in phenotype.
When I lived in Britbongistan for uni, everybody thought I was either German or French, even though I'm a slav, kek.
This is what happens when you drown your country in a sea of shitskins.
It seems the people behind it are trying out a new AI to generate random uninformed shitposts.
>my family name is 500 years old
That means literally nothing, family names are just variations of the father’s given name that people stopped caring about at some point so it stuck.
The actually important people 500 years ago were never even referred to by their family names, that shit is just important so peasants can avoid invbreeding.
Pulaski from GTA san andreas was Polish - you could even see Russians in that game
It is 2019 after all
Nigga, you have been mixing with each other for hundreds upon hundreds of years hence why every single one of you has ample amounts of admixture from each other. You will literally find people in every country in Europe who look like people from other countries. You are literal mutts. The entire Caucasian race was born throught muttening of 3 racial groups one of which even looked like a chink and the other a literal brown globino. Neolithics were brown as shit, and Yamnaya were LITERAL mong admixed mother fucker, and you're made up with both of the niggas.
That's true and looking at it now you could be right, he could very well be slowly losing his marbles, he made a stupid decision by opening fire on corpos, getting his best friend killed because he couldn't put a handle on his cyberautism and finally getting fucked over by his employer.
Left all the way
The game takes place in California, the closest thing you have to men is the women
I'm a girl and I choose the pretty dyke over the skinny guy. A man should be muscular or GTFO.
I'm not insecure about my ethnicity like you, mutt.
Bleached korean realdolls are only matched in whiteness by Scandinavians. Guess that means you're not white?
he looks pretty good i don't know what the fuck you faggots on about
Lol this insecure slav is still rambling?
Post a picture of yourself ugly subhuman
He's a cute runt. I'm tired of every male character being either the same old macho daddy (though those can be alright too) or some diversity pick, you see qt skinny white guys like him pretty rarely unless it's a Japanese game.
No shit I know, my father made sure I never wear my belt right to left.
Also, an earring in the left ear only is a custom for only sons in some places.
I am Slavic and I actually can tell who's American, British, Balkan or French and who's not
Although it is hard for me to distinguish Germanics and western slavs and sometimes eastern slavs
American mutts and non-whites are having another meltdown
>btw im a girl
Mental illness at work.
>come on user
Americans are literally just bongs with German thrown in the mix. Majoritiy of white Americans are bong.
>night time for sun haters
>kills off annoying sidekick and replaces him with John fucking Wick
Definitely more excited for this trailer than the other they showed.
Just looks too Polish, it could be worse.
Wait what the fuck, I also wear my belt right to left
I'm scared
dude he's not ugly, and on he's easily a 8/10
You can't say he's worse than the first one though.
I bet you've never been to yurop. You can post all the gene charts you want, but if I can tell a dane from a slav then there are certainly some general differences between populations.
Punished Samurai
he looks nothing like him you /pol/tard
americans liked him more because he looked like some wigger trash
this is what happens when you spend you whole shitskinoid life jerking off to whites
thought it wouldnt catch up to you?
Hilariously enough it's always the Scandinavians or whoever talking shit about subhumanity, but there are actually more Slavic male models working in the industry than there are Scandinavia. Infact this is the highest paid male model in Denmark LMAO doesn't even look stereotypically Scandinavian. Is this why Germanics are always seething on the internet?
Damn. Both male V and female V look awesome.
daily reminder that there's supposedly a bunch of sex options in the game so fucking keanu is very much a possibility
pootin gay lol
He's name is V or Samurai
Some retards cried already that cdp kills your bro in first mission lmao. This is average Yea Forums poster
Niko was unironically the best protagonist of the series.
Scandinavian men are really ugly and bald at like 25.
t. slav living in a nordic country
lmao, at first this guy looked Italian to me
"master race" is on a suicide watch
I’m Danish and at my gym I can instantly tell when Eastern Europeans are at the gym.
They have a very specific look(also weak as fuck and do shitty snap city execises, but that’s beside the point)
Pole here. Yes we definitely are. Not sure if I should be proud of it but that's the reality
> German and Russian rape
If anything it got cleaner with the jew genocide. Also Russians are slavs so I don't see how it'd change anything
And you know what's super-hilarious?
You know what's really the gut-buster?
In a setting where gender-reassignment surgery is literally something you can do over the weekend, they will not include any characters who have used it.
Because that's "insulting" to the legbeards.
