FUCK I NEED THIS NINTENDO PLEASE.........................................

Attached: xenobladechroniclesx.png (924x1320, 1.79M)

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fuck you bitch, monolith soft isn't going to waste their time porting this game when they're working on 3+ games just because you can't find a $50 used wii u or are too stupid to use CEMU

That's all I want from Nintendo.



Brah just use Cemu lol

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>fuck you bitch, monolith soft isn't going to waste their time porting this game when they're working on 3+ games just because you can't find a $50 used wii u or are too stupid to use CEMU

Imagine being this guy ^
I'd kms

likelihood we will hear/see anything about Monolith's new project at E3?

Attached: conceptart5.jpg (502x710, 117K)

low, no soraya tweet. that or she only knows/cares about xenoblade team's work

Yeah gosh, why would you ever want to play a game on its intended console or god forbid, portably.

I don't see why not. It's a good game, and I'd love for it to be on the switch. That'd mean I could get rid of my Wii U.

Imagine the level of resignation one must have have on getting new good games that you resemble on asking ports of mediocre games from the last generation.

rumor has it that one project they were hiring for was an MMO, I wonder how well it will be received if it's revealed at the same E3 as the fucking Phantasy Star Online 2 localization

she stopped retweeting stuff like directs because she got tired of everyone assuming it was always connected to reveals though


Brah just stream it if you want it portability, many options, many such cases.

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wasn't it an aRPG with online elements

aren't all MMOs just action RPGs with online elements? besides, the thing that gives it away is the fact that they were looking for people experienced with social elements as well as online elements, suggesting the game will have a focus on those

>dark souls is an MMO

From will probably make one one day if they're still alive for a while, wouldn't doubt it.

also while I'm at it the Xenoblade scriptwriter retweeted the direct
which might mean something


the hard part is that Monolith has at least 3 different teams making games right now so we don't know which one is the furthest along
>new online action game team
>zelda team(the actual amount of people that are required for this is unknown since we don't really know how involved monolith is with the next zelda)
>xeno team

When the hell does this game get good? I just got to the snowy area and I'm losing interest on it

Attached: 51E6ACGQqcL.jpg (356x500, 55K)

If you're not hooked by then It's not your kind of game sadly.

I totally understand though, it's hard for me to stay interested in a Xeno- without mechs.

Attached: Xenogears (USA) (Disc 2)-180709-222921.png (2880x2160, 507K)

You have like one more good area (two if you count sword valley. I don't.) ahead. It gets worse after it.

So it doesn't get better? I mean I can play it for long sessions but they're not very enjoyable either

that's the xenoblade specialty

I would recommend quitting, I think the story gets less interesting from here on out and the gameplay doesn't change much. Not a game for you

I'd like a version of the game that actually has legitimate online.

How does it run on it?

I'd rather X2 t b h

He's right though. There is a means to play it right now for those who aren't lazy or hard up.

I would say that you're already past a few of the more interesting phases in that game, to be honest - Bionis Leg, Satorl Marsh, and Eryth Sea. If you don't like it now, you won't like it at all. Some of the most boring parts of the game come right after Sword Valley, where you're headed next after Valak Mountains, and then it'll take the game a while to get interesting again.

Attached: 1480463133676.png (1920x540, 1.39M)

0% chance unless Nintendo want to announce it 4 years before release.

>desperate shitchtard beggin for games

monolith soft's games are made in 2.5-3 years, the listing for the new IP went up 2 years ago. Expect to see the new xeno early 2020

Play XCX on your Wii U, retard.

I hope so. It's probably too soon to see their other games.

A Xeno game isn't a Xeno game without a total mindfuck of a plot that's a lot bigger than the producer and writers could chew.

this is why i don't have much interest in the xenoblade games

Plus you have to factor in that Monolith is often asked to play catch up when other teams at Nintendo need some help as they did with Animal Crossing New Leaf.

>Switchfag begging for a port
>of a fucking Wii U game
You guys are pathetic

Seems to work.

It's the last Wii U game worth playing that's not on Switch.

Fatal Frame V
Devils Third
Pikmin 3

>Expect to see the new xeno early 2020
You're going to be extremely disappointed.
Nintendo have nothing early year 2020 so they've delayed games, there was an E3 lanyard, no new games, and no animal crossing, early 2020s though definitely, but not 2020, 2021, or even 2022. This is nutendo, new games aren't important, only ports and indies.

Select your character

Attached: xenoblade x party.jpg (3020x1672, 806K)

Walking lawsuit since it's copyright infringement.

The lanyard only features games playable at E3 you absolute fucking moron.

Emulation is actually fairly legal.

>Fatal Frame V
>Devils third

Don't need to present shit with steak to fill the plate my friend.

Mia is my wife

Yes, I love it, LOVE it when my favorite company gets constantly crippled so they can help with zelda rehash #1732
They should have stayed with Namco

1. Elma
2. Elma (blue)
3. Omega Elma

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He said worth playing

#FE is a decent Persona game. It was a marketing disaster, though.

so are the 3 games connected a lot?
what if i play 2 first on the switch and take my time with 1 and chronicles later?

>Calling X "Chronicles" when literally the other two names also has "Chronicles" in the name
>Thinking that the three are connected in any way
God, you're retarded.


Yeah, and Animal Crossing and Astral Chain have clearly both been pushed back into 2020.
Shamefur Dispray.

They can pay a studio to port it like Xenoblade to 3DS you mark

Hope, Celica, Mia are my wives, Elma is my side bitch and Nagi is my bro.

You of course realise they have tripled in size in the last 5 years

i got it from like $10. Wii Us are cheap. They can even be fully hacked and pirate the entire library. Even Wii U emulation is coming along.

You fucking nigger. 1 and 2 are connected it is revealed at the space station

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It sucked dick and everyone knows it, they won't waste their time.

>Wii Us are cheap.

Yeah, so they can lend out staff for more zelda and bing bing wahoo when nintendo's other studios run out of time/people