What do you hope to see, user?

What do you hope to see, user?
Dream big!

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Other urls found in this thread:


the new yoshi

I just want Animal Crossing. It's been so long.

a smash reveal of a fighter that nobody called but is still interesting

that dynamax was just a joke

Wright. It's gonna be Wright.

I pray for F-Zero every year, but realistically I just enjoy the suprise announcements.

Basically this

Metroid collection on switch. Metroid 1, 2, super, fusion, zero, samus returns, prime trilogy.

this leakfags dont deserve shit
acting like annoying faggot for sometime doesn't mean u should get your way
also because all the circlejerked characters fucking suck cock
also would rather not see those fuckers get smug

All I wanted from Nintendos E3 was a new 2D Metroid or a new Kid Icarus and it looks like we're getting a 2.5D Metroid

A reason to own a Switch past year 1.

Like who?
I'd love an Advance Wars rep.

Dream big huh?

A new F-Zero
A new Wave Race
A new 1080 Snowboarding
A DK64 sequel
A full game centered on Ashley
A new Monster Hunter exclusive to Switch that isn't casualized
Metroid Collection
Zelda Triforce Collection (WW HD + TP HD + all new SS HD with reworked controls)
Bravely Collection (1+2 HD remaster) with new Bravely 3 game
A proper and very good Mario Golf game with great online play
A Nintendo eroge with paths for EVERY SINGLE NINTENDO GIRL that ever existed with dozens of well made lewd scenes and great dialogue for all of them

How's that?

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>Banjo and sora/doomguy for smash
>Reggie comes for a last surprise and announces Mother 3 and an Earthbound HD remaster
>some kind of TF2 port or spinoff for the switch
>new F-Zero
>Mach Rider game
>Peach dies in a smash trailer
>FFVII remaster for switch

Mother Trilogy Remastered with Smash visuals:
>EarthBound Beginnings
>EarthBound: Mother

And while you're at it, add Porky at Smash.

If I get 3, this comes true.

That revived canceled IP talked about this spring is Megaman Legends 3. If it is though, it's likely going to be one big monkey's paw looking at Battletoads.

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New Adventure of Lolo
New Captain Rainbow Game
Zack & Wiki 2
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers 3
Wizards and Warriors 4
Doshin the Giant 2
New Pocky & Rocky
Faxanadu 2

still can't believe this bitch was conceived by a human. shes so fucking hot

Wave Race was so fun, I'd love a new one.
I wish Nintendo would put out more of their second tier franchises like that.

Leak is fake, they already said no new announcements, and have been hinting at significant downsizing since the new president.
Internal leaks show that they are slowly phasing out their internal studios and just turning to licensing of their IPs as their main source of income. They cited multiple generations of extremely poor sales and inevitable downturns in their core hardware business as their reasoning.

Paper Toad
Another Kirby's Adventure clone
Retro IP aimed at 10 year olds
Animal Crossing Gacha Edition
Yoshi's Labo Grabo
Splatoon 3

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XCX2. Yes, I know, it will never happen ;_;


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Secret of Evermore remake

Lads. It's Banjo-Kazooie.

>a new MH that isn't casualized and switch exclusive

you really want snoyfags to kill themselves kek

a game from retro, I don't care what it is, at this point I'd even take fucking star fox grand prix

please ma'am I've been so good

A new Punch Out title. I hope Nintendo remembers it's their most popular non Mario sports title for a reason.

You got Arms

Bayonetta 3 please

Just a decent chunk of Animal Crossing and I'll be content

I work for Retro and we'll have a 2.5D Metroid to show. Remember my post on Tuesday

>>we get Will/Lin along with a Days of Ruin switch port
>>Generates enough interest to revive the series

It's Never Ever tier but God I fucking wish


>Xenoblade X-2
>new Paper Mario in the style of the first two games
>Reimu for Smash
>Wonderful 102

I hope we don't get a new Pikmin. Would be a waste to make that when so many other good things could be made.

Dream big you say? Alright, nintendo vs. capcom gets announced.

A HD port of No More Heroes 1/2 and xenoblade 1 would also be nice, cause those games shouldn't be stuck on the fucking wii

Did that Sabi account on twitter leak Nintendo's E3 direct like MS and Bethesda's conference yet

YOU said to dream big so don't kill me if I tell you my personal hopes

>New Mario and Luigi game has 3D models, story that gets every single character in Mario lore and gameplay not limited to Mario and Luigi only but also adds back all playable characters from former titles: Bowser, Babies, Paper Mario, and, as a tribute to SMRPG, Geno and Mallow too. Fawful is main villain
>New Kirby game with full 3D movement
>Mother trilogy ported with full 3D models based on the clay renders
>The new leak about Mario and Sonic at the Olympics that says that Pauline, Toadette, Funky, Tikal, Chaos 0 and Marine are playable is true
>MUA3 FINALLY adds Inhuman Royal Family members that are not Crystal AND the Fantastic 4
>New F-Zero that brings back all previous racers in the series
>Metroid Prime Trilogy gets ported to Switch

I know that, like, half of these won't even be real, but one can dream.

They've been working on it for years haven't they?

banjokazooie (llitearlly who) faggots raped and strung up by nintendo.

then master chief announced for smash. unironically.

Can't wait for reimu to be confirmed for smash

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Her cover was blown so we lost her
But she leaked Banjo on Discord (at least that's what I heard I don't have Discord)


New Monolith game
Bayo 3
Astral Chain
Metroid Dread
Metroid Prime 4 update
Link's Awakening
New Zelda game
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pikmin 4
Witcher 3 Switch
Pokemon Sword and Shield
New Starfox game

Part of it
>trailer for contra collection
>new warioware
>trailers for all the games already known about for 2019

Don't worry, this will happen. But ""insiders"" will backpedal and make up a reason they didn't see it coming
>I told you it was a bear, just not which one! Banjo was just a codename
>See? It was a SE character. I was right!
>They use a sword anyway, it's easy to get the two mixed up
>Both of them have spikey black hair, it's very easy to get this stuff mixed up when you can't see it for long
>We saw the pixel art spirits and thought it was Minecraft, surely you'll understand

Banjofags won bro
vergeben leak confirms it

Banjo is 100% in

>new AC info and hopefully release date
>more modes revealed for Mario Maker (possibly DLC?)
>whatever new project Monolith Soft is working on (hopefully Xenoblade X2
And of course the Smash reveal. Out of all the meme characters you guys are talking about recently Doomguy seems like the best option, but the shitposting here will be ebin no matter who it is

Mother Trilogy Remake... or at least Mother 3.
But is not happening.

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Fucking completely different user, that is some low effort shit

fuck off

AC is being delayed until 2020 along with the Switch Mini.

BotW 2
Mario 2
I guess
Maybe Mario & Luigi 6

really doesn't matter, watching microsoft tease so many neat games and then jamming GFWL2 on top of it all already ruined E3 for me

games i don't even know i want

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>New Mario and Luigi game has 3D models
Please no, I don't trust them transitioning to 3D and keeping the charm intact, D&T already destroyed that hope with what little they introduced, especially the giant fights.

more third party AAA

And then mentally ill retards will keep giving them attention

>Dream big!
Don't do that, dreaming big leads to big disappointment. Dream very small, dream tiny.

