Doom Eternal

But killing angels is wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread: 34:10-28&version=KJV

Bayonetta shows that killing angels is just fine.


Angles are just demons with better PR

How so?

Demons are just fallen angels
Literally angel politics
Just chill with God instead bro
Omnipotent dad has got your back

Angels are servants of the God you uneducated heretics.
Even questioning that is enough for you to get burned on a stake.

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Why would someone who has the power to create and destroy everything at will have need for servants?

Also those things in that painting are not angels.

I said angles. Learn to read christcuck

No faggot, this is an angel

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Does it mean that we will get to kill the bearded fuck too? Based id.

Correct, these are Angels.

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What's God going to do? Send Doomguy to Hell?

angels serve as the army of heaven. they're arms for the eventual hell vs heaven war and they also serve as representatives for god on earth

at least according to the new testimate, the Torah is much diffrent

Really hate that new UI.

>Why would someone who has the power to create and destroy everything at will have need for servants?
Because someone who's capable of such powers wouldn't waste his time on contacting with normal peasants, that's why there are angels to deal with this shit, you dumbass.

the angel on the cover doesn't look like the angels in the collector edition panel.
Guys i'm going to guess this angel is a bad angel.
It has the same brain thing as the spider queen.

You're obviously going to be defending heaven.

What the shit is that

>angels are as bad as demons meme

I fucking hate this stupid trope.

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Angels, you retard

Why would the Doom guy give a shit if killing angels is wrong? He's been immersed in a land of torment in slaughter for so long that he's clearly been deeply disturbed. All there is for him is the next kill. The only time he feels alive is when he is sprayed with the blood of a perceived enemy. He's murder incarnate.

After murdering countless demons, he has become one of them -- maybe the greatest of them all. Angels are just meat to him at this point, like everything else.

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Again, why would he need an army when he can do anything with a single thought. He could wipe out anything he doesn't like without blinking if needed.

"Heaven" is clearly some Hayden bullshit.

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Those are angels as described in the bible.

Why do you hate it? It doesn't seem bad at all.

They look more like Ayys from xcom

>People still think this is an actual angel
It's Hayden taking on the form of a traditional angel to peddle his "heaven" which is a safe haven for humanity. THIS motherfucker is a Doom angel.

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Aren't angels incredibly disturbing looking almost monstrously depicted in the bible in the few times they are actually described?

Bayonetta is a whore and a bad role model.

So, if God is so powerful that he doesn't even intend to destroy the devil or his minions, why did he create servants at all? Wouldn't he just check out entirely and let the devil do his thing? Furthermore, didn't he create Lucifer with the foreknowledge of his inevitable fall into evil? Why did he create angels if he knew they were going to become such a massive threat when they fell? Oh wait, they can't be a threat at all because God is all-powerful.

So, why did he make angels again in the first place? Was he just lonely? Does God being prone to loneliness make him imperfect?

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that looks like an elemental wraith.
You see angels on the collectors pic.

I saw these as a closed eye visual before than later found out that is what angels are supposedly

Yes. They're basically beings beyond human comprehension.

>Alright boys. Last game was good, but we need to step it up. Any suggestions.
>What if... killing demons but also killing angels?
What a fucking shitshow.

People wrestle, fuck and kill angels on the bible.

That's actually a good idea. I hope we get to rip thier wings off.

Because god is an omnipotent puppet master.

He exiled lucifer knowing exactly what would happen, he gave humans free will knowing what what happen; doesnt matter just lets it happen because the christian god is not a tyrant so he will allow people to make destructive choices and not intervene because he knows in the endgame(releations) he wins.

You have to realize that christianity is a feel good religion that retcons all the stuff in the old testament that made good look like an asshole.

Angels as described in The Bible are sort of like really aesthetic Lovecraft creations.

>Abrahamics ~1800BC-33AD
D-don't test us,goyim! See what happened to the Egyptians? That was absolutely YHWH and not due to environmental and cultural factors!
>Abrahamics, 33-2009
You'll burn in hell for not following our teachings! Our eternally kind deity will torture you forever!
>Abrahamics, 2009-Present
F-f-fedora! You probably don't look or smell nice, so your arguments are invalid!

Abrahamic religions: the eternal cope.

Yes. That’s also why demons look fucked up too. They’re just fallen angels.

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It's Watchers who fuck people and they aren't exactly angels.

Doom is a simple game about an absolute madman who kills zombies and demons with big guns, not about an immortal who murders pantheons with swords and knives like it's just a fucking futuristic version of God of War.

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ezekiel ayylmaos

Except with wings, eyes, and animal body parts.

Lucifer works for God. Thats why he is always pissed.

Shut the fuck up, Shinji.

It’s the original God of War.

You must be new.

as long as the gameplay is about shooting and running your way through large waves of enemies i dont give a shit what im shooting at.

You're probably too young to remember but doom wads got pretty crazy and most of the best ones you dont fight demons

Ah, yes, God just lets shit happen. Except for that time he appeared as a burning bush, gave humanity a list of unbreakable commandments, destroyed almost the entirety of human life in a massive flood for straying from his will, and then tormented poor Job because he made a bet with Satan, who he doesn't care about at all or even acknowledge btw.

Oh wait, the New Testament made all of that irrelevant because God doesn't care about what happens, which is why he decided to manifest as a human and then sacrifice himself to forgive humanity of all of its trespasses. Except that there will inevitably be an apocalypse in which only the humans that have followed his teachings and will might be raptured to avoid this horrible fate.

And then God doesn't care so much about anything that he will return through the manifestation of Jesus to finally defeat the devil.

Ah, yes, God -- the omnipotent puppet master.

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>"*muh lady*"

Angels are some freaky shit. There's a reason they start conversations with "DO NOT BE AFRAID" when revealing themselves to saints, prophets and other mortals. Remember, God made man in his image. He did not make angels in his image.

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idk, why did he make humans in the first place after the angels?

If angels are defending hell, it sounds like fallen angels to me

Exactly. They're cool looking versions of Elder Gods.

read Paradise Lost.

Sorry bud, those romanticized shits in your picture ain't angels as your precious bible described them.

If God is almighty, he should be able to make it so nothing can and will ever touch him. So explain yourself, cuck.

ok lawfag

I guess it's because all of the angels were loyal servants without free will, right? Oh wait, but Lucifer would've had to have free will to disobey god and fall from grace. So, why the fuck did he make men again and then let them succumb to temptation in the Garden of Eve?

The Bible has so many plotholes it's mindblowing.

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>as long as the gameplay is about shooting and running your way through large waves of enemies i dont give a shit what im shooting at.
Gameplay trailers so far have shown a heavy focus on melee combat with grappling hooks, a cyber knife and a demon sword.

>You're probably too young to remember but doom wads got pretty crazy and most of the best ones you dont fight demons
If you're pretending fanmade wads are canon you're obviously retarded.

>Oh wait, the New Testament made all of that irrelevant because God doesn't care about what happens, which is why he decided to manifest as a human and then sacrifice himself to forgive humanity of all of its trespasses. Except that there will inevitably be an apocalypse in which only the humans that have followed his teachings and will might be raptured to avoid this horrible fate.
that's what i said, the new testament retcons everything to make everything a comfortable good vs evil story. And they justify the intervention as a new covenant for man and god for witch there needed to be a messenger.

You're acting like abrahamic religions aren't full of plot holes; like i said christianity is a fan fic retcon of the old testament to make the whole thing more palpable so that churches could more easily convert and influence

>caring about canon in doom
have sex

But why cause this incredibly long chain of events to give a small fraction of humanity 'eternal bliss' when he could have achieved this from the beginning, without any torment for anyone?
The answer is not 'muh free will', by the way. If God is truly omnipotent, then he would be able to create a world with no sin, no suffering and true free will for all. So why didn't he?

Ever seen the updated 10 commandments when Israel was formed.
Specifically made to give the clergy more shekels.

1. Never make a treaty with other nations, you must destroy their culture and not worship any other gods because even the Lord’s name is Jealous.

2. Never make a treaty with other nations or their wicked women will seduce your sons to commit adultery against Me by worshiping other gods. No metal gods either (thanks to the recent ‘golden calf’ debacle).

3. Once a year celebrate the Passover and don’t eat yeast for a week.

4. Every firstborn animal belongs to the Lord [clergy]. You may buy it back if you can afford it. Otherwise, you must kill it. Though, every firstborn son must be bought back from the Lord.

5. Nobody may appear before the Lord [clergy] without an offering. (Naturally…)

6. Work for six days, rest on the seventh. (No, seriously – if you get caught working you’ll be put to death. Why? Because… God. )

7. Celebrate the harvests of the first and final crops. Also, three times each year every man must appear before the Lord while He conquers all the other nations for you. (World domination… got it.)

8. Don’t mix blood and yeast in your offerings to the Lord [clergy]. Also, no leftovers please…

9. The best crops of the first harvest must be given to the House Of The Lord [clergy].

10. Don’t boil a baby goat in its mother’s milk. 34:10-28&version=KJV

Good argument, retard.

>japanese game
"big surprise"

>Literally all powerfull, all knowing and all loving.
>Capable of wasting time and being uninterested in his creation.
Got a pretty low opinion of God over there, buddy.

>If you're pretending fanmade wads are canon you're obviously retarded.
every doom wad is actually canon

I know, I was agreeing with you and asking those questions to poke a few more holes in the whole concept.

When I was first reading the bible and I got to the part about sacrifices to god having to be pure and the best of the fold, I knew the entire thing was a scam. I wonder why they had to be the best lambs? Oh, yeah, so the priesthood would get all of the prime meat for free after the "sacrifice." If somebody devised this shit in modern times, it'd be shouted down as your typical pyramid scheme nonsense.

