Attached: 71oFS6meUlL._AC_SL1200_.jpg (868x1083, 217K)
Will you buy her game user
Cameron Brooks
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaac Peterson
white men hate her
Bentley Phillips
>console exclusive
Brody Taylor
Fuck off dyke
Jason Ramirez
>american games
fucking yikes based danes from io interactive and polacks from cdproject already btfo your amerimutt devs
Henry Bennett
Is that seriously the cover? BAHAHAHA
Brody Harris
Pears of war.
Jace Reyes
I like her
I got a thing for short haired girls
Alexander Sanders
Does this have anything to do with gears of war? I legitimately cannot tell.
Carter Torres
>console shooter
lol fuck no
Robert Peterson
What are they pronouns? I wouldn't want to misgender xer(z).
Oliver Lewis
wait why does it say xbox one console exclusive?
isnt it coming in the game pass?
Jackson Mitchell
Jd, dell, marcus, and another new cog gonna put her in the dirt for sure if she's locust queen can't wait.
Angel Nguyen
Juan Gutierrez
They are both real. the one you posted is for the normal edition, the other one is the cover of the ultimate edition.
Wyatt Foster
Lucas Wright
What horrible covers.
Do they not know their target audience? Are they trying to sink GoW?
James Allen
>have a thing for brown girls
>have a thing for girls with short hair
>have a thing for girls wearing beanie hats, especially with their bangs sticking out
>thought she was really cute in 4
>they ruin her in 5
Not to mention that 5 will be bad if 4 was a sign of things to come. MP was okay though.
Wyatt Reed
Should also mention that though I thought she was cute, her writing made her a self-absorbed dumbass. Couldn't see the conflict beyond MUH MOM
Ian Campbell
why did they think turning a series about 8 foot tall meatheads smoking cigars into a woman having an identity crisis was a good idea?
did 4 sell well?
Tyler Gutierrez
This. Gears was always supposed to be a testosterone-fueled bro fest, with a few hot chicks that were alright to pal around with. Making it all about some girl and her family drama is just dumb.
I believe it sold well initially, but fell off soon after.
Mason Smith
Never been into Gears. Even less into it after seeing that shit.
Bentley Russell
Exclusive to Xbox one console on consoles. Windows PC is no console
Dylan White
You're goddamn right. I love my wife Kait.
Anthony Hill
because america is number two consumer of onions right after china
Benjamin Stewart
I know it’s obvious that this is the 5th numbered game in the series and most people refer to the games as “gears”, but why is it not called “Gears of War 5”
It’s like if they release Marvel vs. Capcom 4, and decided to officially call it Marvel 4 on the boxart and title, or maybe Mahvel 4 for the autists.
Luke Gutierrez
Who tf plays tears of war
William Ross
>>It’s like if they release Marvel vs. Capcom 4, and decided to officially call it Marvel 4 on the boxart and title, or maybe Mahvel 4 for the autists.
No, it's not like that at all. You are VERY dumb user.
Jeremiah Cruz
Gears-chan is cute! CUTE!
Kayden Stewart
You get banned from Hitman forum for not being left wing so I don't think so, schlomo
Isaac Diaz
what race is that suppose to be?
what sex?
Brody Evans
That can't be the actual ultimate editions cover art right?
Brayden Robinson
you get banned from american companies like google, twitch, facebook, twitter etc for literally making OK sign so not an argument faggot
Charles Myers
>ultima edition has the ugliest cover
Brandon Walker
>Delta Squad is in your house, bitch! You hear that shit? Your grubby-ass bitches are going down! Like, way down! Dead down! So down you ain't gonna know which way is up! Your asses are gonna be crying to your skank-ass Queen, 'Oh Mommy, don't let the bad man hurt us!' Fuck you! We gonna whoop yo momma's ass! WHOO!"
What happened?
Tyler Adams
I didn't even know there was a Gears 4.
Jeremiah Bennett
Gears 5 is a Canadian game not American.
Daniel Murphy
Tell me cuz I'm not into Gears of war (only played the first one and didn't like it), is she actually the main character now or is it just marketing?
Levi Clark
Dylan Hughes
I don't buy aids
Levi Gonzalez
Not saying the Americans are better - just that Hitman devs can suck my dick
Owen Russell
Brody Richardson
Matthew Morris
only if they bring back marcus "fat cock" fenix and dominic "the dominatrix" santiago
fuck lesbians and fuck trannies
Caleb Cox
Why is she so ugly?
Charles Jones
ew, it's like she's menstruating over the cover
Oliver Adams
I'll maybe pirate it when it comes out on PC.
Joshua Gray
half Seran, half Locust since her mom is the Locust Queen
Aaron Williams
>it's not about you it's about me!
Absolutely not
Jordan Green
Their story ended.
Cole is a pretty interesting character. His bombastic nature is simply a way to cope with the really shitty situation that the Collation forced them into and that he's probably the one on the field that's the most terrified of them all. Imagine being a sports athlete and then suddenlty being forced to serve in a war that has no meaning because asshole government bodies couldn't stop playing with goop?
Noah Baker
what the fuck is Gears Of War even anymore?
last time i looked it was the staple of macho dudebro shooters
Wyatt Gonzalez
>Wait for the IGN stream!
>Wait for the Coliseum stream!
What a fucking disaster. Xbox Game Studios are a bunch of fucking hacks.