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A Switch Pro that's far more powerful than people expected.
A 2D Metroid
A new 3D Zelda game
A 2D Zelda that's like Zelda 2 on the NES.
Faxanadu 2
Crystalis 2
An entirely new Nintendo IP with new characters
A new F-Zero
Ports of Zachtronic games

all they're gonna show is Doom Eternal and Witcher 3
every single western AAA port has ran like shit, why do people even buy those

Oh, and Mother 4/Earthbound II

New 2D Metroid

Honestly just from what we know will likely be shown so far I think this'll be pretty good.
>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion
>Smash DLC character(s)
>Metroid 5
>No More Heroes 3
>At least one Microsoft related thing

i dreamed small last year and was still disappointed. Xbox show was better than Nintendo's, Sony show was better than Nintendo's.

SMT V with gameplay footage
>a man can dream

New Mario game
New 3D Zelda
Animal crossing
Velvet for Smash
F-Zero ;_;

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Monster Hunter NEXT

But I doubt that Capcom wants anything taking away from Iceborne.

there will be NO hardware revealed goddammit

I NEED TO KNOW THE REST OF THE ROSTER, IT'S KILLING ME. Not because there are so many possibilities but because there's hardly any interesting picks left and Nintendo will probably include more shill characters like Joker. Spirits have made it even more confusing.

Switch mini for 150€

I think there's a slim chance they could announce it here with a 2020 release date, but I think they'll probably wait until after Iceborne releases

I know it's delayed but some teaser trailers of Rune Factory 5 would be great.

please show your working

never ever MH is gone for good
hopefully monoliths next game is a MH clone

I just want them to stop waving their dicks around

-Metroid Prime 4 is not going to be as good as Prime 1, and we aren't probably getting another 2D metroid game that's really decent, because they supposedly did that with the Return of Samus remake
-They're probably gonna announce yet another fucking Kirby or Yoshi game because we don't have enough of those
-Zelda is dead and buried beneath layers of Breath of the Wild, now the next game will be the same shit because they know a lot of people seem to love empty, meaningless worlds. I had hopes for a new 2D style traditional Zelda but all they have is a fucking remake that looks bad and a game that I already tried and have 0 interest for
-A cheaper version of the switch would be cool honestly

Not much else. AC is not my cup of tea. Neither is Fag Emblem. Smash is always the same fucking shit. Tell you what, make a new Paper Mario that is not complete garbage and I might be interested. Or acknowledge the Gamecube as a decent console and port remastered titles to the switch. Or release an N64 mini, since emulation is absolute garbage.

feel free to source any of this

mario sunshine sequel, but that's only happening in an alternate timeline sadly.

New Monolithsoft game
Bayonetta 3
Banjo Threeie
Demo for Astral Chain
Grandia 1 and 2 HD drop on eshop same day
New game from Octopath Traveler devs
2B and Geralt for Smash

das hot

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Chibi Robo Switch returns to the series' roots.

A real Paper Mario would be pretty cool.

Metroid stuff and Smash, maybe some interesting games i haven't heard of.


IS is too busy. We're never getting classic PM again.

a 2d metroid
a new zelda
some pokemon info
no smash shit

The truth hurts.

>IS is too shitty

What reason would they have to release another 2D metroid game? Did the last one even sell well? Everyone here either disliked or didn't really praise it much because it was the spanish company doing it.

>dream big
So I did.

Exactly. Miyamoto told them to fuck off with their Indiana Jones references so they could make Paper Mario good again, and in return IS dumpstered the franchise even further.

>intelligent systems who developed 10 3ds games and 3 wiiu games is too busy to work on more than 1 switch game at a time even though the optimization is fucking horrendous and the visual quality makes last gen games smug
What a fucking joke.

It sold like 200k units lifetime.

Wario Land 5

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Kakashi Hatake
Lights up the battlefield!

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Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime 4
BotW sequel
Banjo in Smash

And multiple Audrey nip slips

if that happens I will fly to tokyo and piss on iwatas grave

Why do you want to see wrinkled fake tits?

>It sold like 200k units lifetime
They never released sales numbers for SR. Stop trusting VGChartz.

Samus Returns was fucking fantastic.

breath of the wild 2
zelda is the protagonist, has magicfuckery because something something triforce
literally don't care for anything else since everything else is kiddie oriented garbage that for some reason attracts manchildren like flies on shit

They never released them because it sold poorly. To be fair if it was on Switch it would be at like 2 million by now.

off-topic but is the PC gaming show and Ubisoft conference worth watching?

A new actually good Katamari game.

metroid prime trilogy
warioland 5
wario world 2
new zelda that ISNT a formula game

Phoenix Wright in Smash please

Mario golf
Mario vs DK
SNES online
Xenoblade X sequel/port
Wonderful 101 sequel/port
TWEWY sequel

Any one of those would make E3 for me


They've been re-releasing the same game for more than a decade now, why would they put in any effort.

Bowsette as official character. The world would go nuts. As well as al the smut and hentai artists. Remember these thot cosplayers, the avalanche of skimpy cosplays would kill every convention!

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>A new Monster Hunter exclusive to Switch that isn't casualized

this is the most impossible one, I think we get mhw before they make any new mh title.

Why are you a faggot

Progression-based 3D Zelda or crossbreed BotW and TP. Preferably with the same art direction as TP.
A different Mario RPG. Can be M&L, Paper Mario, anything. Heck Rabbids showed some cool shit, use that.
Donkey Kong, either 3D or 2D.
Some new IP for action RPGs.
Splatoon 3 teasers, since Splatoon 2 is nearing its end and the IP is too big in Japan not to have another sequel in the future.
News on Pikmin, if the series is doomed to fall into the same trap as Metroid/Star Fox/F-Zero ("hurr we can't innovate") or if they are working on it.
"We fixed our damn netcode"
Glorified ports reduced in price (DX versions of all Wii U ports)
Wario Land 5 / Wario World 2
Some different Nintendo cross-over game or DLC to Smash because fuck World of Light and Subspace Emissary was kinda cool

What we'll get:
Gacha games
Random shill smash newcomer to troll the fans (at least use something confirmed to get a game on Switch)
Pokemon Spear and Bulwark
Costumes on Super Mario Odyssey no one cares for
More Wii / Wii U ports followed by shop delisting, pay 60 buckerinos for graphics and a port kiddo

Would they even acknowledge the existance of the Metroid series with those sales?

I mean after Reggie's ignorant "oh they just don't know what they want, it's like Wind Waker all over again" with a game that wasn't even the same thing as Metroid I would expect them to acknowledge Mother fans more than Metroid ones.

Doesn't matter if it was or not

you've got my attention user

Kantai Collection Arcade ported to Switch.
Re-class in Smash.

>why would they make a new good katamari game
because the switch is just whimshical enough for it to be the perfect console for it.