And as such, we will have at least one character who looks like Doctor Frank N. Furter in a leather bodysuit and spends the game shrieking about discrimination, yet no patrician male characters who got the combat loli kit on top of their huge cybernetic operation and not have the best of both worlds.
he looks more white now which is an improvement
You are literally a belt tranny. This is what happens when we let you new worlders govern yourselves. First you can’t dress yourself straight, then you start chopping your dicks off, and then you fuck things up for everyone else.
somebody let the reddit tranny onto Yea Forums
>Slavs are a race
Why the fuck nobody told me about this
>weaker than a nationality where 50% of the men have gyno tits
I look like that dude.
People often think I’m Italian or Spanish.
he's handsome and kinda cute.. i'd suck him off everyday.
LMFAO I've neber heard that before
looking at its twitter account and the people it retweets, it kinda made me vomit in my mouth a bit.
these people need mental institutions.
Piercings are homo period.
The "west" has no issue making attractive men. It's attractive women that they refuse to make, which is why we have yet to see one in the game.
>this soiman cope
Not a single record in either oly or powerlifting are danish, while plenty are slavic
>waifu game about keanu reeves
I wonder what he thinks of this
*slaps your ass*
Of course they are
It's an ethnic group with its own set of languages. It probably can't be considered a race since science recognizes only 3 races not counting the mixes
He’s not real and if he were, he’d be like 80 or 90
Why is this place so tumblr now? Why does every discussion degenerate back into identity politics?
Doesn’t change the fact that your average slav are ugly and weak as fuck manlets.
He's an hologram, user
Dex says he has a big job for V, but first he needs to test him with that spider bot mission
source: your ass
butthurt nonwhites who will never be white
it's tumblr enough for faggots to keep posting weeb shit cartoon pics in their posts
Balkan is the home of the tallest people on Earth.
something something 2016 elections
Last time I checked many of the world's strongest men were either Slavic or just from eastern europe ( Lithuania ) in general
You are infertile so your opinion don't matter lol
Fuck off back to r eddit you piece of shit.
I wonder if they'll make different story arcs for when you start losing your shit or get caught by MAX-TAC. Start slicing up a public place and you get a squad of these motherfuckers coming down on you.
Definately, he might be half who knows. But he's the most successful Danish model, and he doesn't look like a hitler youth kek
Yes? Because I have never seen any average good looking slavs
he looks like your average polish criminal
he looks like he has a collection of stolen car batteries in his back yard
Attractive as in handsome with chiseled jaws, sure. Attractive as in cute, nah. This protag actually looks cute without looking like a faggot or an anime character.
>weak manlets
Slavs dominate Germanics in contact sports my dude, infact the greatest boxer of all time isn't even a Germanic, it's a wog.
I should check my ancestry some day.
Now you're just speaking buzzwords without knowing what they mean.
Trannies are against anyone ever becoming real women in fiction unless it's painted as some kind of universal reward for being a martyred middle-class white guy.
Trannies are not real women and are opposed to characters who do something they can't.
Trannies are fighting for special rights for pale, overweight, stretch-marked welfare-slurping hambeasts in "sassy" slogan T-shirts and neon-blue sidecuts, not people actually being able to become the opposite gender.
Do streetshitters actually think that because they lurk on flagless boards they cant be spotted
Nigger, the average height for men in Denmark is 180cm, balkaniggers beat you by 2-4cm
Looks like an asian hapa
no offense
im whiter and prettier than anyone in this thread
literally and unironically have sex
>Olivia "totally not a Russian troll factory account" Hill
bend over pretty boy
Considering I hid my eyes yeah I could see that.
>all these white male protagonists
how seething you think all the tranners and SJW's are right now
bend over pretty boi
Just as it should be
>Russia is "western" to me
Calling me a Westerner is an insult to me
>having sex unironically
Found the boomer.
Fucking hivemind lmao
i was born in 2000
I'm confused? are you talking about Brits? Yeah they're well known for touring to peoples countries and shitting in the streets and pissing on the walls, degenerates.
prove it
kek, are you polish by any chance? i'm wondering if that's a thing outside of poland
Poster on the left
fucking boomer
>no reply
stream your suicide, pajeet
Not as triggered as you lol. Imagine having all these white protagonist, and STILL getting triggered this much over women and browns. WHITE FRAGILTY.
Too old.
>p-pls reply
It’s a thing in Europe at least, not sure about murrca
Nah ur a streetshitter begging for (you)s with some buzzwords, its the only thing youre capable of
the fuck is that abomination
Unironically the most racist thing I've seen all week
lmao you look like shit nigger
Daily reminder, the "master race"
cope mutt