God got creative when he made angels. No need to pussy foot around when you can just make whatever.

>caring about arguments on Yea Forums
have sex AND lose weight

Angels are meant to be servants, so obviously rebelling made them bad servants.

Humans weren't made to be servants, they were explicitly given the choice between good and evil. If God were to prevent them from doing the wrong thing, that choice would be meaningless.

It’s over played. Mostly thanks to Japanese games.

>Angels are actually worse than demons.
The patrician trope.

I was being sarcastic, user. I entirely agree with you. There are only two conclusions that can be reached: the entire religion was entirely fabricated by clever grifters that wanted to make their own lives easier at the expense of others around them or that God does indeed exist and that he is most certainly NOT benevolent. If he's real, he seems like a bit of a cunt to me.

Good argument, retard.

>No John, you are the demons.

Doomguy doesn't care about what other people think is right or wrong, he only cares about what he thinks is correct. If Samuel Hayden of even god disagrees his whole character is that he's steadfast in his beliefs.

>The angels and demons eventually join forces to try and stop doom guy
Kino incoming

Bayonetta is confident, witty, strong and unashamed of her sexuality, literally the perfect role model for women. She's what shallow roasties and ugly feminazis wish they could be.

You realize that your logic is self-defeating, right? If the only reason humans were allowed to have flaws and fall to temptation was because they explicitly were NOT servants, God's design of angels must have been imperfect assuming they were designed specifically to be servants and as such, should not have been capable of rebelling or straying at all from his will.

The only way to explain the existence of Satan is God fucking up which means he is not infallible, nor is he omnipotent.

To be fair, if I could create this I would too.

I mean, it's not just christianity that has dealt with existential ideas and conceptions of god(s) in that larger framework, tho. Hindus have probably wondered similar things.
The best any religion can do is say "ultimately, we don't know, but we know what we probably shouldn't do in our day-to-day lives"

A servant that can't think is useless. Angels are not automatons. They simply weren't allowed the choice that humanity was given.

We are His children as well

obviously heretics with some faggot at the top with a god complex.
That's why they deserve to die.

I want to know more about those damn campaign DLCs.
They say it's a prequel, but is it still going to be the Doomguy you play as? And hopefully they're going to be decently sized considering the price tag of the deluxe version.

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Eldritch abominations are Eldritch abominations no matter how pretty they look christcuck.

Imagine playing a game on god mode. Its gets boring. That's how I view someone creating this world.

And yet, Lucifer.

You keep saying the same thing without giving any good reason. Just admit it, user, it's okay.

1. God created adversary(satan).
2. Adversary's job is to be as evil as possible and temp everything to betray or turn away from God
3. Adversary is one of gods powerful and trust worthy angels. If God ever told him to stop evil would end
4 Adversary tricked lucifer into standing against god. Not personally, adversary did it in the same way he does it to everyone. By being a little voice in the back of your head or even just a feeling

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If Bayonetta can kill them so God not strong after all. Also they attack people that is bad.

Admitting that you don't understand matters of religion and spirituality is the only logical conclusion that can be reached. To assume that you have knowledge beyond the scope of science and reason, that you have full cosmic and metaphysical understanding just because some guys 2,000 years ago told you so is the height of hubris. It's pure arrogance.
But Satan's existence proves that they were given that same choice. How else could he have fallen from grace? There had to be a moment where he decided to rebel against God. There had to be a moment where those who followed him did the same.

You can hand-wave humanity with the entire notion of free-will by saying that they were meant to be different than god's initial creations, angels, by having the ability to fail and make mistakes but that same logic insists that angels should have been steadfast and immaculately loyal.

Basically, you can't have it both ways. If Lucifer could rebel against god, he had free-will and a choice, as did the others that followed him. Which begs the question of why humans were created at all, again? If we were just going to become corrupted and succumb to temptation the same as Lucifer did, what's the point of God repeating that same mistake? Doesn't make any sense, desu.

That makes God just sound like a huge cunt.

Omnipotence means he can do anything, even be capable of imperfection or failure
Basically he can restrain himself or go full omnipotent whenever he wants or even set it up so it's not whenever he wants at the same "time"
You forget, this guy created both space AND time so something like "why did he do x when he knew y would happen" was before x AND y could even "happen" in the first place
Our brains are conditioned to linear time and space
He existed outside of it before it was a thing
Only He knows what it's like beyond spacetime as we know it so he probably had his reasons
Hell, existence may entirely be around "just because"
How many times have YOU done something "just because" or "because it sounded fun/cool"?

post more pics of angels

God is the real life equivalent of a powertripping admin.

Lucifer was designed to hold nobody above god. God then created humans and told the angels to treat them as they would god.

This caused Lucifer's angel brain to have an autism fit and he left.

Semi-off topic but I always liked Preacher's interpretation of God, where he was just some lonely guy that wanted to be loved so he created angels and people for that exact purpose

>bro what if I just made evil to haunt humans

c'mon nigga

>Make place of horrible suffering "just because".
>Be called all loving.
Seems legit.

reminds me of a story where if there was an omnipotent being, the only thing left to do or wonder about is see what happens if it can destroy/kill itself into tiny fragments and see if it can be put back together

>doomguy can survive getting shot from a giant railgun

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Sounds like the perfect and all knowing God somehow made a pretty dumb mistake.

Bayonetta and Lightning from FF13 should team up.

Well if he's capable of being imperfect, and failure, then he's not always right, or perfect at all, so that fucking just shoves a bunch of teachings out the way.

And using "how many times have you done something just because it sounded cool" is a shit argument. People do that often. Hell, I do it. It's invalid.

I'm not too up to date with my theology:
Is Lucifer, Satan and the Devil all different people?

>horrible suffering
>he says as he sits in a well lit house using high speed internet

Angels supposed to protect doom guy. I suppose this is bad angels, who Doomguy would deal with it.

a game about killing demons is satanic
a game about killing angels is christianity.

My house isn't located in the metaphysical plane of hell, dumbass.

If you believe that God exists in the Abrahamic tradition, you can only conclude that loneliness was his primary drive for the whole of creation. But if that's true, why would he make us suffer? Loneliness doesn't exactly cover it. He has to be pretty fucking sadistic as well, because omnipotence implies the possibility for utopia and paradise for us all, in which case we would all be broing it up with God to cure his loneliness.

Why wouldn't he just appear in the sky and be on the news worldwide and be like, "Hey, I exist and I love you guys. Let's hang out!" If that happened, everyone in the world would acknowledge his existence. Hell, he could appear to us all individually in a way where they would be absolutely no doubts. Why leave things so vague? Why make us take the word of backwards people who lived 2,000 years ago, and force us to believe a story full of logical fallacies to accept his love?

Doesn't make any sense, never has. If God was real and wanted to be worshiped, he could solve that problem instantaneously. Why let people be born, die, and experience eternal torment in hell just because they understood that mankind is, indeed, corrupt, and that corruption could have very well extended to Christianity?

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Lucifer might be a 'plot hole', but the abstract emotional part of his story resonates with people. He was the loved chosen child above all angels, especially above smelly mortal humans, who was granted everything but had no gratitude, thought himself as better than his own creator and so he fell from grace.

Sometimes he's stuck in the most cold and frozen part of hell, eternally trying to fly away with his frozen wings, sometimes he's completely immobile in the fiery depths by his own doing to himself.

we do live in a privileged position but you cant deny the suffering that goes on in non first world nations.

I just want to know what kind of excuse they'll use to make you kill them.
Right now there's literally Hell on Earth, so I assume angels will show up to deal with that, but isn't that for the sake of helping humans? Why are they the bad guys?
I just hope it's not just going to be "dude we helping but we do it by nuclear bombing everything and turning the entire world into dust lol" shit ass plot, who am I kidding that's exactly what's going to be.

In modern day christianity, yes. Originally Lucifer has nothing to do with the bible, originally it was the hebrew word for Venus. Satan is a arabic word and devil is a latin word. The creatures you think of as the Devil is a very contemporary being considering the age of christianity.

The new trailer makes it sound like that by doom guy killing demons, he's interfering with some heavenly master plan so they want to put a stop to him too. But because he is so enraged with hell and demons, he probably won't let the angels stop him either. I'm assuming mid-end game content is that everyone, angel or demon, will be an enemy

Not him, but I think he's talking about what happens after death to non-believers, ie eternal torment.

I like it, and I'm really fucking glad they're expanding in enemy types and environments

Shit like this is why I don't trust the bible because shit like that could have easily been demons
He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
He does not need to directly commune because everything is going exactly as He knows it and wills it
God created us in his image
We are like God without His vast powers and knowledge
All of the good and evils of the world that we wrought are things He allowed because He chose to create us as His children
What we do with His gift He has already forseen
We are simply experiencing it like a Father telling His children a bedtime story
God loves us all, even the most vile, for He created us with that potential.
Earth is a place of neutrality
Suffering and Bliss are possibilities we create for ourselves as a race for which He has already forseen
>Well if he's capable of being imperfect, and failure, then he's not always right, or perfect at all, so that fucking just shoves a bunch of teachings out the way.
Rather, he's capable of not always being right as well as capable of always being right
"Always" is also a concept we relate to time itself, something He existed before, during, and after
"Always" was and "Always" will be
He's infinitely more vast and incomprehensible than we are to microbes
Don't bother relying on whatever the church feeds you as His teachings as He is already with you and guiding you
He has given us the ability and freedom to decide what is "right" and what is "wrong" while watching over our immortal souls all the way along our journey
There doesn't need to be a reason for what he does because reason is, yet again, a single step in thought processes from a perspective through linear time
He has infinitely more perspectives than we do
Listen to your heart, do what you feel is right and good, and know that when death comes to claim you that He will be there at your side as He always has been

It's not a christian answer, but beings who know no suffering lack depth and are like mindless bee drones. it's like how utopia requires human beings who will never make a mistake in their lives or won't fuck with everything just because they want to.
Without stakes there's no meaning, even if those stakes means many become the losers and suffer and that idea hurts the compassionate part of people. Even the greeks have pondered about this

The one thing I never got about any of the Abrahamic religions is that if you are a non-believer you are to be punished. Doesn't matter if you do what God says by complete accident without knowing about him, you're afterlife is going to be torture if you don't believe in him.