Bowsette would be something noone expects!

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literally a chestlet woman or tranny

How about showing some astral chain footage?
Only a fucking trailer and it comes out in less than two months

They have a game containing almost all pre-World assets running on the Switch, I think people severely underestimate how easy it would be for them to throw together a new Monster Hunter game for the system.

How should we know? Ubisoft is probably going to have a pride filled conference with dancers like always and yet more assassin's creed / online multiplayer game shit, maybe. PC gaming show is anyone's guess. Last year it was battle royale times 8.

2017 had Mario x Rabbids
2018 had Star Fox
2019 had ???

Worth watching just for the latest collaboration and the Just Dance video imo


>because the switch is just whimshical enough for >third parties
>switch games

Sega merges forces with Nintendo to bring you Mario and Sonic the olympic faggots 2002

Yeah it should be Peacher

Bayonetta 3 trailer
SMTV trailer
Prime Trilogy
Reveal of Monolith's next game
I doubt we'll see anything on Prime 4

The switch version literally runs in the same mt framework version than world
But's let's be realistic, they're not going to show anything before iceborne gets released on pc unless it's some spin off like stories or some weird port

From a PR perspective this would be great. Even you could call it a LBQT appreciation.
More important it wouldnt be a "Let the world burn and everyone died" but "Let the world burn and everyone cummed" situation!

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News that they're remaking their online so you can make (actual) friends in games, if i'm silently standing next to 3 hot babes in those Pokemon raids and I can't message them saying how i'm miring their shinies what's the fucking point. Pikmin trilogy remaster would be welcome/just new fucking games, I hate how there's so much hype around Smash DLC since it wont be enough to make me return to the game

Morizumi announcing that he will make more PXZ and abandoning OG

Arle Nadja, Leon Kennedy, Dante, Crash Bandicoot or Scorpion in Smash.

An early masterpieces. Dont blame the artist, its al interpretations.

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animal crossing
animal crossing
animal crossing
animal crossing
animal crossing
animal crossing
animal crossing

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>Bowsette is in the direct
>As a gag where Doug Bowser picks up a power crown and transforms off screen, all you see are Bill and Miyamoto's reactions

F-Zero Uncharted clone
Golden Sun collectable card game
Mother live service multiplayer game
Banjo battle royale

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You wish, gay bowser

>also knee deep into porn

I wouldn't like another spin off, I'm just sayin a new game would be too much, devolopin new monsters and arenas alongside iceborne is just no possible.
I can see where you're coming from tho, it wouldn't be that hard, but they would announce it only e3 2020 because they hardly are developin it right now.

Zelda maker

I just want that sweet ALTTP/TLOZ world making with all sorts of shit

Pokemon mystery dungeon MMO, but it will never happen OR the Switch wont be able to sustain a MMO format.
It's a shame because it'd cash in both in pokemon hype and give an incentive to renew Nintendo Online, it'd be win win

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We have to keep hoping user, it will happen, it HAS to

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What the fuck!? This post is fucking based as fuck!

Pikmin 4!

I believe, friend.

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Xenoblade X port or sequel
Another boomer/90s kid Smash pick
Better Virtual Console
Shin Megami Tensei V news, for god's sake

I'll be lucky to get even one of these.

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>devolopin new monsters and arenas alongside iceborne is just no possible
You know they have multiple teams, right?

Something else than relase dates or gameplay of game that we already have knowledge of.

Dream big? alright then

>Paper Mario proper, 1 and TTYD style
>F-Zero with online up to 32 people Includes characters from the Anime as racers
>Starfox game proper. Re-introduce Krystal, she was nice to have around.
>Kid Icarus on the switch with better controls and online
>Solid info on SMT V, including release date
>A 2D Metroid as well as info on Prime 4
>A Kirby game with higher difficulty as its selling point.

Damn, you! You unravel my plan! You little anons and your doggo spoiled my plan!

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People keep saying multiplayer Mystery Dungeon but realistically how would it work as anything else but a turn-based game? It'd be ridiculously slow with multiple players, its already kind of slow with just the player controlling 1 Pokemon. Or are people expecting a Mystery Dungeon which controls more like Rumble?

this and also a new Wario Land alongside the new WarioWare

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Isn't this an edit from another girl?

New Monolith Soft game but knowing Nintendo they have siphoned their staff again to help with more bing bing wahoo and zelda rehashes

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GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, true believers! Stan Lee here, I've just come up from Hell briefly to give you a reminder that yes, we're another day closer to Spider-Man (yes, THE Spider-Man from our folks at Marvel Comics) getting confirmed in the biggest gaming extravaganza that is Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Ultimate! Make sure you equip your web-shooters for the upcoming Fighter Pass when our hero Peter Parker and his friends walk into the spotlight!

>But Stan! Spider-Man isn't a video game character

Oh no no, Anonmyous. You really think that the talented Masahiro Sakurai would deny himself the opportunity to work with a cultural landmark such as Spider-Man himself? The folks at Japan LOVE good old Spidey even more so than those mangos and anime characters like that Goku of yours!

>b-but Banjo and Scorpion are important western representatives

I barely know who these people are, unlike Spider-Man which has people from toddlers to old men like me quickly recognizing it! He's the face of the American entertainment history! Now I don't know about vergebens or whoever this MasterOfHyrule is but I can guarantee to you that you just can't trust everything you read on the internet! As far as I know it could be a scheme by the Sinister Six to play with your emotions!

See you fellow spideyfans this E3

It's not gonna happen sadly

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Mario Golf please

>Dream big!
Eternal Darkness 2

As big as i can

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I still have the Hope's sakurai will squeeze rex n pyra into smash.
Some astral chain gameplay.
After that I'm just ready to see anything new.

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You heard it here, exclusively on this thread, gameboy 2 is in the works and it will include a port of super mario world 3

>called 3D
>is on the Switch
lel, they really missed their chance with that one

Pikmin 4, something fun and unexpected and Blockhead.[/spoiler.]

Paper Zelda in the vein of TTYD.


Also no mention of Smash at all, just to piss off the whiny smashbabies.

>Banjo and Kazooie in Smash
>Pikmin 4
>Super Mario Bros USA for Mario Maker ala 3D world

If Rex makes it in over Banjo reddit will explode with butthurt. Worth it just for that.

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I think there's an extremely, extremely small chance that they could be in as a bonus fighter separate from the fighter's pass like Piranha Plant was, but I wouldn't hold by breath.

splatoon cunny

>spikey black hair
god if he is in, i'll be so damn happy

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To be honest no matter who gets into smash we win, the butthurt and the explosion of autism will be a fucking glorious time, I honestly just want reimu to be in at this point to cause maximum trabble

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>Also no mention of Smash at all, just to piss off the whiny smashbabies.
Imagine hating video games this much

I don't generally use this website so I assume it's fine if I post this here.

As someone with patriarchal insider connections, I am proud to announce that there are TWO Smash character announcements incoming, and they're nothing like you'd expect.