Evan Myers
Twitter of Wars 5
>worth buying
Luke Stewart
The more I think about it, the more I realize that Gears of War is a franchise for gamer girls. Every gamer girl I know loves this series. If there are 3 games every gamer girl plays, it is always the sims, zelda, and gears of war.
Isaiah Hernandez
>Gears 5
>not Gears of War 5
Why why why why why why?
Eli Cook
They need to tell a story. The testosterone heavy theme can't hold for 6 installments. There were some sentimental moments with Dom especially.
By using the female protag they can add a bit more depth to the story. Marcus was already a stale character.
Ian Nelson
Give me a big tiddy cutie instead of that dyke and we may have a deal.
Oliver Scott
there is place for only one GOW in this industry chap
Anthony Foster
>gears of war becomes GOW
>also is god of war
Austin Allen
Anthony Wright
>tfw all the cast in the original games were memorable
>the cast in GOW4 were completely generic and forgettable and they needed Marcus there almost the whole time for brand recognition
4's campaign was shit even Judgment was better
Brayden Sanchez
Imagine buying a game for a angry female character, that you can't even romance
Justin Butler
everytime a lgbt, female or minority character gets released, I genuinely get so fucking excited to read the muh forced diversity rage online.
Nathan Martin
>one on GayStation and one on Xbone
I don't see the problem. Plus God of War is a movie now and not a game anymore.
Adam Garcia
I don't understand why the just didn't make 6 a prequel. Show Marcus before being imprisoned and stuff. Show the original e-day and all the cities and civilians getting buttraped across the planet.
Andrew Edwards
Why would I want to play as an ugly woman?
The only reason I like playing as a female is if a) the game is really good or b) she cute.
It's a shitty gears of war game so it's not good and she ugly as fuck.
Jaxson Perry
>not Portal, Skyrim and Rock Band
The cake is a lie.
Gavin Bell
Is there any way to play gears 2-3 on PC? I know you can get 1 and 4 on it, and I'd like to play though the series once, especially if it's cheap/piratable.
Joshua Butler
they will eventually make windows 10 Ultimate editions of those too
I got my Game Pass and will start with Gears 1 Ultimate when I get home from work
apparently from the Gears site 2 is a prequel to 1 and 3 concludes the story of 1
4 is like another story with another protagonist from what I have understood
Parker Evans
Isaac Gray
Xbox 360
>manly buff dudes shooting aliens while cracking jokes and one liners
Xbox One
>lgbtpqrst stronk female characters shooting aliens while breaking down in muh feels melodrama
What the fuck happened? I actually miss the mindless violence and dumb but likeable macho space marine characters of past dudebro shooter games. Seriously I played GoW 1 and 2 on the Xbox360 and I remember Marcus Fenix and that nigga Cole Train, what the fuck is this feminine muh feel shit and skinny basedboy haircut characters in this one?
Joseph Cruz
War is a patriarchal concept, bigot.
Nicholas Watson
Game Pass. Don't need to buy shit
Jacob Edwards
she actively ruined gears of war 4 and now they're making 5 all about her so no lmao she's an unlikable cunt of a character that reeks of woke politics
Ryan Foster
Has anyone made a wojak \ pepe edit of this yet?
Josiah Edwards
>What the fuck happened?
You know the answer
Jack Perez
period blood
Benjamin Parker
War... War has changed.
Levi Morgan
>women in western gaming
Thomas Watson
I'll pirate it somewhere down the line. Gear 4 was decent but I'm not spending another 80 bucks on a Gears title.
Kevin Johnson
Ryder Roberts
What a punchable face, holy shit, what are they doing to gears
Easton Robinson
>Here's your cover bro
Andrew Martin
the straight white man paradigm brought forth by market research has been replaced with the diversity paradigm, it's all about the politics baybeee
Asher Morgan
>lootboxes of war
Fuck no. I put in 1000+ hours into 2 and 3 and 4 fucking killed the series for me.
I hope everyone on that team dies of Acute radiation sickness
Kevin Williams
Kait is a sex goddess you fat idort.
Chase Torres
Gears ended at 3
Colton Powell
Gears always looked shit, but their women look butch as fuck.
More butch than Injustice.
Liam James
Is the story of gears 4 separate enough from 1-3 that I dont need to play/remember 1-3? $1 for game pass is worth it to catch up on a handful of games I've passed on before, including gears 1 and 4.
Gavin Thompson
That is the cover?
My sides.
Caleb Garcia
The fact that Judgment, Gears 4, Gears POP!, Gears 5, and Gears Tactics exist prove that you are a fucking moron who is just triggered about a woman protag.
If you've played 1-3 before you could probably just watch a story recap on YouTube to jog your memory.
Matthew Thomas
Ryder Hall
That's how dudes be getting sick. Fucking chickens with no ribs.
Samuel Torres
who's the bad guy in the new Gears after 3? Didn't the bad locusts all die?
Eli Baker
Parker Howard
This shit looks like mid/late 2000s. It's fucking pathetic.
Camden Jones
Ive got no real drive to play a Gears game so no.
Christian Morales
Andrew Jenkins
Landon Peterson
Landon Cox
Oh shit the queen is back seriously? That's actually one of the best ways to get me to actually buy the game after the disastrously disappointing finale that 3 was. She should be on the cover if anything.
Luis Morris
>wimmenz are just as good at everything as men!!