If angels will be assholes, good people would be no place to go after death.

But if God is omnipotent he could create a world with no sin or suffering while everyone still has free will. To do otherwise suggests that he is either not omnipotent or not fully good, for allowing others to suffer in any form.

>Free will exists.
>Everything is already foreseen though.

Only an actual idiot believes those are angels and not some bullshit that Hayden cooked up

that depends on which strain of christianity, and many non-denominational christians don't uphold that idea because it's quite a mean idea. iirc, some early christians regarded non-christians on a spectrum, with explicit devil worshippers on the end furthest from them. The greek philosophers, even if they were pagan, were considered somewhere closer

More reason for me to believe religious people are just modern zombies.

I feel sorry for you, man.

I hope you get stronger some day.

Why doesn't he just create beings with depth that don't need suffering to attain it.
Are you implying that God can't do that?

>Pope Julius the Second paid Michaelangelo I know this happened in 1519 yet This is the image we can't seem to forget

You need to brush up on your KRS-1 and learn what being woke used to mean before facebook kiddies


There are unlimited possibilities of timelines. So not such predicted after all.

Don't use the word religious, user. It's just monotheistic religions, polytheistic religions allow for much more freedom of thought

But somehow he knows how it'll work out! Somehow, though. Trust me. This collection of papers says so.

Even if what you say is true, are there not more tempered ways to hone the human spirit? For example, if you are in love with a girl but she doesn't return your feelings, is that not a trial that you have to endure? Sure, the suffering is mental and emotional but it's still suffering, it still hardens us. Now, compare that with, say, being conscripted as a child into some militia force in fucking Africa and getting your limbs chopped off with a machete -- something that actually happens in the world we live in, to children.

God is theoretically all-powerful, so could he not create a world where such horrors don't exist but there are still trials to test and sharpen us? It should be possible, no?

The kind of suffering that happens in the world every day is of such a degree that it cannot be explained away as the calculated act of a benevolent creator.

So God made sure an unlimited versions of me are going to hell?
No matter what I personally do, uncountable version of me will suffer forever.
Man, God is such a dick.

not if they're
demon angels

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Don't even get started on non denominational Christians that think they can pick and choose what parts of a holy book to believe. They are fucking every where here in burgerland

I dunno much about polytheism, but all I know is the shit just blends all together for me. Maybe it ain't the right way to look about it, but man, it just seems like they all have this fucked up mindset.

But I'll be honest and admit most of this is coming from monotheist shitters; haven't heard much about the polys.

Imagine game with infinite endings. I am not counting death during walkthrough. That's some Rick and Morty quantum shit.

Defending God with a Rick and Morty clip.
Aw jeez.

yeah, that's a centuries old question and if someone knew a 100% convincing, unshakable answer you'd probably have heard of it by now.
iirc the official answer by catholics (idk what orthodox christians would say) is something like evil is not an active force, but rather the lack of god (like a cavity) because having free will means being able to choose between love and malice. this is due to the universe's natural state being one of decay, not simply stagnation.

i JUST said it's not an answer from a christian perspective though, iirc it's not along the lines of what an actual bible scholar would tell you. it's just from what ive read personally

Lucifer was an angel too. Are you saying I should do what he says because he's an angel.

Rick and Morty is science for average people.

If God already exactly knows what path you are going to take, it doesn't matter how many possible paths there are. They are just decorations if it is absolutely sure what you are going to do.
If all paths are taken, it means that God is okay with making an infinite versions of you suffer in hell forever. Since if there are an infinite number of paths and they must all be take, an infinite number of you must suffer forever. That would make God even worse.
No matter how you slice it, that's some bullshit.

Defending God from a non-christian perspective doesn't mean you get to pick and chose what parts of God are canon and which aren't.

But isn't that ultimately what Christianity is?

God is basically an Australian shitposter. He's made billions of posts of horrific acts, humans butchering humans, numerous wars and massacred, heinous shit. But somewhere in the mix, about 200million posts ago, he posted something legitimately which is actually his will, which we are meant to believe and adhere to or else we will suffer for eternity. We're meant to disregard all of his shitposts, all of the baitposting, the twitter screencaps, the infographs, and abide by the one time he was actually earnest with us?

But on top of that, the original post is deleted -- it doesn't exist anymore. All we get are reposts, from different posters, that implore us to believe that the post the Australian shitposter made 2,000 years ago is actually legitimate, has not been altered or tampered with, and that we have to live by its code.

Oh, and the Middle Eastern posters have their own copypasta which they say is legitimate -- ours is wrong. A quarter of the world abide by that shitpost being legitimate. And there are other numerous copypastas which people spam, different versions and takes, which we are meant to believe.


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Those are organizations trying to control you
God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient
You do not need religion to be a child of God and He would not condemn you for ignorance for He would be able to see if you would even discover His existence during your life
These religions claim to be the One True Religion as if they speak for God while also warning you not to fall for false prophets
Do not mistake me for trying to convert you nor Heed me preaching as word of God either
I am simply doing as I feel I should in my heart
Just because He is capable of something does not mean He will do it or has not done it
Again, linear time is just one perspective
He is capable of everything at the same time, even the contradictory, because He defines what is and is not possible and can do as He pleases, even fail while succeeding
He is Omnipotent
He can do both
You are using logic born of a singular perspective; linear time.
He has infinitely more and is capable of creating even more than that.
Literally anything is possible with Omnipotence, even the contradictory.
Shall I pull a Jojo on you and simplify it as "It just works"?
I appreciate your sympathy.
I've been through enough cult bullshit myself.
I'm done following others.
I'm following what my heart says and it says to believe in Him while relying on my own ability to grow as a person.
This isn't a religion to me as it's me having come to my own beliefs through my own understandings.
For all I know, I'm completely wrong and doomed for Hell.
All I can do is continue on and believe that what I feel in my heart is true
I hope he truly is watching over me and guiding me through all this
I wish you nothing but the best in life, my fellow man.
Do as you will and without regrets.

Every path create infinite branches of timelines. Not even galactic can predict everything because of multiverse and parallel worlds exist out of this galactic.

>The kind of suffering that happens in the world every day is of such a degree that it cannot be explained away as the calculated act of a benevolent creator.
Some christian writers (especially older ones) would wholeheartedly agree with you and say that the answer to the problem of evil is not logical at all or can be conveyed through just words. The best basic answer they have is that it requires irrational and passionate acts of love to combat the irrational evil and suffering in the world even when it doesn't materially benefit the individual. Because there's just too much evil that tears apart too many people physically and mentally to not at least try to alleviate it.

I'm just answering 'why no utopia?' part. It's not a question that's exclusive to christians at all, because they're not the only ones who believe in a creator god, dum-dum

>He can be both
Is this the famed "Double think" i've been hearing so much about?

egregious word-concept and lexical fallacies. the figure in isaiah 14, ezekiel 28 and genesis 3 are all talking about the same rebellious divine serpentine figure, the devil or satan. both translated words are derived from the greek in the NT not latin or arabic. only lucifer is from the latin vulgate, but that's besides the point.

I think the best example I can give is Hinduism. Because of the wide variety of gods to worship, some families dedicate their prayer to a single god or group of gods and try to uphold their beliefs to that. However, because there are over 33 million gods in Hinduism, some people choose to dedicate their worship to other gods,and have different religious views. Most Hindus, for example, believe that some actions are frowned upon by gods and should be avoided. The Aghori people, who follow Shiva, believe that to attain enlightenment it must be realised that nothing is not sacred, and so routinely perform actions like drinking out of skulls and smearing themselves with ashes of the dead.
Of course, this applies to most other polytheistic religions, the main focus being that because there are multiple gods people have more freedom of choice. That, and the gods are presented as being imperfect, often feuding and having different personalities, which can explain the 'why is there suffering in this world' question.

If Omnipotence is the ability to do anything and everything, how would this be any different?


Fair enough, but we were specifically discussing the Christian God, coming in with the perspective of other Gods is a bit off topic.

Who cares when I have Doot?

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So God is not all knowing and thus fallible and can be criticised freely. Okay, thanks, got it.

>dude did you know that REAL angels are epic spoopy Lovecraftian
This is the most Reddit fucking bullshit I swear to God.

Believing in some god isn't living who you are. Dictated by some imaginary figure does nothing. You wanna be yourself, then be unbound by your own chains and truly go about as your own self.

Hell or Heaven don't matter. As long as you can be yourself, it doesn't matter where you end up. You'll die knowing that in the end, you listened to and controlled yourself by your own rules above all. And that's one of the greatest satisfactions: being free.

so invasions are confirmed gone?

How is this multiplayer mode they showcased really different from the multiplayer in 2016?

It's literally just rebalanced with the addition of another demon player.

What's to stop mankind from overthrowing hell and making it an Earth 2.0 with more free energy?

Welcome to Christianity.

Now if THAT happened, that'd be one hell of an experience. Pun intended.
That'd be assuming Hell even exists anyway.

