Are remasters a mistake?

Realistically what are the chances of SJW shit being forced into an innocent game that has nothing to do with that, simply because it's being re-released in a different time than when it came out? How could they fuck it up?

More importantly, how can we prevent it from happening? Just avoiding remasters in general and hoping that mindset bleeds into normalfags?

Attached: spongebobRehydratedCover.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

it's spongebob...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第43話「ハナちゃんはクラスメイト!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 175K)

[They] can ruin anything they set their minds to.

Didn't they change Sandy's name because it offended people?

>THQ Nordic
We're good


What the fuck

>Realistically what are the chances of alt-right shit being forced into an innocent game that has nothing to do with that, simply because it's being re-released in a different time than when it came out? How could they fuck it up?

Attached: thq.png (354x74, 40K)

Why is Patrick eating a watermelon?
Wouldn't he have junk food instead

Reset era and sjw are still fucking pissed about the 8ch ama

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dont sluts use a sponge they insert for birth control or something? they could do it


>THQ "loli-chan or no-chan" Nordic
>THQ "FUCK jannies and trannies" Nordic

Normies don't care about muh kultural war shit
Game good->buy it
Game bad->don't buy it
Even Yea Forums should start thinking like that

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Am I missing something here? Just because they angered the barnacle heads by simply using another Vietnamese basket weaving forum doesn't mean they can do no wrong. In fact they could do something really fucked up to us just to try to win [them] over again.

No company is /ourguy/.

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>THQ Nordic

Nah they don't give a shit, same reason I'm excited for DAH

>Normies don't care about muh kultural war shit
Then why do they complain about literally everything?

While you're right about the fact they could, listening to the interview they did today about Destroy All Humans, they're the kind of people who want the game to be what people remember plain and simple.

Sometimes Yea Forums and resetera should learn from normies and take it easy
Nobody ultimately cares not it hinders the products about your shitposting about three colours on a wall hidden in a open world map or a 8ch ama

Attached: Take_It_Easy!.jpg (600x334, 79K)

>thq nordic
none idiot it should be clear they don't give a flying fuck about SJW shit by now

The only mistake is when Remastered and Remakes became interchangeable

That's a long fucking filename.

What the fuck did you just type

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Man I'm hyped for this. I hope they get the real Mr. Krabs

Let me correct it
Sometimes Yea Forums and resetera should learn to take it easy
Nobody really cares about three colours hidden on a open world map or a company that does a 8ch ama
Both games are good and this shit doesn't hinder the game in the slightest

I remember when I was like 17 and posted here and got that response a lot kek

>Nobody really cares about three colours hidden on a open world map
Except I fucking do.

Congratulations, you are as retarded as a resetera trannie
Only on the opposite side of the political spectrum

Have you even played the game, the watermelons are his main mechanic.