>*gets mental breakdown*
Joseph Nelson
>Entries with men
>stoic, tragic at times, still don't go overboard
>focus on a wymyn
>two entries
>both are full of whining, ME ME ME, defying authority, ptsd over absolutely nothing
It fits.
Brayden Cruz
The !quickrundown is that the main girl in Gears 4 and 5 is a descendant of the Queen. It runs in her blood, so the nu-locust are out to get her.
Jayden Evans
>Fucking implying that Gears 5 is not looking like a cinematic experience with liberal message on it
Sebastian Peterson
ya'll read the comic about her being infertile?
Samuel Ortiz
>Play with my Game Pass
John Perry
No. All I wanted beefy dudebros tearing guts. Not some millenial blogposter looking dweeb complaining about how she's a woman and it's her position to bear children. Anya was the only woman Gears needed.
Brandon Diaz
Fascinating. I never suspected such things could be.
Levi Sanchez
>i'm paying for dogshit so might as well play with it
Jose Jones
The queen wasn't even a locust herself. She was a descendant of the scientists and doctors that lead the proto locust (rust lung sufferers with crazy treatments applied to them) underground and provided them with leadership.
Michael Smith
Just like real life.
Angel Murphy
Let's open our eyes and be real for a second here.
The Gears of War story was never fucking meant to be taken serious.
That shit got hammed up after 2 and people thought a game with 2 sequels meant it must've been good story-wise but it wasnt.
Yes, of course the game has a great fleshed out universe with its own lore, but you dont need to have a story to appreciate the actual universe and its inhabitants. All we need to know is the Locust are bad, the Serans are good, and any petty bullshit in between is campy nonsense to get us to kill more grubs.
Kayden Price
That has always been the case for every game ever.
Josiah Ortiz
Based. You should tell this to the cucknadians developers of this dumpster fire.
Aaron Walker
What the fuck happened to cover art? Why is it just getting progressively worse as time goes on?
Jason Murphy
That is the worst excuse for poor writing I have ever heard. Stories can be not serious, but if they don't follow their own established rules then they aren't even stories. They're just random words put together without consistency.
Christian Cruz
Beats having to pay 60 just to try shitty games. You do that on the PS4.
James Flores
So how exactly did the locust go from a hospital's worth of people to a second race of humanoids that outnumbered actual humans within a period of 80 years? What is even the food logistics and birth rate required for that shit?
Camden Bell
I had a year and a half worth of gold and Game Pass Ultimate let me change it to 19 Months of GPU for £1
You think I'm not gonna capitalise on that?
Dominic Cruz
Wow a 5th one, I haven't played the first one yet.
Easton Turner
Do any of the games featuring this cunt sell well?
Chase Turner
>their story ended
>4 brings them all back to continue the story
>they can add more depth since Marcus was stale
They created JD, Marcus's son. He was 4's MC.
The lead coalition guy literally said they made Gears 4 to gain the fans trust, so it makes no sense for them to switch main characters again. Kait was fine as a side character but she shouldn't be the face of the series. I'll bet they were planning on doing a "progressive" take on Gears since the new console generation, which makes sense as to why they needed to "gain the fans' trust" in the first place.
The usage of Billie Eilish was telling.
Mason Anderson
>it's not a racing game
Cooper Watson
First one is easy to play because there's a PC release for it. Go pirate the original release, not the trash remaster. Also just be aware that you need to enable v-sync for the game via your GPU control panel, because the in game v-sync doesn't work.
I've played the first one (which was really fun on hard mode first time) and also the latest one. Latest one is pretty good for a shooter, but the new characters are fucking quip machines. The dialogue only gets good when Marcus shows up again. Another sore point is that locusts are all magically weak to knives now. Like seriously some old woman just effortlessly cuts off a gig locust's tree trunk arm with a little dagger, plus you will be stabbing a lot of locust with your own knife and somehow instantly killing them.
Jaxson Myers
yeah it's like they acted like some sort of all-devouring insect or something
Jose Clark
Gears 5 enemies aren't the Locust user, it's why why the woman's so important because it seems like she's going to bring them back whether it's intentionally or unintentionally.
Wyatt Nelson
I think they may have made a mistake with making the chick the protag. Also that they're going to pull a nu star wars and retroactively ruin the stories of the old characters because it's the new character's "turn".
Liam Garcia
You're wife aged like milk desu
David Hall
I doubt the chick is gonna be the main protag forever.
this game is probably just a reason to kill he roff or make her into the villain for gears 6
Eli Green
Gears of War is a pretty decent trilogy.
Charles Howard
Insects are tiny little things that need no intelligence to live and very little food. The locusts are meat machines that obviously need a lot of food to grow to that size, and they are smart enough to talk even though they're dumbshits, which implies they need some time to learn.
For a couple hundred people to multiply to billions in 80 years... it requires some level of explanation. What were they eating? How were they breeding that fast, especially considering how violent the female beserker locusts are? How did they learn to make what new technology they had in this time when they are all dumbshits?
Ryder Diaz
Buying it for the multi. The story's been a letdown ever since Gears 3/Judgement happened but the multiplayer is pretty much exactly the same as it's always been. Gears 4 probably has pretty much every character from the franchise universe in it at this point with a dozen skin variations for each. Even Tai who only shows up in Gears 2 for like an hour only to blow his own head off with a gnasher is in it fully voiced.