Abrahamic religions are inherently evil, and each are a religion of suffering and death.
I will outline.
>YHWH יהוה/GOD/ALAH is good
>All things follow this beings plan
>This being saw the whole of creation and it was good.
>At that time the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was extant.
>Evil was extant
>God saw this and saw it was good.
>When people go to hell it is according to Gods plan
>God forsaw this and saw it was good.
>The unworthy going to hell is good.
>It is good that people are tortured for an infinite amount of time, at an infinite intensity.
>We share a civilisation with people who are not just happy but also believe it to be infinitly good (by virtue of it being Gods(who is infinite good) plan.
>All Abrahamic religions feature a judgement day
>That means the collapse of all civilisations
>judgement day is therefore good
>this collapse of civilisation is therefore good.
>People who believe in and want the collapse of civilisation have the same right to vote as someone who wants nothing but the best for civilisation.
Abrahamic religions are bad for any society.

Angels are just sky demons, just kill the fuckers.

What's to say we haven't already done that and forgotten about it.
Earth looks like a hell dimension if you squint a little bit.

God is only answering on this universe not for others. But others universes can interact with our universe.
So yeah free will exist.

Satan comes from Shaitan.
Devil comes from diablo.

All of these comes from the aramaic word for slanderer or accuser (the) and was more a title (he is the accuser) than a being.
But christianity keeps on growing, and in more contemporary times, around Dante, Hell becomes a physical plane and The devil becomes a creature similar to Pan.

at the core I don't think it'd be that different from the christians, because if they have a better and more clever answer they would've been trumpeting it from the mountaintops. The best that old dead guys came up with is that humans would no longer be human if they no longer had to face their own potential for evil and the depths of that abyss, no matter how horrible it is.

Bzzt! Wrong. God is the Lord of the Worlds. Notice the plural.

Dude you should control all that fedora tipping, you are going to get carpal syndrome.

But user, I AM doing that.
I'm being myself.
I've decided to believe in an Omnipotent God that is watching over me, guiding me, and letting me live my life.
I have free will, I make my own choices, and that is what my heart tells me.
Did you not read?
I'm not part of any religion.
I believe in Him and I believe He allows me to be free.
I will do what I believe is good and right because that is what I believe He allowed me to.
Just because I believe in a God doesn't mean I'm less free.
My belief is that I am not a slave or His property like many religions will tell you but instead His child that he is watching grow up.
Guiding me but never forcing me.
The fact that you that you think I cannot be free while believing in Him and believing that He wants me to be free is rather silly to me.
Did you read any of what I said?
It kinda sounds like you didn't. Not intending to be rude.
It just seems like you went "tl;dr" and assumed I was a religious nut

One universe One god. You can't be god on other multiverse it works on different rules. For example everyone every human bieng too in there other universe are omnipotent, like God in our universe. So very unpredictable.

A lot of other religions just have gods that are stated to be dicks or weak. They have the luxury of beinge able to say, "yeah, this God isn't all that smart, powerfull or good and that is why everything went to shit".

The angels are described as such in the scripture. Many wings, many faces, wheel of fire with hundred eyes etc

>DLC Campaign.
>Can involves prequel, the REAL one.
>You can meet your military instructor Crash.
I hope that will be real

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Grezzo 2

Wrong. I win, you lose. Cope.

God really is eldritch horror tier. Has to make freaky eyeball angels who's soul purpose is to listen to his words and pass the info down to the lesser angels.

I'm pretty sure pagans have also thought about human evil, the greeks and romans definitely did. Even if they chalk up natural events like floods to gods feuding, which is something different from encountering purposeful malice from a person

Not, with my power of multiverse, it is you loser! Hahaha!

Why do you get to set arbitrary rules?
This isn't Yea Forums so don't bring capeshit logic into this if you don't know how shit actually works in the first place

And those are the pretty ones, going through the celestial chorus should be one hell of a trip once you get to thrones, dominions, orders and powers.

Dude you should stop praising the torture of babies.
The Vatican is a literal bastion of paedophiles and you're weekly church donations goes to keeping them safe.
So many Irish priests have sought refuge in the Vatican, that the order has had to import African priests to Ireland to replace them.

I mean out of the three main ones, Jew, Christian, Islam. Christian makes the least amount of sense.
God is self sufficient, yet Jesus (who is God), could die and required food for sustenance.
It just fucks up the whole God head.

shit game

You don't need a guide to tell you to do what's right. You don't need someone to "allow you" to do what's right and be good.

Multiverse and parallel worlds i it is scientific fact. That's why is free will exist.

Please be patient he has autism.

If anything God is the creator of all that was and will ever be, that's the point of it.

Well, their gods aren't all powerfull or all caring. So they just let human evil happen naturally or by accident.

It literally is
>the gift of argent power
Hayden transcended his robutt form and is an evil angel or some shit

Attached: evil angel.png (764x377, 142K)

You're right.
I don't.
Why are YOU trying to do that then?

Yeah they're "servants". We on the other hand were made in God's image and given dominion over all beings in his name. Angel's are subservient to us no more than they are to big G. If they get all uppity then threaten to report them to upper management. The whole of heaven's flock is on thin ice since the last incident with HR.

>proceeds to burn the motherfucking argent pumped angel with bfg 9000

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It's not scientific fact.
And there is no evidence that free will exists

Only correct post in this thread. Anyone defending Doom Eternal is a shill and a faggot.

They're not angels
They're S. Hayden's followers

The moment you put Islam above any other religion is the moment you lose all respect, this kiddy fiddler warlord scared of dogs is a complete fucking retard.

Read his shit, Mohammed in the beginning doubted about his schizophrenic attack and had to ask his wife if it was a messenger or an evil being that talked to him.
Islam started because his wife told him it was a messenger, then his bullshit devolved pretty fast.

But not in other universe that works on different rules that can interact with out universe.

If I interpreted the trailer correctly, it’s implied that the angels (assuming they’re real and not just Hayden going through a god complex) see the demon invasion as punishment against humanity, and they don’t like Doomguy trying to interfere

>his wife told him it was a messenger
she and a christian scholar
cope, christcuck

Creator of all that was and will be.
If that doesn't include your multiverse you must be quite autistic mate.

And yes I'm talking about those were the small force is so weak nothing forms after the bingbang and those were it was so strong time as a concept can't exist because mass can't be a constant.

God above all.

How exactly does Islam make more sense than Christianity
It's mormonism tier and thinks that mainstream christians put mary in the trinity

Google experiment with mirrors.

>trinitarian calling anything nonsense

>being excited for this shit

Brutal Doom is free you know. And it provides access to hundreds of the best Doom fan maps ever made, with improved combat. Webm related. A classic Doom map made all the better.

Do you actually want NuDoom 2's fake power fantasy and forced cutscenes instead? Or do you want to get good and play Brutal Doom instead?

Attached: 1557755784393.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

So there are more than one Gods in existence and they are not all on the same level? Got it senpai.

Wait what kind of Christians put Mary in the Trinity?
A more important question, how many orgies does these pagans have each week?

What if creator of all will look in mirrors and get other versions of him that also not him? Not so creater after all.

no, I'm saying what they think the trinity is, not commenting on the trinity itself.
There's also the logic of deriving its authority to claim as an Abrahamic religion from the Jewish/Christian books and then saying they're corrupted books

Different universes, different Gods. It's so obscure that can't tell who is who.

Because they reject the trinity.
The trinity makes absolutely no sense, and is incomparable with GOD on a basic level.
God must by necessity be self sufficient, Jesus by virtue of being a man, was not sufficient, as was also evidence by the fact that the bitch ate, and died.
Christians believe that God literally died, which God cannot do by definition.
>inb4 hurr God is omnipotent and can do w/e he wants

Jesus being God fucked up the whole idea of the God head. Christians are the most retarded of the three.

>he actually wasted his time on writing this pile of shit post


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>But why cause this incredibly long chain of events to give a small fraction of humanity 'eternal bliss' when he could have achieved this from the beginning, without any torment for anyone?

Do you get a cat with the intent to control his behaviour in the most minute way?

>The answer is not 'muh free will', by the way.

Yes it is.

>If God is truly omnipotent, then he would be able to create a world with no sin, no suffering and true free will for all.

That depends on your definition of Godly omnipotence. If you think it can override logic, the answer is "giant frog". Because your attempt to apply logic to an entity which by your own definition is not bound with logic is nonsensical. Therefore, giant frog.

If you, however, don't think that God's omnipotence extends this far and therefore is something which can be discussed, no he can't. Sure, he can cheat by giving his creations free will, and then meticulously arranging circumstances so that this free will is never misused, but what is the point?

Finally, do you understand that you're asking God to erase you, yes you, personally, from existence, not merely kill you, but make so that you never were in the first place, and then say that God is bad for not doing so?

your head is screwed on right user

Reminder that Church is a real enemy and Dark Age suppressed the European progress for many centuries after the Rome fell.

Fight the popes and their evil forces.

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Trying to justify autism.

Comic terminology is supposed to exist to justify bullshit and feats, heck look at Hinduism for the first power level wankery since that babylonian priestess self inserted into her goddess scriptures to fuck other gods. I'm not making that one up, her versions of the gods are so far removed from other priests that it is kinda hilarious.

>Wait what kind of Christians put Mary in the Trinity?
During Muhammad's time he either got told christians think mary is in the trinity as a joke and he believed it, he scrambled up what he heard, or by chance he encountered a stray christian from a very small and obscure sect that put mary in the trinity.

I understood that angels are pissed because they want to kill demons too and doomguy is being selfish.

So all memes and shitposting aside, I'm really not a fan of the whole heavenly/angelic route Doom is taking here. It's just subjectivity I admit, but it feels so wrong to me.

Pack it up, guys. Google is experimenting with mirrors. Free will must exist.

One major motivator for the crusades was to ship off knights to the east to prevent them from continually pillaging and raping villages in the european countryside so that the peasants could have some peace for once

Did you think you living in real world, wrong you are living in your consciousness and thoughts also your frequency.

