Would announcing this help Nintendo to win E3?

Would announcing this help Nintendo to win E3?

Attached: poke souls.jpg (1900x1069, 406K)


they win by default so w/e

what a revolting fucking legendary design

Or are you just saying that because you're a fanboy of Nintendo.

You wish, mongoloid kid.

>Prithee, Ashen One, tell me: what is thy sex?

post her feet

You almost had me, kid.

You're good.

>win E3
Fanboys are mentally ill. You're rooting for the popularity of corporations who see you are nothing more than walking wallets.

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you know he could also be a cynical non-Nintendo fan

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>holding the sword pokemon
Yikes, artist clearly just wanted the EPIC SOULS REFERENCE retweets and doesnt know anything about either franchise

You're wrong, Nintendo looks after me.

>No Open world arpg pokemon game so I can go on giant god slaying adventures with my pokebros
I think I was born to feel this pain

Attached: [pain].jpg (1377x1079, 239K)

They already ported Dark Souls 1 to the Switch.

unironically have sex

>FromShit rubbish
>win anything but cringe compilations

Yeah, I don't think so, tranny

Microsoft was the only one who had a chance at winning E3 and they blew it by only scoring a 6/10 with way too little gameplay shown.

So yeah. Nintendo basically has this in the bag unless they only show Fire Emblem for 40 minutes or something, which they won't.

Don't you get your soul sucked if you try and wield a Honedge.

That's just fucking sad.

What's sad about being part of a big loving family?

Would of been better if it was Aegislash instead.

The fact that there are more than a few subhuman drones on Yea Forums who actually think like that.