>crossplay with 165Hz support
>not wanting to style on consoleniggers with KB+M all day
Robert James
the Locusts were always there, the scientists found a few and created the Sires, that experimentation gave rise to the Queen who fled the research base and ended up ruling over the Locust
Isaac Cruz
Dominic Morgan
The locust I was talking about who got his 1 foot thick arm cut off by a woman with a little dagger was a scion. Those are the original locust and they're also supposed to be stronger than before. It's a sore point no matter what that they are making them weak to knives now, because their resistance to knives is what lead to the awesome as shit chainsaw bayonets.
Julian Miller
Yeah sure, why not?
Colton Robinson
dios mio...
Xavier Morris
>w-well, the single player is shit, but the multiplayer is the same exact game sixth time in a row, I love it!
Brayden Morris
The answer is literally rape (they rape the Berserkers) and Cliffy boy was once quoted as saying he regretted being so edgy.
>How did they learn to make what new technology they had in this time when they are all dumbshits?
All of their tech is old and/or stolen human equipment. The real threat of the locust is that they are canonically tough-skinned and numerous. Anyways, they worship Myrrah as their queen and she does all the real thinking. There are a couple locust (RAAM, Skorge, etc) that are intelligent enough to lead the others.
This, the chainsaw bayonet exists because regular bayonets were not cutting it.
Eli Adams
Do you have any idea who I am?
Jackson Turner
>muh sony
Juan Kelly
Hudson Jones
Why are you stutterposting, you dumb nigger? That's exactly what I'm saying.
Justin Rogers
Sorry, not into playing as a goblin.
Colton Carter
>ugly spic face
>but still give her blue eyes
Oh what's this, you're trying to pander to minorities and still give white people traits to the characters? What a bunch of racists
Oliver Baker
Is the only console that has no game pass.
Henry Gray
Considering all I do is pay MP with my buddies, most likely. I’ll skip the season pass this time
Nathan White
The locust are decended from the first humans who suffered from imulsion poisoning. The sires were the result of an attempt to cure them with genetic therapy. The government was going to kill everyone to cover up the fact that immulsion mutates people into a monster and there was no way to fix it. The doctors couldn't have that and lead everyone into the mountain caves. The queen is a desendant of the doctors and a normal human.
Dominic Moore
>All of their tech is old and/or stolen human equipment
Not the stuff they used to control the cave monsters. Like the corpsers. They have big metal masks on them.
Cameron Jones
>unknown male got to tap myrrah
Brayden Long
>brown skin
>blue eyes
Jacob Perry
What really annoyed me was saying that 5 was continuing Kait's journey when the main character in 5 was Marcus's son.
Then they show a CGI trailer for some co-op mode they don't even bother to explain clearly.
Kait was important in the first game but I never felt like she was the focus of the story. Just bolted on wokeness.
Austin Long
I didn't say that. I said she was descendant from the doctors. She might have been the only one. So far as I know, the only human she makes contact with is Marcus' father, Adam. They could have fucked, but it's unlikely, since they didn't get along well and Myrrah identifies as a locust. She doesn't give Adam enough time to find a way to kill the lambant locust without killing the regular locust, which leads to E day.If they were fucking, Adam probably could have used their relationship as leverage to make Myrrah less adamant on militant actions against humans.
Grayson Jones
is Rod trying to trick us?
is our game even that popular to attempt some kind of twist in the game for fans to enjoy?
Samuel Green
Yes. Anything for more laura bailey.
Jonathan Brooks
average american
Ryan Martinez
What would be the twist anyways? Kait joins the swarm?, kills JD? Marcus dies?
Hunter Jones
Where is the guy from the last game, anyway? He's not even on the cover.
Jayden Rivera
She joins the locusts and kills Marcus and then gears 6 basically starts with JD as the protag again
Benjamin Bell
I will but only because my cousin and I have been playing the gears games since launch. And since we gameshare we'll only have to pay $40 each for it.
Anthony Nelson
How did microsoft manage to screw everything up that bad?
Asher Edwards
Theyre setting her up as the next Locust Queen. Which i'm fine with, but she was easily the worst part about gears 4, being that all she did was whine, i'm not looking forward to playing a full campaign with the two shittiest characters from the previous one.
Nicholas Young
>56% girl in the cover
I'm sure this will attract the target audience alright
Easton Edwards
>you'll never have as much fun as you did playing Gears 1 4v4 on Escalation
Take me back
Jason King
More like, how can Microsoft manage to screw everything every time?
Michael Roberts
> i'm not looking forward to playing a full campaign with the two shittiest characters from the previous one.
Just don’t play it user.
Aiden Perez
The E3 trailer was so fucking cringy, jesus christ
I'm tired of white dudes creating woke female characters, they're not good at it
Billie Eilish jesus christ they need to fire some people
James Campbell
True, but it's even worse considering there was a potential new console reveal + their main competitor being completely absent
Angel Smith
Fuck no lol
Nathaniel Walker
>10/10 girl in the previous game
>make her ugly in the sequel
Why do they do this?
Brody Hall
It’s like making a Predator sequel to the original with a chick as the main character. No one cares. Bring back the Chads.
Landon Wilson
ah yes this is what video games are for, pms cunts
truly a powerful strong womyn
Joseph Harris
The reason why they didn't show singleplayer gameplay is because they decided to make it run at 60FPS as well, so they had to massively downgrade it and it doesn't look anywhere near as good as last years trailer visually.