>Admitting that you don't understand matters of religion and spirituality is the only logical conclusion that can be reached. To assume that you have knowledge beyond the scope of science and reason, that you have full cosmic and metaphysical understanding just because some guys 2,000 years ago told you so is the height of hubris. It's pure arrogance.

Someone had never heard the term "Religion of revelation", it seems.

>Basically, you can't have it both ways. If Lucifer could rebel against god, he had free-will and a choice, as did the others that followed him. Which begs the question of why humans were created at all, again?

Why will you answer to my post or that of anyone else in this threat, you've written a Yea Forums post already, after all?

He probably can, but instead he decided to make us in his image. That means god has been through a lot in life, poor guy.

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Reminder that tower of babel is a thing.

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Peasants marched there before knights, lots of them died before even reaching Constantinople.
The whole reason was to claim Constantinople back anyway.

Oh great, I thought that shit was chink Christianity tier, turns out it is more Muslim bullshit.

I should probably read more on Muslim bullshit sects, I'm quite sure it would be an interesting read going through how many warlords corrupted their own text to justify their massacres, even when their text alone justify massacres against non Muslims by literally calling them subhumans and branding them.
At this point I'm starting to think that Adolf learned a thing or two from the Muslims they invented the star brand for the Jews and the belt as brand for the Christians.

I started laughing when they showed the little clip with the "new gameplay options" and it cuts to super Mario fire stick rotating in the air, giant green buttons and fucking 1ups.

I thought it was either a joke or a little sort of maybe "Doom Maker" mode. With silly wacky level design.

But no.... They actually ended it straight faced. That was the game. That was the actual fucking gameplay of this game. Holy shit.

Putting hurr in front with greentext doesn't mean it's a refutation. How does it make no sense for a theoretically omnipotent to be able to do whatever it wants with itself even to the most staunch of atheists

>Finally, do you understand that you're asking God to erase you, yes you, personally, from existence, not merely kill you, but make so that you never were in the first place, and then say that God is bad for not doing so?
When compared with the alternative of eternal, unrelenting torture, yes.

Are we Metroid now?

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I'd hang out with God if he came down to earth. Maybe he is just bad with other people like I am.
And kind of shy because of how overhyped the church made him.

Getting some giger-vibes from that artpiece

modern christians mostly just pick and choose what they personally like and think is useful for today
muslim reformation usually means becoming as starkly in line with the quran's rules as possible (including the violent rules that supersede all others through abrogation) and killing sufis

>Church depicts god as a super buff old cosmo-wizard with long flowing hair and a legendary beard

>Is just a tiny little old man, bald, short beard, deep sunk in eyes and slightly hunched over

No. Replay the opening to Doom 2016, he is clearly upset at seeing the dead human and destroys the console because of it.
He may not be benevolent, but he still has a sense of justice.
Perhaps he's just angry at the angels and demons for causing so much destruction over their petty wars.

>Multiverse and parallel worlds i it is scientific fact.

Multiverse and parallel worlds are unproven and unprovable nonsense, made up half because making up theories which cannot be tested in foreseeable future is a cushy, well-paid job, and half because a multiverse is the only possible materialistic explanation for intelligent life existing despite above-astronomic improbabilties encountered at many separate stages in the chain of events which supposedly led to its existence according to modern science.

some peasants sure, but someone has to plow the fields and it doesn't help if everyone's sore from a raping

>I run a random number generator
>Because I can just look and see the results, numbers it generates are not actually random!

Are there any doom mods that let you kill angels?

what do you think of the simulation theory

God knows what numbers will be generated in advance.

This looks pretty cool desu. I mean the game will suck dick, but the concept art looks nice.

Multiverses exist because of boson of higgs and our universe appears from other one universe that was died from old age.

>lesser angels.

typical god YHVH

Imagine watching someone vanish from existence off the streets the second they said the N-word.

of course they're not random, they're arrived at using a deterministic process

Doesn't anyone else hate the new suit?

It's chunky as fuck and has edgelord spikes for no reason. It's literally a superhero design from 90's comics. It looks like Spawn to me

you disgusting mongoloid, quit being such a daft crude ass and educate yourself. That image is rooted in the abrahamic tradition, and yes it's weird, but before "angel" was just a blanket description for faggots with wings and halos, it described nearly unimaginable avatars of gods will.

damn, a lot of american ghettos would just become ghost towns in a few days

Shut the hell up about god. Everyone nation has a different outlook of God and religion. Just talk about doom eternal

nu-Doom to me has never had aesthetics as a strong suit

TFW the church made god go into hiding because he can't live up to their expectations.

Angels depicted in art are the western equivalent of jap monster girls

>what do you think of the simulation theory

A way to say "we were created by God" without using the G-word or making implications regarding our behavior. Let's note that an "administrator of the simulation" is incompatible with the Christian image of God, but is not functionally different from Allah.

Man God must be the most depressed entity in the whole Bible, imagine living for who knows how long, eventually you get so alone you create company for yourself but that company gains free will and betrays you for someone that you yourself created in order to test out human's free will
Then eventually you spend your days seeing the devil and Lucifer hang out together just pranking humanity and you wanna join in the fun but you end up causing huge fucking problems for humanity while Lucifer just looks to you in dissapointment and you end up in a corner crying
It's literally programming

>"This user was banned for this post."

Not according to my murder-boner.

Get some Quantum uncertainty, body. And life will be good again.

Ok demons listen up! The Doom Slayer is coming so let's get ready and stand directly underneath this giant 10 foot green glowing button above our heads here. The same button that, if activated, would release these giant swinging blades and slice us all to bits!

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Saying nonsese (and what you're saying is nonsense even from the viewpoint of the current consensus in physics) does not make it a fact.

Demons are retard, what else is new? It took them aeons to come up with a plan to lure and seal The Doom Slayer.

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>Saying nonsese
Are you expecting universe was apperied from big bang? What a nonsense.

I put hurr in front because to assume God can die and come back is a huge misunderstanding of what omnipotence actually means.
And if you were to consider omnipotence as being able to break logic, then all discourse on God breaks down, as you can never even provide a suitable structure for discussion for anything that God is/does.

It's equally Sisyphean to continue down that line of thought, as it is stupid.

>they are no longer your people to save

Attached: doomguy1.gif (488x519, 400K)

>consider omnipotence as being able to break logic
logic as we know of how to describe it today, yes. There's also the problem of language's (current) inherent limitations

>God knows what numbers will be generated in advance.

Because time is a property of the universe ouitside of which he resides by every definition of God, he does. "Omniscience" is in fact also stems from God being able to see time from beginning to end. How is that, however, functionally different from me being able to see what numbers the generator threw out, assuming neither I nor God intend to actively interfere and just write whatever number we want into results?

Wrong. Hardware RNGs are called true random number generators for a reason.

It's a literally part of the definition of God that he is self-sufficient and eternal.
Jesus died.

God cannot be X doesn't get over-ridden by any amount of omnipotence.
God cannot be what God isn't. God can only be what God is.

If you want to play around with omnipotence breaking logic that you're only going to find retards to play with.

There's only so many physically possible actions the universe can take, and due to physical limitation, although extremely extensive, allows for free will (Within physical limitation) which allows for something with enough "brain power" to understand and act with, outside time.

>When compared with the alternative of eternal, unrelenting torture, yes.

Have you considered that you know that you're heading toward the lake of fire the rational course of actions is to change your behavior?

But it's a part of Gods plan.
It's just as good of an outcome if i burn as it is if i get saved.
God is good.
Gods creation is good.

Because God could erase him with a mere thought

>Dash energy refill orbs
>Giant glowing "shoot me" buttons
>rotating Super Mario fire sticks

Attached: Screenshot_20190610-123310.jpg (1920x1080, 804K)

>Jesus died
>Went down to hell and collected the souls
>Came back three days later

Jesus died as far as the physical body as humans can observe. Jesus showed off that He's above the king of terror and can triumph over what humanity has feared the most, the unknown that is death and after death, through resurrection, and ascension. It was necessary to show the human body is just a vessel and not the final being.

God made all of creation and knew in advance everything that would happen. That means that everything that happens is within what he foresaw, meaning that free will is nothing more than a joke.
If you know the result of something in advance, that means there is no way it could have been anything different, meaning that free will can not exist.
Mankind has no moral agency since God knew what would happen ahead of time, meaning your choices were already written in stone before you ever came into existence.

Jesus also had to eat, sleep and shit.
All things God would not need to do.

Oh yeah that’s right I forgot where beyonneta was mentioned in the Bible you fucking simpleton

not sure if this answer would be considered heretical or not, but ive seen it described that omniscience for god is like knowing all of a movie at once because of his transcendence of space-time. a viewer does not assume direct control of the actors when watching a movie.
that doesn't address the question of why allow evil if god is all good, just the omniscience

>original DOOM had all kinds of wads to make the game different
>even sex mods
>new DOOM adds all kinds of modifications to make the game different

If he wanted to do it why wouldn't he? What does pooping and eating have to do with it

Why is euro Yea Forums so fucking stupid? It's obviously Samuel Hayden turning himself into a messiah figure in order to shill argent energy. Just look at the damn thing. Who exactly are all these retarded B-BUT MUH FEDORA TIPPERS faggots that are shitting up the thread? Fuck off back to wherever you came from, retards.

I am aware, you pretentious fucks. So is everyone. That’s the point. You’re not blowing anyone’s mind.

Stop stealing my idea I posted in the other thread that is expired now. Fucking shithead.