The first character, and the first they'll reveal somewhere midway into the presentation, is Ashley Mizuki Robins from the Another Code series - alongside an announcement for a new game in the series! Her attacks consist of a combination of her friend Matt from the second game, using her DTS/DAS, the TAS from the sequel, and original, music based attacks (Ashley is a guitarist, which was just a hobby and not a very significant plot point in her first two games, but musical minigames WILL feature in the newer game installment.) Her final Smash will involve a sort of lock on with the DAS sattelite camera.

Then they'll do a classic Nintendo fakeout at the end of the presentation and deliver a final Smash announcement. And no, it won't be Banjo or Steve, but SPACE INVADER - the announcement video itself is fairly similar to the Pacman announcement. Gameplay is fairly similar to ROB, and the character is very floaty, but it has this weird destruction debuff when it hits people. Its final attack involves summoning a whole bunch of itself.

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F zero
F zero

A character based upon their Hanafuda cards?

I don't know, the fucking kid from startropics?

I'm hoping for mario kart 9 honestly

>mfw it's Akagi

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This is pretty much me.
Always work when I actually am given good surprises like last year.
And always makes me feel better when something I heard about (Nintendo x Microsoft collab, Banjo revival, more info on some good shit) doesn't happen.

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>those Nocturne vibes in the trailer
it's going to be pure kino

Golden Sun 4 or Golden Sun: The lost Remake (which includes part 1 and The Lost Age.

another Code is literally dead, along with the company that made it's games, there's no reason to expect to see the main character in Smash, as even a spirit.

>square enix repping a taito character
>not bub and bob
Try next time, not try harder, try at all.

Here you go bro!

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It just needs one solid big-dick surprise announcement. They have a solid base of just-below-top tier titles either rumored or certain, but there's no really big thing to be looking forward to right now other than a Metroid Prime logo. Have that BotW-engine-reusing new Zelda everyone's been wanting, or a big Odyssey DLC, or Metroid gameplay, or something on that kind of level. It needs that one huge thing to tie all of the slightly-smaller stuff we already know is coming together.

New Monolith Soft game
Astral Chain stuff

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Windwaker HD and Twilight princess HD ports

Quickly losing hope but I'd make a sõy face if Super Bomberman R2 or a Dark Souls II Switch port got announced. I'd also like a port of The Guided Fate Paradox and The Awakened Fate Ultimatum, but no one even know that those games even exist, sadly. Isaac in Smash was my real biggest hope, I could not give less of a fuck about non-64 smash games but the desperately need publicity might have been enough to get us some new Golden Sun games or at least a port or remaster. Being a Golden Sun fan is suffering. A sequel to Shinobi 3D would be ballin', too.

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Still 18 years to go

>as someone with patriarchal insider connections
are you stupid, or did you just forget the thread we're in? And how did you forget that Ashley IS already in as a Spirit?

>3D World finally ported over
>2D 60fps Metroid
>60fps Kirby game that isn't bad like Star Allies
>Less indie garbage
>More notable Japanese support that isn't half-assed
>New good Star Fox game
>Animal Crossing delayed to 2020 just for the furfag reactions
>No less than 5 minutes of Smash rosterfaggotry, Treehouse can cover the character in detail
Switch is an underhwelming piece of shit right now, so please surprise me Nintendo.

Nope just tired of all the "where is smash?????" comments every fucking direct/presentation. Fuck all of you ADHD spastics.

She's not getting into Smash as a fighter, and there is no new game coming, the staff all ended up at Square Enix or something, Nintendo don't even have the rights to the IP, because it was bought out by someone else.


i'd like more games that arent rereleases.

Zelda oracles games remake.
Xenoblade X port.

fuck you man this isn't the monkey paw thread

Didn't they end up making smartphone shit and then one game with just one very short chapter on the eShop that was of much lower quality than anything else they released?

MatPat and Stephanie will be at E3. That’s pretty cool.

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God how I would rearrange his stupid face.

dream big? a completely new sp game with an interesting character that hasn‘t been in a game before. a game, that doesn‘t leech off of any games that came out on nes and snes. a proper hit that just gets people hyped

no remakes
no sequels
no collections of games everybody has already played

Be nice to MatPat and Stephanie, user. They’re good people.

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Who's watching the baby then?

Right now what I want most is Three Houses info and a Rune Factory 4 release date. Other than that, I'd be happy just to be surprised by something new.

New Punch-out! game

I’m sure they have a babysitter. Ollie will be fine.

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Leaker here:

Phantasy Star Online 2 with local multiplayer.

Wario Ware: Works - basically the Super Mario Maker of the series. 500 games to start.

Hey Pikmin Deluxe Port - new features, multiplayer, a new style pikmin

SNES 20: 20 SNES games brought to Nintendo Online, released 2 at a time.

Bayonetta 3 Teaser

Mario Kart Phone game. It’s crap.

New Action RPG

More later

>Peach dies in a smash trailer

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Man, I love broken relationships

Animal Crossing
Even though its way too early, but SMO2
This is also acceptable

Anything with Daisy would be great, like a Mario Land remake but again, not gonna happen

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Okay, since youre an actual retard let me remind you AGAIN where you are
>What do you hope to see, user?
>Dream big!

Animal Crossing exceeds my very high expectations
FF tactics and tactics advance ports
Persona 4 Golden port or remake in 5's engine
Pokemon gen 4 continuation or remake out of nowhere
Smash is BARELY mentioned, that shit is kept to a minimum
Some new sprawling JRPG that doesn't have awful waifu-bait

Attached: 1551507552043.png (540x244, 142K)

I hope the new character for smash is a literal who that btfo's all the Edrick and Banjofags. I just want a real surprise that no one has speculated yet like Dig Dug

MatPat and Stephanie’s relationship definitely isn’t broken. They love each other and Ollie very much.

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Did they shop the exact same expression in all pictures? What the fuck is with these robotic, soulless people?


>Persona 4 Golden port or remake in 5's engine

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MatPat and Stephanie are actually cool people. You should watch their GTLive livestreams. They’re very entertaining.

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FNAF animatronics?

But that’s just a theory.

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Didnt this retard get arrested for protesting bloompft

Leaker here:

Pac-Man ultimate DX 2 with touch controls

Luigi is Missing

Battletoads is also on the Switch but this version has a big tittied evil woman for some reason

Switch U confirmed

Elder Scrolls Blades confirmed

Elder Scrolls Blades is confirmed, too

A port of GTA: San Andreas

Oracle of Ages remastered, Seasons couldn't make it, has the same art style as Link's Awakening HD and it's 1:1

New Pokemon game has an 8 bit gameboy mode

Virtual boy mini

Wario confirmed for Smash

Uncharted collection

Jin and Lora, aka the actually good Xenoblade main characters. Fitting because they're the main characters of Nintendo's last successful DLC but it also means we don't get 12 year old Rex and his mommy Pyra.


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Another leaker here I've seen proof of Elder Scrolls Blades before so this list must be accurate

But those 2 were so boring.
The DLC in general was pretty boring.

