Best RPG of all time

>best RPG of all time
>not even an RPG
Where is the 'roleplaying' in the Witcher?

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in ur butt

not much, but is a great game

>best RPG of all time
lol wat

*unzips dick*
right here

You roleplay as Geralt

You play the role of Witcher, Geralt of Rivea. Did you miss that bit?

You play the role of Geralt?

>play halo
>You play the role of the Master Chief
wow what a great RPG

>It's only a ROLE PLAYING game if I can self insert

Yup, you're finally starting to get it.

t. CDPR tranny

Sure, it's a nebulous descriptor that's become synonymous with genre tropes rather than role playing itself

You cant roleplay as a character. A character is not a role. Being a Police man is a role. Being a Police man named Bob is acting as a character.

>CDPR tranny
The joke was right there you fucking tool.

What is a fictional character but a role to carry narrative and interaction?

Are you a witcher ? No ? Then, you are playing a role.

Attached: The-Witcher-Netflix-660x440.jpg (660x440, 43K)

An actor plays a role in a play - a character. In an RPG, the player is the actor, the PC the stuntman. In /tg/ games, the GM probably can't literally write every interaction, character backstory, etc., especially considering the 'game' part adds randomness (at least a failure state) - otherwise, they're writing a book - so the players also get to add to the story (plus, it's often more fun to play something you have some investment in). In a vidya, there's a whole crew of people to do all that, so the player can mostly focus on the gaming part. 'Player choice' is a possibly fun mechanic, but it isn't inherent to the genre.

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An actor plays a role as in lead-role or support-role. They fit their narrative as is expected of their roles. Retard.

The Witcher 3 is objectively a shit game

Attached: Witcher 3 is trash.png (1894x1067, 167K)

RPGs don't have roleplay.

By this logic almost every single JRPG isn't actually a role playing game either since they have even less player freedom than Witcher, most you don't get to choose dialogue and are linear instead of open world

You can make that argument but Yea Forums will bitch and moan about it

>By this logic almost every single JRPG isn't actually a role playing game either
they aren't

It is true though. JRPG's are not roleplaying games. They are just Japanese games.

I have never played a game with more handholding than "The Witcher 3". This game's size, its environments, its stories, dialogues, characters and atmosphere should really be appreciated, but the actual gameplay is disappoiting, to say the least.

Quests boil down to "follow quest marker/gps, use witcher sense and press x", level scaling and xp systems are outright broken, combat is lacking, and worst of all, there is absolutely no sense of accomplishment when playing Witcher 3.

Baldur's Gate 2, Morrowind and Gothic did it so much better.

>le epik long rant copypasta shit opinion

theres more than any FF game

>at least the books were good

the biggest disappointing is how utterly shit the witcher quests are. I thought you'd have to find clues, look through the monster glossary and do some detective work of your own to figure out what monster it was and how to deal with it. Instead you just turn on Witcher senses, click all the glowing objects, and Geralt and the questhelper immediately tells you what item to get and how to kill it. So fucking lame, who thought this was a good idea?

>went in thinking it would be an RPG
>surprised when it plays as an action game

CRPG fans have been saying exactly that (minus comparing it to witcher) for decades desu

At least try to bait well

the choices in this game feel like they have more consequences than almost any other game

Role also refers to what part - which character - they play. Those are two different parts of the definition.
No dummies, by that logic (most) every single JRPG is a role-playing game, because the player takes on the role of the MC. All Mario platformers are also RPG's, as are literally every single FPS, ect. Choice literally doesn't matter, as long as you, the player, control the character.
Although, by that logic, some (most?) S/TRPG's are NOT role-playing games, because the player does not take on the role of any particular player. You're just moving pieces along the board. They're like the sports management games - even though there might be stats, equipment, and so on, the player doesn't take on the role of any general or whatever - even if the player gets to make story decisions, too.

>By this logic almost every single JRPG isn't actually a role playing game
Basically. This fucking genre acronym should have never become a thing.

tl dr if you can't get your point across in one post then it's worthless.

>literally everything is a roleplaying game
>because you roleplay as a character
Fucking retarded logic

The average CDPR drone.
Not his fault the game has so many fucking issues. And keeping it short just gets you a "lmao contrarian" in response.

>CRPG fans
Console rpg game fans saying Jrpg are no rpg? what do are you talking about, user?

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>"by that logic"
he was referring to the actual point of the post he replied to, not the obviously sarcastic example of the opposite point that you elaborated on.

Indeed, it's not so great as a genre definition, because it's so broad (though not >literally everything). But even if you limit the definition of RPG to "descendant of DnD-based story-driven games," JRPG's fit, because that's exactly what they are (even more purely, because they keep more of the conventions of those older games). Again, player choice, especially in story, isn't a -defining- factor, but it can certainly be an -improving- factor. Though the main draw of an RPG is the story, so not having a player-made self-insert can be advantageous (>MY character wouldn't do that!).

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its not about taking the role of a character in particular, but more about the other RPG elements like questing, character customization, skilltrees, adventuring, leveling, statbased number calculations etc.

fucking zoomer...

but user, dq exists since 1986. whats your timeline for being a zoomr?

A role playing mechanic is a mechanic where the player assumes a role of a character that has been simplified to be represented as a set of abstracted, usually quantifiable characteristics, which will develop and change based on the player's decisions over time.

The point of an RPG mechanic is that at any available set of problem-solving options are restricted and governed by the set of specific characteristics.

A game that relies heavily on RPG mechanic is just generally called an "RPG". Games where RPG mechanics play secondary role or are absent are usually refered to based on whatever other mechanic is pre-dominant.

Games where RPG mechanics are dominant, but the problem-solving systems are almost entirely or entirely combat-oriented are called Action RPGs, or ARPG's.

The witcher fits all criteria for being an RPG game (abstracted characteristics of the character he plays play a major role and rutinely override any other elements, such as pure twitch skill). However, the absolute majority of problem solving in TW3 is tied to combat (occasional intimidation or charm check not withstanding), which makes it a pretty textbook example of an action RPG.

There. Done. Solved for you. You can save and copy-paste this every time some fucking retards starts throwing around stupid judgements on what is or isn't an RPG.

You are welcome. We can fucking close the thread now.

It's not even the best rpg in this decade.
Story is good, but outside that, game is bland. There's no reason for me to beat this game second time. RPG elements are non existent, there's nothing to do outside the main plot, only monster hunting, and some sidequest, but most of them are monster hunting anyway. I can't even cook, which is the most common thing to do in rpgs.

But still, it is a good game. It's just, that witcher is a one timer. You beat this game once, you have nothing to do in a second attempt. I hope cyberpunk will have more replayability than witcher series.

If you count ass Effect as an rpg then The Witcher is one as well

>We can fucking close the thread now.
stopped reading there

You stopped reading at the very last line? Great. That is more or less where you should have stopped reading anyway.

sorry pal I've already stopped reading

BASED BASED BASED BASED. Btfo'd the CVCKS hating on the greatest game of all time.