Xavier Cooper
Grayson Adams
That's what usually happens to women who look like this in sophomore year of college.
Asher Adams
>here's your cover, bro
Jace Diaz
>that noise heads make when you pop them shits
>that glorious feeling of rodeo running into forward roll with a pull-up shotgun head blast
>that slight pause when hit by a torque bow and you realize your black ass is about to be DELET
first gears somehow managed to do so much right, but then cliff & company did so much wrong with 3, 4 and I'm predicting with 5.
reminder that queen was hit by a dozen or so hammers of dawn, but you walk up and shank her in the cinematic. also, dom's death was pathetic as fuck and part of the reason gears 3 sucked so bad.
Angel Wilson
>Sarge? I...I hurt, Sarge
>Dom euthanizing his own wife and Marcus having to tell him that what he did was okay
>Tai giving himself the Kurt Cobain treatment after the torture he suffered in just a few hours on a Locust Barge
>Cole feeling disconnected from his old life as an athlete - "Ever feel like you're dead but nobody told you?"
>Dom sacrificing himself for the squad and to escape his unending depression after killing his own wife, Marcus having to live through that
>Adam sacrificing himself by activating the superweapon before it was finished, the lambency in his blood causing him to die along with the Lambent + Locust
>Marcus shanking Myrrah with Dom's knife - "Feel that? That's for Dom - and everyone else you killed, you bitch."
Gears of War has always had emotional stuff in the story and the gameplay has always been about tearing shit up. I doubt this'll be any different. Gears community is just mad because "no girls allowed"
Henry Moore
>milking the series hard after 3
Nicholas Evans
NO WAY that's the cover.
Come on, post the real box art now.
Joshua Kelly
looks like a shitty star wars poster
Brody Walker
It's a... clown world
Ian Sanchez
Not when I can just pirate it.
Jaxon Taylor
JD's on the cover of the normal edition in He's bald and bearded now, and something's wrong with his arm - but we don't know what yet. He's also gotten a lot more military and turned into a bit of a hardass.
Lucas Fisher
They know their target audience, they just don't care. It's another form of activism for them.
Jason Evans
>trying to be reasonable on Yea Forums
Eventually you'll learn.
Ayden Lee
Gears 1 was good. Gears 2 was OK. Stopped Gears 3 partway through and never went back to it.
So, no.
Liam Scott
Oh there's no way that Yea Forums or the Gears audience will be happy about Gears 5 - I knew that from the moment we saw that Kait was gonna be the MC. Gears' forum community has always been shit. Lots of manchildren and mexicans who never grew up. I fuckin' love Gears and I'll be playing the shit out of Gears 5 if the MP tech test shows it'll be good.
Ayden Peterson
No she was shoved in 4 for absolutely no reason and made the game drag like fuck so much that I dropped it
>dude bro series known for being nohomo kino vidya
>hmm I know let's add tomboy self inserts because??? That's cool now right
>judgement and gow4 flop
>l-lets try it one more time...
No thanks Ms you can keep your poz I wished this series stayed dead it's only a tech showcase for ue4 at this point I hope we get to see rt and dxr running on consoles this time
Jason Wood
>"no girls allowed"
explain anna and sam then
boom Ive destroyed your entire seething post
Lucas Gutierrez
They like Fast and the Furious movies
Zachary Robinson
Gavin Diaz
What do you think happened? Weak men and idiots women/trannies/jews entered the games industry and ruined it now it's flopping and this is their last ditch effort to save it until everything goes f2p2w on pc as well
Nobody gives a fuck about stories in vidya anymore I sure as fuck don't if I want a good story I read green text here or a book or watch a series on TV.
After 4 I refuse to give a fuck about this series it sucked ass despite decent mp the sp was horrible
Microsoft game studios arepozzed
The even ruined my favourite open world racing series with forza horizon 4 and putting niggers in fictional English towns then shoving current era blogger sjw tumblr tier shit politics into the game
Dominic Hall
>a game aimed for kiddos who listen to billie eilish and watch WWE
no thanks
Wyatt Brooks
Anya, wasn't it? Anya was a point of contention for a long time since she was turned into Karen Traviss' self insert by Gears 3, but thankfully she didn't get away with too much - just got pretty severely out of character. Shoulda been 'conscripted support officer unsure about the true perils of combat' and not 'My quotes are all "fuck you": The Character'
Sam was always solid, and so was Bernie. Shit, even the female Onyx Guard in Judgment, and Alex Brand from the extended universe who showed up in Judgment's MP - the one from the breeding camps who escaped and joined the COG IIRC, they were all pretty rad. Bernie's voice was annoying, sure, but she had a grounded character from the comics which was fine.
I think you've misunderstood me user. The point of my post is that there's always been emotional moments in Gears, and the gameplay has typically been pretty far apart from that. The Coalition's advertising of Gears 5 with Kait and her crisis-of-identity at the head isn't really changing much given we've seen the gameplay still involves chunky gibs and blasting fools. The Gears community has just always been very set in its ways and heavily resistant to change, there's no pleasing the majority - but if the gameplay remains unchanged, I wager many will buy it anyway.
Brayden Miller
Robert Baker
I did the same except I got half way through 4
The new protags suck
Generic as fuck
Nobody over the age of 20 knows who the fuck Billie ellish is I don't lmao
Michael Kelly
the mutt goblina from gears 4 is shit and so is you lmao
Charles Wood
I mean she mostly was considering your whole mission in 4 is finding her Mother and trying to figure out what the fuck the swarm was.
