>dying at an alarming rate >braindead devs keep releasing cosmetic content to keep players invested, any (fewer and further in between) attempt to patch it is met with disappointment and anger >entirely unbalanced, only a select six playable characters are viable >competitive community no one knows or cares about >low skill ceiling, chatacters can be mastered in a month of serious play >community is composed of sexual degenerates >characters have no charm, are merely annoying gimmicks >counter-based balancing makes certain matchups unwinnable >sparse movement options, completely rejects its origins from quake in favor of surface-level sheen
>simply not fun, and more people are realizing
That's right it's an overwatch thread Pic unrelated
Long answer? Well my friend: The game really isn't fun anymore. Balance is fucking dead and OW team isn't doing anything about it. Events are getting recycled and characters has almost no depth. Skins are laughable and not rewarding to get in the end. The whole game lacks even the fap-bait skins that games like league of legends has. Fucking worthless. Blizzard pretends the game is "inclusive and diverse", while it has only 1 Eastern-European hero(Zarya) and like 4 heroes from USA(McCree, Soldier, Ashe and Reaper). The fucking game has 0 Mediterranean heroes, closest ones being Pharah and Ana in Egypt. No Spanish, Italian, Greece etc heroes. Also all female characters have same body type. Only exception being Orisa. Even Moira is just stretched Mercy body. No hero has big bewbs for example. Male heroes have some body variety which is nice but personalities hit the brick wall instantly. The reason why female characters looks so alike is because all characters are made from same model. There is some blizzcon video somewhere about that or something. It falls on its knees right away on diversity and character personalities are as interesting as piece of sandpaper. Maps are boring most of the time and has horrible environment and architecture realism. Just go and look at windows and doors in Rialto for example.
Then there are heroes and movement that is boring as hell. There is no feeling of weight in your movement, guns feel like using a spray-can. Momentum is lost in all techs(Pharah's concussion blast, Junkrat's mines), you just lose all speed without any reason. Wrecking Ball is only exception to some extent, but the speed mechanic is so lame in that anyway. Ranked is just a meme. Endorsement system is broken and gives ban-protection(Tested). There is no real reason to try and win. Real """toxicity""" is never handled properly. Smurfs everywhere. 1/2
Also, the OW team tries to shift the blame of their shitty development choices on the playerbase for "being so toxic, so they cannot make proper updates because they have their hands full with toxic players :,(((((". Jeff is a fucking hack And seriously, the game balance is fucking shit. So its no fun, the game doesn't work, ranked is pure shit, characters are underdeveloped and are made to be "diverse" when it feels more like filling out a check list with current "hot topics" and it is 40$ game with lootboxes and shit. There, autism out. I fucking hate that I spent time on this shitty game. 2/2
>MFW it got to the point where i see same players in every match
Brayden Morales
Sorry male (male) here, hang me all you like
Kevin Kelly
all wrong get rekt op ;^)
Jacob Hall
TF2 is still dead
Juan Hill
compare the numbers of people playing tf2 to people playing overwatch oh wait you cant
Anthony Ramirez
It's been like this for at least a year. I see the same names every damn night on TF2.
Gabriel Price
Maybe it is, maybe it is not But it still outlived OW, that is sure Your TF2 killer killed itself. Suicide is never the answer, but sadly Blizzard never got told that
TF2 number of players have been kinda stable in the past years, not gaining much but not losing too much. Sadly you can't say the same to the "TF2 Killer", which is in lower numbers of TF2 because is going to shit, no one is buying it and is not free like TF2.
Nathan Hill
Adam Allen
Why hasn't anyone bitched about random unlocks that you can't trade?
Ryder Sanders
Because you can buy them all with one key(around 2.50$). So: >Buy a key >Go to trading site(scrap.tf for example) >Sell the key for metal >Use auto-buy >Now you have all weapons of the game and some metal over, which you can use to buy few hats if you really want (Dunno if you can outright skip selling the key part for metal, but I guess it makes it easier for the bot at least) There you go. Much less than 40$.
Oh Well that is baka of me But I think it's good advice if you are starting and can blow 2.50$, it's nice way to get all weapons(though I think you should learn the stock's first)
>mei takes skill HA has he seen the tricks that decent pyro mains are able to do? mei's just >freeze >shoot head
Gabriel James
Thats what I said
Jayden James
Reminder overwatch was utter garbage since day 1. You just didn't play enough/were blinded by the waifus to see how depthless and as a result, how boring and samey the game is.
The game problem isn't on it's characters, content or other shit. It's in how simple it is, meaning that things get figured out extremely quickly and every single game and fight boil down to the same thing. The overpowered characters are much more noticeable and much more harder to fight back with non overpowered as the game is too simple to allow much player input.
Add classic shit blizz balance to this and you got one of the most dreadful games to play. It may look pretty, but play it any decent amount of time and you find the depth of a puddle
David Myers
>OW is dead on arrival! >OW will be dead in a year! >OW will be dead in two years! >OW will be dead when X comes out! >OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players! >OW is already losing millions of players! >Everyone is already bored of OW! >OW will be dead by the next patch! >OW will be dead by the end of the season! >OW is bleeding money! I just know it! >40 million sales are nothing! >90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me! >STOP FUCKING PLAYING OVERWATCH! >FUCK YOU NU/V/! BLIZZDRONES!
lol hatfags are mad (again)
Daniel Morgan
it was never fun though lol it was new, yes. It was exciting seeing what it had to offer
during beta
but it, as a game, was never fun or good. Everything that ex-OW players complain about are things that have always been there, only they became insufferable after a time/they got worse with updates. congratulations on giving blizzard ~$80 though, you really made their amateur scam an industry wide spearheaded success