Another leaker, turns out we get more animal crossing in smash since K.K. slider is confirmed. I didn't really expect that given he was a spirit, but whatever.

>Jin and Lora
>Forgetting best girl

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a new banjo game

Mai Shiranui

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If you cut out the required "sidequests" it's actually a decent DLC story, worth the price for sure. The combat is really fun as well.

>generic happy go lucky female protagonist and moody white haired nomura character

Put her in the final smash, where she just freezes everyone's movement

>new 2D Metroid, sequel to Fusion
>pokemon suddenly isn't shit
>new game with a core mechanic that makes think "how the fuck has this never been done before?"
>Phoenix Wright as the new Smash character

hope there isn't a single sticky for an announcement during the nintendo thing. catalog is full of keanu threads, still no keanu sticky, wonder why a non-nintendo game doesn't get a sticky.

>Dream big!
In that case, I want Prototype to get the Bayonetta treatment.
Prototype 3 on the switch and Alex Mercer in Smash.
Try to say that wouldn't be awesome as fuck.
You can't, because it would be too fucking awesome.

both generic but so are a lot of characters in smash, I'd take edgy long white hair kanatabro teleporting behind you "nothin personnel kid" over steve or banjo

The combat was a huge downgrade for me but to each there own.

Don't dream that big, Jesus. Wish for peace in Israel instead.

I like both systems but I think I just enjoyed torna more because I didn't have to gacha grind, honestly

The real duke nukem forever

>Nocturne vibes
You mean general SMT vibes? The only reason you say Nocturne is that it's 3D. Nocturnebabbies really are the worst.

I really want an Animal Crossing special edition of the Switch since I missed out on the pop tart 3DS XL.

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New open world Zelda with actual weapons, dungeons and a linear story pls.

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duke nukem foreverial

I didnt like torna because I hate being forced into options especially switching I hate being forced to switch

I know people round here disliked A Link Between Worlds but fuck it I want something like that yet again.

>I know people round here disliked A Link Between Worlds
You don't know shit then, it's pretty well liked

I dunno, IV for example had a pretty different atmosphere. Also Nocturne was the first 3D game so it isn't that weird to associate 3D SMT with Nocturne.

>What do you hope to see, user?
Something that makes me excited about a new game again like I was when I was younger

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Gonna be real with you fellas, this "Basedboy" meme is the worst one we've had on Yea Forums yet.
I'm all for fun consolewar shitposting, but making fun of each other by essentially shouting "HAHAHA YOU'RE POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE IS ONE THAT I DISAGREE WITH!" is fucking lame.
Who even gives a fuck when some fag shouts "YOU'RE A LIBERAL!", it means nothing, it has nothing to do with games.
When the fuck did the console war jokes stop being about the consoles and games?

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Just here to say Bowsette is some embarrasing shit and people who want her should stick to their hentai and leave us all alone.

Back in 2014, your fault.

But I just come here to talk about my manchild hobbies, been doing this for like 13 years now, I just don't know how Yea Forums hasn't moved on from just shouting dumb political stuff at each other yet. Its the most boring era of buzzwords we've ever had but it just doesn't die. Once one political buzzword falls out of favour we just move on to a new one.

When the fuck are we going to go back to just shitting on each other for being plebs or having entry level shit taste in games? It seems like most consolewar shitposting is at best based on salesfigures as if we should give a fuck what normalfags are buying and playing.

Yeah, Nintendo killed almost all good picks
All Grinch members are either assists, spirits, or Ken, except for GUH HUH

>Dream big!
Alright, I'll take Project X Zone 3, the return of Henry Hatsworth, a Daisy-centric title and a side order of Megaman and Ace Attorney.

>Grinch members
>good picks
Bro, this is kinda cringe!

yo where the fuck is the main e3 thread or do we not have one?

>Grinch members
>good picks

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Dream big?

I want Nintendo, and japs in general to stop being lazy talentless hacks who make games that look like pa2 games, and consoles with the power of a ps2. And then I want them to stop selling those underpowered and shit games and consoles and sell them for the same price as triple AAA games and modern consoles, and stop taking advantage of nostalgic western man children.

Reminder that Goat Simulator is $2 on the app store and has better graphics than Nintendos "AAA" games

Actually kill yourself

Look it's simple. Make games less political, there you go. You're telling people to ignore something that is being shoved up their asses and to accept what is essentially a load of poorly handed bullshit. That never goes well.

Now it's like "oh just get over it" but the industry didn't. The press didn't. They push harder than ever.

I hope Miyamoto gets beaheaded life on stage. Left and right to him are giant bonfires in which people throw Amiibos and other Nintendo trash.

I just don't buy games that have shit I don't like in them, I also don't care enough about politics to seethe whenever some faggot american does faggot american stuff and shoves their political views down your throat.

Yea Forums used to hate crazy feminists for wanting to force devs to make what they want, not because they were liberal and we just hate liberals just because. We've gone full fucking circle and now seethe and cry whenever devs put stuff in games that go against our political views and act like total retards as if the devs have to do what we want them to do with their games.

Attached: FUCKING FEMINISTS.png (2208x650, 122K)

Animal Crossing and HD ports of Paper Mario, Paper Mario TTYD and Super Paper Mario

>A guy who pilots a motorcycle with shotguns
>Three loud noisy kids
>Kid who can control elements
>The Mario equivalent of an angel who possesses a puppet
>The Ultimate Lifeform
>An adventurer who uses his bird pal as a shotgun

I am preeeetty sure it could have been awesome

>implying Mach Rider wouldn't be top tier

>dream big
I'm a simple man, I just want a proper TRPG and if Fire Emblem refuses to deliver then bring back advance wars, also reboot of the Golden Sun series, let's start from scratch

his ass

Green pea-ness

Ah shit, Pheonix Wright would be fucking great, his forward smash has to be a giant objection

I wanna see Luigi's Mansion 3 and get a nearby release date for it, Animal Crossing information, and something free for subscribers that's cool like Tetris 99.

>I just don't buy games that have shit I don't like in them

And that's nice and all, until you just have to resort to a very small catalogue

>I also don't care enough about politics to seethe whenever some faggot american does faggot american stuff and shoves their political views down your throat

It's called escapism. People don't want to see that over and over, there's already enough shit out there. I'm sure you've been in a situation where real life has kicked your nuts and you don't want to constantly engage with the same fucking topic that you're done with IRL on a fucking videogame.

>Yea Forums used to hate crazy feminists for wanting to force devs to make what they want

They still do... and they still do.

>We've gone full fucking circle and now seethe and cry whenever devs put stuff in games that go against our political views

You're mistaking unaware people modeling batman to have the cape cover his ass due to how gravity works to aware people making a deliberate choice that they will tell you is deliberate in order to push a political idea or subject.

Please don’t go into video game development. You are literally what’s killing video games.

Funny how you sound like a bizarro version of the feminist retards we used to laugh at

Sorry but the dead memes club is three blocks down

I just want him to escape micro game hell and have a proper game again, picture related was released 11 years ago.

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you'rethesameas-ism doesn't work when you can't even properly explain why.