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Jesus didn't need to. He transcended death.
Your understanding of the trinity is incredibly flawed, and your definition of what qualifies as a deity is rather odd.
The Son was given to the Earth in the form of Jesus through a human vessel, which went without food and performed miracles, and then transcended death after the final sacrifice, where even when betrayed, sins were forgiven.

Attached: christ-in-the-desert-18721-e1276316336416[1].jpg (1000x730, 162K)

I Just want to know already If is the the same Doomguy as the old games(you know a human) or they gonna pull some bullshit about He being a immortal special snowflake

Human graced with power from God delivered by angels.
Probably going to become if not already an Angel.

No Gods no Demons, only Tear.

Doomguy wasn't even the same doomguy in all the old games. 1 and 2 had the same guy, then it was two different ones in Plutonia and TNT.

christcucks BTFO

Top right looks like Goku

The fact that such tale exist is enough to give hope to man.

There are some stuff about the death of adan creating a skull shaped mountain and Jesus being crucified in an area know as the skull wich I always found funny, it is almost as if everything went full circle to forgive mankind for the first man mistake.

Nothing's wrong with a bit of platforming.
I just hoper it's a bit and not the new focus of the game.

>look like drones, AI machines etc etc
Aliens, im telling you.
God is an alien, Virgin Mary was artificially inseminated, Jesus was/is a human-alien hybrid with mystical powers.

>Don’t boil a baby goat in its mother’s milk.

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It kinda makes me sad.
>Betray Jesus
>Jesus still has our back and saves us

Humanity's a long running fuck up yet we're still loved. Couldn't keep our mouths off a forbidden fruit, couldn't keep our dicks in our pants, couldn't keep ourselves from giving Him a pair of hand piercings and a jab to the side.
Still saves us. Though it's no wonder the end of times is so horrifying, most of it is self inflicted nightmares.

I do believe that refers to something from the Talmud which states that you aren't allowed to consume both, dairy, and meat, in the same meal, which is to dissuade people from slaughtering dairy giving creatures and causing waste.

Maybe people were still pissed off about the time God drowned the entire planet.

the orthodox believe that if even a sliver of your soul wants to believe in something good, then you won't land in hell, because hell is locked from the inside and not the outside. hell is for souls who actively want to be there and stay there for the rest of eternity out of hatred and spite.
iirc they don't really conceptualize a purgatory the way catholics do but there is something like that for them i think

To be fair, the world was kinda extremely shitty at that point and deserved it. It was also like 4,000 years prior.

This is the ONLY game that I'm looking forward to this year.

God sure killed a lot of innocent babies and animals to do that shit. Seems pretty evil to me.

>Comparing one story charecter to other.
It's not mario party here.

Good and evil, virtues and vices, God and Devil, heaven and hell are just concepts. They will always be there, either for us (humanity) or for others. We humans need to humanise and embody these concepts - thats the way our mind works - thats how religions came to be, faith and all that.
Universe just is a product of a phenomena that we are yet to understand, humanity just is a product of a simple universal process we call evolution. No gods/supernatural/mystical elements involved.

You don't think in 4d chess. Maybe god killed evil that can possibly destroy the universe.

>they didn't get rid of glory kills

Attached: db7PKrb.png (960x540, 609K)

Can't hit the reset button with a little bit of wide scale destruction.
Also all those innocents that drowned got an express ticket to the waiting room, which Jesus went to and got them to Heaven.

>people actually think hayden is the angle
How fucking retarded is this board jesus christ

Prove it.

>human life is inherently valuable

NPC has quests, so yeah.

Don't really understand the merits of arguing a religious viewpoint of this. Doom 2016 made it pretty clear that the "demons" are literally just an extradimensional conquering alien race, there's nothing supernatural about them. If "angels" are in Eternal, they won't be servants of God, they'll be another alien race that is fighting and/or has fought against the demons. Obviously they're implying some kind of Stargate-ish "your gods are just aliens bro" universe.

>parents lose everything in 2008 financial crises when I was a boy
>been living the turbo poorfag lifestyle since
>parents became bitter alcoholics
>"don't worry my dude it's all a part of god's plan" t. grandparents
Thanks a lot for skullfucking my future and family God, is this the part where I bend over and say "thank you may I have another?" Really feeling that positive "all loving and all powerful" energy right now

>Memes in DOOM.
This one is okay but please ID don't go overboard.

The bible details that all those that died before Salvation were basically in waiting, rather than condemned to hell, and that's what Jesus gathered and ascended with after crucifixion.

Unless you're asking for me to prove that you need some wide scale destruction to satisfy a reset, in which I'd implore you to ask your local dinosaur about that.

Then why are you sperging out over it?

Dude is a fucking videogame, who cares?

You're exactly correct. People are fucking retarded and didn't pay any attention to the story other than kill demons.

Christians that sit on their hands and go "It's all God's plan!" are treacherous if they don't act or do something to try and fix the problems.
They should have gone and gotten them to AA or rehab or whatever and tried to keep the ship together.

in this case you're not living inside a biblical story. just the story of corrupt bankers

>Heaven is actually evil
Very original

Book of Job motherfucker, read it. Psychologically it is way better to accept that life is full of uncontrollable hard ship and that the only thing you can do is work hard to try and improve instead of cursing out the creator or the world itself. Job is seriously one of the great stories of all time.

Not if they're fallen angels. You know, like Satan himself.

>He wishes to be enslaved to the will of a genocidal tyrant
Guess they don't call them christcucks for nothing

>tfw Honestly feel like Job after the love of my life died
>Felt so much pain and misery
>Still not sure if I'm in the clear
>Know there's more pain on the way because that is life
>Still treasure it and move forward and make others happy

nice b8

>God is literally fucking with Job because of a fucking bet with the devil.
>God chews Job out when he asks him why he is being butt fucked.
Great story.

Hope they improve the UI because the one shown looks like shit

>all this fedora talk about god
>he hasn't watched Supernaturals interpretation of god
What a bunch of fags every one of you

Attached: sp2.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

If God can do that, why not erase all demons himself the lazy fuck

shit forgot this one too

Attached: sp1.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

>Create universe
>solve the entirety of it
>May as well not have made it

it's definitely a cruel set up, but the emotional point of the job story is that the guy with 200% justification to become a supervillain and raze everything to the ground for what was done to him didn't do it and commit even more suffering onto other people who had nothing to do with his situation.

It's a videogame, they're not real

That's basically the plot to Naruto, especially when he faces off with Pain

Can you stop shitting up a Doom thread with your garbage bible lore?

So they're the same person, right?

Attached: w.png (918x500, 532K)

>what a bunch of fags you are
>watches supernatural
Can't make this shit up

Fuck off. Bible with rip&tear is great. Wish Requiem got a remake.

>he hasnt invested 14 years into a show thats about to end on its next season

Attached: 1556011500877.jpg (512x372, 50K)

ISupernatural is the quintessential faggot show man.

God can make robots and slaves all he wants and they're fucking lame, turning creations loose that have free Will is more entertaining.

im sure there were many job-like stories that were passed down in oral traditions around the world, including in shintoism
when the world is cruel to you, you just can't go around hurting and stabbing other people because there's already enough to deal with as it is

>Angels are good but at the same time so autistic, they will do anything they can to do the "right thing"
elder god tier trope

Prove it in scientific measures.

It is the most human story, it is a story about pain.


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Well, I mean, there's only one way to test the theory.
But you're more than likely going to go to prison for drowning a newborn, unless you follow up the investigation with your own death in pursuit of the truth, rather than waiting until the end to kick the bucket and gather results.

Scientific measures are not perfect. heh

I don't like all the colors. And UI is ugly as hell too.

Attached: doom eternal gameplay.jpg (1412x799, 165K)

The entire crucifixion is a thing of beauty especially the thief that earns salvation, God just has our backs.

Such shame about the Jews 40 fucking years in the desert, they just couldn't help themselves to a point an entire generation had to die before the new one could reach the promised land.

Seriously, reading Exodus and judges makes me think that God chosen people is an allegory for God's very special special big boys, they always found ways to fuck it up then blame God for their own misfortune.

>40 fucking years in the desert,
I mean, living in slavery within the context of the bible story leaves a lot of scars. And they were in the desert but they got free food for the most part. There's probably little chance they could have done anything and probably would've been annihilated if they went immediately from egypt to the promised land

The first one has a constant RED filter over everything, it was Mars after all. You are just not used to the new setting.

Top tier post right here

man it sure is funny how Atheists only ever attack the Christian religion an none of the others.
hmmmm i wonder why

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What does Mars have to do with the glowing neon minigun? The UI looks much cleaner too.

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My guess is that there are no angels

Samuel Hayden is just making himself into a god like figure using demon power

Here's the scientific method.
1. Ask a question
"Do the innocents go to heaven/the waiting room when killed?"
2. Do background research
The bible states yes in this case, but there's no more waiting room due to salvation
3. Construct a hypothesis
Therefore they just go to heaven if a person who has not yet sinned dies.
4. Test with an experiment
This part will put you in prison. I advocate against killing an innocent to test the hypothesis. Though you can observe many that die during childbirth.
5. Procedure working?
Gotta pass on to confirm results, so see you in 70+ years.
6. Analyze data and draw conclusions
If you're analyzing data at this step you can draw the conclusion that there's an afterlife and that those babies are with you.
7. Results align with hypothesis
Great now you get to preach the bible to people.

I'm sure you wouldn't care if it went any other way.

>Brutal Doom

Attached: 1521652978705.jpg (388x549, 46K)

The other religions don't have as much power in the countries where atheists live. Mostly because, for all of its flaws, christian societies don't fucking murder and massacre people who don't agree with them. Which is one of its most admirable qualities as a modern religion.

No, the eternal story trailer pretty clearly shows that the reason he's killing angels is because they want to stop him from killing demons, because the demons are supposed to be punishment to humanity and doomguy is destroying them all.

