What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Fuck you what a shit thread
rage 2 and doom is basically the same shit
fallout 76 npc patch was actually nice
the rest was just boring
Todd, next time make sure you turn off your mic
Fake news
Fake audience was absolutely insufferable. That horror game was the only real highlight.
The fucking twats showed the same bit of doom again
"You'll go to heaven and hell and fight with a big sword" was the last trailer they showed off, this time they didn't elaborate on it in any way.
elder scrolls hearthstone nobody asked for, commander keen mobile game nobody asked for (commander keen game in general nobody asked for and was almost certainly not developed by Id), pretending BETHESDA pioneered the fps genre and not the fucking company they bought out when talking about their history
>mobile port of f2p game
absolute state of Nintendo
todd keeps trying to reach new heights and failing.
I agree, the fake audience was absolutely cringey, constantly yelling and clapping at every little thing that was said, and you coule clearly hear it was the same people doing it.
Did Todd really ask to get the screaming guy in the audience silenced (aka killed)? wew
>pretending BETHESDA pioneered the fps genre and not the fucking company they bought out when talking about their history
that was Id talking though retard
>fallout completely reduced to shoot shoot bang bang levels
>"p-p-pls come back to 76 it's better now guys pls"
>hitty mobile f2p commander keen reboot nobody asked for
>claiming "they invented the fps genre"
>uninspiring doom reboot and rage milking
>"let's take the worst aspect of TES and make a complete game out of it" aka Blades
Nip girl was cute tho
>pretending BETHESDA pioneered the fps genre
This made me gag. The balls on them to make this claim. So fucking disgusting.
Lmao I noticed that too. " "We" invetend the fps genre"
This one was okay. I liked the cute Asian Gorl.
The Microsoft E3 really messed me up. Commander Keen on mobile is cool, and the Elder Scrolls finally getting some theatrical trailer was good.
i take it we didn't get elder scrolls 6 or starfield then..
Asian fever truly is the worst. Couldn’t understand jack shit she said. Yea Forums only thinks she’s good because “lol she’s awkward like me, maybe she’ll like me”
guys fallout 76 has the nicest community, nobody even goes around killing eachother!
They were not even mentioned
>I didn’t think anyone would come back
Didn't watch it.
What did I miss?
I want to go back in time and kill my younger self before I chose to buy Oblivion when I was a teen. Then I would never have to live with the pain of knowing that a game developer who made a game so close to perfection could fall so low. l I have wanted Elder Scrolls VI for 8 years and six months and it is the only game I am sure beyond any shadow of a doubt that will never be made.
the main reason so many people like asian women over white women is because asian women act and look like... women... white girls don't, they act like men, dress like men, get fat, and bitch about the patriarchy and mysoggykness
>new Arkane game
>Fuckload of Doom Eternal
>qt jap
Seems alright to me
everything, what were they trying to say?
ghostwire and deathloop seem okay though, doom is just being doom
Dunno what kind of white women you have around your area. Of the white women I met, 1 in 10 match that description. I think you’d only come across those types of women if that’s all you actively seek. But I guess generalizations are easy to make when you barely go out
Better than Microsoft pulling a dead rap genre out of the grave
Anything TES6 or starfield related?
not even a 3 second trailer like last year
nothing at all.
Don't wprry the big B knows you don't really care about "single player" games anymore so they have decided for you to move to being a "mobile" publisher. You can go ahead and buy that $99 gem pack for Elder Scrolls Blades that you have been neglecting now you bad boy.
No games
It was too obvious the raucously cheering audience members were payed shills.
No info on Starfield or Elder Scrolls VI.
Too much time spent on ES Blades and ES Legends.
They dug Commander Keen out of the basement and turned it into a mobile game no one asked for.
Cloying filler segments with "diverse" people saying why Bethesda's games make them feel good or whatever.
Only things that really intrigued me was Ghostwire and Doom Eternal.
The way they were talking about killing nazis when describing a game and the people cheering came off as sociopath like behavior for everyone
>Just like you, we love mobile games!
When they say "you," they obviously mean Zenimax's shareholders.
You hate to see it.
That guy bringing up how great Nazi-killing is every single sentence bugged the fuck out of me, I got it the first time.
Maybe you should try meeting actual women, instead of watching sjw's on jewtube
They didn't announce another skyrim re-release. That's where they went wrong.
they're "diverse" now
I don't give a fuck about the "inspirational" videos at all. fuck that shit. its about games not gooks, niggers and mudslimes, fuck all that subhuman shit. I want some good stuff, Bethesda.
It's like they didn't pay attention to Blizzcon at all.
Obviously bought audience.
no kidding. they were cheering for streaming cloud shit that nobody cares about
Conferences like this are just way too built for the shareholder audience and not for the average player. Just buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords made to make them jizz their pants at the thought of how much recurrent user spending could happen.
>announcing a mobile game on E3 like its a big thing
>butchering an interesting ip, ideal for duck tales like game for pc/switch
it's like their whole pr strategy is based on gaining bad publicity
everything else looked like shit, wolfenkikes, doom snoozefest, zoomer pandering rage 2, a mobile cashgrab for switch? how the fuck is that gonna even work, are they gonna milk switch players the same way? bethesda is pushing the boundaries of greed, amazing, greedier than ea
muh Quake Champions