So long gay bowser

Preferably one that doesn't kill your fingers.

Quit taking politics in videogames seriously, it doesn't fucking matter, they're toys.
The devs will make whatever games they want, if you don't like it then dont' buy it. Who are you to tell developers what they can and can't make? Since when are your political views more important than their artistic freedom?
If it bothers you you should do the same thing we used to tell the feminists to do before Yea Forums became retarded, get into the fucking industry and make the games you want to see.

Metroid Dread. It's time.

A new pokemon mystery dungeon is the thing i want to see the most, it'll probably happen once sword and shield are atually out, though.
or maybe they'll use a reveal of it to show off more new 'mons

Throw in Pinball and a revamped Hunters and I'm in.

>Zelda Triforce Collection (WW HD + TP HD + all new SS HD with reworked controls)
All 3 have Skyward Sword controls, but they aren't cancer.

So, this means sans is confirmed


>New Smash character is a complete and pleasant surprise, everyone BTFO
>Nintendo let's Bandai/Namco make a F-Zero game
>MP4 has a trailer with actual gameplay, it looks good
>Virtual console for subscribers that isn't just NES games
>Animal crossing looks good, hopefully has better dialogue and good new features
>A new IP is shown that isn't garbage

As for fears, my biggest one is that they unveil a switch revision that's runs slightly faster and has exclusive games, a la new Nintendo 3DS.

there is a 40 minute video describing a great PW moveset, too lazy to grab a link but i'm sure it's not hard to find

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I want all dragon quest games to get switch ports.

Mario sunshine

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Malosblade DLC
Xenoblade Chronicles XX teaser or X port
Xenoblade: New Subtitle Third Branch Series
Either Elma or KOS-MOS in Smash
Official reveal of Monolith's fantasy game/Zelda
Xenosaga remastered

Awful taste

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based Xenoposter

Please let this happen

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expecting cadence of hyrule to drop tomorrow, so I'll probably grab that
anything ARMS related would be nice, it feels like a lot of wasted potential right now


>Who are you to tell developers what they can and can't make?
I'm a customer that has to spend money for them to keep doing what they're doing. Damn right I will tell them what they can and can't make.

>Since when are your political views more important than their artistic freedom?
You're weaseling around the subject. That's not artistic freedom, that's their political views. As I said, they are bold about it. You know what it is and you don't have to come at me to find out what it is, so don't bullshit me.

>If it bothers you you should do the same thing we used to tell the feminists to do before Yea Forums became retarded
"You" didn't "used to tell" shit. Please stop LARPing.

>get into the fucking industry and make the games you want to see.
Been tried, been canned.

Imagine Pheonix pulling up a goddamn desk on his opponents just to slam his hands on it

___Vegeta__ in smash

Would also love to see an advance wars revival. For realistic hopes I'd like to see whatever Monolith soft is working on.

I guess you've made up your mind, you clearly care more about fighting in this retarded political shitshow. Hopefully you either grow out of this or eventually grow out of videogames so I can go back to talking about my manchild hobbies with other manchildren like I did before people like you started bringing this retarded garbage to Yea Forums.

I've been told people on Facebook love talking out their ass about politics they don't understand, you might fit in there very well if you eventually realize you're wasting your time and generally just being a giant faggot on Yea Forums where no one likes you or wants to see you bring up politics.

Teaser trailer of new Zelda with mechanical stone giants lifting and rotating something massive.

Capcom guy shows up
Official translations of DGS 1 and 2 coming our way
Edgeworth 3 announcement, Edgey 1 and 2 collection coming to 3ds and switch.
Ace attorney 7 announced
AA5 and 6 declared non-canon, takumi is back

>a literally who nobody remembers
>annoying kids from a dead rhythm series
>shit character propped up by vocal minority rosterfags
>shit character propped up by vocal minority rosterfags
>ow the edge
>shit character propped up by vocal minority rosterfags
No, you are just another tasteless rosterfag that wanted to feel a part of some "movement"

A Tetrimino that acts similar to Mr. Game & Watch.

more fucking joycon colors

Didn't you bring up the subject and bitch a minute ago about Yea Forums not being your favorite place because politics? I seem to fit good in here then.

Microsoft has been gently nudging people to watch the Nintendo Direct. This seems a little odd to me, so I'm betting that WHOEVER the new rep is, they're with Microsoft.

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It’s going to be Wright, innit?

No one talked about politics on Yea Forums until we started laughing at retarded feminists that actually cared a lot about politics in videogames for some reason, then a bunch of autistic retards thought we just hated feminists for being feminists and it started spiraling out of control until mouth breathers like you came here to bitch about how this website isn't like it used to be because its not a political echo chamber for edgy retards that don't actually want to do anything aside from back pat each other the same way mentally ill teenaged girls did on tumblr for saying the widely agreed upon acceptable opinions on dumb shit no one really cares about.
I bet your taste in games fucking sucks anyway

ok boomer

You cry and moan a lot for someone who hates crying and moaning

This, most likely Banjo but imagine something like Master Chief.

When and where?

But I thought the only way to deal with a problem was crying ineffectually on Yea Forums
Isn't that how you cockslappers have been fighting the SJWs, shitposting on Yea Forums and ruining this board for everyone else by shoving your dumbshit political memes down everyones throats just so you can suck each others dicks over how based and redpilled you all are for having exactly the same opinions?

>stone giants
Nigga we'll get full on Sheika mechs with Monolith Soft at the helm.

God, I wish

Mother 3 or a Mother Trilogy
Persona 5 for Switch
Porky for Smash
That's really it, just one of these would make E3 for me.

Attached: mb_ca.gif (83x144, 4K)

Yeah just like Miyamoto was going to announce something at Microsoft's E3
Fuck off

A Mario game where the Mario brothers are in the alternate world where these 2 are not existed. Where no one saved Peach at all.

Hmmm let's see...
>New Paper Mario
>Mother 3 (most likely won't happen)
> Zelda Botw sequel or a new Zelda game
>Anything that have to do with Fzero
> Footage of Metroid Switch
> Animal Crossing Switch
> Banjo for Smash
> New 3D Kirby game for fuck sakes getting tired of 2D
> New Switch Update
> Snes games for Switch online
> Footage of Bayo 3
> New IP
>New Starfox that isn't complete ass this time
> Warioware
> Switch Mini
> New 3D DK game

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x372, 1.16M)

You are going to be disappointed then.

I hope the desk has a hitbox as it shoots out of the ground and it knocks the opponent into the slam

Please respond to my response thanks

An end to the tiresome speculation/argument threads over who's gonna be in smash.

We already got a new Yoshi game.

stevey stevey cope and seethey

Metroid 5
Bayonetta 3
Switch Pro

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It's Michael Jordan, after that it's all done I promise


It's nothing. Microsoft just posted the entire E3 schedule. Nintendo's on it but so is every other companies

While I admit I became a Geno supporter during the wait for the base game, AND a Banjofag in the last few days, the only genuine character I've ever asked for is an assist trophy because Konami is a bitch. F for my bomb brother

Shaq would be better. He even brought his own milk.