Cameron Bailey
>Bernie's voice
She's supposed to be a Pacific Islander cobber, what did you think she'd sound like?
Angel Jackson
This game is being sexist against men, actually.
Jose Bell
She just had a helluva shrill voice that was a little grating. It wasn't a game changer.
Jonathan Ramirez
Microsoft trying to turn Gears of War into a brand, what with that Funko Pop mobile game and that Tactics game that was conspicuously absent this year.
Asher Gutierrez
How d'you reckon? What was up with the male characters or their treatment from what we've seen? JD seemed like he'd found some new calling under the Nu-COG (presumably under Jinn since she's mentioned in the cinematic trailer), Del I can't say much for but he seems torn between helping both of his friends' goals and ideals, Marcus was mostly Marcus - just a little more mellowed out in his old age, and Fahz(?) I can't say much about since he had like one line.
Jordan Sanchez
Where have I seen this before hmm..
Joseph Cook
Honestly I can never take these kinds of images seriously because it just seems like the usual range of emotions you go through when taking a dump after eating a spicy chilli.
Anthony Hernandez
>literally just called Gears 5
Christ what a dumb name.
Lucas Peterson
Digital releases.
Aaron Gonzalez
Why does she have a red hair streak? God you just know that the some dumb broad with painted hair had her look this way. Its so silly.
Angel Rivera
not a chance
Colton Roberts
This cover art is garbage.
Did people forget that good cover art sells games? Goddamn.
Connor Ramirez
No, the series should’ve ended after the trilogy. The latest series is a jumbled mess with uninteresting characters, a forgettable enemy, and now they are shifting the focus to a character going through her time of the month.
Andrew Cox
They're Serans, user.
Evan Murphy
don't need good cover art when digital sales (and in your face marketing) are being pushed so hard these days.
Cover art had to be good back in the day because marketing didn't have the power it does today and most sales and success was by word of mouth and window shopping.
Luke Davis
The Coalition really doesn't want to make Gears games
The series was finished by 3 anyways so can't blame them
This isn't a series like God of War where you could soft reboot it
Maybe after this game bombs Microsoft will just let them make do more than Gears.
Nicholas Hernandez
Never in a million years did I ever think gears would become a feminist driven story.
Evan Anderson
It’s just called Gears now? Did they think Gears of War was too long for the average person?
Nathan Foster
>That box art
Wyatt Cox
GoW could also mean God of War so they make it Gears so no one gets it confused when writing on the internet
And Really want to bring the point that this is a new direction
Mason Smith
I thought he voluntarily signed up to serve in the trilogy?
Jayden Moore
Well, it was more like "forced" in the way that the COG made civilian life pretty shitty with the establishment of laws and acts passed after Emergence Day. Didn't mean to imply that it was against their will or anything of the sort.
Easton Taylor
Sebastian Gutierrez
Calling the games just "Gears" has been a thing over a decade, now they made it official.
David Flores
I own a PS4 Pro and an Xbone. I always own all platforms every generation. I don't remember the last time Gears made me walk slowly with another character for the first 80 minutes of the game "experiencing plot." nuGod of War made me do that gay shit though. Nothing like how awesome God of War 1-3 were, which were pure gameplay.
Adrian Hernandez
4 was really bad/dul, and what they showed it looks like they setting forth that tradition
Leo Sanchez
I mean the multiplayer sunk in GoW2, and I don't know anybody who buys gears of war games for the campaign.
Jaxson Kelly
The first trilogy has way better main protags, enemies, story and dialog.
JD and his friends: forgettable personality with boring dialog.
Swarm: watered down locust.
DB: so slow and monotonous.
Logan Martinez
lol no
Kayden Miller
where are the other 2 heads?
Daniel Cox
If it's on Steam, unironically yes.
Robert Lee
Hahaha no. The point of Gears of War is to play as a walking RefridgeratorMan. This looks gay.
Angel Wilson
The hell are you talking about? 2 was a mess at launch but improved from 1 over time, 3 was much better than both, took a massive dive with Judgement and then turned great again with 4.
Matthew Collins
>gears 5
????? why isn't it called gears of war? is it because war a offensive thing? Also GOW should have died when epic games were told to get off
Jose Anderson
call your parents and apologize to them
raising such a dumb child must have been really taxing
Tyler Peterson
Jordan Green
Not an argument.
Christian Diaz
testosterone heavy theme can hold on for fucking decades you dumbass.
Dylan Young
I'm the guy you originally replied to, from my perspective it died after GoW1 because I used to play competitive matches with friends as a kid on gamebattles, would enter tournaments and such, and the second one wasn't balanced enough to even have a competitive scene that wasn't just full of asperger retards.
Ryan Flores
Eli Ramirez
Remember when Gears was considered one of the most dudebro games ever made back in the early 2000s? Now it’s represented by short-haired feminist power fantasies and fucking Billie Eilish trailers
Gavin Adams
The Coalition REALLY doesn't want to make Gears games
Jaxon Phillips
if the girl was actually cute then Yea Forums would be all over this
Josiah Smith
Jonathan Bailey
Lol wtf
Leo Parker
Her war.
Her struggle.
Jackson Watson
The COG army did also have a lot of conscripts (Dizzy is just one example) but Cole volunteered since he was Hanover's Hometown Hero. Wanted to give people hope etc.