>hey I'm God I'm such a great guy lmao
>also hey check this out Satan, watch this, this will be rad! This guy won't know what hit him!

The point of the 40 years was culling the generation that left Egypt and then adored a false idol.

Those that did it had to die before reaching the promise land, those 40 years were filled with instances of the Jews going full retard on several occasions to points were Mosses really starts to doubt and gets angry multiple times, he even had to create a system of delegative authority among the tribes to prevent them from going full retard yet they always found petty ways of killing each other, doubt God and praise more fake idols or try to steal from each other's despite the fact that all got food and water as miracles on a daily basis.

The promised land would have become California if that generation didn't die before reaching it.

Great post

the thing is that religion even with all its failings, non-religious philosophers haven't really come up with foolproof and actionable answers to questions of evil and suffering either that can satisfy everybody.

ultimately, stories are how people try to sort it out even if it's a lot more emotional than logical, because a lot of the problems involving evil aren't particularly logical in the first place. It's not logical in the least for someone to enter an elementary school to shoot a bunch of kids and then themselves

Christkeks absolutely dabbed on

Is this n-individual for real?

Because he's a psychopath who gets off on subjugation.

>The bible states yes in this case, but there's no more waiting room due to salvation
In Revelations it states that everyone who ever died stayed fucking dead until the Last Day. Then Jesus resurrects them and the books of life and death are opened. Those who's names are written in the book of life go to heaven. Those who's names are written in the book of death are cast into hell along with Satan, the Beast, and his false prophet. This is the second death.

That's the point. Literally everything is turned against this unfortunate man who is treated so cruelly even by god, but he doesn't become irreparably corrupt and hurt everyone else around him because in the end that only needlessly multiplies the suffering.

also, even god in the bible is 'growing up' alongside the writers of the bible as time goes on chronologically, the christians would probably rephrase it as 'man's perception of god'. a lot of the old testament is a god of extremes and a god contesting with other pantheons like the egyptian gods to say he's da best

those bullets in the screen gets old 00.01 seconds in. What the fuck was the creator thinking??

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better then brutal doom that's for sure user

Holy shit, how are you people missing this? It's just like the retards screaming about how VEGA was fucking Pathfinder in the gameplay demo.

That's Hayden. That's fucking Samuel Hayden's voice admonishing Doomslayer. And that "angelic" form is probably him after getting rebuilt. 9/10 times torn up Hayden is Doomslayer's fault.

He still thinks he's doing the right thing, with everything that's happened, and he thinks he's on the side of good, hence saying Doomslayer will invoke Heaven's wrath. Even though it's clear "Heaven" is mostly Hell undergoing some new propaganda to look good, or were demons all along. Which would fit with the idea of a traitorous wretch demon enhancing Doomslayer's armor to make him more capable of killing.

Heaven = Israel
Demons = Muslims
Sentinels = old pre-christian Europe
Humanity = contemporary west

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religious people=brainwashed boomers

>Those that did it had to die before reaching the promise land, those 40 years were filled with instances of the Jews going full retard on several occasions to points were Mosses really starts to doubt and gets angry multiple times, he even had to create a system of delegative authority among the tribes to prevent them from going full retard yet they always found petty ways of killing each other, doubt God and praise more fake idols
How is it that you witness God parting the red sea with your own two eyes and then still feel the need to make false idols?

Its fucking Galeem

god's a cunt too, fuck god

>god contesting with other pantheons like the egyptian gods to say he's da best

Well to be honest God make the Egyptian deities his bitch, going after the pharaoh lineage who is supposed to be a God itself is such a fucking powerful thing in fiction.

>glory kills
>B-but glory kills in nu-Doom!!!
>shitty amateur pixel art that stands out
>cringey emotes and taunts
How can anyone take this shit even half seriously?

>This fucking golden cow is way better than our literal saviour.
>Ever had golden milk? Fuck man, that shit is divine.

Jews are a little wacky, they try and game God by doing stuff like operating machines with a pencil, to get around restrictions. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think they'd try and find other deities to pander to for extra chosen perks.

Jew God is a cunt
Christian God is a bro and so is his son

pagan idols tend to feel closer-to-earth because of their smaller scope, which can feel more comforting. in ancient times a pagan pantheon of gods was believed to only have influence over a limited geographical region, so if you moved you would adopt worship of the local pantheon.


>Jew God is a cunt
>Christian God is a bro and so is his son
So what's the retcon, here? God spent some time on Earth and it made him mellow out?

Every fucking Doom thread is going to be filled with religious shiposting now. What an awful timeline.

>I mean the game will suck dick
Trying too hard to fit in there, bud.

he realized that dealing with human problems like occasional diarrhea and lice can make someone pretty cranky so he laid off a bit

Humanity had enough tough love. We grew up and it was the first point in history where salvation could spread across the globe, what with Christianity spreading rapidly to Europe which became the first group of people to spread it across the globe at the rate they did, packed with preservation of text and proliferation of text.
Bonus points for the europeans being really good at architecture that inspires awe at the devotion to God.

Hold my gattling gun

God realized the reason he was so pissed and angry all the time was because of the Jews so he said fuck you to them, sent his son down to make everyone his chosen then mellowed out after his son came back and said "yeah man those non jews are pretty based"

>The plagues wich include God's presence destroying the pharaoh lineage, fire from the sky, total darkness and control over nature such as the Nile and the beasts worshiped by Egypt.
>A literal flaming Pilar before the red Sea event.
>The fucking red sea event.
>The earth devouring the fake idol.
>Venom that would not kill but cause crippling agony only cured by a golden statue carried by the order of God.
>Water flowing from a spring whenever Moses cane touched a rock.
>Several plagues caused by the Jews going full retard only being dispelled after God told them what to do though Moses.
>Still didn't believe in God, rather believe Moses was God itself causing another plague among them.

The Jews just kept fucking up during those 40 years and they had miracles every day were the beast would let themselves be slayed for them to eat, water would flow through rocks to satiate their thirst and through each of their fucks up God would still intervene trying to save them from themselves.

It's amazing how stupid they were.

According to the islamic God. God is neither good or evil. Because calling him "good" or "evil" would imply that he has a counterpart who rivals his omnipotency. Satan itself wanders on earth just because God allowed him to do so.

islamic god also says you should lie to kaffir which contradicts one of the 10 commandments

You remember all those funky winged things that you used the Codex on? Those are called Wraiths, they were basically the Gods of their Universe until Hell invaded and turned them into Argent Energy batteries. The Night Sentinels, the power armored ghosts you run into, were their servants. Their non-corrupted forms are likely the Angels.

Attached: Wraiths.jpg (1920x1428, 320K)

Taqiyya doesn't exist in Islam itself.

The Wraiths had a tough life.

no it doesn't

Anyone who played the game knows that.

Well the Islamic version of God is a piece of shit that leaves no agency to men, apparently being born an idiot is God's will to Muslims, there is no self improvement here, you can die because you decide to piss on an electric socket and that was God plan according to Islam.

I wish I was making that shit out.
Dropping the idea of having chosen people is such an incredible concept, if I recall part of the book of Job importance is that he is one of the first non Jews portrayed and unlike the Jews he never doubts God even through agony and pain he still continues to praise God.

No wonder God mellowed out, the Jews made it really hard to be loved when you have to be worried about them sticking their dicks in boiling water.

>"Dark ages" memes again

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Attached: Tominus Kekeronis.jpg (800x450, 61K)

They're just God's chosen punching bag right now

The angel looks robotic, is probably Hayden reshaping himself into a god figure after he stole the sword from Doom Guy.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (540x502, 46K)

>there is no self improvement here, you can die because you decide to piss on an electric socket and that was God plan according to Islam.
>I wish I was making that shit out.
Source? And don't just say "the Quran lol," what passage?

Major spoiler right now:
angels are demons

Only one other person mentioned the word "Wraith" in this entire thread wondering about the Angels, so I'm guessing a lot of people missed that Codex.

>freaky eyeball angels who's soul purpose is to listen
>not ear angels

One job

>The angel looks robotic, is probably Hayden reshaping himself into a god figure after he stole the sword from Doom Guy.
What the FUCK is his problem?

I wish I was making that shit out, there are scrolls were the rabbis had to prohibit the practice of sticking your dick in a boiling pot of water because "it kept happening".

The ancient Jews were the kind of people that thought sticking their dick in boiling water would have any other result than crippling scalding burns, and it happened so often that the religious leaders had to intervene.

The HUD is fucking shit

>>people actually think hayden is the angle
Samuel Hayden > Sayden > Satan.

Hayden got caught by his former employees, didn't he?

Attached: hayden eternal.jpg (1413x794, 112K)

The Quran lol, read a book nigger.

Doom Guy is the punishment for the Demons
The Angels should just accept that now

>Smart guy with a huge ego put his frontal lobes into a computer brain.
>Turns out this wasn't a good idea.

He has done nothing wrong.

the structure of the qur'an as the infallible complete and direct word is a lot less flexible than the way the old/new testament are put in chronological order as blocks of stories centering around characters and perceived to be written by many human authors.

it kind of defangs christianity since now it's just pick and choose, but that also allows adaptation. going to the qur'an to see how they can be better muslims usually results in further radicalization

Depicting an angel is a sin. Enjoy going to hell.

Does that mean that God is the ultimate sinner?

>doomguy is punishment for demons
>now humanity goes 10,000% evil because there are no demons left to punish men
What is the next step in YHWH's master plan?

Thats probably him repairing after doomguy got back

That was a typo on the Bible, it's actually "Decapitate an angel is a sin"

only in sects that believe icons are heretical and should be burned

If Doomguy got the sword thing back directly from Hayden, I doubt there'd be anything left to repair.
Although, for some reason, I haven't considered the possibility the UAC guys are actually repairing him. I thought they all turned cultists by the point Eternal takes place.