A remake of Super Mario Land

Attached: super-mario-land.jpg (1548x1548, 815K)

Fucking Virginbitch, if Viewtiful Joe 3 isn’t here after missing in Microsoft I’m going to fucking Lynch that lying son of a bitch

Please Nintendo...

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I have to wonder whatever the fuck happened to that Shaq-Fu 2 game

I think your taste in games probably sucks, you're most likely a total pleb with entry level taste.

Alucard? Yeah it sucks. I kinda wish they'd added Richter and Dracula instead of Richter and Simon.

That's a nice list user

Get dabbed on ,old faggot. Stormbros and /pol/chads own this place and you can bitch about it all you want.

Thanks epic post #epic #e32019

>Viewtiful Joe 3 without Clover
Even if it was made (it won't), it'd be trash

Imagine being this much of a zoomer.

it was released last year

A game with Daisy as the protagonist
A RPG with Wario and Waluigi
Mario Sunshine 2
Strikers 3
DK64 2
A new Rithym Heaven
A remake of Mario Party 1, 2 and 3
Cheaper joycons

Attached: 1550146850687.png (599x757, 311K)

A new F-Zero, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, WarioLand, Sin & Punishment, Mario Strikers 3, a new IP, along other little things for Nintendo.

This, and his neutral and special moves are his buddies coming to help him, like his neutral b is just Gumshoe using one of his secret weapons like missile the dog his metal detector etc.


Ecchi X Zone 3. A border line hentai.

Just don’t you lose hope
I swear I’d never dream that we’re alone
Now don’t you let go
I swear I still believe though I don’t know

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>A Nintendo eroge with paths for EVERY SINGLE NINTENDO GIRL that ever existed with dozens of well made lewd scenes and great dialogue for all of them

Nintendo is sitting on a fucking gold mine and they don't know it.

>Cheaper joycons
God I fucking hope not, I've just bought a pair

it'll just start all over again after a few weeks, the ride never ends

let me fucking dream, dammit

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Just activate the time warp already. Why do they have to wait until Tuesday to have their conference? Just do it now and save us from this suffering.

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>Faxanadu 2

Based and mantrapilled

What exactly are Daisy's abilities? I don't think she's ever been playable in a non-racing/sports/party game. Even peach had that one for the DS.


>tfw played new leaf upon release, had a child
>watched it grow
>play new leaf together
“You’ll see animal crossings, that I’ll never know.”

you could always just play some video games to pass the time

Cammy White and Chun Li

Attached: Chun-Li_&_Cammy.png (638x736, 380K)

your FOTM meme is dead, get over it

N64 Virtual Console on the Switch

>actually playing videogames

What are you, gay?

This is the only thing I hope happens, I already expect to see more stuff on Astral Chain and DxM but I'd be glad to be pleasantly surprised by a new Smash character that hasn't been shitposted to death on here for the last 6 months.

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user, CaveStory is already on the Switch B)

Wind Waker port

Give me the XBX port, monolith.

To be honest i just want them to release any new game for Switch...

DmC5 gives me hope user

Fuck that, give me the sequel.

infos on cuphead DLC since it's not a Xbox worthy game apparently

Faggots like Arlo is going to shit on it but I don’t care.

I want my Console Mario and Luigi goddamn it, it’s pissing me off that people are trying to derail the franchise over fucking remakes

Keeping praying son. Your faith will be rewarded.

I literally have zero high hopes for Nintendo's E3. You won't be surprised, you won't have your wishes come true, and the catalog will be flooded with "X CHARACTER BTFO" for a month. The rest of E3 will suck, and Microsoft unironically probably won despite being mostly disappointing until chad Keanu came on the stage.

It might come for the PC presentation

i am a little skeptic about other characters coming in to assist like maya did in umvc3, but i suppose it could work. i like most of the ideas shown in pic related, but assists just feel a bit out of place in smash if you ask me.

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>and the catalog will be flooded with "X CHARACTER BTFO" for a month.
Sounds like maximum comfy to me. You guys need to learn to appreciate life.


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This does look better, the HOLD IT could stun people in place

>Dream big!
That's a terrible idea. That's how you get so many people actively angry that what they wanted didn't happen.

You seem frantic. Why?

That's always a good feeling

fuck you i want poppy to be in and have her change between her three forms like pokemon trainer

that or Zeke and Pandy

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How do you like our f2p phone games switchlets?

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>Thinking that wasting your life in this shithole on the most shitty types of threads is how you enjoy life
I pity you user

Switch Wars

>have control advantage over phonelets

user, please don't hurt yourself, just accept it will never happen ;_;

even if nintendo showed half a dozen new ambitious ips the catalog would be filled with OH NO NO NO NO NO threads anyway

It Time

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It’s a shame people are falling for the tutorial meme as a reason to ignore Dream Team when it was a really high quality game.

If they wanted to complain it should’ve been the fucking gyro controls.

Please. I can't take all this shitposting anymore

Steve in Smash!

Nintendo filing for bankruptcy.


Dreaming big?
Mario golf with online
Mario Strikers with online
Mario Sluggers with online
Metroid Trilogy dropping after presentation
New Mystery Dungeon
Dragon Quest 1-9 ports
Kirby Air Ride
A decent virtual console
Animal Crossing
Erdrick and Banjo confirmed
Mario and Luigi games ported to switch in a collection

Maybe during the wiiu era, dont hold your breath to it now lmao. Cry more

>Mach rider game similar to borderlands
>F-zero game with prey 2 side storyline
>Mother 3((D))
>Poké-gotchi for Android and iPhone
>Mii hotel chat and minigame hub for switch
>Pokémon Mario party
>Nintendo phone compatible with new sleek metal joycons
>Metroid prime 4
>Animal crossing
>Prequel to Zelda botw with huge bustling towns and sidequests by townsfolk in the works
>Xbox streaming service on switch
>New Banjo threeie on switch
>Persona bundle on switch
>Witcher 3
Cooking Mama and astral chain protagrevealed for smash dlc

How did I do user?

Attached: images (1).jpg (500x195, 15K)

that render looks wrong somehow, but I can't put my finger on it

Minecraft Alex in smash

>cooking mama

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Just a new F-Zero. Please

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Which button summons Edgeworth to update the autopsy report?

Hey, OP told me to dream big.

I don't know, she doesn't have anything but charm. I'd like to see maybe a new IP with her rather than a another plataformer, as silly as it sounds.

smash gets gen 8 which is also new pokemon reveal. new dynamax battles coming to smash.

that was the same idea presented in the video, I like the concept
final smash you doofus

>pikmin 4
>bayo 3 gameplay
>either dante, crono or doomguy for smash, i would be happy with any of them

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What about a stealth-based game where she sneaks out of Browser's castle on her own, sort of like the sections between chapters on Paper Mario?

starfy themed underwater clam farming sim with epic boss battles to defend your farm.