Benjamin Martinez
the last gears i played was judgement and that was shit
Jordan Foster
John Brown
Nathan Morgan
Isaac Torres
This pic is so accurate it hurts
Christopher Sanders
Dios mío....
Padre nuestro,
que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu reino;
hágase tu voluntad
en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día;
perdona nuestras ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos
a los que nos ofenden;
no nos dejes caer en la tentación,
y líbranos del mal. Amén.
Easton Butler
i dont get it in gears 4 you just spend the entire game trying to save kait's mom but you dont really get to know kait all i know is that her mom gave her a necklace with a locust symbol in the end thats it so why are they pushing her character to be the new face of gears when it clearly should be Marcus son
Levi Peterson
is that a real cover? I can't tell what's real anymore. hahahaha
Brandon Nelson
Freebleeding: The Video Game
Kevin Powell
3rd person cover shooter campaigns like Gears and Uncharted are pretty boring.
I used to buy Gears for multiplayer but it got old.
Oliver Lewis
Who needs good cover art when you can spend twice the budget of the game on marketing?
Adam Cruz
>why are they pushing her character to be the new face of gears
You know why, they know why, we all know why.
Jack Gutierrez
>no swarm campaign
Why bother?
Jose Garcia
hell no. i didnt buy gears to play as some lesbian feminist. i'll keep reaplaying all four other games.
Oliver Jackson
dios mio...
Justin Campbell
Literally nobody cares about Gears any more, it's irrelevant now.
Daniel Gomez
Honestly one of the worst looking games I've ever seen. What these fags have done to gears is even worse than what 343 has done to Halo
Bentley Stewart
I'm gonna get gamepass for a month and beat it on there
I don't understand who would buy the game if I can simply pay $10 and have the game for a month
Lincoln Hernandez
>porn games
yeah right
William Barnes
Did you even play Gears 4? It's still a decent game and definately worth a playthrough. It also looks spectacular in 4K on XboneX
Blake Brooks
nope, i'm gonna play it for free with game pass
Jackson Wood
What's next, Daisy Duke Nukem?
>I've got tits of steel
Cooper Morris
Damn this guy was a fucking souless blob.
Dunno why they introduce a new protagonist and dont bother to give him a single defining characteristic.
Literally the only description of him we get is that hes Marcus son, hes described by his family connection not by his own charcter, what a waste of fucking space he was.
Caleb Mitchell
the gameplay of the predecessors was pure unfiltered shit and there's no indication that 5 will be better
Aaron Jackson
I haven't played a Gears game since 1 and it was mediocre. Also I don't have an Xbox One.
Christopher Smith
Havent even finished 4. felt the story was dragging for so long.
dont know if its because they force themselves to cover, dont know 12 hours of campaings or what ever.
Kayden Martin
They forgot to make the marketing good though.
Alexander Roberts
Top Ten covers that completely missed the original look of their franchise
Justin Morgan
where'd you learn this from? definitely wasn't explained in gears 1-3
Asher Wilson
Corps have gotten so big they can afford to prioritize social engineering and subversion over profits.
Benjamin Rogers
Because the people in charge of these franchises unironically think like this now:
Joseph Parker
these are low effort.
Isaac Long
Gears 4 was the best gears since 2. The coalition might be looking for sjwbucks but they're more competent than Epic where
Oliver Walker
>trying to sell their game with an angry woman face
Jose Thompson
I really like how with the Gears series that the Campaign and Multiplayer are two completely different beasts and no other shooter (or well, any multiplayer game in general except for maybe Starcraft) ever gave me that feeling.
Daniel Clark
No, thanks
Justin Sanders
When are they going to release the original trilogy on PC?
Tie in books probably
Christopher Lee
Maybe if they give the UE treatment to them. They'd probably skip 2 though since the casual crowd that loves 3 is so vocal
Liam Kelly
A Pendulum Wars game would have been kickass but M$ is run by retards
Aiden Garcia
Apparently the collectibles in 2 painted the picture of how the locust came to be and how they relate to myrahhh
Tyler Williams
It was inevitable but these games have gone to absolute SHIT since Cliffy B left.
Judgment was a disaster (not Epic but was co-signed by them)
4 was atrocious non-multiplayer wise... and even the competitive online wasn't as attractive or polished as 3.
The fact they're now shoving the politics into the game I know this generation isn't for me and I'm only 26.
Gavin James
Who the fuck are they even fighting anymore?
I stopped playing this series after playing 10 minutes of Judgement and getting really bored.
Matthew Lee
Which was worse, Halo 4 or Gears 4?
Luis Cooper
>Add females
>Add more depth
Anthony Sullivan
>5f/64 hex gamer
Kayden Collins
Elijah Howard
although it was cheesy, they made his "football" backstory shit work in gears 3
>that slo-mo flashback scene
Brandon Thompson
They're both decent games imo
Ayden Rodriguez
The PC crowd already never got a chance to play gears 2 and 3 , I thought they realised how retarded they are when they gave us GOW 4 but now the fifth is xbone exclusive AGAIN ? Fuck this trash
Josiah Campbell
She and Anya were fucking hot, what happened to character designs in these games?
Lincoln Harris
Looking back on it now it wasnt so bad.
Daniel Kelly
>having no fucking clue why your franchise exists
Cameron Morgan
No such thing on xbox anymore, every since like 2 E3s ago everything has been released on Win10 too.