My dead coworker Sheik told everyone his death was the will of Allah and recited some bullshit for us to stop criticizing it.

I don't want to rattle the dead but he was a walking biohazard that made our janitor life hell and our entire department had to make up for his mistakes, he literally died because he thought peeing in a corner with an electrical socket was a good idea instead of going downstairs to the bathroom.

This isn't the worst Muslim Allah wills it work related incident I have witnessed but it's the only one where they chastized us for criticizing it.
That shit is ripe for radicaluzation almost from the start, Mohammed was a resentful bastard that got pissed after the Jews and Christians told him to shut up so he started the struggle bullshit as the petty asshole he was.

Hardcore fundamentalist Christians would probably be communists, but communists who believe in a theocratic Party instead of an atheistic one and who also hate gay marriage.

>My dead coworker Sheik told everyone his death was the will of Allah
How could he tell you this, if he was dead?

>bonus campaign master level
>pre-order bonus
Holy shit, the absolute balls on Bethesda. Between that and the awful mobile game UI my hype for Doom Eternal's plummeted since yesterday. I'm sad.

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This is a real angel, retards.

Attached: Valkyrie_00.jpg (799x598, 166K)

Don't worry, the lootbox ban laws will also ban pre-order bullshit

>oh no i'm a christian who never read bible!
way to tell you are a mericamutt

>post made at 6:30 AM est

>How could he tell you this, if he was dead?
The Sheik got wind we criticized the stupidity of his follower so he took it personal to scream at us for being infidels and not understanding Allah's glory or some shit, he also tried to get us fired.

That got him nowhere even when the dead Muslim was put into his job because of nepotism.

He aint no jew.

>generic ui
>those motherfucking chads took a huge shit over snoyboys and put in a unique UI
fucking based

Why do American Christians hate blacks and hispanics, even though they are brothers of the faith?

>Demons Pretending to be Angels
>Demons Pretending to be Angels telling everyone Angels are Demons

The sword from the Quakecon footage is different from the Crucible.


Catholic Polish Texan.

Is it really? Looked kinda the same to me. But I didn't really pay much attention to the small details.

I'm not sure he would go out of his way to murder Hayden
While a lot of what happened is his fault, he technically is not on the side of hell

Why the fuck aren't we talking about this shit. The quakecon UI was infinitely better. The new one's a cluttered wreck. At this point I'm going to wait for mods before I buy the damn game.
Those and the grunts, and the third-person cuts. 2016 had none of those and it was a more immersive experience for it. Whole game was in first-person as I recall it, and that was nice.

protestants/puritans/evangelicals used to not be on good terms with catholics and think theyre icon worshipers or something. And probably get suspicious that they're incorporating creole or native american pagan-like practices

Unique doesn't mean good, it's a goddamn mess. And, hell, it's not even unique. It looks like a mobile game.

He obstructs Doomguy's work trapping him in stasis, meaning he effectively helps the forces of Hell. Good enough reason to end him.

Attached: file.png (1280x1440, 3.98M)

cringe and 2016pilled

>Whole game was in first-person as I recall it, and that was nice.
Yeah I kinda love how we see everything through Doomguy helmet, don't get me wrong I laughed my ass off, but I would love a more personal experience while I'm shooting at demons.

Go back to halo snoyfag.

That's because of the art direction change. It's still the Crucible.

What a coincidence, this is the flagship title for Bethesda and Google's streaming platforms.

In the Bible aren’t people scared shitless every time an angel appears? Really makes me churn the brain butter.

Read judges, Everytime an angel appears people cream their pants or straight up die from witnessing them.

good enough to cut him in half sure, but he only traps doomguy in stasis after the demonic threat is over, and he does keep him in stasis as opposed to killing him just in case demons show back up

"Do not be afraid" is the standard angelic greeting for a reason

>muh imaginary friend

there are some that are more mundane looking. the sodomites wanted to fuck two angels sleeping over at lot's house, so they must have been human enough to have a ripe ass

I don't like talk of heresy coming from Calvinists. People who seriously believe in predestination and thus reject Jesus' message of the forgiveness of sins have no room to talk in my opinion. Fact: there are 144,000 members of the Elect. There are over 100,000,000 believers of Calvinist doctrine, all of whom believe that they were chosen as members of Elect prior to the moment of their birth. That doesn't even count all of the dead Calvinists who have lived since the Protestant Reformation, all of whom believed the same. Which ones are the liars?

Vidya based on the Old Testament when. shit’s hardcore

Anyone has a HD version of Op's pic ?

The demonic threat is never over. Especially not with Hayden and UAC trying to use Hell as a source of energy.


[spoilers]both got it wrong. We’re in need of a Luther 2.0 to usher in a new age[/spoiler]

I cry when angels deserve to die

You havn't seen the horror waifu threads don't you?

Some of us would want to smash the angels, I wish I was joking but I'm a degenerate.
Requiem kinda tried to do its take were you play as an angel and turn enemies into pillars of salt and shit.

Does Doomguy care about saving humanity? I kinda thought that he was all about just killing demons at this point.

I never really looked too deep into the calvinist stuff other than their suspicion of artwork just because it 'might be icon worship' leads to depressingly boring architecture and church decor a lot of the time. They don't even bother to go full autism with the geometry like mudslimes, it's just very plain

I don't trust the government to fuck everything else up with their turgid bureaucrat cocks.
Also the grunts are stupid. I know classic Doom had em, but they aren't any less obnoxious.

He got into this mess by refusing to shoot at civilians, he is genuinely pissed at Hayden when he sees a corpse and he talks about the end justifying the means.

Doomguy cares.

Lucifer was an angel. We are clearly dealing with traitorous renegades who have systematically corrupted their order.

Demons are ex-angels you doof

You mean [Record Scratch]'s master plan

Halo's UI is also shit. '16 had a nice, clean interface that has all the information you need and nothing but, and then fucked off when you didn't need it.
Oh, so it is.

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Don't forget how he saves VEGA in 2016, and willingly stayed behind on Earth, alone as the last living human remaining on the demon-infested planet, to ensure humanity would survive in Doom 2.

I assume that hud is just for the arcade mode or something.



Why did they give him a face?

Exactly. It was fun. Ironically, by moving away from that they've moved in a more generic direction.

He always had a face.

Attached: tumblr_ps3b1xc8RK1r2to8go1_1280.jpg (960x960, 74K)

Angels are eldritch tier horrors, they even tell everyone they meet not be afraid

Is this you playing? are you fucking retarded?..why the fuck did you waste rocket ammo on shotgunners...just use the fucking grenades or rifle to head shot and save the rockets for the chaingun ambush...omfg....i hate zoomer doomers

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well the whole holy deities and bibliography ARE some alien shits

I mean new face, but I fucked up.

>no DOOM movie with Casper van Dien in the title role

Eternal looked pretty great to me from what they showed last night.
Was the first Nu-Doom just as good? did it have that dash mechanic? I don't really know much about the game, all I remember was not being as impressed by its E3 trailer a couple y ears ago as I was by this one.

I have my doubts, user. Lot of little things in this game that worry me, and they're starting to add up fast. Stuff shown in trailers never changes, except to downgrade. Those are companies' "best" showings. This is gonna be a mess.
At least Stadia will die in two years when Google forgets about it.

Nu-doom had no dash, but it was pretty fast to begin with. Give it a whirl, the single-player's pretty fun. As I remember, they improved the speed of the game (especially the takedown mechanic) by quite a lot.
Which, I just realized, contradicts my point here. Id has been receptive to criticism before.

nu-doom was one of the best games of its year. I didn't have high hopes for it either before it released because it just has this generic feel to its designs for the most part, but as a game it's fun

>people kill each other over different interpretations of ancient psychedelic trip reports

Doom guy is canonically Irish catholic. He would never kill angels

For the sake of humanity, user.

Honestly christian god really reminds me of tzeench.
All bullshit and suffering can be explained by just tzeench being his usual self.

It was solid. It's pretty barebones compared to how the Eternal footage looks; 4 was pretty much just killing shit but at least that felt good.

im assuming angels never/can't die but are new ones made even after the creation of humans?

It didn't have the dash mechanic, no. If you want to play Doom with a dash mechanic before the game comes out, I'd recommend trying Demonsteele.

The 2016 cyberdemon looked much better fuck your nostalgia

Looks like a teched up version of it. Hayden probably had it upgraded.

>Lilo & Stich design

Attached: 1534969514601.jpg (871x665, 37K)

I just hope there will be good sfm r34 again

Woodmoose would be alright as its own thing, but looked nothing like a Cyberdemon.





I mean isnt this all based off the bible? nothing wrong with discussing the source

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I don't believe they can die, no. I'm honestly not sure if God makes more of them. This thread is full of atheist fedora tippers but honestly as a catholic I don't think God is omnipotent in the sense that he can blink and do anything he wants. There are 3 layers of reality, the somatic/physical, the mental/noosphere, and the mathematical reality/platonic world of forms. My guess is God lives in that third layer, or he lives outside all 3. He is limited in his ability to affect the physical world.

Satan doesn't even exist in the bible, so it's just whichever people want to use.

The bible was made by a bunch of hajis high on opium and stealing material from older mesopotamian + egyptian religious myths such as the flooding thing

He's ruling the prison that is hell.

Holy shit thats a quality post, you just summed up my main problem with religion in shitpost form. Even if I don't find and excuse to post it again, im screencapping this.

Attached: 1526801808941.jpg (800x419, 254K)

thanks guys, think I will give it a shot if I have time to before the new one comes out.