A Masterpiece

Daily reminder that this game is even now better than everything else, will redefine the whole of videogame culture and fuck your chinkshit JRPGs lubeless in the ass, big time.

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>sales correlate with how good the game is

>he hasn't played the game
>claims its a masterpiece
Into the trash you go

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As much as I know you're trolling, there something I really hate about JRPG's. I just hate the style and the fact that none of it makes any fucking sense. I guess the only JRPG I came close to liking was KH1 but even that is more of an action game.

I also don't like turn based shit. And the character design is always a headache.

This is a fact. CDPR will fucking knock it out of the park yet again, making a game that will win countless awards and silence anyone who ever doubted them forever.

Hasn't everyone been burned enough times already?

>given out by industry insiders
lmao at this weak bait

>This is a fact.
facts are corroborated by empirical data.
where is that data?
prognostication or extrapolation are not substitutes for it.

even I believe that they will deliver, but none of that makes anything a fact.

Imagine paying for the product one year ahead of the release without any proper gameplay demonstration just because some celeb spent 30 seconds on stage announcing a cgi trailer.
From a company which is known for massive graphics downgrades, lies and throwing 75% of the budget on marketing.


Never pre-order games.

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Witcher 3 was a success only because there was no competitors in the genre.
In reality it is a shitty openworld game with boring fillers, question marks on the map and really poor fighting system.

Cyberpunk will be absolutely the same, 48 min demo showed it pretty clear. It will be a success too because of no competition and shitty hypebeasts who would buy anything with their favorite celeb in it.

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Kek steam faggots buy BL handsome collection while it is free on Xbox gamepass

Name a better game than Witcher 3.

Stay mad. It will be the greatest game ever made on release and no amount of your faggot nitpicking will diminish the profoundly positive impact it will have on the entertainment industry.

>specifically pointed out twice there is currently no competition in the genre
>name a better game
Reading comprehension much?
If I call any rpg from the past you'll just start throwing meme words around obviously, so I'd better not do that.

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Yeah don't even try faggot lmao, you know you could never name a game that compares lmfao

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>will redefine the whole of videogame culture
it's a fucking single player borderlands witcher mix

Metroid Prime.
Deus Ex.
Doom (frankly any of them)
System Shocks
Ocarina of Time
Warcraft 3

It will be the greatest RPG ever made, no doubt.
Anyone who disagrees is a dog raping, pedo, commie, homeless, anti-gun, cock sucking, pride month, bake my cake, I love California and Google captcha, fucking faggot.

>it's a fucking single player
>fucking single player
Lol he says it like it's a bad thing, being a zoomer must fucking suck. You haven't got the attention span to enjoy hundreds of hours of hand-crafted content do you? You need your typical zoomer fortnite battle royale cod shit, nothing can hold your attention for more than an hour at most

The fucking state of you

lmfao so wrong, so very wrong, you should be ashamed of yourself

Refer to for a response to your retardation


So much conflict on this board.
Can't we all just get along and agree that Microsoft's conference was fucking terrible?

Beat the fuck out.

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did Yea Forums do its mea culpa about cyberpunk yet ? they had an unacceptable behavior for about a year. If you don't apologize, you shouldn't be allowed to play the game

I wonder how many more poles they got this time to shill their game

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