Benjamin Turner
I can't believe Microsoft killed Gears.
100% mad
Ryder Allen
I have never seen ass rape of franchise this big.
Aaron Flores
David Bell
But I want to experience the giant worm
Nolan Garcia
this is just necrophilia
Epic killed it years ago
Robert Young
Gears ended with 3.
Brody Lewis
Halo 4 by a long shot. Gears 4 still resembles Gears (at least the multiplayer portion)
Blake Martinez
You guys played Gears 5 already?
Also are you the same people that made daily threads about how Cyberpunk 2077 showed daytime gameplay?
Josiah Sullivan
Xbone exclusives don't exist anymore. Microsoft has finally acknowledged the Xbox consoles as babby PCs
Easton Ortiz
That trailer was beyond fucking cringe though. I also despise this new wave of music with "le quiet singing music who is quietly talking out the lyrics" it was all just awful.
David Moore
If I see a pile of shit I don't need to taste it to know if it's bad.
Caleb Robinson
>Are they trying to sink GoW?
Gears hasn't been popular since gears 2
Owen Price
The gameplay footage from last year looked fine though
Austin Martin
hol up
the game is REALLY called gears 5?
Connor Edwards
Gears of War hasn't been good since the first game.
They got rid of most of the interesting horror mechanics and replaced them with stupid QTEs.
They also have had "professional writers" hired on since the second game and so naturally the writing took a fucking nosedive because being a "writer" for video games is a popular make-work job for the fail children of rich people and fucking chimps slapping on a predictive keyboard could probably legitimately produce better writing.
And the artstyle went from a gritty, dark post-apocalyptic to dollar store 40k.
I fucking laughed when they turned the Locust Queen into a fucking Rita Repulsa space marine. Jesus Christ, what a fucking joke.
Josiah Morris
only retards stuck with a xbox plays gears of war
Kevin Foster
No LOL, no need for Dyke Feminazi games. I'll get Gears 1-3 if they release them on Steam though.
Nicholas King
that's not how this shit works in the games industry, if your games suck your parent company won't just go and say "okay maybe we'll let you do another project that will make better use of your talents" they'll just close the studio, fire most your staff, transfer the few remaining useful people like sound designers and artists to other studios and pretend like nothing happened. If MS insists on them making Gears and they wanted out of there they should just abandon the studio themselves already, either go indie with a new studio or try to make the game so good and make a name for themselves to try and get hired by other studios
Ayden King
Day 1 in Gamepass, I'm interested in that escape mode but my friends probably just want to play horde
Jacob Gray
I haven't played Gears since 2, so I'm not sure if the series has gone downhill, but I'll do it for her
Matthew Morris
Yes because I'm a whore for Gears and they finally brought back melee weapons.
All I fucking want is them to being back Wingman.
Grayson Scott
I dunno what the fuck you're even on about. 2 was far darker than 1 and I don't know what QTE shit you're talking about bar maybe chainsaw duels but they're fuck as hell
Jason Foster
Lol you're gay.
Levi Fisher
she is cute
Justin Roberts
So if I have the 6$ PC only gamepass, I get to play gears 5 on launch for "free"? From the looks of things ultimate pass which is for console AND PC (of which i only have PC and thus ultimate is useless for me) the only benifits is has is 4 days early access?
Chase Edwards
i literally forgot this franchise even existed
Alexander Ortiz
how fucking old is marcus
Mason Green
>le angry feminist SJW face
no thanks
Ethan Barnes
Nigga shut the fuck up.
The first trilogy had all of these problems too. Dom and the blonde engineer guy were boring as fuck. The only good characters were Marcus and the token nigger.
Oh and let’s not forget about those terrible exploding locust that were introduced in gears 3.
Parker Long
Goddamn gears 1-3 were such kino. Even the dumb moments were great like cole ranting against the entire locusts horde in 2.
Miss when this series was good
Jason Price
>no kryll
>no berserkers
>Dom, a guy who’s lived through the actual apocalypse which subtext says he’s probably already been through the deaths of most of his friends and family, becomes a naive, blubbering little schoolboy with his wife for “drama”
Jayden Phillips
Marcus barely said a fucking word in gears 1 to 3, 4 was unironically the best version of his character
Michael Ward
remove all women. franchise saved
Elijah Morgan
>no kryll
Kyrll where shit, I don't know anyone whose played the first game and thought those levels where fun
>no berserkers
They came back in 3 but I honestly don't mind them not being in 2 since it had other shit like ravers and the leviathan
Maria was basically his last connection to humanity and he didn't even find her dead but instead torturted and malnourished so he had to pull the trigger.
Gears is more a horror game in the vein of resident evil 4-6, to say its less in gears 2 where there's spooky labs and spooky oppressive tunnels with blimps that are actually torture chambers is retarded
Adrian Evans
Halo 4 by far. Gears 4 has a perfected and fathful gameplay to the original trilogy, the only bad aspect was an underwhelming campaign.
Jason Davis
Oh man she used to be so cute.
Nathan Young
She's far too stronk for me.
Mason Ross
I hear that song over ten times a day at the gym
I automatically hate this game
Camden King
I want to physically hurt Gears 2
Xavier Clark
Was Looking for this
Lincoln Cooper
>playing Gears of War
Didn't this whack-a-mole take cover & shoot bullshit get old?? What are they even adding?
How is this primitive gaming style even fun anymore?