So here's the new elder scr-

>So here's the new elder scr-
>-olls DLC, called-

Attached: wooo.png (1020x602, 387K)

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I was in the crowd on the backseats. Basically the first 2 rows were shouting at every thing said, there were litterally always the same guys. The rest of the audience clapped and yes there were some shouting but the noise was just from them.
I tried to talk with them but they litterally disappeared in backstage where i couldnt go.

Man must be nice getting paid to fake excitement.

>I tried to talk with them but they litterally disappeared in backstage where i couldnt go.
You couldn't possibly be inferring that these people were-- no no no I refuse to think that people weren't excited about every single fucking thing that appeared in front of them that had a bethesda logo.

>things that happened

I can speculate they were employees or someone tied directly to beth since they could go on the backstage (where moom demo and other shit was showing) and when i tried to go a guy told me "this is closed at the moment, come back in a couple of hours".

>he didn't get the backstage VIP pass to an exclusive showcase of TES Legends

Ah, bethesda fans are often used to those words coming from their wifeys

Didn't they do this last year too?

Im not a journo i worked in the wiring and electrical shit of the stages and i have free entrance as part of my compensation.

>wiring and electrical shit
Todd Howard was right there. You had one fucking job

I was one of the guys shouting at every thing they said.

Nobody know he was there you know very little when you are working on the settings for example i didnt know all the shit microsoft was pulling with the gears with flares and pyro stuff (wasnt my job anyway). You just get addressed on what is needed to work where and avoiding people dying or catching fire if they touch something. I can tell you there were a lot of working for equipment on the ubi stage so i suppose they are gonna go with another concert or maybe they will swap the woofers at the last minute. Dunno.
Ps: i love todd i will never harm him.

People who cheer the loudest at these conferences are guaranteed employees who are supposed to get a wave going. You CANNOT cheer loudly enough to be picked up by camera unless it's consistently provoked. Not to mention we had examples of when audience got genuinely excited and it sounds completely different.

>mfw QUIET PLEASE moment from XBone's pricing reveal conference

Attached: aku-shokku.gif (495x378, 685K)

How much?

A lot, my throat is a bit sore still.

50c per woo

The people are obviously paid.

Do you think they (the paid audience yellers) know how ridiculous it is to pay people to hoot and holler over this stuff and intentionally went overboard to make a parody of it?

that guy was so fucking based
clearly doing it out of spite, fuckin loved it.

Did Todd kill them?

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Sure dude, I totally believe you. That's what they did.

I bet, honestly it's not convenient for any company to have people yell and scream in excitement about every single fucking thing they show, because they know it's easy for everyone to tell

My dad was a bethesda and he said that Toodle Coward ordered exactly 33 people to scream as loud as possible so the boos wouldn't make it

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>Not to mention we had examples of when audience got genuinely excited and it sounds completely different.
keanu reeves showing up on stage and halo infinite had genuine excitement

Yeah I bet that guy yells like that when his wife comes home from sucking off tyrone and brings him a new bobblehead for his massive collection


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I imagine during that conference he just had enough and went into "yeah fuck this job" mode for the rest of the show.
That or they got underpaid for it but still..
>being paid money to yell at nerds

There's something wrong with people when they start threatening fans for being vocal.

Everyone on the front row was a paid actor. They need to hire a better crowd next time.

they all stood up at one point, the entire front row of paid cheerers

I am not even sure at this point if hes a shell or doing the YEEEEEEEEEAHHHHs ironically.

Oh yes I'm totally going to waste my throat on a literal logo for a DLC I have no information about, as a fan.

Fuck you I do that for DMC and Street-Fighter.

You're goddamned right I'm gonna do that for a game I care about.


Fuck off "it's fake" fag

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Do you also yell like that when you're getting buttfucked by haleel?

I'm salty, I can go with the art style, but the phone gameplay looked like a student project of the week.

I honestly dont even think they were paid. Bethesda fans have shown time and time again to absolutely love sucking Bethesda's cock no matter how stinky it gets, they are massively autistic.

Why do they even bother announcing random phone games that are not even related to main line games at fucking E3?

>Japanese man speaks Japanese that no one understands
>Guys up front: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I wouldn't give a shit about the art style if at least the gameplay resembled a fucking commander keen game. No more than 15 minutes of research were spent on the original, I can guarantee.

Are you really that starved for high school drama that you resort to shitposting during the one American event where high school erections are scrutinized?

Because they don't have anything the fuck else? Notice the padding with "gaymers are so great and our developers are so great too" segments

God Bethesda is so pathetic right now

Free. I was just making basedboy meme impression

During the what now? Get back to working those balls.

>I love corporate America. A conglomerate product has defined my life

It is fake.

Eight seconds in.

I'm convinced it's the latter, I just can't imagine a shill failing to realize how fucking goofy it is to scream at the top of his lungs over every little detail

Yeah I'm sure they're not paid either to say that.

It was a Murr punismpent or what? (sorry for that reference)

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>We've finally added NPCs to Fallout76, a feature that should have been in the game from day 1

Considering how fucking pathetic this company has become it would not surprise me if they actually paid people to cheer.

They were screaming on a fucking logo about a game they knew absolutely fuck all about. It could be an RPG, a tennis game or a teenage fucking simulator, let's just WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO all the same, right?


That didn't happen but something similar probably did

Imagine being happy about a game adding NPCs. How much more people can defend this.