What do americans mean when they say "It's going to be out on Holidays". I know what a holiday is but on which fucking holiday?
What do americans mean when they say "It's going to be out on Holidays"...
umm sweaty your not alloud to say chr*stmas, it's racist
They mean Christmas. They call it the holidays because reasons.
Americans don’t say this. This sounds like some Aussie shit
What reasons? If a game is going to be out on Christmas why they just simply don't say that "It's going to be out on fucking Christmas". I don't get it.
t. eastern european
We don't give a shit about any holiday here anymore other than Christmas.
Because "out on Christmas" means it's out December 25. "Holiday release" means anytime November-December.
the holidays last from thanksgiving week to new years
Also it doesn't make any god damn sense. If they are trying to be "sensitive" or PC than it's really not helpful. For people of other religion it's much easier to know about Christmas than some random holiday. For me it would be much better if they say that "It's going to be out during Ramadan/Pascha..." even if don't know exactly when it is but I can look it up. Seriously wtf americans.
I've never heard anyone say this.
jews hate christmas so much, they hype up hannaka when it was never a big deal before
what the fuck is thanksgiving
Do they not have Google on your retard internet?
you can't say chr*stmas in america anymore without getting hit with a misdemeanor
literally Microsoft E3 presentation
I’m assuming you’re talking about people getting offended, but holidays can refer to the timeframe where people have time off
We get drunk and eat a lot of food and go to sleep at 4:30. Pretty based actually
Aren't americans ones of the most fanatic Christians out there? I think I understand your country less and less as the time go on.
>E3 presentation
Oh, I don't watch that trash.
There are multiple holidays around that time, and because has several people who celebrate those holidays, they feel it is more inclusive to say "the Holidays".
I wish they would stop using seasons for release periods, and use Q1-4.
When they celebrate the amerindian genocide.
is it that 4. July thing?
Because Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all around the same time, so Americans call it "the holiday season." Hanukkah is also in there, but the average American understanding of it consists of "the Jewish thing that happens sometime in December and involves candles and tops" so it's inclusion is mostly out of convenience and novelty.
Quit shitposting with lies.
You just get community service at the local mosque, or maybe a fine.
4th of July is when we told the brits to eat a dick.
We didn't have a license to do so, so war was declared.
Because "Designated disposable income work incentive" doesn't have the same ring to it.
they usually mean durning the xmas season
so i think
I know your European but i still think you're massively retarded
thats when britian gets pissed on
it's a whole season
that means its coming out on like the 25th of December
so 4. July is fireworks
and thankgiving is turkey now I get it
No, July 4th is when thousands of burgers died, just because of freedumb.
not fucking ramendan or whatever you're thinking of