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I would love If this were happening, i am not going to expect Pheonix tomorrow, but someday, maybe

A new F-Zero please

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no cell shading or black outline

they're probably actually working on splatoon 3 right now

wario confirmed as jew not italian

FE7 remake please. I just want a happy ending between Lyn and the tactician ;_;

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Chrono Break made by the Octopath Traveler team in conjunction with Procyon Studio and Masato Kato.

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Goku in Smash.

git gud

A new ip and not sequel/remaster/spinoff.

My dad works at Nintendo
he said you'll never see any of these, Intendo hates you personally

They wanted to make him (((German))) at some point.

>there's no reason to expect to see the main character in Smash, as even a spirit.
i'm pretty sure she's already in the game as a spirit

nintendo buys sonic and makes sonic adventure 3

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I hope to see Sora revealed for Smash or a character that I like (not Erdrick, Banjo, Steve, or any memes)

Being realistic knowing development times:

New Metroid 2D
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart 9

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Smash Fighter:
Ryu Hayabusa
Double Dragon Billy/Jimmy

I'd actually like to see Hector if they ever add a final FE character to smash. Axefighters have zero representation.

>Samus dies in doomguy's smash trailer

Goku is in fact, in the game, and ready to blow leakers out of the water

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I'd actually like to stop shoving fire emblem down our throats
They're not even the 15th most succesfull nintendo franchise and yet they're one of the most represented by far with 7-9 characters and at least 4 assists, only surpassed by Mario and Pokemon

not really odd, microsoft has dozens of other things they could shill. rare games, indie games, minecraft dungeons, xbox streaming, they could even have nothing in the direct and just be saying to watch it as 'survive together' PR. it's nothing.

True, but if they removed Lucina, Dragondude, and Chrom it'd be a fair trade.

I don't want a single new FE character until they purge at least five of the current batch.

this is a personal jab

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Mega Man Maverick Hunter X-HD + Maverick Hunter X Part 2 and Part 3

>wanting more fire emblem shit

Remove 6 of them then we can talk

Xenoblade X 2


something, anything, pls save this shitty E3 nintendo

Refer to the above post. I agree. Marth ripoffs are retarded.

>New F-Zero
>New Golden Sun
>Earthbound 3D Remake
>FE6/7 double remake
>New IP
>Metroid 5

I can guarantee you none of these will happen, but I dreamt big.

New switch model. I’d like a pro or a mini or whatever, just a new model. Hopefully in purple.

Erdrick and Banjo in Smash, and a new Golden Sun!

I stopped watching that faggot early last year when his shit taste started showing. And it’s been continuingly pissing me off how his stupid videos are still showing up in related.

The faggot is inserting himself into games he never cared about just to barf out his shitty opinion and act like he’s the standard

Anything from Monolith PLEASE

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Super Wario Bothers

Shinji-Kun confirmed for smash

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Didn't my "F for my BOMB brother" tell you anything?
I like Alucard, but Bomberman is part of my childhood along with Sonic

We will get a 2.5 D Metroid and we will get Wario Ware - which I am VERY excited about. Wario is all I had dreamed for on the Switch because 1,2 Switch sucks dick.

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Where did it all get leaked, I only know GUH-HUH and the games u mentioned

I thought Bomberman was HudsonSoft?

Animal Crossing


eva is coming to netflix this month, anything is possible

Those characters BAD!!!! Give me Steve and Goku at E3 or I'll fill my diaper REAL BAD!!!!!!

He is now owned by Konami

An incredibly retarded Smash pick like a rep from FFXIV or some obscure 90s game. Just to shit up this board as much as possible.

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Based as hell, any of these would be amazing.
Good to see someone likes Mario Golf too.

Why don't more people love Mario Golf?
The 3DS ones were a lot of fun but didn't sell too well. Imagine those on the Switch and big TV with solid online.

Monolith Soft, Atlus and Suda51

Oh. Neat. Me and my little sister play Bomberman 2 on our Famiclone a lot, but that's my only experience with the franchise.

Pikmin is Nintendo's best franchise you don't know what you're talking about

i just dont want a nintendo e3 that is just 45 minutes of just fucking smash

>vc beeing reintroduced
>vc games like pokemon ruby, sapphire emerald
>an online account thing that carries over to next gen

Isabelle goes sicko mode

I'd lay money that we get Odyssey 2.



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>Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
>SNES games available today, N64/GBA/Gamecube games confirmed to come by end of year
>Metroid Prime Trilogy full HD remaster, comes with tech demo Retro showed off to get Prime 4
>Prime 4 teaser
>Metroid V
>a smash character that would be based but also kill all rosterfagging/smash threads
>Viewtiful Joe ports
>Junichi Masuda commits seppuku
>Lego Nintendo game

It's not neat.

I just want honestly new stuff that's quality.

I'm totally disappointed in how the system has become a bastion of mediocre to poor quality ports. I don't buy systems just to play shit I already own but worse.

Best titles in my opinion are PSP and Super R, followed by the Land, Jetters and Generation games

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any update at all

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but he already has his own smash

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Metroid 2.5D

MUA3 with Link and Samus, finally
Metroid Prime 4 or Bayo 3 get some info
SNES VC: Secret of Mana, Panel de Pon, F-Zero, Mario Kart with online
Gamecube VC coming forward, Custom Robo, F-Zero GX, Double Dash
Retro's Secret Previous Project is a cool ARPG

Arle Nadja for Smash

That can be arranged

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w-why did you post a loli

imagine being this jaded

it's time you admit to yourself that you no longer enjoy videogames. I know it's the one thing you have as a "hobby" but you clearly need a new one.

They've been nothing but disappointment since last year. I wouldn't doubt this is just going to be an Animal Crossing Direct.

>No warioware even though it has been leaked
>Literally who from twitter

So, if we ignore Metroid 2.5D, WarioWare Switch and Banjo what else got leaked

New Mario & Luigi game

it's a puyo puyo character wearing an eva outfit, not that you need a reason to post loli on Yea Forums, it's always on topic here

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Arle's 16 at least, and she's been getting quite a bit of cross-promotion contracts, had to build back her position in the series with the power of Gacha.

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Persona 5

I can still dream can't I?

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I got some expectations
>Gameplay footage for Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing
>Doug Bowser.
>The reveal of the next DLC fighter, hopefully its the likes of Banjo Kazooie. If not then atleast a fighter that's fun to play and has an interesting moveset
>Rare Replay ported to the Switch. If they can't get us Banjo-Threeie, then at least bring Banjo Kazooie back home via porting their games back to a Nintendo console.
>Whatever the hell Retro Studios is working on.
That's it basically.

I want them to announce Animal Crossing is cancelled so the team can work on Splat 3


>Animal Crossing Direct
This is my biggest fear, and I know it's very likely


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Tick-tock, banjies...

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Whatever happened to Madou Monogatari? Sega should bring it back.

Legit leaker here:

Half Life 3 console exclusive
Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4
New 2D Metroid
All Marvel and DC heroes in Smash
Wario Ware 1000 Games
Mario, Sonic and Poochie Go To The Olympics
Super Duper Punchout
Earthbound Heroes

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Dante in Smash.